Any of my BFFs out here have Finest Trout yet?
Was around the 105ish person to make WS at 9-1. I haven’t gotten to use him much yet though.
@the_dragon1912 said in Any of my BFFs out here have Finest Trout yet?:
@schwizzle_nizzle said in Any of my BFFs out here have Finest Trout yet?:
I know you can view how many buy orders have gone through on the website. Is that 100% accurate? I checked earlier and over 135 have been sold. I'm 505 in line. I'm at 8 or 9 wins this season. I may stop the grind because this game is annoying AF and just wait for my order to go through.
If they are different times sold then they are accurate. If 2 or more sell orders were sold at the same time you can't trust it
Correct. If you want to automate the count Copy the list , paste into Excel, delete the first column and then select all and remove duplicates
Just got mine tonight.
Finished. I hate ranked and won’t be playing for awhile after bouncing between 650-low 800s against [censored] good players
So this is the ballers corner here? Congrats to all of you who grinded through RS. I have only won 8 games the entire year in RS though admittedly I really only used it for missions.
Not that I ever could get there, but would I have to start from scratch? I have 8 wins so I’ve never gotten beyond 385 rating. Every new season, it carries over even though I haven't played an RS game since maybe June or July. So do I need 30 more wins or 22? Thanks.
I got him sometime last night. I was order #107
@ericulous1_psn said in Any of my BFFs out here have Finest Trout yet?:
So this is the ballers corner here? Congrats to all of you who grinded through RS. I have only won 8 games the entire year in RS though admittedly I really only used it for missions.
Not that I ever could get there, but would I have to start from scratch? I have 8 wins so I’ve never gotten beyond 385 rating. Every new season, it carries over even though I haven't played an RS game since maybe June or July. So do I need 30 more wins or 22? Thanks.
You need 30. Wins reset each rs season.
Thursday. It was an easier grind this time for some reason. Lots more people willing to bail at the slightest hint of adversity than normal.
As for the card, it’s fantastic. Great defense and speed to go with the bat. Didn’t consider selling him because I’m not convinced he ever drops below 1mil. I want to use him.
I placed my order 1 minute after he was released (i think I was around the 180th order) and the million stub order went through at 10:57pm PST last night! Woo hoo!!!!! I'm not certain this card will EVER go below 1 Million Stubs at this point in the game. It's just so easy to get stubs now, and he's literally the best hitting card in the game.
I got to 30 wins today. Seems pretty great so far. Problem is with Griffey, Mays, Ruth, Mantle and Aaron its is hard to get all those guys in the lineup.
@ikasnu_psn said in Any of my BFFs out here have Finest Trout yet?:
I have Mike Trout yes.
I'm just happier that we're BFFs.
@oreorockstar_psn said in Any of my BFFs out here have Finest Trout yet?:
Finished. I hate ranked and won’t be playing for awhile after bouncing between 650-low 800s against [censored] good players
Me too. It was ugly.
5-0 and one day ahead of schedule. (Jinx-ing self confirmed)
@sevisonjn_psn said in Any of my BFFs out here have Finest Trout yet?:
I finished my 30 RS wins earlier today. Haven't had an opportunity to use him, but I am trash at the game.
Duplicate post
@sevisonjn_psn said in Any of my BFFs out here have Finest Trout yet?:
I finished my 30 RS wins earlier today. Haven't had an opportunity to use him, but I am trash at the game.
If you won 30 RS games in one season, you are not “trash” at this game. Not everyone can be superior at this game. I know I am far from it, and most of us are.
@twisted-_-tea-_psn said in Any of my BFFs out here have Finest Trout yet?:
Was around the 105ish person to make WS at 9-1. I haven’t gotten to use him much yet though.
Not being a D, but how did you get to 900 with 9 wins and a loss to boot? I also saw your average in the standings @ .245?
I’m 11-1 and my only loss came to the top Xbox player on the first page of the leaderboard and I’m only at 865.
You can be “not good” at this game and get 30 wins. Someone said they were like 20-50 working toward Trout at one point. I think I saw him say he finished so who knows what the final tally ended up.
I think I went like 30–18 which is more losses than I had combined seasons going in as I am an average player and faced majority very good ons. But this new program for rewards this year will allow many people to get the reward and have 30 -70 losses.
@codywolfgang_xbl said in Any of my BFFs out here have Finest Trout yet?:
@twisted-_-tea-_psn said in Any of my BFFs out here have Finest Trout yet?:
Was around the 105ish person to make WS at 9-1. I haven’t gotten to use him much yet though.
Not being a D, but how did you get to 900 with 9 wins and a loss to boot? I also saw your average in the standings @ .245?
I’m 11-1 and my only loss came to the top Xbox player on the first page of the leaderboard and I’m only at 865.
Beat a few guys on legend. Era was sitting around 1.20 at the time as well. When I get my 1 ms monitor soon the BA and SLG should rise. So many games my timing windows are broken bc of my response time
@sevisonjn_psn said in Any of my BFFs out here have Finest Trout yet?:
I finished my 30 RS wins earlier today. Haven't had an opportunity to use him, but I am trash at the game.
@twisted-_-tea-_psn said in Any of my BFFs out here have Finest Trout yet?:
@codywolfgang_xbl said in Any of my BFFs out here have Finest Trout yet?:
@twisted-_-tea-_psn said in Any of my BFFs out here have Finest Trout yet?:
Was around the 105ish person to make WS at 9-1. I haven’t gotten to use him much yet though.
Not being a D, but how did you get to 900 with 9 wins and a loss to boot? I also saw your average in the standings @ .245?
I’m 11-1 and my only loss came to the top Xbox player on the first page of the leaderboard and I’m only at 865.
Beat a few guys on legend. Era was sitting around 1.20 at the time as well. When I get my 1 ms monitor soon the BA and SLG should rise. So many games my timing windows are broken bc of my response time
I agree 100 percent. Don’t get your hopes up too much though…it’s not the monitor that helps people with the timing windows…I think some people have a certain ISP or my theory is even bogged down internet that helps them out….IE streamers. Something allows some guys to easily hit on legend while others have bad timing windows.
Wasn’t trying to call you out at all. I was honestly curious how you did it with nine wins and that low of an average. Seems like I have to put up 15 to win.
Got him myself from hitting WS but haven’t tried him out.
Hopefully they have some more fun reward cards like Trout where people can earn the right to use them first. Really fun.