XP Cap explained
@DEF266 said:
'The Xp cap will tell you how many hours till you can earn xp again via gameplay'Where do you see this? I am at the Season 1 XP Reward Path Tasks screen and it does not show anything regarding how much time I have left.
@GoldenGamingKM said in XP Cap explained:
@DEF266 You are preaching to the choir my friend.
I would love to grind, since my time is also limited, but I'm just happy being able to get a few hours in on the weekend between being a husband and father to a 9-month old. There are a lot of us with "limited time" but to treat this 15k cap as some kind of authoritarian end-all is simply childish.
Just one guy's unpopular opinion it seems.
You do you, but also realize there are thousands of other players with their limited time lifestyles not pounding down the doors of SDS.
So your time is more valuable than mine because my wife died, we were unable to have children, and I'm now disabled? Aging and arthritis is a [censored]. Dead spouses suck. A wife so sick she can't get pregnant is heartbreaking. Some iteration will happen to you. Then wait until the one thing you still enjoyed is nerfed to the point the enjoyment starts to go away.
Unpopular? Try unknowing, uncaring, uninformed, unencumbered, underthought, uneducated, and that's just a few of the "un" words.
@Teak2112 said in XP Cap explained:
I actually never knew people cared so much about this xp. I always cared more about pxp personally, unless I was on the verge of a wheel spin last year.
And we still have no idea if we are getting more or less exp relative to the track itself until we see how the season plays out. They haven't even released any programs yet which is probably where a large chunk of the track progress is going to come from.
It makes enough sense on paper, I think its fair to be very skeptical that SDS will get the balance right over the course of the season, but it is definitely true we don't have enough information to make a final call. We should see how far before the season end we are finishing the track before making a final judgment on if we are better off or worse off than last year.
That's fair. As of right now, mathematically, I'm not goin to reach 1M. That's taking my current total, dividing that by number of days played, then multiplied by number of days in the program. Of course that's not taking into account that I played almost non stop the first week. I should end up in the high 900Ks. That's not enough to get the one card I really want this program. I've finished every program, every year I've played the whole year. Mathematically, I will not be even close to finishing.
edit: Math was flawed. Will be over 1M, but will still not finish the program.
@xElRojo44x There is a box thing that pops up when you end the inning in which you hit the cap. It shows a countdown. The vast majority of people don’t see it because they’re trying to click through mid-inning cut scenes, which also clicks through the box. If you miss it, closing the game/app and opening it again will cause the box to show up again (with the countdown) before your daily rewards show up.
@noob4noob i restarted my game and didn't see now box show up. Maybe I'll reinstall.
The XP cap is only proven by all the complaints,
. Seriously look at it, they want you to power grind the game... in no way are they telling you to play less, but they certainly don't want you to no-life the game and be done within days... and that is exactly what most of you want. They want everyone to grind and get the awards around the same time to make it enjoyable. If you seriously are reaching the daily cap, maybe you should step away and do something else. For those of you saying you're done playing or going to play less, then please do that!!!
With the XP cap, the amount of days and given the program XP as well, you will get your rewards, all of them... they didn't make anything unobtainable. But if the XP cap was raised even 10k and with program XP, then you'd complete the entire season by day 40 or less... then what? The same XP crybabies would start chirping about how they got nothing to do and complaining about how SPS needs to add more content. That right there, is the reason behind the cap, they want you to play everyday... So stop complaining, enjoy the game, enjoy life...
@broken_toy1 your math is still flawed..., if you take the days, the XP you would complete the program... and that's not including all separate program XP... for example, im sitting at 260k, with 50 plus days left, and all the program XP to accumulate as well, ill complete the program.. and I didn't play for about a week.
Hit the XP Cap for the first time ever yesterday. And all it took was 25 Conquest games.
@SaveFarris said in XP Cap explained:
Hit the XP Cap for the first time ever yesterday. And all it took was 25 Conquest games.
I hit it two days ago. 6 games vs CPU for TA grind, overall 2.5 hours. That's just sad.
I was originally pretty upset about the cap, but the bigger problem is how much the cut gameplay xp and didn’t increase the rewards throughout the xp path. I’ve grinded a couple hours after work the last few days to earn a single useless banner. That’s just not fun. This game isn’t fun this year.
The cap hasn't affected me because I simply don't play that much in one day.
But I will say that the cap should accumulate daily throughout each season. With a reset each new season.
If I skip one day then the I should have a 30K cap the next day.
Letting the unused amount accumulate allows the players more flexibility on when and how much they play, while not allowing players to advance any faster than those who hit the cap every day.
@GoozeFn said in XP Cap explained:
I was originally pretty upset about the cap, but the bigger problem is how much the cut gameplay xp and didn’t increase the rewards throughout the xp path. I’ve grinded a couple hours after work the last few days to earn a single useless banner. That’s just not fun. This game isn’t fun this year.
While we definitely get less xp in terms of raw numbers, I don't think its a valid comparison to make. The program is structured definitely.
I do agree that the reward track is not well laid out. Napoli seems properly placed, likely Rollie too. Story is absolutely not however. And going from Napoli to Palmer is silly.
There are a ton of stubs at the end, but hardly anything in the middle. The banners feel bad. Put that as early fodder or not all.
I play about 4 hours a day. And have been doing so, minus when I was in the hospital for a few months, for the last few years and I've NEVER hit an XP Cap.
@Teak2112 There shouldn’t be any fodder. It shouldn’t take days to get a single reward. Most people won’t finish this reward path unless they do something significant with xp.
The xp cap affects all gameplay modes once you've reached the cap. All xp I earn in programs such as speing breakout dont go towards my reward path after I hit the cap. So, you can only earn 15,000 xp a day no matter what game mode you're playing in RTTS, DD, PROGRAMS. TA, FRANCHISE, STORYLINES. It don't matter the mode once you hit 15,000 xp you can't earn more till the cap ends.
@Dolenz64 That's false. You can't stack xp I've tried. Keep track and once you hit 15k you'll see it applies the cap.
This is complete BS they dont have a cap on how much money you can spend in a day. I also work for a living and am getting discriminated against when I can only play Saturdays and Sundays. Now I won't get all the rewards because I am limited! I think its time to contact an attorney to see if this is legal or if a lawsuit should be filed!
I can see alot of losses coming if its like this by end of May and June because people like to take a day full of games and to be capped in three or four end with no rewarded progress in the main program will for sure turn players away from the game. As of now I already have two new games waiting on my series s plus two new mario games release in back to back months....don't see a reason to continue playing if I can only play a few hours on the days I don't work. Just another horrible idea by game developers because they can't control the pace and some people fast track to the end by week one or two. Trying to fix a control variable and they overkill it.
Just wait until a 5 day holiday and you hit the cap all 5 days.