Update 1.10 Discussion
@Matt_42187 said in Update 1.10 Discussion:
@Red_Ted_is_back said in Update 1.10 Discussion:
@Matt_42187 said in Update 1.10 Discussion:
@Scarletgospel said in Update 1.10 Discussion:
Just something for SDS to consider. I would leave the MTO at double points, just a suggestion.
I played it once, before the double points kicked in, and I was considering doing it again with a better reward (double points), but now, no way. The time invested for the rewards is simply not worth it.
Just my opinion, but it is a game mode I won't be touching ever again, so I guess it doesn't really matter.
Just think, all the hours the devs put in to make this mode. Now nobody wants to play it. Sounds like poor management.
There are people that play it for the experience of the mode.
Yes, and a lot of people play for points. Playing for fun will get old by July.
Not for some people. For example, the last thing I did in on March in The Show 19 before switching to 20 was an Athletics MTO. I enjoyed it immensely. Just missed out on the wildcard. Got to know some new players. Never knew of Chapman and Olsen until then.
My point is everybody plays the mode for their own reason. TA points, fun, something different, a challenge, the season experience on speed... each to their own. We’re all individuals.
Yes! We’re all individuals!
(I’m not)
@maskedgrappler said in Update 1.10 Discussion:
@bananaking8917 said in Update 1.10 Discussion:
I understand that, but most DD players use it for Team Affinity, and with lowering the rewards for that, I feel that for DD players, MTO is not that useful anymore for people that played it to get Team Affinity points
They didn't lower the rewards, they fixed a bug. I'd be with you guys if the points were doubled all year, but they weren't. We're lucky they gave us a week, usually it's fixed the next day.
Ok, I get that, but MTO was really the only way people without the mental capacity for Showdown to complete the Team Affinity. Im pretty sure the only reason they are taking away the double rewards, is because they want people to buy more stubs for exchanges.
Still nothing but complaints about MTO and HRD in this thread. They’re working as intended, unlike many aspects of H2H. Can we try and focus on that a little more?
I have another short video, it contains four clips. In two, I am not the fielding team and my opponent is controlling the defensive players. The first three are all from the same game, which was laggy as games often are in my experience. There was an inordinate amount of BS in the game, aside from the three clips shown in the video linked. The first (And fourth clip in the sequence, but that’s from a different game which played well and wasn’t laggy) simply shows that the issue of outfielders locking onto fly balls near walls is far from resolved. That’s clearly a separate issue from the point I’m going to make and one that needs to be resolved via a patch. It’s the “I am near a solid wall” animation conflicting with the “I am locking into a catch” animation as I’m sure you already know.
Back to the video. The failed catch from the RF is debatable, simply because the player in question is Reggie Jackson and he does not have elite defense and is attempting to make a catch on the run. It’s not a particularly difficult catch, I expect him to make it the majority of the time, but there is a case to say well Reggie sucks on defense. The other is just weird and brings me to my main point and question.
Have you (By which I mean SDS collectively, not other members participating in the feedback and discussion) considered that a lot of the things people complain about incessantly in game, from hitting and swing feedback being wildly inaccurate, to fielding issues, are caused by bad synchronisation between online players? I mean, every year the game plays fantastic offline and every year we have similar complaints about online. Is it possible that in a game that relies on millisecond timing and millimetre accuracy, the poor online infrastructure is degrading gameplay? Something as simple as two parties seeing the ball in slightly different places (one obviously not accurate to what the game perceives as “true”) due to latency? Is this something that could be improved upon, even if it were the case? We all want this game to be great and I’d love to see the problems resolved at the earliest opportunity.
Edit: Forgot to link the video. https://twitter.com/sweedy1407/status/1256361381051465729?s=21
Like many others it would be awesome if any SDS representative would acknowledge the Good/Okay logic. I’ve had balls dead center of the pci that are cans of corn and balls just outside the pci that I’ve been rewarded with home runs. User input needs to be rewarded at a higher rate like we saw during early release or at least give us some middle ground of consistency... I feel like the community really just wants SDS to be transparent and at least acknowledge the elephant in the room with pitching and hitting in general
I mean hitting is terrible. That’s not even up for debate, it absolutely stinks this year. They had the totally right idea by thinking “let’s reward solid contact at an extremely high rate, but the trade off has to be, we make hitting harder.” That is absolutely brilliant and if it actually worked like that, I’d be supportive of it all the way. It’s pretty much all we’ve ever asked for. Sadly, they made hitting harder and you still do not get rewarded for success. It’s an exercise in frustration working to make solid contact with the ball for nine innings on HoF settings, which can be extremely tough when you’re facing some of these flamethrowers with sharp breaking sinkers and nasty offspeed playing off of 102mph heat. When you do manage to square it up, under the circumstances, being as it’s kinda difficult against some cards and skilled opponents, you really don’t want to see that good/okay with a negative exit velo below the pitch speed. It’s not something that happens occasionally, either. It’s something that will happen the majority of the time when you put the PCI on the ball with good timing. That really isn’t much use at all.
Fielding still has issues. Biggio couldn't lock on for a jammed popup. He backed away to play it on a hop while the 1st baseman was running to 2nd base. Pitcher wasn't covering 1st and 1st baseman couldn't get back in time.
Homerun banner still lingers but it did go away after a couple of pitches.
I agree with the guys who say it would go a long way if SDS explained patch 1.04 and the purpose of it and be transparent with the community about possible ways to tune it. They way they rolled it out this year was a slap in the face to everyone who bought the game because we were basing are opinions of the game based on what we were seeing in the streams and to completely do a 180 right after release when everyone already has the game with no explaination or communication with the community which has breed a lot more toxicity towards the devs and higher ups because it very much seems like they don't at all care about us or our opinions so why should we show them any level of respect? I lot of people in the community just want to try and make this a great game but the blatant defiance of a good majority of the community just shows us that they will do what they want when they feel like it.
@Victor_SDS said in Update 1.10 Discussion:
@AzNbUm8 said in Update 1.10 Discussion:
@Victor_SDS said in Update 1.10 Discussion:
@AzNbUm8 said in Update 1.10 Discussion:
Does the patch fix the TA2 stat requirement bug?
Could you elaborate on that?
Sure, many players are having trouble with the Orioles and Red Sox TA 2 requirements. Specifically, not all hits made by players which meet the position qualifications are counting towards the goal.
Could you provide me with some specific player names for the Orioles and Red Sox?
Only Red Sox 1B hits count. I tested it extensively and filed 2 bug reports. Once I realized that I finished it with Ortiz, Ockimay, Moreland and Boggs ( all primary 1B) no problem. NO 2B or RF hits count regardless of who the player is.
There are numerous threads in here discussing and diagnosing this. At 2B I used live Pedroia and Peraza. In RF I used live Verdugo and Legend Evans. No hit counted. Another Sox fan documented his hits as well. Only 1B.
@TiedyeTrader said in Update 1.10 Discussion:
@Victor_SDS said in Update 1.10 Discussion:
@AzNbUm8 said in Update 1.10 Discussion:
@Victor_SDS said in Update 1.10 Discussion:
@AzNbUm8 said in Update 1.10 Discussion:
Does the patch fix the TA2 stat requirement bug?
Could you elaborate on that?
Sure, many players are having trouble with the Orioles and Red Sox TA 2 requirements. Specifically, not all hits made by players which meet the position qualifications are counting towards the goal.
Could you provide me with some specific player names for the Orioles and Red Sox?
Only Red Sox 1B hits count. I tested it extensively and filed 2 bug reports. Once I realized that I finished it with Ortiz, Ockimay, Moreland and Boggs ( all primary 1B) no problem. NO 2B or RF hits count regardless of who the player is.
Great testing! Let’s hope this info contributes to the fix.
Maybe it’s just me thinking to much but since the update I’m still getting good Oks and those crappy outs on solid hits and things that make no sense with pitch speed to exit velocity, but that being said I am getting Soooo many more perfect perfects all of a sudden. Was getting like 4-6 in a 9 inning game and getting 4-6 in 3 inning games now.
Still have fielding issues. Right field. Ball at wall and fielder stood under it and would not lock on. Then both fielders stood there, refusing to move, while the ball bounced around and I lost the showdown moment.
@Baker029 said in Update 1.10 Discussion:
Cant believe they changed double points in MTO. There is no point to the mode anymore.
What does this mean? What are double points?
@AzNbUm8 said in Update 1.10 Discussion:
@Victor_SDS said in Update 1.10 Discussion:
@AzNbUm8 said in Update 1.10 Discussion:
Does the patch fix the TA2 stat requirement bug?
Could you elaborate on that?
Sure, many players are having trouble with the Orioles and Red Sox TA 2 requirements. Specifically, not all hits made by players which meet the position qualifications are counting towards the goal.
We pushed out a fix a bit ago. Please let me know if you're still seeing an issue.
@slimywood7601 said in Update 1.10 Discussion:
SDS gets crazier by the update I swear, how about you guys focus on the actual game it’s self rather than little exploits, and fix the quick sell, we ALL want to get rid of dirty raggity diamonds y’all give us for a little bit of chump change
@Victor_SDS said in Update 1.10 Discussion:
@AzNbUm8 said in Update 1.10 Discussion:
@Victor_SDS said in Update 1.10 Discussion:
@AzNbUm8 said in Update 1.10 Discussion:
Does the patch fix the TA2 stat requirement bug?
Could you elaborate on that?
Sure, many players are having trouble with the Orioles and Red Sox TA 2 requirements. Specifically, not all hits made by players which meet the position qualifications are counting towards the goal.
We pushed out a fix a bit ago. Please let me know if you're still seeing an issue.
Push out a fix to the hitting it's terrible and to the pitching while you're at it.
Fielding still is terrible!! Diving for a ball is pointless. The infielders always deflect it. Also feels like pitching on all star is much harder.
And the daily missions take in game progress is delayed during the at bat and the display is still there mid pitch...it's distracting.
Alright, here’s another case of the game selecting an incorrect animation in the outfield. Of course, it’s Trout again, not that it matters much. Here’s the first clip, in real time. At first glance it looks like I’ve taken a stupid route, overrun the catch indicator and been forced to play the ball on the hop due to being out of position slightly.
However, that is simply not the case. I’ve used the replay function to try and show exactly what did happen. In this clip of the same incident, when I first freeze the action for a second, that is the point where I lose control of Trout. At this point he is locked into his animation and I can’t stop him. The second point where I freeze the action momentarily, I am holding right on the left analog stick, but he’s already determined that he’s playing the ball on the bounce, despite the fact the ball appears to be mere inches from his face and a catch play would have been entirely appropriate given his proximity to the ball.
Lock-ons in the outfield were MUCH better for me today... there has definitely been some improvement. The ball at the wall is still an issue though... any ball hit close to the wall is never caught no matter how long you are camped out under it.
Collin - will baserunning ever be fixed , this same issue was prevalent last year. If I steal a bag sometimes my player will just round second and immediately be tagged out. Also if I’m advancing to second on a double sometimes he will round to third, or round third to go home, ignoring my commands. This has cost me games and is beyond frustrating, it does not happen offline. Many users have reported this and I’ve not heard a peep from you guys. Please advise and ty
Does anyone have issues with the sound of the ball hitting the bat when you get a perfect perfect? Since the patch there is no sound of the ball hitting the bat