CPU difference last year to this year
Idk what they did but honestly when you play on rookie you should not be walking and giving up hrs even when the pitch is just outside they normally swing and miss and now they don’t swing unless it’s in the zone it’s crazy it’s like instead of playing on rookie we’re playing allstar
I haven’t played on rookie against cpu yet but I can tell you for sure all star and veteran are both more punishing this year. Mistake pitches cost much more doubles and homers. Which is odd because mistake pitches by the cpu to me are not getting the same explosive contact I’m used to. Almost like they nerfed player contact/power and boosted cpu performance?
Probably had to realign difficulties to fit in the two new difficulties below rookie.
Yeah the difficulty is def turned up. I guess it makes you better (in theory) but it makes grinding a major pain. This game is no where near as fun as it was years ago. I only play cuz I love baseball. I’ve given up on trying to be good.
Yeah agreed. I never even started being good. A part of me wishes they’d get rid of DD entirely to get back to the roots of what this game is about. Just baseball. No card collecting, no program grinding, no pulling hair out at server disconnects. It was a simpler time when all SDS had to focus on was the gameplay and every year we had something major to be excited for -
I played the Yankees in a Conquest game earlier. In the second inning I ended up walking Stanton (couldn't hit the zone at all) and the CPU automatically subbed in Kiner-Falfa ( or however you spell his name) and tried to steal second with no outs.
I tagged him out and then they subbed in Hicks next inning.
Wasted two bench players.
Yeah the difficulty is especially horrendous on older players like myself. My eyesight and reaction times aren’t what they were 20+ years ago. I tried some RS games and the catcher already had the ball by the time I even saw it lol. Needless to say, I’m primarily a Conquest and this year a Mini-Seasons player, but at this rate, they’ll risk losing an entire generation of gamers because of stuff like this.
I just like to enjoy playing and relaxing. But with these current difficulty settings, I fear I could have a complete lineup of end of year cards and not do any better. But then again, I’m 43 so maybe this is SDS’s way of telling me I’m too old and it’s time to put down the controller lol
I am a mostly center swinging (still use zone), meter pitching 57 year old who plays almost exclusively on veteran. It does not seem much different than last year other than the cpu outfielders all having homing missiles for arms.
Playing mini seasons and had to bring it down yo rookie but still getting killed by stacked cpu teams.
I like that it’s not super easy and challenging.
47 here. while the cpu is a lot more agressive this year its not unbeatable.pitching you got to be precise on inputs, hitting it seems like a real game they try to hit edges with every pitch and mix speeds very well, cant wear them out and face a tired pitcher like before but can still do it within those 3 batters, mostly they miss out of zone when trying for corners so you got to wait for pitch to hit.cpu also seems to punish your agressiveness this year( passiveness too)so you have to take a both approach, wait for it wait for it then boom.this is the most realistic feeling game they have ever made i think.
@gmoney-1234_psn said in CPU difference last year to this year:
Yeah agreed. I never even started being good. A part of me wishes they’d get rid of DD entirely to get back to the roots of what this game is about. Just baseball. No card collecting, no program grinding, no pulling hair out at server disconnects. It was a simpler time when all SDS had to focus on was the gameplay and every year we had something major to be excited forI’m 47. The card collecting is what got me interested in the first place. The first one I bought was ‘15 and as soon as I saw the Ozzie Smith card on the screen that I had as a kid, I was hooked. But I’m old, can’t see without my glasses…..arthritis everywhere. Can’t sit in this [censored] chair for too long. Maybe it’s time find something else to do.
Good to see an "old guy" thread (I turn 58 next month). For offline, I try to stick to All-star. The CPU is definitely harder this year, but we have to remind ourselves that we're also playing with the "basic" cards. When I had my Finest squad late last year, I'd kill the CPU every game. I like the fact that I have to concentrate a little more right now.
“Old guy” checking in! I’m in my sixties, play on rookie or vet unless I need to satisfy a mission. Use directional hitting, push the right stick up and press A. Use buttons to pitch!!
Play simply to relax. I expect to score a lot of runs. I expect to give up a bunch of runs. I play strictly offline. I expect to NOT get every card nor progress as quickly with XP. I’m fine with all that.
Game is definitely harder this year.
Man, I've been lurking on here for a month or so and this was the thread I needed to find after so much negativity. 45 years old, never played the game till last September but really do love it. The baseball card aspect, those '82 Topps cards that show up (Molitor, Fernando), how could I not be hooked?! I'm glad to see people are going through what I am so far in 22. As someone said above, trying to remember that I started the game when it was easy to get 99 Gibson and 99 Maddux, overpowered hitters. So far the cards aren't as supercharged.
On All-Star especially, any pitch that catches any meat of the plate is getting smashed. Struggling with location. Also kind of blown away how in a 0-2 or 1-2 count, breaking stuff just a hair's breath off the black, the CPU watches it. I don't need a perfect simulation, but it takes me out of the game a bit to see hitters down in the count like that repeatedly take pitches that could go either way.
This is great to see our community in such a wide range of age and this thread has me laughing. Just baseball lovers. I’m 23 and have been into the show since it’s creation. But to all you gents with wisdom beyond us, keep ‘er goin bud. Keep playing and enjoying America’s pastime with us
@gmoney-1234_psn said in CPU difference last year to this year:
Yeah agreed. I never even started being good. A part of me wishes they’d get rid of DD entirely to get back to the roots of what this game is about. Just baseball. No card collecting, no program grinding, no pulling hair out at server disconnects. It was a simpler time when all SDS had to focus on was the gameplay and every year we had something major to be excited forThis game gotten worse ever since DD was introduced, online franchise was so much better I really miss that,
Rookie plays like veteran last year. Hard to get strikes from the CPU and when you do square one up, good chance it is right at a fielder. At least SDS helped us by giving a lot less to grind for.
This game gotten worse ever since DD was introduced, online franchise was so much better I really miss that,
43 here, been playing baseball games since late 80’s RBI days. Triple play, Baseball Stars, Larussa, up to MVP 05, all made great strides in baseball gaming. It seems like we have not progressed much at all in 17 years. I realize there is only so much you can do with a sports game but I agree, ever since DD and ultimate team modes have been introduced, gameplay has taken a backseat.
Baseball Stars ... that was perfection. The controller pad sequences kind of similar to the famous Contra one that would give you a superpowered team. That women's team was a great way to make money for your franchise. Also Bases Loaded was a great game. First one, I think, that had the center field camera for pitching.
Anyway, interesting to see long-timers say DD has led to gameplay being worse. DD is why I got hooked so quickly and dug in so deep on the game in less than a year.
@xxdeathreyxx_psn said in CPU difference last year to this year:
Rookie plays like veteran last year. Hard to get strikes from the CPU and when you do square one up, good chance it is right at a fielder. At least SDS helped us by giving a lot less to grind for.
I never lose on Rookie, but last year scores would be 10/25 - 0. Now I occasionally hit 10, but there are lots of 3-0 games and even 1-0 games. I laser balls right to fielders all game long. It's [censored].