Pause Timer on DD
@Itstrellz93855 said in Pause Timer on DD:
One thing that needs to be improved is the pause timer. I don't play ranked seasons as much as I want to because of how the pause timer continuously reloads. We need to have a set timer for pauses, don't load into a game and constantly pause throughout the game and be rewarded with more pause time as the game goes on. A set pause timer 3 minutes per 9 inning games would go a long way with those who don't play this game 24 hours a day.
I did not know this was a thing. The timer resets? Wow.
However, managerial moves have to be made throughout games. If I want to bring in my closer in the 9th, and used up all my pause time previously.......see, that would be a problem. Maybe that's why they have it the way it is. -
Agree 100%
It's just used for grieving. You should get 3 minutes total. Go pee before you sit down to play.
go4stros25replied to C_Ryan on Feb 17, 2023, 2:48 AM last edited by go4stros25_PSN Feb 17, 2023, 2:53 AM
@C_Ryan said in Pause Timer on DD:
Is the timer too generous?
How many seconds do you feel should be given after each inning?
How long should a player have on their initial timer?Keep in mind managerial decisions when thinking about these times please!
5 minutes max. Someone who gets bitter about losing can easily make a game last 20+ minutes longer because the allowed pause time regenerates.
Also if we change our settings in an online game have those settings save. Currently we have to make the same changes every game, that's uses pause time. It saves if you make those changes in an offline mode.
Maybe renew the time once in the 6th or 7th when relievers should be rolling out.
@C_Ryan said in Pause Timer on DD:
Is the timer too generous?
How many seconds do you feel should be given after each inning?
How long should a player have on their initial timer?Keep in mind managerial decisions when thinking about these times please!
30 seconds per half inning.
Another thing that would make this game way better is the quick pause menu could be eliminated. No reason the game needs to pause when I'm warning up pitchers or whatever. I think it even pauses when you look at the stat cast thing? Kills immersion and people abuse it to troll people when losing.
Dudes that constantly bunt we should be allowed to adjust defense
@C_Ryan said in Pause Timer on DD:
Is the timer too generous?
How many seconds do you feel should be given after each inning?
How long should a player have on their initial timer?Keep in mind managerial decisions when thinking about these times please!
how many times a game do we need to go to the bullpen? 3 minutes set timer for 9 innings is plenty. that is enough to make 6 changes on 30 seconds average time per change. The game gets ruined by the cheesers who use this drain their 3 minutes then have another 3 minutes an inning later. It makes casual players never want to play online.
@TheGoaler said in Pause Timer on DD:
@Itstrellz93855 said in Pause Timer on DD:
One thing that needs to be improved is the pause timer. I don't play ranked seasons as much as I want to because of how the pause timer continuously reloads. We need to have a set timer for pauses, don't load into a game and constantly pause throughout the game and be rewarded with more pause time as the game goes on. A set pause timer 3 minutes per 9 inning games would go a long way with those who don't play this game 24 hours a day.
I did not know this was a thing. The timer resets? Wow.
However, managerial moves have to be made throughout games. If I want to bring in my closer in the 9th, and used up all my pause time previously.......see, that would be a problem. Maybe that's why they have it the way it is.The initiative in baseball in real life is pace of play correct? Seems counterintuitive to have a baseball game that is promoting the opposite in my opinion. 3 minutes pause timer set at beginning of game. Don't waste your time on non-managerial pauses. Promotes a quicker pace as well as a better user experience. If I am playing in a competitive game that is close, why do I need to pause in the first couple of innings for 3 minutes successive? Strictly, to [censored] my opponent off and force a quit.
@C_Ryan said in Pause Timer on DD:
Is the timer too generous?
How many seconds do you feel should be given after each inning?
How long should a player have on their initial timer?Keep in mind managerial decisions when thinking about these times please!
There is plenty of time for manager decisions. It’s about the guys who pause for no reason continually throughout the game. We got frozen out of 2 co-op games last night and guys were pausing every batter. I mean there is no reward for this it’s a dang test game. Play the game or go away.
@C_Ryan said in Pause Timer on DD:
Is the timer too generous?
How many seconds do you feel should be given after each inning?
How long should a player have on their initial timer?Keep in mind managerial decisions when thinking about these times please!
Something I would like to see addressed is when my pitcher spot comes to bat and the auto screen recommends a pinch hitter it should also let me get someone going in the bullpen.
The way it is now, I pinch hit, but then immediately have to pause and get a guy going.
@C_Ryan said in Pause Timer on DD:
Is the timer too generous?
How many seconds do you feel should be given after each inning?
How long should a player have on their initial timer?Keep in mind managerial decisions when thinking about these times please!
I usually check my opponents roster/bench and sometimes attributes. Additionally I shift my defense, so I need time.
But …Regarding your questions:
I think, the actual settings are too generous.
I would start at 120 seconds (ranked) and give every team 10 seconds per Inning.
In a 9 Inning game, you would have 3,5 minutes.
If you want to challenge, start at 90 seconds. I would be fine with it -
@darkblue1876 said in Pause Timer on DD:
@C_Ryan said in Pause Timer on DD:
Is the timer too generous?
How many seconds do you feel should be given after each inning?
How long should a player have on their initial timer?Keep in mind managerial decisions when thinking about these times please!
Something I would like to see addressed is when my pitcher spot comes to bat and the auto screen recommends a pinch hitter it should also let me get someone going in the bullpen.
The way it is now, I pinch hit, but then immediately have to pause and get a guy going.
I’ve been asking for this feature for years. But now that we have the DH, I guess that problem is solved.
@C_Ryan said in Pause Timer on DD:
Is the timer too generous?
How many seconds do you feel should be given after each inning?
How long should a player have on their initial timer?Keep in mind managerial decisions when thinking about these times please!
The timer is not too generous at the start. It too generous with the additional time added as the game continues. 3 minutes is all someone should need, or make it a solid 5min.
The issue we are seeing in-game comes from player grief more than strategy. Players will stay on the pause menu until there is less than a minute left, then come back. More time gets added. Rinse and Repeat.
You also get players who will pause the game right before a pitch. So now there are several pauses happening within a half-innings worth of at-bats.
Once the pause menu time runs out, players will then turn-off their wireless controller -- which adds an additional 3-4 minutes timer to the game.
Mind you, all of this multiplies when you play Coop. It may be even worse because a teammate is encouraging the behavior.
I will not go as far to say the issue adds 20min to a game, and it certainly adds at least 10min to every game. A slow and unnecessary 10min.
A number of pauses, maybe 7 and a max time allotted, 5min, is the path towards resolution for the issue.
@go4stros25 said in Pause Timer on DD:
@C_Ryan said in Pause Timer on DD:
Is the timer too generous?
How many seconds do you feel should be given after each inning?
How long should a player have on their initial timer?Keep in mind managerial decisions when thinking about these times please!
5 minutes max. Someone who gets bitter about losing can easily make a game last 20+ minutes longer because the allowed pause time regenerates.
Also if we change our settings in an online game have those settings save. Currently we have to make the same changes every game, that's uses pause time. It saves if you make those changes in an offline mode.
to have the settings save, go to the main menu>upper right gear box>change then save settings.
I think pitch clock should be 5 seconds, maybe 4. Some dudes stand on the mound staring at you just to be assholes.
@T00MuchHam said in Pause Timer on DD:
@C_Ryan said in Pause Timer on DD:
Is the timer too generous?
How many seconds do you feel should be given after each inning?
How long should a player have on their initial timer?Keep in mind managerial decisions when thinking about these times please!
The timer is not too generous at the start. It too generous with the additional time added as the game continues. 3 minutes is all someone should need, or make it a solid 5min.
The issue we are seeing in-game comes from player grief more than strategy. Players will stay on the pause menu until there is less than a minute left, then come back. More time gets added. Rinse and Repeat.
You also get players who will pause the game right before a pitch. So now there are several pauses happening within a half-innings worth of at-bats.
Once the pause menu time runs out, players will then turn-off their wireless controller -- which adds an additional 3-4 minutes timer to the game.
Mind you, all of this multiplies when you play Coop. It may be even worse because a teammate is encouraging the behavior.
I will not go as far to say the issue adds 20min to a game, and it certainly adds at least 10min to every game. A slow and unnecessary 10min.
A number of pauses, maybe 7 and a max time allotted, 5min, is the path towards resolution for the issue.
I don't think a max number of total pauses is necessary(It takes a minimum 3 pauses for 2 relievers). I do think 5 minutes without extra time added would be good though
@C_Ryan said in Pause Timer on DD:
Is the timer too generous?
How many seconds do you feel should be given after each inning?
How long should a player have on their initial timer?Keep in mind managerial decisions when thinking about these times please!
30seconds / half inning would make sense.
EDIT for clarification: Reality is 30s per inning. The half inning was assuming each player gets their 30s added at the start of their next set of ABs after the 1st. It might just be easier to give both players the time at the beginning of each new inning.
If we want to include a chunk of time available from the beginning to give teams a chance to make some quick switches then you can give a minute or 2 but additional time is only provided after the 4th or 5th innings (eliminating extra time from events/BR unless extra innings)
IMO, with the elimination of Pitchers hitting, most of the in-game strategy is gone so there are very limited managerial decisions to make. Its now about getting a RP up in the pen and maybe a late inning defensive switch (or PH based on other guys RPs). Most of these don't take more than 15 seconds to do.
Either way, most players should know their teams well enough to know who they want in these situations (maybe BR being an exception).
I would also love to see if its possible to code a quick menu for defensive alignments. I usually play auto-shift off (because in past years games I found it hurts more than helps with all the late swings going down 3B line) but that also eliminates 3Bs playing in on guys with speed.
A quick shift option for Bunt defense, infield half or in would really cut down on menu time too.
I think the best options would be either a solid 5 minutes, no time added at any point.
The other option is start the game with 3 minutes and once the 6th inning ends add 2 minutes.
Add 30 seconds for each extra inning. -
@C_Ryan said in Pause Timer on DD:
Is the timer too generous?
How many seconds do you feel should be given after each inning?
How long should a player have on their initial timer?Keep in mind managerial decisions when thinking about these times please!
If it stays the same, 3 minutes for the whole game is more than fair. It should never regenerate. Even better, get rid of warming up pitchers and use mlb mound visit rules. This takes away the spam pausing that occurs with the timer. Give hitters 3 :30 pauses to start that are only burned if they don’t make a change. After the third one they are required to make a change. I would say that greater than 50% of the gamers I have played abuse the pause menu. There should be a seizure warning with the constant spamming between screens, not to mention the quick pitch that always follows immediately after.