Still no explanation why sets/seasons were ever added
The Chase cards are straight micro transactions, Pure and simple.
If memory serves me I believe they said in a stream last year that they added sets & seasons to give DD a fresh start. That they felt the old model was boring people away - I never believed them but that’s what they said.
@YOSHI24 said in Still no explanation why sets/seasons were ever added:
But, btt … Nobody has given me an answer yet on why multiple power creep increments (like in 24) is a) a problem at all and b) does not lead to lineup diversity (comparing to 23).
In the end it all depends on the execution of the new system by SDS.
As for the power creep, I have to wonder how it will work based on how much people play. I will have an issue if I unlock the best cards of each season with only a week or two left in the season. The wildcards will help a little but only a little
I am not sure how it helps lineup diversity, especially if we have to jettison everything but a few wildcards at the end of each season. There will be cards considered Meta (there always are) and most people will simply use those cards as their wildcards and then supplement those with the best cards in the current season. I expect to see a lot of similar lineups.
@Dolenz I totally agree…Right now there’s excellent diversity in lineups with all sets available for use…But when 24 drops I think you nailed it…How you laid it out is 100% how this will go. There will be two lineups - NMS & Whole lotta money spent…That’s it.
@Dolenz_PSN @IrishFist412_XBL It is the total difference right now even with all the players of every set available. I play about 2-3 ranked games a day since October and in 90% I see Acuna, Griffey, Mickey, JRam, Elly, Adley … Even with superpowered captains nobody uses them and everybody uses the meta/big boys.
Of course we will see the meta guys in season 2 at the wild card spots (depends on how many meta 99 guys they roll out) but each of us has only 1 WC to start with. That will help with lineup diversity … at least in the first few days/weeks
But … if you look back at pre-23… what was the difference? We had some 99s (collections) which lots of players had by early summer. Then everybody added the big online rewards over time. I do not have the data but if I remember right we had not that big of diversity each month.
Last one: Of course they have to earn money with the game … You do not have to do it but it‘s in everybody‘s hand … But imo no need to blame anybody (including SDS)
In all fairness, I can see the rub that many people feel about this. With that said, I can make an argument that people used different cards due to the restrictions of sets/seasons and the single wildcard. Was it my favorite, no. I think that I should be able to use whatever card I want when I want, but... they have restricted cards in many instances through what is available in BR, the usable cards for every event, and to some extent, when better versions of cards like Griffey drop.
If they dropped all 99's at the same time people would complain that the best cards came out too late in the cycle. If they drop the 99's early people complain that they want power creep. If they drop them in the middle and take power creep into account, people complain about in-game content.
I agree with that as well. Money will always give an advantage, but SDS is about as good as it gets for providing a way for free usable content. I just watched about 6 hours of videos where the only way to get a 100 overall card in NBA24 was to pull it from a pack. I watched one you-tuber spend about $3500 in packs and not pull the card. At a 2% pull rate, he should have had the card like 2-3 times for that price. But making it unavailable on the market forces the purchasing of packs if you want the item. Just crazy
The problem with sets and seasons is it wasn’t implemented very well. I think it’s foolish to expect them to discard it after 1 year. Give them a chance to do it better and go from there.
@genopolanco said in Still no explanation why sets/seasons were ever added:
@SaveFarris I’m not saying they didn’t have a plan or purpose, it was just a very poor plan and an unknown purpose.
You literally said they did it so they can drop content with no plan but now you say you didn’t say that. Do we have a politician in the forum?
Why don’t you lay out a better game for everyone and let us read your genius? It can’t be anything they’ve done in the past. That would be their game. We want to see your game.
I don't understand why people cry over microtrsnsactions . I played 23 with the original purchase and that's it . I played exactly the way I wanted to play within the system offered . No microtransactions from me. There are so many cards , so many ways to play . BR , events , dd , online vs , offline , rtts .
@fubar2k7 it’s an exaggeration. They obviously had some sort of plan, although it was some of the worst planning I’ve ever seen with sports gaming content. Just look at how many Larry Walkers there are as an example. With how close their overalls are and the individual ratings. Take a look and tell me that someone actually planned that out months in advance. It’s laughable.
Matt Holliday is another example. Nolan Arenado. These are just guys I use on my TT. There’s probably dozens of other examples on cards I’m less familiar with.
There are countless examples of this in the game. Numbers just slightly modified, new card art, copy and paste duplicates that play almost exactly the same.
The Rockies don’t have a large pool of old players to chose from and then they have to obtain those players NIL. Rockies career WAR leaders.
61.8 Helton
48.3 Walker
40.3 Arenado (active)
39.5 Tulowitzki
26.5 Story (active)
23.6 Gonzalez
20.6 Blackmon (active)
18.9 Ubaldo Jimenez
18.6 Holliday -
@fubar2k7 this has absolutely nothing to do with the Rockies. It was just an example.
@genopolanco said in Still no explanation why sets/seasons were ever added:
@fubar2k7 this has absolutely nothing to do with the Rockies. It was just an example.
You are pointing out the numerous Walker’s they threw at you. I’m explaining that the Rockies don’t have much going for them.
I didn’t have that problem other than active players getting cards they earned during the season. Same for other teams with a larger pool of Hall of Fame players or players with great careers to pull from.
@fubar2k7 it was one example. There are numerous. Just open your eyes. And that still isn’t a valid excuse for how many cards of the same player are similar. The fact that you are even slightly trying to defend what they did is honestly mind blowing to me.
@genopolanco said in Still no explanation why sets/seasons were ever added:
@fubar2k7 it was one example. There are numerous. Just open your eyes. And that still isn’t a valid excuse for how many cards of the same player are similar. The fact that you are even slightly trying to defend what they did is honestly mind blowing to me.
I’ll stop beating around the bush. The Rockies are poverty. They suck. What are they suppose to do. Make up players for your trash franchise.
Kevin Costner is said to have a ranch there so maybe they could pull him in.
@fubar2k7 said in Still no explanation why sets/seasons were ever added:
I’ll stop beating around the bush. The Rockies are poverty. They suck. What are they suppose to do. Make up players for your trash franchise.
It worked for other teams!
Because it made them more money than ever before with even less people playing. Genius strategy, get dummies addicted to earning every card, then release 5 of every player, checkmate.
@DeleteyourTTVBTW I've said it before, and I'll say it again... Best user name.