Game Update 5 Thread
@knucklecutter said in Game Update 5 on Twitter:
Still no fix to wrong audio commentary and on screen displays in franchise. Also no fix for wrong schedule start times in franchise. Both of those issues must be fixed to properly start a franchise, just saying.
Well, considering the length of the list of fixes needed, it’s a good start.
C Collin_SDS_PSN pinned this topic on
@knucklecutter said in Game Update 5 Thread:
Still no fix to wrong audio commentary and on screen displays in franchise. Also no fix for wrong schedule start times in franchise. Both of those issues must be fixed to properly start a franchise, just saying.
I didn’t notice those issues playing Franchise. Granted I have only played like 10 games so far.
@sgmrock_xbl said in Game Update 5 Thread:
@knucklecutter said in Game Update 5 Thread:
Still no fix to wrong audio commentary and on screen displays in franchise. Also no fix for wrong schedule start times in franchise. Both of those issues must be fixed to properly start a franchise, just saying.
I didn’t notice those issues playing Franchise. Granted I have only played like 10 games so far.
The audio and on screen displays will tell you that you're fixing to sweep a team when you are just starting your 2nd game of 3 and the osd shows that you've already played 2 games and the scores are wrong for those games, one of which hasn't happened yet.
The big thing though is that the schedule game start times for a few of the west coast teams is basically all 1pm all year long, which is no where close to the real schedule.
I really wish they would just fix the visual bug for created players in Diamond dynasty already. Should be a simple fix
@collin_sds_psn said in Game Update 5 Thread:
Read about it on the blog,
Talk about it here.Will this be a downlod type patch or has this already been implemented? Ty
Any news on if SDS plan to let us have more than one RTTS player???
If the plan is to have only one player in RTTS and if we don't have the ability to start over from scratch, just be honest and let us know. Would be nice to know if it's on your roadmap or not.
Hi please address lob throws, thank you
@grizzbear55_psn said in Game Update 5 Thread:
@collin_sds_psn said in Game Update 5 Thread:
Read about it on the blog,
Talk about it here.Will this be a downlod type patch or has this already been implemented? Ty
Yes, all game updates are implemented through a patch.
@chickun_legs_psn said in Game Update 5 Thread:
Hi please address lob throws, thank you
Dude, why is that animation even in the game? I cannot think of a single time that that kind of toss would be needed. I know I never seen a Major Leaguer toss the ball that high in the air from that distance.
@chuckclc_psn said in Game Update 5 Thread:
@chickun_legs_psn said in Game Update 5 Thread:
Hi please address lob throws, thank you
Dude, why is that animation even in the game? I cannot think of a single time that that kind of toss would be needed. I know I never seen a Major Leaguer toss the ball that high in the air from that distance.
With distance from first looks like a pitcher type lob from a bunt to me, but agree needs fixed.
Did they do something to check swings? Im see more checked swings not called a strike.
@collin_sds_psn said in Game Update 5 Thread:
Read about it on the blog,
Talk about it this a single or an out, the game says single but it looks different....
@chickun_legs_psn said in Game Update 5 Thread:
Hi please address lob throws, thank you
how do you think i feel check this out
@Collin_SDS_PSN will the equipment attribute and menu UI fixes also involve ballplayers appearance resetting every time you go check your archetype progress?
Will the missing XP ever be addressed?
Please address the 42 series packs where people have duplicates of the cards. The cards are not sellable and can't be exchanged. Sometimes when you open a pack all the cards say "new." Even the cards you own say "new" and not "1x" meaning you own that card. Why can we even choose duplicates of the same card? Tons of people have duplicates of these cards and its impossible to unlock 99 Jackie. Please fix now. I also submitted a bug report with no response so please don't tell me to submit a bug report. Thanks for your time.
I submitted a ticket on Apr 30th for my miss Trout from my inventory. Still crickets
Any idea when we will have the ability to use our parallel cards in Custom League?
@knucklecutter said in Game Update 5 Thread:
Still no fix to wrong audio commentary and on screen displays in franchise. Also no fix for wrong schedule start times in franchise. Both of those issues must be fixed to properly start a franchise, just saying.
Do they affect franchise data in any way or just the commentary and on-screen graphics? Because if it’s the latter a franchise can be started, it’ll just have wrong numbers shown in games until the patch that fixes where they read from.
Why is there not a better way to see duplicate cards in our inventory? It's been awful for years and needs to be changed somehow PLEASE lol. It would be super neat if there was a "duplicate cards" page in the binder or something. The way it is now is horrific.