So where are all the server crashing posts now?
SDS has a huge backlog of issues. I still can't get Jackie 99 due to a bug, that only SDS can fix. Been waiting 12 days. Servers might be better, yet they still have a ton of issues to fix (including the sell now set of bugs that are costing people real $$). SDS isn't going to be sleeping anytime soon.
GrizzBear55replied to WoozyPolarBear on May 6, 2021, 7:49 PM last edited by GrizzBear55_PSN May 6, 2021, 8:16 PM
@woozypolarbear_xbl said in So where are all the server crashing posts now?:
@hoboadam_psn said in So where are all the server crashing posts now?:
Say what you want, but things look much more stable.
What did they do to fix it? I don't really care. It's working. They certainly didn't sit around waiting to see if things got better on it's own.
Yes, I shouldn't be congratulating them for something that should have been working all along. There's something to be said though for the fact that they did work out some of these big issues with connectivity. Most of the grunt work being done by SDS folks that have never posted on the boards before.
Anyways, it's refreshing to not comb through 12 posts of people saying the same thing, whining, complaining, raging etc.
People have a right to voice their displeasure when a product they purchased isn't working. It's posts from corporate shills that grind my gears.
People have the right to voice displeasure when some punk kid creates a thread without using search feature. And then when told about said feature still insists on wasting the time of the employees that are trying to fix other problems that are more pressing by creating more of the same type of thread just out of spite.
Oh yeah what were all the disgruntled posters telling people who were trying to talk reason saying? "If you don't like the thread, don't post in it!" Yeah well guess what don't like it? Don't post in it! kick rocks!
Hi. I'm the OP.
I made the thread as a breath of fresh air.
I wasn't complaining about a thing. Certainly wasn't trollin'.
Got problems with that? Too bad.
Find the post refreshing? Good. Me too.
Don't care either way? Even better.
@hoboadam_psn said in So where are all the server crashing posts now?:
Hi. I'm the OP.
I made the thread as a breath of fresh air.
I wasn't complaining about a thing. Certainly wasn't trollin'.
Got problems with that? Too bad.
Find the post refreshing? Good. Me too.
Don't care either way? Even better.
See obvious troll.
@buddyhightower_xbl said in So where are all the server crashing posts now?:
@hoboadam_psn said in So where are all the server crashing posts now?:
Hi. I'm the OP.
I made the thread as a breath of fresh air.
I wasn't complaining about a thing. Certainly wasn't trollin'.
Got problems with that? Too bad.
Find the post refreshing? Good. Me too.
Don't care either way? Even better.
See obvious troll.
XBox guys have a lot to learn about what trollin' 'is here on TSN.
@hoboadam_psn said in So where are all the server crashing posts now?:
@buddyhightower_xbl said in So where are all the server crashing posts now?:
@hoboadam_psn said in So where are all the server crashing posts now?:
Hi. I'm the OP.
I made the thread as a breath of fresh air.
I wasn't complaining about a thing. Certainly wasn't trollin'.
Got problems with that? Too bad.
Find the post refreshing? Good. Me too.
Don't care either way? Even better.
See obvious troll.
XBox guys have a lot to learn about what trollin' 'is here on TSN.
Followed up with a console war troll FTW!!
hoboadamreplied to BuddyHightower on May 6, 2021, 8:29 PM last edited by hoboadam_PSN May 6, 2021, 8:29 PM
@buddyhightower_xbl said in So where are all the server crashing posts now?:
@hoboadam_psn said in So where are all the server crashing posts now?:
@buddyhightower_xbl said in So where are all the server crashing posts now?:
@hoboadam_psn said in So where are all the server crashing posts now?:
Hi. I'm the OP.
I made the thread as a breath of fresh air.
I wasn't complaining about a thing. Certainly wasn't trollin'.
Got problems with that? Too bad.
Find the post refreshing? Good. Me too.
Don't care either way? Even better.
See obvious troll.
XBox guys have a lot to learn about what trollin' 'is here on TSN.
Followed up with a console war troll FTW!!
Absolutely. It's boring spanking XBox kids. Might as well troll...
My reply to you might compensate for all the attention you've been missing out in the real world.
@hoboadam_psn said in So where are all the server crashing posts now?:
@buddyhightower_xbl said in So where are all the server crashing posts now?:
@hoboadam_psn said in So where are all the server crashing posts now?:
@buddyhightower_xbl said in So where are all the server crashing posts now?:
@hoboadam_psn said in So where are all the server crashing posts now?:
Hi. I'm the OP.
I made the thread as a breath of fresh air.
I wasn't complaining about a thing. Certainly wasn't trollin'.
Got problems with that? Too bad.
Find the post refreshing? Good. Me too.
Don't care either way? Even better.
See obvious troll.
XBox guys have a lot to learn about what trollin' 'is here on TSN.
Followed up with a console war troll FTW!!
Absolutely. It's boring spanking XBox kids. Might as well troll...
My reply to you might compensate for all the attention you've been missing out in the real world.
I get too much attention as it is...I need a safe space.
@buddyhightower_xbl said in So where are all the server crashing posts now?:
@hoboadam_psn said in So where are all the server crashing posts now?:
@buddyhightower_xbl said in So where are all the server crashing posts now?:
@hoboadam_psn said in So where are all the server crashing posts now?:
@buddyhightower_xbl said in So where are all the server crashing posts now?:
@hoboadam_psn said in So where are all the server crashing posts now?:
Hi. I'm the OP.
I made the thread as a breath of fresh air.
I wasn't complaining about a thing. Certainly wasn't trollin'.
Got problems with that? Too bad.
Find the post refreshing? Good. Me too.
Don't care either way? Even better.
See obvious troll.
XBox guys have a lot to learn about what trollin' 'is here on TSN.
Followed up with a console war troll FTW!!
Absolutely. It's boring spanking XBox kids. Might as well troll...
My reply to you might compensate for all the attention you've been missing out in the real world.
I get too much attention as it is...I need a safe space.
Behind a pair of underwear and a zipper is a good place for you to start.
I approve this post, I like when DD casuals are called out for their silliness and noobness
thanks for jixing it OP
@hoboadam_psn said in So where are all the server crashing posts now?:
Say what you want, but things look much more stable.
What did they do to fix it? I don't really care. It's working. They certainly didn't sit around waiting to see if things got better on it's own.
Yes, I shouldn't be congratulating them for something that should have been working all along. There's something to be said though for the fact that they did work out some of these big issues with connectivity. Most of the grunt work being done by SDS folks that have never posted on the boards before.
Anyways, it's refreshing to not comb through 12 posts of people saying the same thing, whining, complaining, raging etc.
Christ, you guys are such shills.
A company doesn’t deserve praise for doing the minimum I expected. Hello
@bigfes902_psn said in So where are all the server crashing posts now?:
@hoboadam_psn said in So where are all the server crashing posts now?:
Say what you want, but things look much more stable.
What did they do to fix it? I don't really care. It's working. They certainly didn't sit around waiting to see if things got better on it's own.
Yes, I shouldn't be congratulating them for something that should have been working all along. There's something to be said though for the fact that they did work out some of these big issues with connectivity. Most of the grunt work being done by SDS folks that have never posted on the boards before.
Anyways, it's refreshing to not comb through 12 posts of people saying the same thing, whining, complaining, raging etc.
Lol, this post is so dumb and assinine....coming in here to be relieved that people arn't complaining about something that's been fixed?....when there was A) plenty of reason for customers to be upset, people seem to forget just how many modes the server issues or how the other broken parts/issues with this game were definetly and rightly contributing to consumer feelings. not to mention how there's been literally 0 communication except for Collins snarky/or none informative remarks. So you didnt like the complaining and now you're all relieved and high and mighty about their being no server complaints cause SDS did their job and lived up to one of the things they promised with this game? GTFO
They call us the "community" what a joke, maybe a handfull of you if I've played with you online or communicated with you on here are "Community" but I'm a customer of SDS, nothing more, they certainly don't view me as a "community member" or any of you. We've seen and heard numerous times now over the years what SDS members think of the "community"
Stop blaming people who've had a bad experience and feel this is the place to voice it...cause it IS THE PLACE TO VOICE it....especially considering the complete lack of communication on any platform and the complete ignoring of support tickets...
These "im better than other members"' posts are total BS. Servers being fixed is the first step to fixing the issues this game and the LEAST they could do.
The funny thing is the OP made a post complaining about the servers.
@kingakp_xbl said in So where are all the server crashing posts now?:
The problem is this. Even if EVERYTHING was flawless, people would still whine about something. That's how it goes. The servers have been awesome. For days now
GREAT! This is like praising McDonald’s for remembering to put The meat on my hamburger!
@buddyhightower_xbl said in So where are all the server crashing posts now?:
This is really just a troll thread and should be closed. I get why the OP made it, but probably should have just said "Isn't nice to have the servers working, and not to have to complain about them anymore" or something like that.
As typed, it's just trolling.OP has been simping for SDS for days, trying to say how he “codes” and asking the mod team here if he diagnosed the issue here.
Guy is hoping SDS will contract him out. It’s pathetic.
Yawn bro... Hope you enjoyed responding to 4 posts all by yourself. Enjoy your day.
@hoboadam_psn said in So where are all the server crashing posts now?:
Yawn bro... Hope you enjoyed responding to 4 posts all by yourself. Enjoy your day.
The people who complained about the servers aren't on here because they can finally play the game. Being able to play the game is kind of the whole point, isn't it?
The shills are still here because... shills gotta shill I guess. That and try and one up each other with how long they've been playing The Show.
Well, the weekend is upon us. Lets not celebrate until we can go through a Friday and Saturday night without it crashing.
Still working scrubs!