Ranking MLB The show year to year on PS4
I’ve been playing MLB the show every year since MLB 12. I have to say IMO there’s hasn’t been a consistent string of shows that been enjoyable in a long time.
I’m one of the many stopped playing this year and haven’t missed this game.
For one no baseball=less motivation to play but the main reason is the horrible gameplay this year. I’m not going to get into specifics, we already know how horrible the gameplay is currently. I’m speaking from a online standpoint, if you a lot offline player, the game is much more playable.But im going rate online play year thru year starting the first year on PS4 to now. Including DD.
MLB14- Online Unplayable lagfest-Stopped playing in may.
MLB15- improvement. game was playable DD was coming on-Played on and off all year.
MLB16- The game that got me hooked on DD. Gaming play was hard but rewarding. There were issues but the game was fun- Played all year.
MLB17- My personal favorite. I spent almost 1000 hrs on this game. Content was great. Just lates HR were a flaw but the game was so fun I couldn’t stop playing.- Played all year
MLB18- Huge step back. Souvenirs, Big PCIs, Slow pitch speeds killed the gameplay for me. Content was too much of a grind- Stopped playing in June.
MLB19- The Best MLB content wise. Pitch speeds was fixed. The lines outs were annoying but pitching and defense was consistent- played all year.
MLB20- Content is still solid, but this the quickest I put down MLB. The gameplay is the most inconsistent it’s ever been. Pitching, and fielding is horrendous. Timing Windows inconsistent game to game- Stopped playing mid April.
This is just my opinion. I know that there’s people that will play this no matter what. I just wanted to share my views and opinions on this.
You can share me your favorite shows
I feel ya bro , this game is just frustrating right now . Idk how many times they have to patch the game for fielding to be right , hitting is not rewarding enough, it's just in a bad state right now
Timing window while hitting is way crazy to me. I can play 2 Ranked games in a row against the same pitcher and the first game I'm hitting everything then the next I'm late on everything and sinkers are fireballs from the devil himself.
16 > 17 > 15 > 20 > 19.
MLB13: great online gameplay, leagues, online co-op, game lobby's.
MLB14: year of the blue screen. half the games crashed due to it.
MLB15: first year with MLB players in DD. Was this the year that the catcher would freeze and your opponent could run the bases and score? lol
MLB16: best hitting/pitching engine ever. bunt/steel cheese was the only problem.
MLB17: nothing bad to say about it.
MLB18: I agree with you
MLB19: agree with you20 has some issues but it's playable IMO. It's just that you have to grind all year to build a decent team to compete. Thats not for me. Playing these boring offline modes over and over again (especially conquest) for mediocre players is a waste of my time.
@LamGoHam said in Ranking MLB The show year to year on PS4: <I’m not going to get into specifics, we already know how horrible the gameplay is currently.
Then proceeds to list everything.
MLB20- Content is still solid, but this the quickest I put down MLB. The gameplay is the most inconsistent it’s ever been. Pitching, and fielding is horrendous. Timing Windows inconsistent game to game-
Too much simulation that has an influence in games is why I quit playing online.
I can't believe people are looking back at 17 like it was a great game, do you not remember all the complaints about the hitting? Just late timing being WAY better than good timing, one-handed swings generating top spin on everything, the new ball physics that ruined the hitting engine...
@JFazNYY13 said in Ranking MLB The show year to year on PS4:
I can't believe people are looking back at 17 like it was a great game, do you not remember all the complaints about the hitting? Just late timing being WAY better than good timing, one-handed swings generating top spin on everything, the new ball physics that ruined the hitting engine...
I played it enough recently to know it felt better than any of the recent titles.
JFazNYY13replied to Ikasnu on May 2, 2020, 6:39 PM last edited by JFazNYY13_PSN May 2, 2020, 6:39 PM
@Ikasnu said in Ranking MLB The show year to year on PS4:
@JFazNYY13 said in Ranking MLB The show year to year on PS4:
I can't believe people are looking back at 17 like it was a great game, do you not remember all the complaints about the hitting? Just late timing being WAY better than good timing, one-handed swings generating top spin on everything, the new ball physics that ruined the hitting engine...
I played it enough recently to know it felt better than any of the recent titles.
No way, awful take lmao.
I would judge this game after it’s life cycle, like around December. If everyone forgot, 19 was not that great the first 2 months or so, players did not catch balls on the warning track, hung pitches were always an issue, and the HR/9 screwed a lot of people over until they took it out of online play. Also on 19 they had to turn off the wind. Every game has it’s issue, but to say this is the worst out of them all is a far stretch considering that it has not been through it’s life cycle yet.
@JFazNYY13 said in Ranking MLB The show year to year on PS4:
@Ikasnu said in Ranking MLB The show year to year on PS4:
@JFazNYY13 said in Ranking MLB The show year to year on PS4:
I can't believe people are looking back at 17 like it was a great game, do you not remember all the complaints about the hitting? Just late timing being WAY better than good timing, one-handed swings generating top spin on everything, the new ball physics that ruined the hitting engine...
I played it enough recently to know it felt better than any of the recent titles.
No way, awful take lmao.
That's just like, your opinion man.
I think we’re forgetting that the game is still just 6 weeks old. Because of the plague, a lot of us are playing way more than we normally would so it may feel like the game is much more mature than it is. Give the game a few more months before trying to rank it against games we played for a full year (and that had 30+ patches).
@JFazNYY13 said in Ranking MLB The show year to year on PS4:
I can't believe people are looking back at 17 like it was a great game, do you not remember all the complaints about the hitting? Just late timing being WAY better than good timing, one-handed swings generating top spin on everything, the new ball physics that ruined the hitting engine...
Yes There’s was flaws but that game had me coming back everyday. The first year Griffey was in the game, they rewarded you with stubs the more you played and cumulated stats. First year of events and they actually gave you worth while cards. 17 was content was special.
17 was by far the best version gameplay even with the just late hitting. 19 was best for content but I’m sure 20 will be better. But that’s how they cover up the gameplay issues, they pretty it up with content. I do not expect this to change.
windmillsfordayzreplied to SchnauzerFace on May 3, 2020, 3:05 AM last edited by windmillsfordayz May 3, 2020, 3:05 AM
@SchnauzerFace said in Ranking MLB The show year to year on PS4:
I think we’re forgetting that the game is still just 6 weeks old. Because of the plague, a lot of us are playing way more than we normally would so it may feel like the game is much more mature than it is. Give the game a few more months before trying to rank it against games we played for a full year (and that had 30+ patches).
they stop gameplay patches at the end of June so they are half way through their "patch cycle" and so far it has been nothing but fixing fielding and reverting what was a well liked hitting engine. I am certain that hitting is where they want it which is why it hasn't been addressed in 5 weeks
Great post my man. I started playing in 16 and loved diamond dynasty. I truly felt like it rewarded the better player. I sucked and I lost a bunch, but it motivated me to put more time into the game and I improved my skills.
The Show 17 was overall a great game. The just late/be great meta was somewhat annoying, but I would take that game over what we have now every day of the week.
The Show 18 was the beginning of the downfall, when SDS started catering to the casual player and leaving us competitive players out to dry.
Last year's game was a step up from 18 for sure. The lineouts were annoying, but at least we weren't playing slow pitch softball.
What p*sses me off the most with this year's game is that they got it right and then completely went back on their word and made it an RNG fest. The first week of The Show 20 was the best Show game I have ever played. It truly rewarded user skill more than any previous iteration of the game. But then they decided the casuals weren't winning enough, so they went back to their old ways and made it more random so the lesser player comes out on top more often. Which I understand, money is king. But it just sucks knowing that SDS is capable of putting out a good product and they actively choose not to
Considering both this year and last year were SO promising in the alpha/beta and both got patched to nerf hitting about ten days in, it sort of seems like what WE think is a good game and what SDS thinks is a good game are actually quite different.
We’re any of you thinking, “Geez, my batting average online is really unrealistic right now”?