Unpopular Opinion for 22
Making them unsellable would make them too expensive for people who physically cannot play RS. I’m not really sure what it is that make people who are better at the game not wanting others to get certain cards. As someone put it in a post a while ago: If you are better, you will win if people who cannot make WS or go 12-0 have the same cards as you. It’s a video game, just enjoy it, why worry what everyone else gets?
@gradekthebard said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
Not going to happen. The entire point of the win/point rewards was to eliminate wait lists and reduce prices, making those unsellable brings those right back. The ONLY way this would even remotely work would be if there was only 1 reward card per season.
You mean like how I'm still waiting 15 days after putting my Buy Order in for Finest Turner?
When I putt it in I was around the 1321st person. Now it's up to 1400+.
I doubt I'll get him before 22 drops.
. -
@ibonafidescrub_ said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
@suntlacrimae50_psn said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
As a tanker/cumulative wins guy, non-sellable is fine. I agree that something should be done to reward the real online killers. They were dissed this year hard.
I have to diaagree about rewarding online killers. They earned the rewards twice, meaning they could sell the WS pack reward for a high amount of stubs and keep the 30 wins pack. I don’t see how they were dissed
Who says that WS guys continue playing to 30 wins? (And it was FORTY earlier in the cycle.) That's not true for a lot of them, I'd guess. Also, "getting something twice" isn't really a reward.
I like a previous poster's idea about 900-level-only cards so those reaching that peak get an actual reward, not a chance to get the same thing twice.
SDS needs to find a balance between allowing mediocre players (like me) get online stuff and honoring competitive beasts.
Finally, flipping exists. If you can't make 900 and there are cards there that you want but can't earn, use the market. I won't, but you can. But the hoi polloi (myself included) can't have everything...
@suntlacrimae50_psn said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
@ibonafidescrub_ said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
@suntlacrimae50_psn said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
As a tanker/cumulative wins guy, non-sellable is fine. I agree that something should be done to reward the real online killers. They were dissed this year hard.
I have to diaagree about rewarding online killers. They earned the rewards twice, meaning they could sell the WS pack reward for a high amount of stubs and keep the 30 wins pack. I don’t see how they were dissed
Who says that WS guys continue playing to 30 wins? (And it was FORTY earlier in the cycle.) That's not true for a lot of them, I'd guess. Also, "getting something twice" isn't really a reward.
I like a previous poster's idea about 900-level-only cards so those reaching that peak get an actual reward, not a chance to get the same thing twice.
SDS needs to find a balance between allowing mediocre players (like me) get online stuff and honoring competitive beasts.
Finally, flipping exists. If you can't make 900 and there are cards there that you want but can't earn, use the market. I won't, but you can. But the hoi polloi (myself included) can't have everything...
I mean lets not act like even with the cumulative wins/BR programs it tanked the stub value of any of those cards. I feel like 20's million stub waitlists for 30+ cards completely threw everyone off the trail for what the market is supposed to look like. For much of the year the WS and BR rewards were almost perfectly in line with 19's rewards of the same type.
My guess is that they keep the cumulative wins and if they have the tools and motivation then there will be a punishment for tanking. People who tank down to lower levels to get 30 wins quicker are exploiting the system and negatively affecting the gameplay of every person they play after tanking.
As for the devaluing of cards, it may actually be in SDS's favor that the cards values are more reasonable. If a person needs just 50K more stubs to be able to get a player on the market then the possibility that they simply buy stubs is greater than if they needed 500K.
The "Participation Trophies" as people like to call them keeps the majority of players engaged in the game longer. It keeps more people playing ranked seasons. If people know that that they can't reach World Series then they may not even attempt ranked seasons, or will quit each season early when they feel they have reached their cap.
And lastly let's not pretend that 30 wins is necessarily easy or quick for those players who play ranked seasons as intended and do not tank to face easy opponents. If you only average 3 wins out of every 5 games then that is 50 ranked season games needed to get 30 cumulative wins. For many, that many games in a single ranked season is just not possible due to time constraints, especially if they also want to do the offline content (Moments, Conquest, etc)
@dolenz_psn said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
My guess is that they keep the cumulative wins and if they have the tools and motivation then there will be a punishment for tanking. People who tank down to lower levels to get 30 wins quicker are exploiting the system and negatively affecting the gameplay of every person they play after tanking.
As for the devaluing of cards, it may actually be in SDS's favor that the cards values are more reasonable. If a person needs just 50K more stubs to be able to get a player on the market then the possibility that they simply buy stubs is greater than if they needed 500K.
The "Participation Trophies" as people like to call them keeps the majority of players engaged in the game longer. It keeps more people playing ranked seasons. If people know that that they can't reach World Series then they may not even attempt ranked seasons, or will quit each season early when they feel they have reached their cap.
And lastly let's not pretend that 30 wins is necessarily easy or quick for those players who play ranked seasons as intended and do not tank to face easy opponents. If you only average 3 wins out of every 5 games then that is 50 ranked season games needed to get 30 cumulative wins. For many, that many games in a single ranked season is just not possible due to time constraints, especially if they also want to do the offline content (Moments, Conquest, etc)
Agreed, I only did the 40 wins the first RS and I went 40 and 36, to get that, it was not worth the grind and I just flipped cards and bought what I wanted off the Market.
@dolenz_psn said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
My guess is that they keep the cumulative wins and if they have the tools and motivation then there will be a punishment for tanking. People who tank down to lower levels to get 30 wins quicker are exploiting the system and negatively affecting the gameplay of every person they play after tanking.
As for the devaluing of cards, it may actually be in SDS's favor that the cards values are more reasonable. If a person needs just 50K more stubs to be able to get a player on the market then the possibility that they simply buy stubs is greater than if they needed 500K.
The "Participation Trophies" as people like to call them keeps the majority of players engaged in the game longer. It keeps more people playing ranked seasons. If people know that that they can't reach World Series then they may not even attempt ranked seasons, or will quit each season early when they feel they have reached their cap.
And lastly let's not pretend that 30 wins is necessarily easy or quick for those players who play ranked seasons as intended and do not tank to face easy opponents. If you only average 3 wins out of every 5 games then that is 50 ranked season games needed to get 30 cumulative wins. For many, that many games in a single ranked season is just not possible due to time constraints, especially if they also want to do the offline content (Moments, Conquest, etc)
30 wins isnt easy for the player that struggles, 30 wins for the player that isnt bad and can mash on AS and take advantage of a system that rewards losing and playing less skilled players, thats the problem, it devalues the purpose of ranked to have cumulative rewards, my suggestion was that you can stll get the reward, its just the reward will not be available until after the season concluded and the ranked season starts.
@suntlacrimae50_psn said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
@ibonafidescrub_ said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
@suntlacrimae50_psn said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
As a tanker/cumulative wins guy, non-sellable is fine. I agree that something should be done to reward the real online killers. They were dissed this year hard.
I have to diaagree about rewarding online killers. They earned the rewards twice, meaning they could sell the WS pack reward for a high amount of stubs and keep the 30 wins pack. I don’t see how they were dissed
Who says that WS guys continue playing to 30 wins? (And it was FORTY earlier in the cycle.) That's not true for a lot of them, I'd guess. Also, "getting something twice" isn't really a reward.
I like a previous poster's idea about 900-level-only cards so those reaching that peak get an actual reward, not a chance to get the same thing twice.
SDS needs to find a balance between allowing mediocre players (like me) get online stuff and honoring competitive beasts.
Finally, flipping exists. If you can't make 900 and there are cards there that you want but can't earn, use the market. I won't, but you can. But the hoi polloi (myself included) can't have everything...
Much respect for this viewpoint., Definitely not the norm for someone who admits they are not a top notch player
@oreorockstar_psn said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
@suntlacrimae50_psn said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
@ibonafidescrub_ said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
@suntlacrimae50_psn said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
As a tanker/cumulative wins guy, non-sellable is fine. I agree that something should be done to reward the real online killers. They were dissed this year hard.
I have to diaagree about rewarding online killers. They earned the rewards twice, meaning they could sell the WS pack reward for a high amount of stubs and keep the 30 wins pack. I don’t see how they were dissed
Who says that WS guys continue playing to 30 wins? (And it was FORTY earlier in the cycle.) That's not true for a lot of them, I'd guess. Also, "getting something twice" isn't really a reward.
I like a previous poster's idea about 900-level-only cards so those reaching that peak get an actual reward, not a chance to get the same thing twice.
SDS needs to find a balance between allowing mediocre players (like me) get online stuff and honoring competitive beasts.
Finally, flipping exists. If you can't make 900 and there are cards there that you want but can't earn, use the market. I won't, but you can. But the hoi polloi (myself included) can't have everything...
Much respect for this viewpoint., Definitely not the norm for someone who admits they are not a top notch player
Don't generalize us rabble like that.
Lots of middling players like me have expressed something like this. The pendulum has swung to both extremes; now it needs to find the middle.
I tend to disagree with those that are against the tanking. If I remember correctly, in those pre release SDS streams, I can remember hearing them use the phrase “just play the game”. That’s exactly what people are doing and they’re doing it at a high rate. It simply doesn’t matter if you get you’re 30/40 wins in all star, or if you legit get to 900. You’re still putting in the time and the gameplay.
@mjfc_363_psn said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
I tend to disagree with those that are against the tanking. If I remember correctly, in those pre release SDS streams, I can remember hearing them use the phrase “just play the game”. That’s exactly what people are doing and they’re doing it at a high rate. It simply doesn’t matter if you get you’re 30/40 wins in all star, or if you legit get to 900. You’re still putting in the time and the gameplay.
yeah but you dont see a problem with a person that clearly has ability to make WS but would rather pick on easier opponents? Thats all tanking is, its not a matter of more fun, i originally though it was, but its turned ranked at the 400-600 level a stomping ground and a game of quitting, no one plays games out anymore because of the cumulative rewards. Its bad for ranked. If anything bring back the ticket counter and throw those cards from previous seasons in it, make it so you earn tickets while playing out games fully through.
@tmichae10_psn said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
@guccigangchuck said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
Unpopular opinion, cumulative win rewards and making everything so obtainable this year kind of devalues the point of grinding ranked to get better. If you get 30 wins, you should get the reward after the season is over and make it non sellable, compared to if you make WS by hitting 900 you get the pack instantly and have the option to sell. Lets get rid of the tanking, i will even admit i've tanked at times this year.
I’ll counter point you here:
The value of “grinding ranked to get better” is solely dependent on the person. If said person wants to get better at ranked, they would play a lot and set goals other than “get 30 wins”. Obviously there is the camp of “get 30 wins, get the reward” but I’m not sure that’s necessarily a bad thing. I play more BR and events than ranked, so having the alternate path in BR has made than significantly more enjoyable.
comparing last year to this, I’m not sure I saw major variances in value of rewards themselves. BR and Ranked were still the most expensive.
this isnt my point playing BR is totally fine because there is a consequence to losing, in ranked if you lose there is no consequence at all besides losing points, and losing points on purpose is a trend many players have done this year to get easy wins.
@guccigangchuck said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
@mjfc_363_psn said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
I tend to disagree with those that are against the tanking. If I remember correctly, in those pre release SDS streams, I can remember hearing them use the phrase “just play the game”. That’s exactly what people are doing and they’re doing it at a high rate. It simply doesn’t matter if you get you’re 30/40 wins in all star, or if you legit get to 900. You’re still putting in the time and the gameplay.
yeah but you dont see a problem with a person that clearly has ability to make WS but would rather pick on easier opponents? Thats all tanking is, its not a matter of more fun, i originally though it was, but its turned ranked at the 400-600 level a stomping ground and a game of quitting, no one plays games out anymore because of the cumulative rewards. Its bad for ranked. If anything bring back the ticket counter and throw those cards from previous seasons in it, make it so you earn tickets while playing out games fully through.
I don’t have a problem with bringing the ticket counter back. You get X amount of tickets for playing an online game. You get X amount of tickets for winning an online game. X amount for offline play. But you simply can’t punish guys for quitting. It’s like this, the real WS players are the ones that make it to 900. Everyone knows it. For me it’s a matter of HOF is simply no fun for me. Earlier this year I was up to like 840. Those games were absolutely brutal. NO FUN AT ALL!! So at that point I decided I’m just gonna stay in all star. Why? Because all star is fun for me and that’s the point of the whole game…..have fun!
@brainfreeze442 said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
Making them unsellable would make them too expensive for people who physically cannot play RS. I’m not really sure what it is that make people who are better at the game not wanting others to get certain cards. As someone put it in a post a while ago: If you are better, you will win if people who cannot make WS or go 12-0 have the same cards as you. It’s a video game, just enjoy it, why worry what everyone else gets?
They are ranked rewards. Ranked Rewards, rewards should be earned, they shouldnt do handouts, and if anything they should also add an offline season with a version of that same player but make that player an offline only card.
@mjfc_363_psn said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
@guccigangchuck said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
@mjfc_363_psn said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
I tend to disagree with those that are against the tanking. If I remember correctly, in those pre release SDS streams, I can remember hearing them use the phrase “just play the game”. That’s exactly what people are doing and they’re doing it at a high rate. It simply doesn’t matter if you get you’re 30/40 wins in all star, or if you legit get to 900. You’re still putting in the time and the gameplay.
yeah but you dont see a problem with a person that clearly has ability to make WS but would rather pick on easier opponents? Thats all tanking is, its not a matter of more fun, i originally though it was, but its turned ranked at the 400-600 level a stomping ground and a game of quitting, no one plays games out anymore because of the cumulative rewards. Its bad for ranked. If anything bring back the ticket counter and throw those cards from previous seasons in it, make it so you earn tickets while playing out games fully through.
I don’t have a problem with bringing the ticket counter back. You get X amount of tickets for playing an online game. You get X amount of tickets for winning an online game. X amount for offline play. But you simply can’t punish guys for quitting. It’s like this, the real WS players are the ones that make it to 900. Everyone knows it. For me it’s a matter of HOF is simply no fun for me. Earlier this year I was up to like 840. Those games were absolutely brutal. NO FUN AT ALL!! So at that point I decided I’m just gonna stay in all star. Why? Because all star is fun for me and that’s the point of the whole game…..have fun!
Ranked is their action at competition in game, "more fun" i get, but i also get that ranked should reward the players that consitantly make strides to get better rather than quit when it gets tough, you're not quitting because its more fun, you're quitting becuase it got to hard, ive been there i know the feeling.
@mjfc_363_psn said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
@guccigangchuck said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
@mjfc_363_psn said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
I tend to disagree with those that are against the tanking. If I remember correctly, in those pre release SDS streams, I can remember hearing them use the phrase “just play the game”. That’s exactly what people are doing and they’re doing it at a high rate. It simply doesn’t matter if you get you’re 30/40 wins in all star, or if you legit get to 900. You’re still putting in the time and the gameplay.
yeah but you dont see a problem with a person that clearly has ability to make WS but would rather pick on easier opponents? Thats all tanking is, its not a matter of more fun, i originally though it was, but its turned ranked at the 400-600 level a stomping ground and a game of quitting, no one plays games out anymore because of the cumulative rewards. Its bad for ranked. If anything bring back the ticket counter and throw those cards from previous seasons in it, make it so you earn tickets while playing out games fully through.
I don’t have a problem with bringing the ticket counter back. You get X amount of tickets for playing an online game. You get X amount of tickets for winning an online game. X amount for offline play. But you simply can’t punish guys for quitting. It’s like this, the real WS players are the ones that make it to 900. Everyone knows it. For me it’s a matter of HOF is simply no fun for me. Earlier this year I was up to like 840. Those games were absolutely brutal. NO FUN AT ALL!! So at that point I decided I’m just gonna stay in all star. Why? Because all star is fun for me and that’s the point of the whole game…..have fun!
and im not saying you cant earn the reward if you quit, you can still get the choice of the reward, you just cant sell it. Thats all.
@guccigangchuck said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
@mjfc_363_psn said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
I tend to disagree with those that are against the tanking. If I remember correctly, in those pre release SDS streams, I can remember hearing them use the phrase “just play the game”. That’s exactly what people are doing and they’re doing it at a high rate. It simply doesn’t matter if you get you’re 30/40 wins in all star, or if you legit get to 900. You’re still putting in the time and the gameplay.
yeah but you dont see a problem with a person that clearly has ability to make WS but would rather pick on easier opponents? Thats all tanking is, its not a matter of more fun, i originally though it was, but its turned ranked at the 400-600 level a stomping ground and a game of quitting, no one plays games out anymore because of the cumulative rewards. Its bad for ranked. If anything bring back the ticket counter and throw those cards from previous seasons in it, make it so you earn tickets while playing out games fully through.
This exactly....Why should a guy who is a true mid 400-500 level player have to get destroyed while trying to compete where he should be due to someone wanting to sandbag, boost their stats, and cherry pick easy wins?
Everybody underestimates how tough it is to make World Series. @Ikasnu , earlier itt, estimated 5% of the players make WS. Wrong-O, my friend. This can be calculated exactly, as follows:
Per the RS standings, there are the following number of pages of players in each RS category. There are 15 players per page.
Spring Training: 683 pages x 15 = 10,245 players
Regular Season: 3,928 pages x 15 = 58,920 players
All-Star: 3,104 pages x 15 = 46,560 players
Pennant Race: 1,385 pages x 15 = 20,775 players
Wild Card: 940 pages x 15 = 13,650 players
Division Series: 429 pages x 15 = 6,435 players
Championship Series: 145 pages x 15 = 2,175
World Series: 559 players (that one's easy to scroll to the end on)The total number of players that have played RS this season is 159,330, and 559 have made WS, for 0.35% of the playerbase. That's right: zero-point-three-five percent.
For CS and above, that's 2,734 players out of 159,330, or 1.7% of the playerbase.
If you exclude Spring Training and just count regular season and above, the numbers barely move.
The point can be made that the season isn't over and many more will make it by then, so double the WS numbers from where they are now, and 0.7% of the playerbase makes it. It's elite territory, and so is CS for that matter, and DS is higher than most can make.
@guccigangchuck said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
@dolenz_psn said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
My guess is that they keep the cumulative wins and if they have the tools and motivation then there will be a punishment for tanking. People who tank down to lower levels to get 30 wins quicker are exploiting the system and negatively affecting the gameplay of every person they play after tanking.
As for the devaluing of cards, it may actually be in SDS's favor that the cards values are more reasonable. If a person needs just 50K more stubs to be able to get a player on the market then the possibility that they simply buy stubs is greater than if they needed 500K.
The "Participation Trophies" as people like to call them keeps the majority of players engaged in the game longer. It keeps more people playing ranked seasons. If people know that that they can't reach World Series then they may not even attempt ranked seasons, or will quit each season early when they feel they have reached their cap.
And lastly let's not pretend that 30 wins is necessarily easy or quick for those players who play ranked seasons as intended and do not tank to face easy opponents. If you only average 3 wins out of every 5 games then that is 50 ranked season games needed to get 30 cumulative wins. For many, that many games in a single ranked season is just not possible due to time constraints, especially if they also want to do the offline content (Moments, Conquest, etc)
30 wins isnt easy for the player that struggles, 30 wins for the player that isnt bad and can mash on AS and take advantage of a system that rewards losing and playing less skilled players, thats the problem, it devalues the purpose of ranked to have cumulative rewards, my suggestion was that you can stll get the reward, its just the reward will not be available until after the season concluded and the ranked season starts.
I’m confused don’t you have to ultimately make it to 900 to get the reward… are you saying if I start at 0 CR and get 30 wins I won’t have to get to 900 CR to get the reward ?
@guccigangchuck said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
@mjfc_363_psn said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
@guccigangchuck said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
@mjfc_363_psn said in Unpopular Opinion for 22:
I tend to disagree with those that are against the tanking. If I remember correctly, in those pre release SDS streams, I can remember hearing them use the phrase “just play the game”. That’s exactly what people are doing and they’re doing it at a high rate. It simply doesn’t matter if you get you’re 30/40 wins in all star, or if you legit get to 900. You’re still putting in the time and the gameplay.
yeah but you dont see a problem with a person that clearly has ability to make WS but would rather pick on easier opponents? Thats all tanking is, its not a matter of more fun, i originally though it was, but its turned ranked at the 400-600 level a stomping ground and a game of quitting, no one plays games out anymore because of the cumulative rewards. Its bad for ranked. If anything bring back the ticket counter and throw those cards from previous seasons in it, make it so you earn tickets while playing out games fully through.
I don’t have a problem with bringing the ticket counter back. You get X amount of tickets for playing an online game. You get X amount of tickets for winning an online game. X amount for offline play. But you simply can’t punish guys for quitting. It’s like this, the real WS players are the ones that make it to 900. Everyone knows it. For me it’s a matter of HOF is simply no fun for me. Earlier this year I was up to like 840. Those games were absolutely brutal. NO FUN AT ALL!! So at that point I decided I’m just gonna stay in all star. Why? Because all star is fun for me and that’s the point of the whole game…..have fun!
Ranked is their action at competition in game, "more fun" i get, but i also get that ranked should reward the players that consitantly make strides to get better rather than quit when it gets tough, you're not quitting because its more fun, you're quitting becuase it got to hard, ive been there i know the feeling.
I respectfully disagree with you sir. In ‘17 I made WS 5 times. In fact, I remember the game where I first made it cuz quite honestly I never thought I would make it. That 97 flashback Goldy had 3 bombs. It was a 9-8 come from behind win. A 9-8 game on HOF. It was FUN! As I previously stated, when I decide to get serious, I can get over 800. Which means I have the ability. However HOF has become very low scoring high strikeout type of game and that is absolutely no fun to me. It’s not just me either. I’ve watched elite players on YouTube go through the same stuff. I watched Movie play a game a few months ago that was just strikeout after strikeout. Now one could make the argument “hey that’s baseball”…..and they would be correct. SDS succeeded in making the game realistic in that regard. But that’s just not how I wanna spend my time playing a video game. So……..SDS gave us two choices. If you wanna compete against the best, you’re gonna have to play on HOF. If you wanna have fun (like me) you can hang out at all star.