Prestiging players in 2021
@ChuckCLC said in Prestiging players in 2021:
I would love to have prestige removed. I prestiged zero players this year. Isn't worth it anyways.
I have 2 and one is the free ones they give you once you get to the prestige xp. Other is Nick Anderson that takes a little bit of time. They need to add in the offline mode if they are going to keep it. They figured out how to block dashboarding for the showdown but not for online stat?
I posted on this before. Most people dashboard after a HR. SDS should simply make the HR count as soon as it is hit (with the exception of those you can rob), therefore the player hitting the HR gets the stats and win. No incentive for the person dashboarding to do it, unless they're done playing for the day. Even then, you still only have one upset player instead of two.
I would also like the option to add the stats wherever I want and not just a +3 to every stat. Let me customize it to my liking...
An easy fix would be to get rid of that prestiging player nonsense for 2021.
@Chuck_Dizzle29 said in Prestiging players in 2021:
They already have the solution. Some of the various programs had online and offline components you could pick and choose from. The online missions were generally worth more program points.
I think a combination could be achieved. For example let's say to Prestige Mike Trout you need 100 program points. Create 150 points worth of program missions so the user has control over how they get there. If you want to knock out all the online programs you should get closer faster.
Online stats if needed should be vague only like 200 ABs or innings pitched.
It would have to be PA otherwise you would just get walked which does not count as an AB.
@ChuckCLC said in Prestiging players in 2021:
I would love to have prestige removed. I prestiged zero players this year. Isn't worth it anyways.
The pitching is fun, easy and worth it. not so much the hitters.
There is really no reason to make prestige stats online only. The attribute boosts by and large aren’t huge and it’s more a reflection of how much you use a certain card (which is the same online or offline) than how good you are. I just can’t see too many people mindlessly grinding out prestige stats offline like in 18. In 18 you went from like a 90 OVR to a 99. With prestige you already have the 99 and it’s just +3.
@GradektheBard said in Prestiging players in 2021:
There is really no reason to make prestige stats online only.
To drive players to play online?
I had an idea awhile back: earning prestige points via Programs, Event/RS/BR Rewards, however. And those prestige points could be applied once to any card in the game. It's a simple +3 across the board, after all.
@SaveFarris said in Prestiging players in 2021:
@GradektheBard said in Prestiging players in 2021:
There is really no reason to make prestige stats online only.
To drive players to play online?
There would have been some resistance from some of the devs when the idea of online grinding was proposed (they had even admitted previously it was a bad idea). So there must have been some reason it was brought back. Maybe online numbers went down. Maybe they needed to test some new code or something. Maybe the online games target was set higher and it was a shortcut...
The resistance originated in 17 when A) the servers were hot garbage and B) nearly impossible one-game missions frustrated everyone.
They over-corrected in 18 when the seemingly unending any-mode stat grinds for the Career Arcs and Immortals were greeted with less than enthusiastic fanfare (by some. I didn't mind.)19 was (to me) the perfect balance.
Whether the metrics went down precipitating the push for online prestiging in 20, we'll never know. I'm not over the moon about the required online play but I get it from a business decision. They are, after all, in the business of driving PS+ subscriptions. And they need something to incentivize play.