Anybody else waiting until the streams to preorder?
I only started playing since it’s been on Xbox on gamepass. I’ve played quite a bit a lol 3 years so far too. However, I have a whole bunch of life changes coming in the next year (moving, getting married, finishing graduate school, and starting a new job) that I will probably not play next years game or just play very little from gamepass on the standard edition.
You can pre-order it after the streams. I’m pretty sure I pre-ordered it like a couple nights before it came for early access. Just sayin.
@IrishFist412 said in Anybody else waiting until the streams to preorder?:
I’ll wait until the streams
I have always waited for all of the streams to happen. Since I buy it digitally there is no incentive for me to pre-order before that point.
@Rocketfish5151 said in Anybody else waiting until the streams to preorder?:
I spent way to much in time and stubs to acquire Ruth, Chipper, Mickey, etc to watch them sit on a shelf. I'm waiting to see that outcome as well.
I don‘t get that completely. In the 22 version, you did not get Ruth, Chipper, Mickey until late in the year. Now you got them early and lots of good alternatives later on (Core Griffey, J-Ram, …) … did that really matter? I suppose you could use them longer than in 22.
If they did not do sets/seasons, it would proabably only have changed for 1 of them (Collection reward, which most people only get in summer after release)
Don‘t get me wrong, I am just curious of why this is really a problem? -
@YOSHI24 said in Anybody else waiting until the streams to preorder?:
@Rocketfish5151 said in Anybody else waiting until the streams to preorder?:
I spent way to much in time and stubs to acquire Ruth, Chipper, Mickey, etc to watch them sit on a shelf. I'm waiting to see that outcome as well.
I don‘t get that completely. In the 22 version, you did not get Ruth, Chipper, Mickey until late in the year. Now you got them early and lots of good alternatives later on (Core Griffey, J-Ram, …) … did that really matter? I suppose you could use them longer than in 22.
If they did not do sets/seasons, it would proabably only have changed for 1 of them (Collection reward, which most people only get in summer after release)
Don‘t get me wrong, I am just curious of why this is really a problem?Seriously?…Because he grinded relentlessly to get them & then once he did he was no longer allowed to use them online. How do you not see his problem with this?
i stopped playing early this year. I was pretty much done before the break but it wasnt because of sets or captains. It was because of stupid flying monsters in the outfield and nicknames on the cards. Thats some weak [censored] to attract the casuals. No real baseball fan wants bugs and monsters in the outfield.
That said, ill preorder and buy the digital deluxe edition at launch like i do every year.
fubar2k7replied to IrishFist412 on Dec 27, 2023, 6:25 PM last edited by fubar2k7_PSN Dec 27, 2023, 6:26 PM
@IrishFist412 said in Anybody else waiting until the streams to preorder?:
@YOSHI24 said in Anybody else waiting until the streams to preorder?:
@Rocketfish5151 said in Anybody else waiting until the streams to preorder?:
I spent way to much in time and stubs to acquire Ruth, Chipper, Mickey, etc to watch them sit on a shelf. I'm waiting to see that outcome as well.
I don‘t get that completely. In the 22 version, you did not get Ruth, Chipper, Mickey until late in the year. Now you got them early and lots of good alternatives later on (Core Griffey, J-Ram, …) … did that really matter? I suppose you could use them longer than in 22.
If they did not do sets/seasons, it would proabably only have changed for 1 of them (Collection reward, which most people only get in summer after release)
Don‘t get me wrong, I am just curious of why this is really a problem?Seriously?…Because he grinded relentlessly to get them & then once he did he was no longer allowed to use them online. How do you not see his problem with this?
He could use them. Just not all of them at the same time. A little bit of lineup creativity is nice for a change. I didn’t find it “a relentless grind” to get them but I get to play the game more often.
@IrishFist412 said in Anybody else waiting until the streams to preorder?:
@YOSHI24 said in Anybody else waiting until the streams to preorder?:
@Rocketfish5151 said in Anybody else waiting until the streams to preorder?:
I spent way to much in time and stubs to acquire Ruth, Chipper, Mickey, etc to watch them sit on a shelf. I'm waiting to see that outcome as well.
I don‘t get that completely. In the 22 version, you did not get Ruth, Chipper, Mickey until late in the year. Now you got them early and lots of good alternatives later on (Core Griffey, J-Ram, …) … did that really matter? I suppose you could use them longer than in 22.
If they did not do sets/seasons, it would proabably only have changed for 1 of them (Collection reward, which most people only get in summer after release)
Don‘t get me wrong, I am just curious of why this is really a problem?Seriously?…Because he grinded relentlessly to get them & then once he did he was no longer allowed to use them online. How do you not see his problem with this?
I think what @YOSHI24 meant was that, before Sets, those player's 99s wouldn't have been released as early as they were this year. Chances are one, or even all of them, could've fallen under the old way of doing Mega Collection rewards. Meaning that they may have not been available until a few months into the game's cycle.
YOSHI24replied to IrishFist412 on Dec 27, 2023, 8:12 PM last edited by YOSHI24_XBL Dec 27, 2023, 8:15 PM
… what @X-FREEZE-OFF-X said
I get it but what‘s the difference to former years, where you had those guys probably not that much longer „in use“.What could be more boring than having your god squad in April ?!?!? You either do sets/seasons or power creep where the god cards mostly come out later in the year. Before 22 you had one of those versions, in 23 the other … Everything else would be boring as f…
@arvcpa said in Anybody else waiting until the streams to preorder?:
I've been pre-ordering for as long as I can remember. I think I'll wait this year to see what's in store for 24.
Same for me. Last year was going to be the year I didn't get it but the addition of the Negro Leagues sucked me back in. I enjoyed that program but pretty disappointed how that aspect of the game just fell off a cliff.
I’m going to pre order. The sets thing doesn’t bother me, in reality the game is still very much the same as it has always been. In years past I never used cards I obtained in April online in July anyways so I wasn’t going to throw a fit over and quit playing a game I enjoy because SDS didn’t make me play with 92 overalls for the first 3 months
I’m going to wait until the off-season when the game is $10. It only takes a week or two to get a decent team together to play online, and the actual gameplay has been a disappointment for years.
Whatever works!
@NCStateHokie said in Anybody else waiting until the streams to preorder?:
@arvcpa said in Anybody else waiting until the streams to preorder?:
I've been pre-ordering for as long as I can remember. I think I'll wait this year to see what's in store for 24.
Same for me. Last year was going to be the year I didn't get it but the addition of the Negro Leagues sucked me back in. I enjoyed that program but pretty disappointed how that aspect of the game just fell off a cliff.
My man, I feel exactly the same. They finally acknowledge the Negro Leagues and then do them like that? A mode that you finish in a couple hours & a handful of players? HUGE L.
@YOSHI24 it's just that those are among my favorite guys to play with. It galls me to know I have them but can't use them. What's the point if you can't play with the players you want to? Just don't like that aspect of sets and Seasons.
I’ll preorder.
There's literally no reason for me to pre order . I have xbox and if it's free on Xbox I'll wait and I'll use the money I would have spent on the game on stubs.
I have endured the server issues of '15, the bunt cheese of '16, the 'be late-be great' of '17, the jersey collection dumpster of '18, etc.
However, this year's expiring cards format was the most disappointing to me, as far as content goes. Regardless, I do love I will carry on and pre-order, as usual.
I’ll preorder the digital edition for my Xbox and the mvp physical edition for my ps5. If it comes to switch which I’ve heard it is and isn’t I’ll get a copy of that too. Idc. The poopiest MLB the show is still better than nothing
Cubs309replied to LIONED 33 on Dec 28, 2023, 2:23 PM last edited by Cubs309_XBL Dec 28, 2023, 3:07 PM
@LIONED-33 What's the switch for? When you're sitting in the back of mommies minivan in the McDonald's drive through?
I still can't believe some kid on a 4 inch screen gets to compete against $500 consoles and $500 gaming monitors.
I played this game year round the last 5 years and made it thru half of season 4 before tapping out. Haven’t played a game since.
Im not sure I will even buy it next year, more so see no reason to pre-order until possibly a day or so before release.