Prestiging players in 2021
Yes. This.
Dashboarding is annoying but I would take this year over the way immortals were unlocked in 18. Since essentially only online stats counted, the amounts were reasonable this year. Sure you lose a few homeruns when you play a [censored], but prestiging cards was pretty easy overall and happened while you were playing the game normally. If they go to offline stats again they will most likely jack the number way up and then if you want to do it you will be playing hit and quit for hours against the cpu.
@durhambulls71 said in Prestiging players in 2021:
Dashboarding is annoying but I would take this year over the way immortals were unlocked in 18. Since essentially only online stats counted, the amounts were reasonable this year. Sure you lose a few homeruns when you play a [censored], but prestiging cards was pretty easy overall and happened while you were playing the game normally. If they go to offline stats again they will most likely jack the number way up and then if you want to do it you will be playing hit and quit for hours against the cpu.
You can have an online stat requirement, and an offline stat requirement that is higher. I dont see why it has to be one method exclusively.
@durhambulls71 said in Prestiging players in 2021:
Dashboarding is annoying but I would take this year over the way immortals were unlocked in 18. Since essentially only online stats counted, the amounts were reasonable this year. Sure you lose a few homeruns when you play a [censored], but prestiging cards was pretty easy overall and happened while you were playing the game normally. If they go to offline stats again they will most likely jack the number way up and then if you want to do it you will be playing hit and quit for hours against the cpu.
Well you're saying it like there are only 2 options, either this way or that way. The possibilites are endless, I'm sure they can come up with some creative ideas that would eliminate these issues. If not, they should start hiring.
Prestiging offline with stricter requirements would solve this IMO. Idk exactly how they could pull it off, maybe double requirements for offline or something of the sort. Idk. I don't get paid to figure these things out, but I'm guessing there is a massive amount of crossover between "______ with _______ and I quit team names, dashboarders, and offline players that only play online for prestiging. All I know is events were my favorite mode for 3 years and they were ruined this year by prestige stats and cards. I do like the idea of prestige, but it wasn't pulled off very well
They already have the solution. Some of the various programs had online and offline components you could pick and choose from. The online missions were generally worth more program points.
I think a combination could be achieved. For example let's say to Prestige Mike Trout you need 100 program points. Create 150 points worth of program missions so the user has control over how they get there. If you want to knock out all the online programs you should get closer faster.
Online stats if needed should be vague only like 200 ABs or innings pitched.
Bring back Rookie to Prime instead.
But hot [censored] i remember that mission. 8 HRs in what was it 10 games? I boosted that one for my final 3 when I had 5 in 9.
@Chuck_Dizzle29 said in Prestiging players in 2021:
They already have the solution. Some of the various programs had online and offline components you could pick and choose from. The online missions were generally worth more program points.
I think a combination could be achieved. For example let's say to Prestige Mike Trout you need 100 program points. Create 150 points worth of program missions so the user has control over how they get there. If you want to knock out all the online programs you should get closer faster.
Online stats if needed should be vague only like 200 ABs or innings pitched.
That would eliminate the dashboard problem anyway...
Make it available through any mode. If you think I’m gonna go in and quit out of 200+ Play vs CPU games to get a +3 to every stat you’re crazy.
I would love to have prestige removed. I prestiged zero players this year. Isn't worth it anyways.
I wouldn’t worry to much, there is no chance that prestige nonsense comes back how it was. Everyone that “wasn’t doing anything to anyone and was just giving out free wins and you should be happy” playing there little half inning games for 7 months turning cards red then never using them again. Those were actually annoying self absorbed idiots that couldn’t realize they were forcing the Devs to create new content for next year.
They just have to make home runs quicker. Every time I hit one in an event with a player I want to prestige it’s takes 9 years to get out and I get dashboarded... If it gets out quicker and not a slow dramatic moon shoot I think it will help solve this.
@ChuckCLC said in Prestiging players in 2021:
I would love to have prestige removed. I prestiged zero players this year. Isn't worth it anyways.
In some cases it is. Tatis Jr and Griffey Jr both have a shift on their normal version cards, but not on their prestiged versions. That's a significant difference that's way more important than the +3 in attributes. I'm sure this applies to more cards, but these 2 I know for a fact because I used them a lot.
@Chuck_Dizzle29 said in Prestiging players in 2021:
They already have the solution. Some of the various programs had online and offline components you could pick and choose from. The online missions were generally worth more program points.
I think a combination could be achieved. For example let's say to Prestige Mike Trout you need 100 program points. Create 150 points worth of program missions so the user has control over how they get there. If you want to knock out all the online programs you should get closer faster.
Online stats if needed should be vague only like 200 ABs or innings pitched.
If you give people an option of prestiging without collecting the card, people will do it. And that's the one thing SDS doesn't want.
I don't necessarily like it, but I don't know any of the discussed workarounds are actually viable.
I think as an idea it's great. I also think they implemented it in the literal worst way they could have.
Having some form of Power-Up/Prestige program is perfectly fine with me. But limiting it to online only is a terrible call. The generic +3 that was featured this year wasn't really that amazing for most cards. Some crossed certain thresholds or had various effects like that, but overall it just wasn't enough to really move the needle that much. It was more of a "badge of honor" type thing for those that grinded online a lot. Which, fair play, as rewarding people for playing the game is sensible.
But I still see no reason why it can't be a combined effort between online and offline. As Chuck mentioned above, the way they developed the various programs with a mix of online and offline missions is the way to go. I didn't really touch Ranked all year because I just didn't enjoy how the game played online this year. I spent a fair amount in Events, though, and usually got annoyed by people trying to boost before the gameplay annoyed me. These types of things shouldn't really affect the way people play.
So if people can earn them offline, that's even better. For those that don't want to play online at all, they can still earn something new and it will keep them engaged with the game. Even if there IS an online requirement for ABs or IP or something, with a loose requirement like that it should deter a lot of people from boosting. Instead of being able to go in and attempt to boost for Hits or XBH or K's or whatever, if you just need x Plate Appearances then you're much more likely to play. If you need 211 IP with a pitcher, you're much more likely to actually play.
@raesONE said in Prestiging players in 2021:
Since SDS staff has returned to the forums: can we please remove this feature altogether or find a different way to prestige players? Specifically one that doesn't allow my opponent to sabotage my progress?
The big takeaway from this year is that the developers apparently didn't anticipate on this dashboarding phenomenon when they introduced the whole prestige system. Giving your opponent the power to sabotage your progress by a simple dashboard is not only a shameful oversight, but could have (and probably even should have) been prevented since they had this exact same problem in MLBTS 17.
Back then you had to get a certain statline with BO Ken Griffey JR to be able to advance the program towards unlocking 99 Griffey. Needless to say, everybody knew what that statline was and it resulted in intentional walks for the duration of the game whenever Griffey was up to prevent you from completing it. I thought they learned from this disastrous approach right then and there, until it came back this year with the prestige system.
So can we move on from this and save us all the frustration, mean PSN messages and angry forum rants? Pretty please?
I have been a stern supporter of keeping the stats as online only, however after spending some time away from the game and recently coming back the mission need to be tweaked.
I am all for a an approach of 1 to 5 so for example for every 1 at bat online 5 are required offline so on the case of Trout he need 250 at bats offline would require 1250 at bats.
@CDNMoneyMaker93 said in Prestiging players in 2021:
@raesONE said in Prestiging players in 2021:
Since SDS staff has returned to the forums: can we please remove this feature altogether or find a different way to prestige players? Specifically one that doesn't allow my opponent to sabotage my progress?
The big takeaway from this year is that the developers apparently didn't anticipate on this dashboarding phenomenon when they introduced the whole prestige system. Giving your opponent the power to sabotage your progress by a simple dashboard is not only a shameful oversight, but could have (and probably even should have) been prevented since they had this exact same problem in MLBTS 17.
Back then you had to get a certain statline with BO Ken Griffey JR to be able to advance the program towards unlocking 99 Griffey. Needless to say, everybody knew what that statline was and it resulted in intentional walks for the duration of the game whenever Griffey was up to prevent you from completing it. I thought they learned from this disastrous approach right then and there, until it came back this year with the prestige system.
So can we move on from this and save us all the frustration, mean PSN messages and angry forum rants? Pretty please?
I have been a stern supporter of keeping the stats as online only, however after spending some time away from the game and recently coming back the mission need to be tweaked.
I am all for a an approach of 1 to 5 so for example for every 1 at bat online 5 are required offline so on the case of Trout he need 250 at bats offline would require 1250 at bats.
Idk man, that makes it so grindy. I would support a system where you can earn prestige tokens (additional to the 'default' rewards we get now) by playing RS/BR/Events where 1 token can be used to prestige a player of your choice and every player is eligible by default. The amount of tokens you earn will be based on the succes that you have.
So for example let's say for RS, every season you make WS, you'd earn 3 tokens. If you make CS, you earn 1 token. Plenty of tokens to earn that way throughout the year by just playing ranked, it also invites people to keep playing ranked and make a run for WS.
For BR it could be something like 1 token for going 12-1 and 3 tokens for going flawless.
For events you'd have to accumulate an X amount of wins for an X amount of tokens (based on difficulty and wins needed).
This way the prestige ability can not be sabotaged, its still somewhat exclusive but not too exclusive, and you can earn plenty throughout the year. Sometimes you'd have to make smart choices too, like "am I gonna use it now or am I gonna wait for this certain player who I know will be coming at some point?".
@raesONE said in Prestiging players in 2021:
Since SDS staff has returned to the forums: can we please remove this feature altogether or find a different way to prestige players? Specifically one that doesn't allow my opponent to sabotage my progress?
The big takeaway from this year is that the developers apparently didn't anticipate on this dashboarding phenomenon when they introduced the whole prestige system. Giving your opponent the power to sabotage your progress by a simple dashboard is not only a shameful oversight, but could have (and probably even should have) been prevented since they had this exact same problem in MLBTS 17.
Back then you had to get a certain statline with BO Ken Griffey JR to be able to advance the program towards unlocking 99 Griffey. Needless to say, everybody knew what that statline was and it resulted in intentional walks for the duration of the game whenever Griffey was up to prevent you from completing it. I thought they learned from this disastrous approach right then and there, until it came back this year with the prestige system.
So can we move on from this and save us all the frustration, mean PSN messages and angry forum rants? Pretty please?
I respect your view on frustrations with prestige stats and dashboarding being connected. However, I believe that even if they opted to make prestige stats offline only, dashboarding would still continue.
I can tell you that there have been more than enough times where I've been dashboarded that didn't involve a homerun from me and at times when I've been on defense.
And so that I am not a hypocrite, I can admit that I've dashboarded at times as well. And it hasn't always been on a homerun by them. And even if it had, I never pay attention to whether its a prestigeable player or not. It could've been like a Corey Seager or Rogers Hornsby who aren't prestige cards for example.
@onnagood1 said in Prestiging players in 2021:
@raesONE said in Prestiging players in 2021:
Since SDS staff has returned to the forums: can we please remove this feature altogether or find a different way to prestige players? Specifically one that doesn't allow my opponent to sabotage my progress?
The big takeaway from this year is that the developers apparently didn't anticipate on this dashboarding phenomenon when they introduced the whole prestige system. Giving your opponent the power to sabotage your progress by a simple dashboard is not only a shameful oversight, but could have (and probably even should have) been prevented since they had this exact same problem in MLBTS 17.
Back then you had to get a certain statline with BO Ken Griffey JR to be able to advance the program towards unlocking 99 Griffey. Needless to say, everybody knew what that statline was and it resulted in intentional walks for the duration of the game whenever Griffey was up to prevent you from completing it. I thought they learned from this disastrous approach right then and there, until it came back this year with the prestige system.
So can we move on from this and save us all the frustration, mean PSN messages and angry forum rants? Pretty please?
I respect your view on frustrations with prestige stats and dashboarding being connected. However, I believe that even if they opted to make prestige stats offline only, dashboarding would still continue.
Wait a minute, Dashboarding on its own has never been a problem to me - the contrary is true in fact. I wish everybody would dashboard whenever I hit a multi-run homer, so I can take those easy W's and continue my business as fast I possibly can.
The ONLY reason it has become a problem is BECAUSE of this prestige nonsense.
I think it makes zero sense to have offline prestige grinding. What would be the point of prestiging a player if you don’t play online? In this case, the prestige is just a badge of honour. You hardly need an even better Mike Trout vs cpu. That seems kind of silly to me.
By contrast, It makes perfect sense to me that prestige should be earned online. Why award an offline grinder with a card that is better vs online opponents?
I know there are plenty of players who only play vs cpu, and that is fine, but I don’t think prestige cards are really relevant to them.
The whole point of DD as a mode is to ultimately play vs other players.