we need to be able to see our opponents lineup before online games...
@go4stros25_psn said in we need to be able to see our opponents lineup before online games...:
@mubby_33_psn said in we need to be able to see our opponents lineup before online games...:
Once you select your pitcher they should be locked in. So when you go to the next screen which is the lineup, you can see who the other teams starting pitcher is and your opponent can see yours. Should not be a huge or difficult change to make but would definitely add another level of strategy and team building to the mode.
What strategy? Having 3 switch hitters and 5 lefties in your lineup with 5 righties on the bench? 100% guarantee that's what everyone would be doing. With he exception of trout and other 99 cards
At the end of the game cycle sure everyone will have 99s everywhere so it really wont matter. However, with platoons splits you might actually have more variety of teams you would face. Especially right now that there are not a bunch of dominant cards out. Some golds and low elites would be more viable if they only batted vs a righty or a lefty. Would make the bench even more important. Most of the times by bench guys never see the field except for one or two pinch hitters.
@nash_524_psn said in we need to be able to see our opponents lineup before online games...:
@mubby_33_psn said in we need to be able to see our opponents lineup before online games...:
Once you select your pitcher they should be locked in. So when you go to the next screen which is the lineup, you can see who the other teams starting pitcher is and your opponent can see yours. Should not be a huge or difficult change to make but would definitely add another level of strategy and team building to the mode.
Yeah, that adds a huge level of strategy. If I see you select Glavine, I’ll hit circle twice and ready up to find another game where someone is throwing Sixto instead.
This is a whole different issue. Why does SDS allow backing out and dashboarding? Once you lock your pitcher in you are committed to playing the game.
@el-fiama-bianca_xbl said in we need to be able to see our opponents lineup before online games...:
No clue why this isn't already a thing. Cause In real life it's not like your opponents lineup is a secret..
All I really care about is the pitcher. Not being able to see their pitcher is ridiculous and can dramatically screw up your game.
For example I have Harper, Griffey, Ohtani, Seager who are all lefties and I start them every game. But if my opponent is starting a LHP, then I wont start all 4 of those guys cause my bench is really deep and I want to be able to play matchups later on in the game if I have to.
But since I cant see my opponents SP, I am forced to either start my lefty batters against a LHP and be at a disadvantage. Or I can put myself in a better position and once the game starts i can substitute in my right handed batters but then I lose those left handed hitters the rest of the game.....
It's absolutely stupid and makes zero sense to not show the pitcher.
Then everyone would start a Reliever..
Warm up their starters and you'll have a Full Lefty Lineup vs a Lefty Starter like Sale.. then people would complain about that -
@louieepthree_psn said in we need to be able to see our opponents lineup before online games...:
@el-fiama-bianca_xbl said in we need to be able to see our opponents lineup before online games...:
No clue why this isn't already a thing. Cause In real life it's not like your opponents lineup is a secret..
All I really care about is the pitcher. Not being able to see their pitcher is ridiculous and can dramatically screw up your game.
For example I have Harper, Griffey, Ohtani, Seager who are all lefties and I start them every game. But if my opponent is starting a LHP, then I wont start all 4 of those guys cause my bench is really deep and I want to be able to play matchups later on in the game if I have to.
But since I cant see my opponents SP, I am forced to either start my lefty batters against a LHP and be at a disadvantage. Or I can put myself in a better position and once the game starts i can substitute in my right handed batters but then I lose those left handed hitters the rest of the game.....
It's absolutely stupid and makes zero sense to not show the pitcher.
Then everyone would start a Reliever..
Warm up their starters and you'll have a Full Lefty Lineup vs a Lefty Starter like Sale.. then people would complain about thatThis is exactly what I would do. Everyone would.
I used to like the idea of having separate lineups based on pitcher handedness, but I see now why it's done the current way. Need to be able to build a well-balanced team capable of hitting either righties or lefties.
@cosmic_wonders said in we need to be able to see our opponents lineup before online games...:
@el-fiama-bianca_xbl said in we need to be able to see our opponents lineup before online games...:
No clue why this isn't already a thing. Cause In real life it's not like your opponents lineup is a secret..
All I really care about is the pitcher. Not being able to see their pitcher is ridiculous and can dramatically screw up your game.
For example I have Harper, Griffey, Ohtani, Seager who are all lefties and I start them every game. But if my opponent is starting a LHP, then I wont start all 4 of those guys cause my bench is really deep and I want to be able to play matchups later on in the game if I have to.
But since I cant see my opponents SP, I am forced to either start my lefty batters against a LHP and be at a disadvantage. Or I can put myself in a better position and once the game starts i can substitute in my right handed batters but then I lose those left handed hitters the rest of the game.....
It's absolutely stupid and makes zero sense to not show the pitcher.
Your best bet is to separate the lefties with righties and switch hitters.. just focus on lineup construction, for example lefties that hit lefties well should be higher in the order while platoons should be lower in the order to take advantage of at bats
This right here, is what makes the way it is better! Forces you to manage lineup better, more strategy feel to it. Well said.
I used to enjoy the old way, but I also didn't fully platoon my entire lineup. I'd have like 1 guy I'd sub out if it was a lefty instead of a righty and I'd move someone from the bottom to the top of the order instead. But I understand why they do it this way....to prevent the issue of people just backing out at the lineup screen when they dont get the matchup they wanted.
Ultimately, we will always end back at "you're better off building a well rounded roster" because people will just manipulate lineups with an opener and anyone who tries stacking all righties vs a lefty will complain that feature is being abused.
Reverse splits exist, use them. Balanced offensive players exist...use them.
@go4stros25_psn said in we need to be able to see our opponents lineup before online games...:
It was like that back in the day but people would make all leftie lineups and back of of the game until they got a RHP.
If they brought it back and made it to wear you grt a loss for backing out there would still be problems. You could easily have 3 switch hitters and 5 lefties in your lineup with
5 righties on the bench to sub in against a left handed starter.And why is that a problem? It's a real part of real BB, granted it might be a little exaggerated playing this game because of the availability of more players but it is a game and if someone spent all the time and effort to create teams capable of that then good for them. And both people could be doing it, should be doing it.
@louieepthree_psn said in we need to be able to see our opponents lineup before online games...:
@el-fiama-bianca_xbl said in we need to be able to see our opponents lineup before online games...:
No clue why this isn't already a thing. Cause In real life it's not like your opponents lineup is a secret..
All I really care about is the pitcher. Not being able to see their pitcher is ridiculous and can dramatically screw up your game.
For example I have Harper, Griffey, Ohtani, Seager who are all lefties and I start them every game. But if my opponent is starting a LHP, then I wont start all 4 of those guys cause my bench is really deep and I want to be able to play matchups later on in the game if I have to.
But since I cant see my opponents SP, I am forced to either start my lefty batters against a LHP and be at a disadvantage. Or I can put myself in a better position and once the game starts i can substitute in my right handed batters but then I lose those left handed hitters the rest of the game.....
It's absolutely stupid and makes zero sense to not show the pitcher.
Then everyone would start a Reliever..
Warm up their starters and you'll have a Full Lefty Lineup vs a Lefty Starter like Sale.. then people would complain about thatI don't play online. Can you start a reliever? Because you can't in any single player mode.
@born2bewild007_psn said in we need to be able to see our opponents lineup before online games...:
I don't play online but that is really strange. I would have thought you definitely could.
On the other hand you can't even see the opposing lineup in single player games either (vs. cpu, conquest, etc.). Certainly not as crucial but I was surprised.Yea, I only play offline also. Would like to just know if they are throwing a LHP or RHP so I can set my lineup.
How about if we are given the option to set two starting lineups, one for a righty, one for a lefty. Then, based on the starting pitcher of the team we get matched with, we automatically use the lineup associated with that handed pitcher. Franchise has something similar. You set four lineups based on pitcher handedness and DH/no DH. Then when playing against computer, it picks the correct lineup. We could use the same type of flexibility in Ranked Seasons.
The OP has been quiet; so he realized he's wrong but instead of apologizing for being a cont, he's doing the cunty thing like in all his other threads. We can all be a-holes sometimes, but he's next level.
@stickball_eugene_psn said in we need to be able to see our opponents lineup before online games...:
How about if we are given the option to set two starting lineups, one for a righty, one for a lefty. Then, based on the starting pitcher of the team we get matched with, we automatically use the lineup associated with that handed pitcher. Franchise has something similar. You set four lineups based on pitcher handedness and DH/no DH. Then when playing against computer, it picks the correct lineup. We could use the same type of flexibility in Ranked Seasons.
As noted -- people would just start a reliever to manipulate the line up and bring in their starter afterwards. Then everyone who wants to stack their lineups will complain about people using openers.
Like yeah..I'll start a game with Hader or Chapman to force people to make a stacked vs lefty build then bring in Pedro (or whomever) after 3 batters to stack the odds in my favor.
Offline play -- matters less in terms of the above but you can also dictate who is starting by who you select so just learn the rotations and proceed that way.
I really don’t think one lefty one righty line up would be as bad because there isn’t ONE lefty pitcher like there was in MLB 16.
It’s also not as basic and clear cut of an advantage as people make it seem imo. Any advantage you gain from stacking a lineup at the start hurts you later in the game, making pretty easy match ups in high leverage situations that actually matter. Inning after inning.
People won’t have pinch runners for when someone walks whoever before the pitcher because you have Yordan and JD ready to pinch hit or start if the pitcher is whatever hand. Defensive subs will disappear for massive bats leading to more and more gapers against them.
If you want to start a RP every game and change after one inning, your bullpen will be destroyed or you’ll be quitting early taking away any potential comebacks.
Far more strategy to line ups then bringing in a guy to hit for your pitcher when he comes up for me.
@charterbus_psn said in we need to be able to see our opponents lineup before online games...:
If you want to start a RP every game and change after one inning, your bullpen will be destroyed or you’ll be quitting early taking away any potential comebacks.
Not sure how someone's bullpen would be destroyed by bringing in 1 reliever or why they would quit early? You wouldn't throw RPs all game, you'd bring in a RP then sub in your SP afterwards which would then force the other guy to either mass sub or deal with it. If they mass sub, no PH/PRs later. If they don't , theyre now stuck with all righties (switch hitters obviously immune to this whole thing)
@raesone_psn said in we need to be able to see our opponents lineup before online games...:
Here's an idea: learn how to hit lefty/lefty and righty/righty. I never hear these complaints coming from the people who can actually hit the ball in this game.
Overall, I agree with you here, but I feel like we should be able to set a vs. R and a vs. L lineup within our roster, and that's that. Choose your pitcher, and skip the lineup screen (how many chances do you need to set a lineup anyway?)
If I have two players on my roster with the intention of platooning, I shouldn't have to burn a pinch hitter just because I find out once the game starts that I guessed the wrong one of the two. I tend to look for mostly balanced players, so I mostly avoid this anyway, but it does take away opportunities to use players I wouldn't necessarily (I'm referring to players with extreme splits)
@khain24_psn said in we need to be able to see our opponents lineup before online games...:
@stickball_eugene_psn said in we need to be able to see our opponents lineup before online games...:
How about if we are given the option to set two starting lineups, one for a righty, one for a lefty. Then, based on the starting pitcher of the team we get matched with, we automatically use the lineup associated with that handed pitcher. Franchise has something similar. You set four lineups based on pitcher handedness and DH/no DH. Then when playing against computer, it picks the correct lineup. We could use the same type of flexibility in Ranked Seasons.
As noted -- people would just start a reliever to manipulate the line up and bring in their starter afterwards. Then everyone who wants to stack their lineups will complain about people using openers.
Like yeah..I'll start a game with Hader or Chapman to force people to make a stacked vs lefty build then bring in Pedro (or whomever) after 3 batters to stack the odds in my favor.
Offline play -- matters less in terms of the above but you can also dictate who is starting by who you select so just learn the rotations and proceed that way.
Gotcha. Thanks. Now I get the bigger problem.
@born2bewild007_psn said in we need to be able to see our opponents lineup before online games...:
@louieepthree_psn said in we need to be able to see our opponents lineup before online games...:
@el-fiama-bianca_xbl said in we need to be able to see our opponents lineup before online games...:
No clue why this isn't already a thing. Cause In real life it's not like your opponents lineup is a secret..
All I really care about is the pitcher. Not being able to see their pitcher is ridiculous and can dramatically screw up your game.
For example I have Harper, Griffey, Ohtani, Seager who are all lefties and I start them every game. But if my opponent is starting a LHP, then I wont start all 4 of those guys cause my bench is really deep and I want to be able to play matchups later on in the game if I have to.
But since I cant see my opponents SP, I am forced to either start my lefty batters against a LHP and be at a disadvantage. Or I can put myself in a better position and once the game starts i can substitute in my right handed batters but then I lose those left handed hitters the rest of the game.....
It's absolutely stupid and makes zero sense to not show the pitcher.
Then everyone would start a Reliever..
Warm up their starters and you'll have a Full Lefty Lineup vs a Lefty Starter like Sale.. then people would complain about thatI don't play online. Can you start a reliever? Because you can't in any single player mode.
Yeah I start relievers in Conquest all the time
@wiryhooligan22 said in we need to be able to see our opponents lineup before online games...:
@raesone_psn said in we need to be able to see our opponents lineup before online games...:
Here's an idea: learn how to hit lefty/lefty and righty/righty. I never hear these complaints coming from the people who can actually hit the ball in this game.
Overall, I agree with you here, but I feel like we should be able to set a vs. R and a vs. L lineup within our roster, and that's that. Choose your pitcher, and skip the lineup screen (how many chances do you need to set a lineup anyway?)
If I have two players on my roster with the intention of platooning, I shouldn't have to burn a pinch hitter just because I find out once the game starts that I guessed the wrong one of the two. I tend to look for mostly balanced players, so I mostly avoid this anyway, but it does take away opportunities to use players I wouldn't necessarily (I'm referring to players with extreme splits)
Constructing a balanced line up is a skill in my opinion. There is no need to take that away. Besides, everyone would just start a RHP and then switch to a LHP and vice versa. It's pointless.
@raesone_psn said in we need to be able to see our opponents lineup before online games...:
@wiryhooligan22 said in we need to be able to see our opponents lineup before online games...:
@raesone_psn said in we need to be able to see our opponents lineup before online games...:
Here's an idea: learn how to hit lefty/lefty and righty/righty. I never hear these complaints coming from the people who can actually hit the ball in this game.
Overall, I agree with you here, but I feel like we should be able to set a vs. R and a vs. L lineup within our roster, and that's that. Choose your pitcher, and skip the lineup screen (how many chances do you need to set a lineup anyway?)
If I have two players on my roster with the intention of platooning, I shouldn't have to burn a pinch hitter just because I find out once the game starts that I guessed the wrong one of the two. I tend to look for mostly balanced players, so I mostly avoid this anyway, but it does take away opportunities to use players I wouldn't necessarily (I'm referring to players with extreme splits)
Constructing a balanced line up is a skill in my opinion. There is no need to take that away. Besides, everyone would just start a RHP and then switch to a LHP and vice versa. It's pointless.
That’s the sad truth. Whatever measure they do to make cards with uneven splits viable, others will find a way to go against it.