Unpopular Opinion for 22
@toast2thegodz_psn said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
@guccigangchuck said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
@dolenz_psn said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
My guess is that they keep the cumulative wins and if they have the tools and motivation then there will be a punishment for tanking. People who tank down to lower levels to get 30 wins quicker are exploiting the system and negatively affecting the gameplay of every person they play after tanking.
As for the devaluing of cards, it may actually be in SDS's favor that the cards values are more reasonable. If a person needs just 50K more stubs to be able to get a player on the market then the possibility that they simply buy stubs is greater than if they needed 500K.
The "Participation Trophies" as people like to call them keeps the majority of players engaged in the game longer. It keeps more people playing ranked seasons. If people know that that they can't reach World Series then they may not even attempt ranked seasons, or will quit each season early when they feel they have reached their cap.
And lastly let's not pretend that 30 wins is necessarily easy or quick for those players who play ranked seasons as intended and do not tank to face easy opponents. If you only average 3 wins out of every 5 games then that is 50 ranked season games needed to get 30 cumulative wins. For many, that many games in a single ranked season is just not possible due to time constraints, especially if they also want to do the offline content (Moments, Conquest, etc)
30 wins isnt easy for the player that struggles, 30 wins for the player that isnt bad and can mash on AS and take advantage of a system that rewards losing and playing less skilled players, thats the problem, it devalues the purpose of ranked to have cumulative rewards, my suggestion was that you can stll get the reward, its just the reward will not be available until after the season concluded and the ranked season starts.
I’m confused don’t you have to ultimately make it to 900 to get the reward… are you saying if I start at 0 CR and get 30 wins I won’t have to get to 900 CR to get the reward ?
That’s correct. This year they started something new where if you get 30 wins in a particular ranked season, you get the reward.
@mjfc_363_psn said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
@guccigangchuck said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
@mjfc_363_psn said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
@guccigangchuck said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
@mjfc_363_psn said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
I tend to disagree with those that are against the tanking. If I remember correctly, in those pre release SDS streams, I can remember hearing them use the phrase “just play the game”. That’s exactly what people are doing and they’re doing it at a high rate. It simply doesn’t matter if you get you’re 30/40 wins in all star, or if you legit get to 900. You’re still putting in the time and the gameplay.
yeah but you dont see a problem with a person that clearly has ability to make WS but would rather pick on easier opponents? Thats all tanking is, its not a matter of more fun, i originally though it was, but its turned ranked at the 400-600 level a stomping ground and a game of quitting, no one plays games out anymore because of the cumulative rewards. Its bad for ranked. If anything bring back the ticket counter and throw those cards from previous seasons in it, make it so you earn tickets while playing out games fully through.
I don’t have a problem with bringing the ticket counter back. You get X amount of tickets for playing an online game. You get X amount of tickets for winning an online game. X amount for offline play. But you simply can’t punish guys for quitting. It’s like this, the real WS players are the ones that make it to 900. Everyone knows it. For me it’s a matter of HOF is simply no fun for me. Earlier this year I was up to like 840. Those games were absolutely brutal. NO FUN AT ALL!! So at that point I decided I’m just gonna stay in all star. Why? Because all star is fun for me and that’s the point of the whole game…..have fun!
Ranked is their action at competition in game, "more fun" i get, but i also get that ranked should reward the players that consitantly make strides to get better rather than quit when it gets tough, you're not quitting because its more fun, you're quitting becuase it got to hard, ive been there i know the feeling.
I respectfully disagree with you sir. In ‘17 I made WS 5 times. In fact, I remember the game where I first made it cuz quite honestly I never thought I would make it. That 97 flashback Goldy had 3 bombs. It was a 9-8 come from behind win. A 9-8 game on HOF. It was FUN! As I previously stated, when I decide to get serious, I can get over 800. Which means I have the ability. However HOF has become very low scoring high strikeout type of game and that is absolutely no fun to me. It’s not just me either. I’ve watched elite players on YouTube go through the same stuff. I watched Movie play a game a few months ago that was just strikeout after strikeout. Now one could make the argument “hey that’s baseball”…..and they would be correct. SDS succeeded in making the game realistic in that regard. But that’s just not how I wanna spend my time playing a video game. So……..SDS gave us two choices. If you wanna compete against the best, you’re gonna have to play on HOF. If you wanna have fun (like me) you can hang out at all star.
you can have fun but you shouldnt get the reward that the guys that go through the ringer to get it is all im saying. Make it non sellable or try to make 900. Respectfully. Let the true 500 level players get better rather than just stomp them, the reason i stopped tanking was that reason. Its not fun not trying to get better, losing, learning and adapting is fun.
There shouldn't be much controversy about WS players getting rewards that are unavailable to the 30/40 win crowd.
RS is a COMPETITIVE MODE, and those at the highest level -- WS -- should get a better reward. Not merely the same reward twice if -- IF -- they grind out 30/40 wins. That's not honoring their skill. RS isn't a resort swimming pool ("fun"); it's BUDS (survival of the fittest). If you're in it for fun, no problem -- but then don't complain about rewards.
Making the reward unsellable for cumulative-win players is the easiest fix. Then WS players can grind on to the win total for the card and sell the one they already have for huge profit. Those not good enough to make WS (e.g., me) would either have to grind for the wins OR pay an exorbitant price for the card that WS players are selling.
Ultimately, though, I'd advocate for WS players getting a card that ONLY unlocks at WS ranking, not cumulative wins.
Sucks for me, but otherwise why have a COMPETITIVE MODE with RANKINGS????
Average players want everything the killers get. It shouldn't work that way. SDS caved this year, but they need to recenter the pendulum.
@suntlacrimae50_psn said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
There shouldn't be much controversy about WS players getting rewards that are unavailable to the 30/40 win crowd.
RS is a COMPETITIVE MODE, and those at the highest level -- WS -- should get a better reward. Not merely the same reward twice if -- IF -- they grind out 30/40 wins. That's not honoring their skill. RS isn't a resort swimming pool ("fun"); it's BUDS (survival of the fittest). If you're in it for fun, no problem -- but then don't complain about rewards.
Making the reward unsellable for cumulative-win players is the easiest fix. Then WS players can grind on to the win total for the card and sell the one they already have for huge profit. Those not good enough to make WS (e.g., me) would either have to grind for the wins OR pay an exorbitant price for the card that WS players are selling.
Ultimately, though, I'd advocate for WS players getting a card that ONLY unlocks at WS ranking, not cumulative wins.
Sucks for me, but otherwise why have a COMPETITIVE MODE with RANKINGS????
Average players want everything the killers get. It shouldn't work that way. SDS caved this year, but they need to recenter the pendulum.
this exactly, this year they gave everything away, go back to making people actually earn it, that motivates ALL PLAYERS to get better at THE GAME, rather than just cut your losses and quit games. Losing is fun becuase it motivates one to get better, wish i would stuck to this because tanking in august reallly hurt my skill when it came down the road.
@guccigangchuck said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
@suntlacrimae50_psn said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
There shouldn't be much controversy about WS players getting rewards that are unavailable to the 30/40 win crowd.
RS is a COMPETITIVE MODE, and those at the highest level -- WS -- should get a better reward. Not merely the same reward twice if -- IF -- they grind out 30/40 wins. That's not honoring their skill. RS isn't a resort swimming pool ("fun"); it's BUDS (survival of the fittest). If you're in it for fun, no problem -- but then don't complain about rewards.
Making the reward unsellable for cumulative-win players is the easiest fix. Then WS players can grind on to the win total for the card and sell the one they already have for huge profit. Those not good enough to make WS (e.g., me) would either have to grind for the wins OR pay an exorbitant price for the card that WS players are selling.
Ultimately, though, I'd advocate for WS players getting a card that ONLY unlocks at WS ranking, not cumulative wins.
Sucks for me, but otherwise why have a COMPETITIVE MODE with RANKINGS????
Average players want everything the killers get. It shouldn't work that way. SDS caved this year, but they need to recenter the pendulum.
this exactly, this year they gave everything away, go back to making people actually earn it, that motivates ALL PLAYERS to get better at THE GAME, rather than just cut your losses and quit games. Losing is fun becuase it motivates one to get better, wish i would stuck to this because tanking in august reallly hurt my skill when it came down the road.
I have no problem with people tanking to stay in a sweet spot where they can remain competitive and don't get crushed. I do that. So if I want the reward, I'll have to grind or buy it. Perfectly fine.
Losing is NOT fun, and I don't have hours and hours to do video game batting practice to git gud.
Just make the grind reward unsellable, and give WS players something more in addition.
@mjfc_363_psn said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
@guccigangchuck said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
@mjfc_363_psn said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
@guccigangchuck said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
@mjfc_363_psn said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
I tend to disagree with those that are against the tanking. If I remember correctly, in those pre release SDS streams, I can remember hearing them use the phrase “just play the game”. That’s exactly what people are doing and they’re doing it at a high rate. It simply doesn’t matter if you get you’re 30/40 wins in all star, or if you legit get to 900. You’re still putting in the time and the gameplay.
yeah but you dont see a problem with a person that clearly has ability to make WS but would rather pick on easier opponents? Thats all tanking is, its not a matter of more fun, i originally though it was, but its turned ranked at the 400-600 level a stomping ground and a game of quitting, no one plays games out anymore because of the cumulative rewards. Its bad for ranked. If anything bring back the ticket counter and throw those cards from previous seasons in it, make it so you earn tickets while playing out games fully through.
I don’t have a problem with bringing the ticket counter back. You get X amount of tickets for playing an online game. You get X amount of tickets for winning an online game. X amount for offline play. But you simply can’t punish guys for quitting. It’s like this, the real WS players are the ones that make it to 900. Everyone knows it. For me it’s a matter of HOF is simply no fun for me. Earlier this year I was up to like 840. Those games were absolutely brutal. NO FUN AT ALL!! So at that point I decided I’m just gonna stay in all star. Why? Because all star is fun for me and that’s the point of the whole game…..have fun!
Ranked is their action at competition in game, "more fun" i get, but i also get that ranked should reward the players that consitantly make strides to get better rather than quit when it gets tough, you're not quitting because its more fun, you're quitting becuase it got to hard, ive been there i know the feeling.
I respectfully disagree with you sir. In ‘17 I made WS 5 times. In fact, I remember the game where I first made it cuz quite honestly I never thought I would make it. That 97 flashback Goldy had 3 bombs. It was a 9-8 come from behind win. A 9-8 game on HOF. It was FUN! As I previously stated, when I decide to get serious, I can get over 800. Which means I have the ability. However HOF has become very low scoring high strikeout type of game and that is absolutely no fun to me. It’s not just me either. I’ve watched elite players on YouTube go through the same stuff. I watched Movie play a game a few months ago that was just strikeout after strikeout. Now one could make the argument “hey that’s baseball”…..and they would be correct. SDS succeeded in making the game realistic in that regard. But that’s just not how I wanna spend my time playing a video game. So……..SDS gave us two choices. If you wanna compete against the best, you’re gonna have to play on HOF. If you wanna have fun (like me) you can hang out at all star.
How much of this strikeout fest issue is due to them making it so much harder to check swing (again they seem to have gone from one extreme to the other)? Then that combined with the abundance of 102 mph pitchers and the overemphasis on perfect timing to get hard contact, and what else do you expect but a bunch of 2-1 and 1-0 games.
@wk680_psn said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
@mjfc_363_psn said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
@guccigangchuck said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
@mjfc_363_psn said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
@guccigangchuck said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
@mjfc_363_psn said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
I tend to disagree with those that are against the tanking. If I remember correctly, in those pre release SDS streams, I can remember hearing them use the phrase “just play the game”. That’s exactly what people are doing and they’re doing it at a high rate. It simply doesn’t matter if you get you’re 30/40 wins in all star, or if you legit get to 900. You’re still putting in the time and the gameplay.
yeah but you dont see a problem with a person that clearly has ability to make WS but would rather pick on easier opponents? Thats all tanking is, its not a matter of more fun, i originally though it was, but its turned ranked at the 400-600 level a stomping ground and a game of quitting, no one plays games out anymore because of the cumulative rewards. Its bad for ranked. If anything bring back the ticket counter and throw those cards from previous seasons in it, make it so you earn tickets while playing out games fully through.
I don’t have a problem with bringing the ticket counter back. You get X amount of tickets for playing an online game. You get X amount of tickets for winning an online game. X amount for offline play. But you simply can’t punish guys for quitting. It’s like this, the real WS players are the ones that make it to 900. Everyone knows it. For me it’s a matter of HOF is simply no fun for me. Earlier this year I was up to like 840. Those games were absolutely brutal. NO FUN AT ALL!! So at that point I decided I’m just gonna stay in all star. Why? Because all star is fun for me and that’s the point of the whole game…..have fun!
Ranked is their action at competition in game, "more fun" i get, but i also get that ranked should reward the players that consitantly make strides to get better rather than quit when it gets tough, you're not quitting because its more fun, you're quitting becuase it got to hard, ive been there i know the feeling.
I respectfully disagree with you sir. In ‘17 I made WS 5 times. In fact, I remember the game where I first made it cuz quite honestly I never thought I would make it. That 97 flashback Goldy had 3 bombs. It was a 9-8 come from behind win. A 9-8 game on HOF. It was FUN! As I previously stated, when I decide to get serious, I can get over 800. Which means I have the ability. However HOF has become very low scoring high strikeout type of game and that is absolutely no fun to me. It’s not just me either. I’ve watched elite players on YouTube go through the same stuff. I watched Movie play a game a few months ago that was just strikeout after strikeout. Now one could make the argument “hey that’s baseball”…..and they would be correct. SDS succeeded in making the game realistic in that regard. But that’s just not how I wanna spend my time playing a video game. So……..SDS gave us two choices. If you wanna compete against the best, you’re gonna have to play on HOF. If you wanna have fun (like me) you can hang out at all star.
How much of this strikeout fest issue is due to them making it so much harder to check swing (again they seem to have gone from one extreme to the other)? Then that combined with the abundance of 102 mph pitchers and the overemphasis on perfect timing to get hard contact, and what else do you expect but a bunch of 2-1 and 1-0 games.
This is an excellent point sir! The changes to check swings as well as pinpoint pitching have a lot to do with my dislike of HOF this year.
@suntlacrimae50_psn said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
@guccigangchuck said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
@suntlacrimae50_psn said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
There shouldn't be much controversy about WS players getting rewards that are unavailable to the 30/40 win crowd.
RS is a COMPETITIVE MODE, and those at the highest level -- WS -- should get a better reward. Not merely the same reward twice if -- IF -- they grind out 30/40 wins. That's not honoring their skill. RS isn't a resort swimming pool ("fun"); it's BUDS (survival of the fittest). If you're in it for fun, no problem -- but then don't complain about rewards.
Making the reward unsellable for cumulative-win players is the easiest fix. Then WS players can grind on to the win total for the card and sell the one they already have for huge profit. Those not good enough to make WS (e.g., me) would either have to grind for the wins OR pay an exorbitant price for the card that WS players are selling.
Ultimately, though, I'd advocate for WS players getting a card that ONLY unlocks at WS ranking, not cumulative wins.
Sucks for me, but otherwise why have a COMPETITIVE MODE with RANKINGS????
Average players want everything the killers get. It shouldn't work that way. SDS caved this year, but they need to recenter the pendulum.
this exactly, this year they gave everything away, go back to making people actually earn it, that motivates ALL PLAYERS to get better at THE GAME, rather than just cut your losses and quit games. Losing is fun becuase it motivates one to get better, wish i would stuck to this because tanking in august reallly hurt my skill when it came down the road.
I have no problem with people tanking to stay in a sweet spot where they can remain competitive and don't get crushed. I do that. So if I want the reward, I'll have to grind or buy it. Perfectly fine.
Losing is NOT fun, and I don't have hours and hours to do video game batting practice to git gud.
Just make the grind reward unsellable, and give WS players something more in addition.
I don’t mind losing a good game that’s fun. You make an excellent point as I also don’t have hours available to practice and “git gud”. I’m a union boilermaker with a career and responsibilities……as we all have.
@guccigangchuck said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
@mjfc_363_psn said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
I tend to disagree with those that are against the tanking. If I remember correctly, in those pre release SDS streams, I can remember hearing them use the phrase “just play the game”. That’s exactly what people are doing and they’re doing it at a high rate. It simply doesn’t matter if you get you’re 30/40 wins in all star, or if you legit get to 900. You’re still putting in the time and the gameplay.
yeah but you dont see a problem with a person that clearly has ability to make WS but would rather pick on easier opponents? Thats all tanking is, its not a matter of more fun, i originally though it was, but its turned ranked at the 400-600 level a stomping ground and a game of quitting, no one plays games out anymore because of the cumulative rewards. Its bad for ranked. If anything bring back the ticket counter and throw those cards from previous seasons in it, make it so you earn tickets while playing out games fully through.
This is the best idea. wether you’re good or bad at this game you are beat out by people cheating the system. Tanking, boosting to bosses, RTTS glitches. The people who really got screwed this year is every legit player who can take an L, good or bad.
@charterbus_psn said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
@guccigangchuck said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
@mjfc_363_psn said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
I tend to disagree with those that are against the tanking. If I remember correctly, in those pre release SDS streams, I can remember hearing them use the phrase “just play the game”. That’s exactly what people are doing and they’re doing it at a high rate. It simply doesn’t matter if you get you’re 30/40 wins in all star, or if you legit get to 900. You’re still putting in the time and the gameplay.
yeah but you dont see a problem with a person that clearly has ability to make WS but would rather pick on easier opponents? Thats all tanking is, its not a matter of more fun, i originally though it was, but its turned ranked at the 400-600 level a stomping ground and a game of quitting, no one plays games out anymore because of the cumulative rewards. Its bad for ranked. If anything bring back the ticket counter and throw those cards from previous seasons in it, make it so you earn tickets while playing out games fully through.
This is the best idea. wether you’re good or bad at this game you are beat out by people cheating the system. Tanking, boosting to bosses, RTTS glitches. The people who really got screwed this year is every legit player who can take an L, good or bad.
Great post.
They need to divisionalise the ranked seasons.
By that. I mean you CHOOSE your difficulty before the game. You may participate in anything from Veteran to Legend. So all 4 difficulties if you want during the same season.
The ranking system remains the same 0-900+. If you make 900 or get 30 wins you get the WS reward.
However. The reward is based upon which division you achieve it in. So in The first season for example
If you make WS in Veteran you get a 90 overall pick
AS you get a 93 pick
HoF you get a 95 pick
Legend should get you a 99.I like this idea.
I tank. I have no desire to improve. I don’t like HoF or higher. AS is where I like to play.
It’s a video game. And the above idea caters for all IMO
@lewisnadasurf1_psn said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
They need to divisionalise the ranked seasons.
By that. I mean you CHOOSE your difficulty before the game. You may participate in anything from Veteran to Legend. So all 4 difficulties if you want during the same season.
The ranking system remains the same 0-900+. If you make 900 or get 30 wins you get the WS reward.
However. The reward is based upon which division you achieve it in. So in The first season for example
If you make WS in Veteran you get a 90 overall pick
AS you get a 93 pick
HoF you get a 95 pick
Legend should get you a 99.I like this idea.
I tank. I have no desire to improve. I don’t like HoF or higher. AS is where I like to play.
It’s a video game. And the above idea caters for all IMO
If you think having an exclusive card for a legend RS caters to all, then I think you missed the whole point of the 30 win program to begin with. Either make the 30 wins non sellable or implement a penalty for quitting. Exclusive cards is what got us into this in the first place
@the_dragon1912 said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
@lewisnadasurf1_psn said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
They need to divisionalise the ranked seasons.
By that. I mean you CHOOSE your difficulty before the game. You may participate in anything from Veteran to Legend. So all 4 difficulties if you want during the same season.
The ranking system remains the same 0-900+. If you make 900 or get 30 wins you get the WS reward.
However. The reward is based upon which division you achieve it in. So in The first season for example
If you make WS in Veteran you get a 90 overall pick
AS you get a 93 pick
HoF you get a 95 pick
Legend should get you a 99.I like this idea.
I tank. I have no desire to improve. I don’t like HoF or higher. AS is where I like to play.
It’s a video game. And the above idea caters for all IMO
If you think having an exclusive card for a legend RS caters to all, then I think you missed the whole point of the 30 win program to begin with. Either make the 30 wins non sellable or implement a penalty for quitting. Exclusive cards is what got us into this in the first place
No, it’s guys obsessively complaining that they either aren’t good enough to earn a card or didn’t get a stubs order in quick enough to get a card that got us to where we are.
I do agree with both your suggestions on penalties for quits or non sellable rewards.
@oreorockstar_psn said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
@the_dragon1912 said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
@lewisnadasurf1_psn said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
They need to divisionalise the ranked seasons.
By that. I mean you CHOOSE your difficulty before the game. You may participate in anything from Veteran to Legend. So all 4 difficulties if you want during the same season.
The ranking system remains the same 0-900+. If you make 900 or get 30 wins you get the WS reward.
However. The reward is based upon which division you achieve it in. So in The first season for example
If you make WS in Veteran you get a 90 overall pick
AS you get a 93 pick
HoF you get a 95 pick
Legend should get you a 99.I like this idea.
I tank. I have no desire to improve. I don’t like HoF or higher. AS is where I like to play.
It’s a video game. And the above idea caters for all IMO
If you think having an exclusive card for a legend RS caters to all, then I think you missed the whole point of the 30 win program to begin with. Either make the 30 wins non sellable or implement a penalty for quitting. Exclusive cards is what got us into this in the first place
No, it’s guys guys complaining that they either aren’t good enough to earn a card or didn’t get a stubs order in quick enough to get a card that got us to where we are.
I do agree with both your suggestions on penalties for quits or non sellable rewards.
Im not against a penalty for quitting within the first 3 innings. Maybe a 30 minute cool-down between RS games.
@the_dragon1912 said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
@lewisnadasurf1_psn said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
They need to divisionalise the ranked seasons.
By that. I mean you CHOOSE your difficulty before the game. You may participate in anything from Veteran to Legend. So all 4 difficulties if you want during the same season.
The ranking system remains the same 0-900+. If you make 900 or get 30 wins you get the WS reward.
However. The reward is based upon which division you achieve it in. So in The first season for example
If you make WS in Veteran you get a 90 overall pick
AS you get a 93 pick
HoF you get a 95 pick
Legend should get you a 99.I like this idea.
I tank. I have no desire to improve. I don’t like HoF or higher. AS is where I like to play.
It’s a video game. And the above idea caters for all IMO
If you think having an exclusive card for a legend RS caters to all, then I think you missed the whole point of the 30 win program to begin with. Either make the 30 wins non sellable or implement a penalty for quitting. Exclusive cards is what got us into this in the first place
This is my first Show since 18 tbh, ive enjoyed it. but i just want to play in AS - what is it, top 2-3% play in legend? maybe 15-20% in HOF?
The rest of us just down here being casual. not sweaty.
@oreorockstar_psn said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
@the_dragon1912 said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
@lewisnadasurf1_psn said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
They need to divisionalise the ranked seasons.
By that. I mean you CHOOSE your difficulty before the game. You may participate in anything from Veteran to Legend. So all 4 difficulties if you want during the same season.
The ranking system remains the same 0-900+. If you make 900 or get 30 wins you get the WS reward.
However. The reward is based upon which division you achieve it in. So in The first season for example
If you make WS in Veteran you get a 90 overall pick
AS you get a 93 pick
HoF you get a 95 pick
Legend should get you a 99.I like this idea.
I tank. I have no desire to improve. I don’t like HoF or higher. AS is where I like to play.
It’s a video game. And the above idea caters for all IMO
If you think having an exclusive card for a legend RS caters to all, then I think you missed the whole point of the 30 win program to begin with. Either make the 30 wins non sellable or implement a penalty for quitting. Exclusive cards is what got us into this in the first place
No, it’s guys obsessively complaining that they either aren’t good enough to earn a card or didn’t get a stubs order in quick enough to get a card that got us to where we are.
I do agree with both your suggestions on penalties for quits or non sellable rewards.
It was never about people complaining they weren't good enough to get a card. It was the million stubs waitlists, which should not exist. You shouldn't have to wait 3 weeks to a month for an order to go through on a card. That is ridiculous no matter the skill level of who wants the card.
@the_dragon1912 said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
@oreorockstar_psn said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
@the_dragon1912 said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
@lewisnadasurf1_psn said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
They need to divisionalise the ranked seasons.
By that. I mean you CHOOSE your difficulty before the game. You may participate in anything from Veteran to Legend. So all 4 difficulties if you want during the same season.
The ranking system remains the same 0-900+. If you make 900 or get 30 wins you get the WS reward.
However. The reward is based upon which division you achieve it in. So in The first season for example
If you make WS in Veteran you get a 90 overall pick
AS you get a 93 pick
HoF you get a 95 pick
Legend should get you a 99.I like this idea.
I tank. I have no desire to improve. I don’t like HoF or higher. AS is where I like to play.
It’s a video game. And the above idea caters for all IMO
If you think having an exclusive card for a legend RS caters to all, then I think you missed the whole point of the 30 win program to begin with. Either make the 30 wins non sellable or implement a penalty for quitting. Exclusive cards is what got us into this in the first place
No, it’s guys obsessively complaining that they either aren’t good enough to earn a card or didn’t get a stubs order in quick enough to get a card that got us to where we are.
I do agree with both your suggestions on penalties for quits or non sellable rewards.
It was never about people complaining they weren't good enough to get a card. It was the million stubs waitlists, which should not exist. You shouldn't have to wait 3 weeks to a month for an order to go through on a card. That is ridiculous no matter the skill level of who wants the card.
Disagree. It was supposed to be a limited card , not a bag of Doritos on every C store and grocery shelf n the world. So just because you have the stubs doesn’t mean there are enough of them to meet the demand.
@oreorockstar_psn said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
@the_dragon1912 said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
@oreorockstar_psn said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
@the_dragon1912 said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
@lewisnadasurf1_psn said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
They need to divisionalise the ranked seasons.
By that. I mean you CHOOSE your difficulty before the game. You may participate in anything from Veteran to Legend. So all 4 difficulties if you want during the same season.
The ranking system remains the same 0-900+. If you make 900 or get 30 wins you get the WS reward.
However. The reward is based upon which division you achieve it in. So in The first season for example
If you make WS in Veteran you get a 90 overall pick
AS you get a 93 pick
HoF you get a 95 pick
Legend should get you a 99.I like this idea.
I tank. I have no desire to improve. I don’t like HoF or higher. AS is where I like to play.
It’s a video game. And the above idea caters for all IMO
If you think having an exclusive card for a legend RS caters to all, then I think you missed the whole point of the 30 win program to begin with. Either make the 30 wins non sellable or implement a penalty for quitting. Exclusive cards is what got us into this in the first place
No, it’s guys obsessively complaining that they either aren’t good enough to earn a card or didn’t get a stubs order in quick enough to get a card that got us to where we are.
I do agree with both your suggestions on penalties for quits or non sellable rewards.
It was never about people complaining they weren't good enough to get a card. It was the million stubs waitlists, which should not exist. You shouldn't have to wait 3 weeks to a month for an order to go through on a card. That is ridiculous no matter the skill level of who wants the card.
Disagree. It was supposed to be a limited card , not a bag of Doritos on every C store and grocery shelf n the world. So just because you have the stubs doesn’t mean there are enough of them to meet the demand.
In 19 the world series and BR rewards never topped 600k and there was never any talk of the cards "not being exclusive enough"
If I have the stubs, I should be able to purchase a card, period.
I'm not some scrub that can't make world series either. I just don't enjoy ranked at all.
No one seems to have a problem with the BR program despite it being 40 times easier to complete than the RS wins. If people didn't tank I'm not sure this thread even exists. Thats all that needs to happen is the tanking stopped. There is ways do do that without getting these cards back to million stub month long waitlists
@the_dragon1912 said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
@oreorockstar_psn said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
@the_dragon1912 said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
@oreorockstar_psn said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
@the_dragon1912 said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
@lewisnadasurf1_psn said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
They need to divisionalise the ranked seasons.
By that. I mean you CHOOSE your difficulty before the game. You may participate in anything from Veteran to Legend. So all 4 difficulties if you want during the same season.
The ranking system remains the same 0-900+. If you make 900 or get 30 wins you get the WS reward.
However. The reward is based upon which division you achieve it in. So in The first season for example
If you make WS in Veteran you get a 90 overall pick
AS you get a 93 pick
HoF you get a 95 pick
Legend should get you a 99.I like this idea.
I tank. I have no desire to improve. I don’t like HoF or higher. AS is where I like to play.
It’s a video game. And the above idea caters for all IMO
If you think having an exclusive card for a legend RS caters to all, then I think you missed the whole point of the 30 win program to begin with. Either make the 30 wins non sellable or implement a penalty for quitting. Exclusive cards is what got us into this in the first place
No, it’s guys obsessively complaining that they either aren’t good enough to earn a card or didn’t get a stubs order in quick enough to get a card that got us to where we are.
I do agree with both your suggestions on penalties for quits or non sellable rewards.
It was never about people complaining they weren't good enough to get a card. It was the million stubs waitlists, which should not exist. You shouldn't have to wait 3 weeks to a month for an order to go through on a card. That is ridiculous no matter the skill level of who wants the card.
Disagree. It was supposed to be a limited card , not a bag of Doritos on every C store and grocery shelf n the world. So just because you have the stubs doesn’t mean there are enough of them to meet the demand.
In 19 the world series and BR rewards never topped 600k and there was never any talk of the cards "not being exclusive enough"
If I have the stubs, I should be able to purchase a card, period.
I'm not some scrub that can't make world series either. I just don't enjoy ranked at all.
No one seems to have a problem with the BR program despite it being 40 times easier to complete than the RS wins. If people didn't tank I'm not sure this thread even exists. Thats all that needs to happen is the tanking stopped. There is ways do do that without getting these cards back to million stub month long waitlists
I have a huge problem with BR as now you have people messaging their opponent to boost to complete the program even quicker with less effort.
We aren’t going to agree here, but I respect
Your opinion and you have always been one of the better forum members which I appreciate.Cheers
@the_dragon1912 said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
@lewisnadasurf1_psn said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
They need to divisionalise the ranked seasons.
By that. I mean you CHOOSE your difficulty before the game. You may participate in anything from Veteran to Legend. So all 4 difficulties if you want during the same season.
The ranking system remains the same 0-900+. If you make 900 or get 30 wins you get the WS reward.
However. The reward is based upon which division you achieve it in. So in The first season for example
If you make WS in Veteran you get a 90 overall pick
AS you get a 93 pick
HoF you get a 95 pick
Legend should get you a 99.I like this idea.
I tank. I have no desire to improve. I don’t like HoF or higher. AS is where I like to play.
It’s a video game. And the above idea caters for all IMO
If you think having an exclusive card for a legend RS caters to all, then I think you missed the whole point of the 30 win program to begin with. Either make the 30 wins non sellable or implement a penalty for quitting. Exclusive cards is what got us into this in the first place
This exactly, prior to 19 i never made WS, never completed collections, i grinded and got better to make WS finally in 19 sold my chipper and felt awesome, thats what made ranked fun. People now just use the "its more fun" thats the weakest mindset i've ever heard in a video game, if you wanna have fun then have fun but you shouldnt be able to sell the WS card that the people at constantly push towards in trying to get better. The 400s-500 are meant for the players that need to be there. Tanking is no different than smurffing.