Universal hitting
@TonyTheTiger2k16 said in Universal hitting:
Right now you have 3 types, Directional, Zone & Analog. You pick the 1 that works best for you as will everyone else. I personally prefer using Directional because I can never get the API in place in time to square up properly on certain pitches. But I do switch to Zone when someone is trying to cheese with low pitches the look like a strike coming but end up under the zone. I can place the API there & smash the ball because I know that's what he is throwing until he gets hit enough & wises up. I then switch back to Directional when he does wise up & pitches differently now. So having more then just 1 type of hitting is a positive rather then a negative.
I never thought of hitting this way. When you first said it to be honest my thought was that this was cheesy as hell. Especially cuz u reference to low pitching as cheese, when in reality that is just baseball.
But on second thought, there is nothing wrong with using your tools that you have. I also don’t think that your method will give you an overall advantage. If you mix up pitch selection and approach what you are doin isn’t game breaking in any way.
Actually on third thought. I think using any style is fine but both players should have to use the same. it should be in the match mAlong setting.
@Maverick31762 said in Universal hitting:
@TonyTheTiger2k16 said in Universal hitting:
Right now you have 3 types, Directional, Zone & Analog. You pick the 1 that works best for you as will everyone else. I personally prefer using Directional because I can never get the API in place in time to square up properly on certain pitches. But I do switch to Zone when someone is trying to cheese with low pitches the look like a strike coming but end up under the zone. I can place the API there & smash the ball because I know that's what he is throwing until he gets hit enough & wises up. I then switch back to Directional when he does wise up & pitches differently now. So having more then just 1 type of hitting is a positive rather then a negative.
I never thought of hitting this way. When you first said it to be honest my thought was that this was cheesy as hell. Especially cuz u reference to low pitching as cheese, when in reality that is just baseball.
But on second thought, there is nothing wrong with using your tools that you have. I also don’t think that your method will give you an overall advantage. If you mix up pitch selection and approach what you are doin isn’t game breaking in any way.
Actually on third thought. I think using any style is fine but both players should have to use the same. it should be in the match mAlong setting.
What I mean being a "cheese" with low pitching are those who relies on that mostly. It's the ONLY way they know how to pitch regardless what pitcher they are using. When you look at their bullpen, you will see pitchers that throws the same kind of low breaking stuff (sinkers, splitters, 12-6's, etc). It is not cheating & they have that right to play that way if they need to because maybe most of the time it gives them the results they seek.
But my comment was how I switch from Directional to Zone hitting to against guys like this because that works for "ME". I shared that because they may be many others in here that uses Directional Hitting mostly or even exclusively & they may have problems against guys that choose to "Cheese" on low pitching like that. Zone Hitting may not work for most players who are accustomed to Directional hitting. But in this case Zone would be so much easier because this other player has proved he will go low in the Zone at least 4 out of every 5 pitches thrown. So with Zone you just sit the PCI low & clobber the ball enough times so that the other player now realizes that low pitching Cheese is not working anymore & now is forced to change his approach & locations.
@skepple15 said in Universal hitting:
@A_PerfectGame said in Universal hitting:
@skepple15 said in Universal hitting:
No there doesn’t need to be one way to hit, no game that I’ve played has one control scheme, if you think directional makes players better and allows them to hit at the same level as zone than I don’t really know what to tell you... having multiple ways to hit in the game is not what causes problems
Its not that it makes them hit as good. It RANDOMIZES THE OUTCOMES MORE. And I know this because random outcomes only began happening this badly after they implemented directional. The directional hitting makes no sense to have on ranked gameplay. It’s press button no skills and is just random. This in turn made them randomize zone more. Which ruined the game.
Um directional was around before zone..
Um.. No it wasn’t. I’ve been playing this game 12 years buddy. Zone was the original only allowable hitting online. For a long time. Directional ruined the gameplay. And hitting mechanics
I like using directional hitting.
Only one I think should go away is pure analog. At this stage in the game cycle, with all the juiced up cards, it's strictly timing based.
@A_PerfectGame said in Universal hitting:
There needs to be one hitting. Even if it’s a new form of hitting that everyone has to relearn. There shouldn’t be multiple ways to hit. I think this is the biggest culprit for this game not working.
They need to make the PCI mean actual contact with the baseball, and to the OP point, yes in every h2h competitive mode PCI should be on by default. Or make a “casual” mode for casuals only.
I’ve always thought it shouldn’t be as easy to power swing as the other swings contact and normal. As a challenging mode I think zone flick, stride etc is much harder than just tapping square for a power swing having to pull back and then flick for a power swing. So I wouldn’t be so disappointed if they made power hitting a bit tougher
if you dont use zone, you have to sit when you pee
@A_PerfectGame said in Universal hitting:
There needs to be one hitting. Even if it’s a new form of hitting that everyone has to relearn. There shouldn’t be multiple ways to hit. I think this is the biggest culprit for this game not working.
Well how are the people who lack hand eye coordination and pitch recognition going to compete?
They get frustrated with and dont buy stubs and your left with the 45% of the community who can actually compete.
Not good for sds -
@ItsChxotic said in Universal hitting:
if you dont use zone, you have to sit when you pee
Lol this is the comment that revived this thread.
When I play the show or any other sports game, realism is the most important thing I look for. If stats and scores aren't reasonably close to real life the majority of the time, then i look for something else to play.. A lot of people on this site act like the game is broken because it won't let them bat .900 and score 30 runs against every weaker opponent, but to me that would be an extremely boring experience no matter what end of the score I was on. I personally think the RNG, comeback logic or whatever you want to call it is mostly in people's heads, but if i'm wrong then I say who cares? if adding those things to the game is what it takes to give me the level of realism I'm after I'm honestly OK with it.