Quick poll
If the Wizard of the Show came from behind the curtain and presented two options, which do you take?
Option 1.
Sds is granted unlimited licenses to any player who ever played baseball.. yes you in the Blue?That's right even Negro League players. Even Mighty Casey, the kids from The Sandlot, Major League, Roy Hobbs...you name em they got em.The Catch? Game play stays the same .bugs..freeze offs etc...but nothing to make the game unplayable....just might hit rough patches with dev's trying to find the sweet spot.
As close to perfect gameplay as possible. No freeze offs..no glitches..no bugs..no bunt dancing, ..and a grand prize offering of a full two day detailed PowerPoint explanation of what the pci actually represents.
The catch? Only live series players. No flashbacks,legends, finest,postseason,parallel...or Roger Dorn.
Option 1, no hesitation. If I don't have cards to grind for, I don't have a reason to play.
Also the variety in facing other players would be laughable, same teams every single time
@tomivory23_psn said in Quick poll:
If the Wizard of the Show came from behind the curtain and presented two options, which do you take?
Option 1.
Sds is granted unlimited licenses to any player who ever played baseball.. yes you in the Blue?That's right even Negro League players. Even Mighty Casey, the kids from The Sandlot, Major League, Roy Hobbs...you name em they got em.The Catch? Game play stays the same .bugs..freeze offs etc...but nothing to make the game unplayable....just might hit rough patches with dev's trying to find the sweet spot.
As close to perfect gameplay as possible. No freeze offs..no glitches..no bugs..no bunt dancing, ..and a grand prize offering of a full two day detailed PowerPoint explanation of what the pci actually represents.
The catch? Only live series players. No flashbacks,legends, finest,postseason,parallel...or Roger Dorn.
I don't play online much so option 1 all day long. Gameplay is important obviously and I'm sure as I improve over the years my feelings on this will change. But for now, the legends and flashbacks and collections are the best part of the game for me and as a mostly offline player, the gameplay is just fine.
Also, as a new player, it's still by far the best sports video game I've tried. Again, I'm sure I'll start to see the kinks, the wizard behind the curtain over the coming seasons, but right now. Option 1.
I might start Dorn at 3rd.
Option 1 easily.
I think option C, lol.... no bugs, freeze offs lagging and the PCI is explained in developer detail. I get the same card types and names as I have now, but no new card types or new names. Only Live series cards wouldn't work now, but I want the game to work a little more like real baseball.
Option 2 all day for me because then I'm basically playing MLBTS15 again. I am very much quality over quantity.
@tomivory23_psn said in Quick poll:
If the Wizard of the Show came from behind the curtain and presented two options, which do you take?
Option 1.
Sds is granted unlimited licenses to any player who ever played baseball.. yes you in the Blue?That's right even Negro League players. Even Mighty Casey, the kids from The Sandlot, Major League, Roy Hobbs...you name em they got em.The Catch? Game play stays the same .bugs..freeze offs etc...but nothing to make the game unplayable....just might hit rough patches with dev's trying to find the sweet spot.
As close to perfect gameplay as possible. No freeze offs..no glitches..no bugs..no bunt dancing, ..and a grand prize offering of a full two day detailed PowerPoint explanation of what the pci actually represents.
The catch? Only live series players. No flashbacks,legends, finest,postseason,parallel...or Roger Dorn.
You can have both if you stop giving guys 100+ ratings, its no coincidence complaints about “RNG results” and gameplay went up after they started with the 100+ Attributes.
Option 2 by a mile. You had me at "PowerPoint".
Considering the PCI is merely a tool to help you hit as it's based off your swing plane and not where you put the barrel of the bat...
I'll take #1
Option 1
Option 1 not even close. The current glitches don't bother me enough to leave the game but a lack of a wide variety of players certainly would. Nice poll BTW.
If people thought that diversity was bad before, imagine a game where it was strictly LS players with no upgraded cards. Although gameplay would be great, every team would be identical, and there would be no reason to grind to improve your team. Because of that, less people would play as the year progressed.
Option 1 for me.
option 1, the game gets a bad rep, their isnt a lot of video games that dont have bugs, its part of being a gamer, if i wanted perfection i'd go play minecraft
Option 2 easily
What about option 3 we wait for EA baseball in 202_?
Option 1 for me. Just having fun grinding for stuff.
@quinnymcquinn said in Quick poll:
What about option 3 we wait for EA baseball in 202_?
The 2nd most likes I've ever gotten for a comment was answering that exact question.
@jeezy-e_psn said in Quick poll:
@jaytal6_psn said in Quick poll:
Nice poll BTW.
Thats what she said
You've been watching the Office too much.