Zone hitting, PCI jumping
This is all so incredibly helpful. Thank you fellow humans... And I'm 37, so not quite a child.
@joshjays44 said in Zone hitting, PCI jumping:
@domdw99 said in Zone hitting, PCI jumping:
@joshjays44 said in Zone hitting, PCI jumping:
No tips from me, I'm not a child, I don't play with the PCI on..let me go ask my little cousin, he might know...I'll be back.
Just curious why the PCI makes a player a child? Last I checked zone hitting is the highest skill level of hitting. I know it’s an attempt at trolling just don’t understand it.
Cause I'm not playing Duck Hunt or Sniper Elite...I'm not trying to shoot at a baseball I'm trying to hit it by swinging a bat with a stride and timing, you know like baseball?
So when a player swings a bat to hit a ball in real life he only has to stride and swing the bat on time? Last I checked they need to track the ball and swing with great timing and aim there bat to hit it. So if anything ur further from truly having any real play over the ball. Ur argument is pretty invalid because if anything a swing is stride, timing, placement of the bat. So ur doing 66% of the work. And someone who uses a PCI is doing 66% of the work as well. But I would say the 66% when ur actually aiming to hit the ball on time is a lot harder then striding and timing and having the game put bat on ball for u. Just like to use some type of logic when I talk.
@joshjays44 said in Zone hitting, PCI jumping:
@domdw99 said in Zone hitting, PCI jumping:
@joshjays44 said in Zone hitting, PCI jumping:
No tips from me, I'm not a child, I don't play with the PCI on..let me go ask my little cousin, he might know...I'll be back.
Just curious why the PCI makes a player a child? Last I checked zone hitting is the highest skill level of hitting. I know it’s an attempt at trolling just don’t understand it.
Cause I'm not playing Duck Hunt or Sniper Elite...I'm not trying to shoot at a baseball I'm trying to hit it by swinging a bat with a stride and timing, you know like baseball?
Sorry man but I have to disagree with you here. We actually are playing Duck Hunt, complete with that a-hole dog, most of us just haven't realized it.
It's kind of an advanced concept.
@joshjays44 said in Zone hitting, PCI jumping:
@DIRTYdp253 said in Zone hitting, PCI jumping:
@domdw99 said in Zone hitting, PCI jumping:
Follow up to that which hiring style is the adult version and why?
I think he just turns off the pci, cause if hes knocking zone, then he needs to rethink.
No, I play Analog Stride cause I'm a man, I'm 41.
@jhutch805 said in Zone hitting, PCI jumping:
This is all so incredibly helpful. Thank you fellow humans... And I'm 37, so not quite a child.
It’s certainly possible it’s your controller, I had to replace mine at the start of the year. I thought it was the frame rate issues inside MLB parks stuttering but it was 100% my analog stick. I didn’t notice it in other games because it didn’t force my character to move in COD or FIFA, but the PCI in this game was uncontrollable because it’s so sensitive.
The only option besides a new controller would be to recalibrate your controller, I don’t know how but a YouTube video will show you the way. Apologies for the weirdos above arguing about stuff nobody mentioned for the 20th straight day.
I just don't get why it matters who uses what lol...if it was important it wouldn't be a setting in the game....but to answer question I tend to get excited an jump a tad when to practice being calm an steady
@jhutch805 said in Zone hitting, PCI jumping:
I am getting sick and tired of getting Good Timing and Okay contact. I cannot for the life of me center up the PCI. I noticed that when I hold the PCI up in the zone it kinda jumps back and forth and doesn't sit still. Does anyone else PCI do this or might there be something wrong with my controller? Also, and tips to f'n square something up, I seem to always miss with the ball in the upper right part of the PCI, so I miss just under and to the right.
If ur pci is jumping on its own ur controller is doing something called “drifting” which’s means it needs to be replaced. I’ve had it happen a few times
Lol this guy said I'm a man I'm 41!!... Who constantly trolls on a videogame forum. Thanks for the laugh.
@vagimon said in Zone hitting, PCI jumping:
@joshjays44 said in Zone hitting, PCI jumping:
@DIRTYdp253 said in Zone hitting, PCI jumping:
@domdw99 said in Zone hitting, PCI jumping:
Follow up to that which hiring style is the adult version and why?
I think he just turns off the pci, cause if hes knocking zone, then he needs to rethink.
No, I play Analog Stride cause I'm a man, I'm 41.
Haha I responded to that video on Youtube, I gave you a shoutout vagimon
Ok, got some good replies. I appreciate the actual solid responses, I'll look into the controller drifting and possible calibration. See, if there are other ways I might be able to test for that. @domdw99 @adam_sheffield @ChArTeRBuS thanks.
@domdw99 said in Zone hitting, PCI jumping:
@joshjays44 said in Zone hitting, PCI jumping:
No tips from me, I'm not a child, I don't play with the PCI on..let me go ask my little cousin, he might know...I'll be back.
Just curious why the PCI makes a player a child? Last I checked zone hitting is the highest skill level of hitting. I know it’s an attempt at trolling just don’t understand it.
He's a troll. Just block him
@jhutch805 said in Zone hitting, PCI jumping:
I am getting sick and tired of getting Good Timing and Okay contact. I cannot for the life of me center up the PCI. I noticed that when I hold the PCI up in the zone it kinda jumps back and forth and doesn't sit still. Does anyone else PCI do this or might there be something wrong with my controller? Also, and tips to f'n square something up, I seem to always miss with the ball in the upper right part of the PCI, so I miss just under and to the right.
So firstly, I have one controller that is a little older and I avoid using it to play online. They do wear out over time so that is a possibility.
Second, I have found moving the pci as little and smoothly as possible works best for me. A big part of that is swinging at pitches I can handle.
I also try to take a breath, relax, and keep the pci still once the pitcher starts his windup, so I can watch the ball.
Hope that helps a little!
@jhutch805 said in Zone hitting, PCI jumping:
This is all so incredibly helpful. Thank you fellow humans... And I'm 37, so not quite a child.
Yes if your PCI jumps when you hold it up it’s time for a new controller. You can pull the right analog stick up to prevent it from shaking, but you’ll find yourself doing it after every swing just about as it will tend to press itself back in every time you move it. I buy a new controller every year for MLB the show because it’s particularly hard on the analog sticks.
@hoboadam said in Zone hitting, PCI jumping:
@domdw99 said in Zone hitting, PCI jumping:
@joshjays44 said in Zone hitting, PCI jumping:
No tips from me, I'm not a child, I don't play with the PCI on..let me go ask my little cousin, he might know...I'll be back.
Just curious why the PCI makes a player a child? Last I checked zone hitting is the highest skill level of hitting. I know it’s an attempt at trolling just don’t understand it.
He's a troll. Just block him
Hey man i just whooped you a couple days ago. How it goes?
I also am a man and I’ve always thought they have all the different options to give players a choice of preference. Kind of like going to the store and having all the different options of ice cream flavors; I know it sounds crazy but maybe just crazy enough to be true.
I typically wiggle mine in a circle as a timing mechanism for a pitchers delivery. It’s something I started doing this year and it has been phenomenal from a results standpoint.
@joshjays44 said in Zone hitting, PCI jumping:
@DIRTYdp253 said in Zone hitting, PCI jumping:
@domdw99 said in Zone hitting, PCI jumping:
Follow up to that which hiring style is the adult version and why?
I think he just turns off the pci, cause if hes knocking zone, then he needs to rethink.
No, I play Analog Stride cause I'm a man, I'm 41.
Guy, I'm 34 and play zone just fine. Stop acting like a [censored] 6 year old who thinks his blue crayon is the best. Ignorant [censored] like this only reinforces my point about practice mode needing an overhaul. Also players like this are cancer to the community.
@jhutch805 said in Zone hitting, PCI jumping:
I am getting sick and tired of getting Good Timing and Okay contact. I cannot for the life of me center up the PCI. I noticed that when I hold the PCI up in the zone it kinda jumps back and forth and doesn't sit still. Does anyone else PCI do this or might there be something wrong with my controller? Also, and tips to f'n square something up, I seem to always miss with the ball in the upper right part of the PCI, so I miss just under and to the right.
Literally just went thru this, a new controller helped out tremendously. Hope it helps.