Solution to the R2 Cheese.
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@grizzbear55_psn said in Solution to the R2 Cheese.:
@charterbus_psn said in Solution to the R2 Cheese.:
@halfbutt_psn said in Solution to the R2 Cheese.:
@charterbus_psn said in Solution to the R2 Cheese.:
@sheyworth_xbl said in Solution to the R2 Cheese.:
Literally all they have to do is make the pitcher come set before allowing the pitcher to pitch and R2 holding AND quick pitching WITHOUT having balks a part of it would be solved.
Lol people will still cry. Quick pitching isn’t a legitimate complaint in this game and NEVER has been.
These complaints spawn from glitches were people slide step (hold L2) with a specific bronze/silver relievers and the ball legitimately comes from a different angle than their hand. THATS quick pitching....pitching to fast is not lmfao.
Guys that “hold R2” and are bragging about it aren’t good hitters, they aren’t even average hitters, if they were, they wouldn’t be crying about some non existent exploit messing with them much like the best pitchers aren’t crying about “bunt dancing”. It used to bring your 3rd basemen down the line, but it no longer does that, however the “BuNt DanCinG EXPloIt” still gets screamed about all the time by people who play online once every three weeks and need an excuse.
Quick pitching, bunt dancing, credit card spending basement dwellers = the offline player excuse trifecta
Let me guess. You slide step with Kenley?
Nobody ever says bunt dancing is an exploit, dude. It’s just annoying.Your post is typical of what is said by the exact people that have no problem doing these things.
No surprise.
I don’t press R2 ever. People held R2 when those slide step glitches were a thing. People that are still holding R2 to avoid quick pitching are about 3 years late and have no idea what they’re talking about.
Bunt dancing was a thing in 16, your third baseman charged home plate during the pitchers wind up leaving the entire side of the infield wide open. Thats been removed and that complaint would be about 5 years late.
You see the trend? Getting worried about things that were removed years ago is the sign of somebody who just doesn’t actually understand the game and what people are talking about.
I’ve literally read “The CPU quick pitched me” on here. People READ things, start to think they ARE things, then go LOOKING for things to complain about. They issue is they don’t exist....anymore
I'm not sure why you would write this post claiming quick pitch doesn't happen when their are veteran players within this thread saying it does. For you to dismiss it as if they made it up is puzzling to me.
Pressing R2 and Holding R2 are 2 different things. Pressing R2 is a feature for the batter and so is stepping off bag and pressing R3 to see field. All 3 of these features are "not usable" when somebody is quick pitching, and that is a fact not a dream from 3 years ago it is happening now.
As far as someone claiming the CPU Quick pitched them, that actually could be somewhat true based off of settings within pitching. Called pitch delay setting choice is normal or faster. While it isn't the same as quick pitch , but it couldv'e easily been misconstrued as such to a new player who may have accidentally changed this setting.
Yeah I bet the CPU went on YouTube, looked up “MLB the show 21 glitchy slide step releases” then proceeded to slide step glitch pitch out of his off hand during someone’s showdown finale. Pitching fast isn’t quick pitching. Period.
@charterbus_psn said in Solution to the R2 Cheese.:
@grizzbear55_psn said in Solution to the R2 Cheese.:
@charterbus_psn said in Solution to the R2 Cheese.:
@halfbutt_psn said in Solution to the R2 Cheese.:
@charterbus_psn said in Solution to the R2 Cheese.:
@sheyworth_xbl said in Solution to the R2 Cheese.:
Literally all they have to do is make the pitcher come set before allowing the pitcher to pitch and R2 holding AND quick pitching WITHOUT having balks a part of it would be solved.
Lol people will still cry. Quick pitching isn’t a legitimate complaint in this game and NEVER has been.
These complaints spawn from glitches were people slide step (hold L2) with a specific bronze/silver relievers and the ball legitimately comes from a different angle than their hand. THATS quick pitching....pitching to fast is not lmfao.
Guys that “hold R2” and are bragging about it aren’t good hitters, they aren’t even average hitters, if they were, they wouldn’t be crying about some non existent exploit messing with them much like the best pitchers aren’t crying about “bunt dancing”. It used to bring your 3rd basemen down the line, but it no longer does that, however the “BuNt DanCinG EXPloIt” still gets screamed about all the time by people who play online once every three weeks and need an excuse.
Quick pitching, bunt dancing, credit card spending basement dwellers = the offline player excuse trifecta
Let me guess. You slide step with Kenley?
Nobody ever says bunt dancing is an exploit, dude. It’s just annoying.Your post is typical of what is said by the exact people that have no problem doing these things.
No surprise.
I don’t press R2 ever. People held R2 when those slide step glitches were a thing. People that are still holding R2 to avoid quick pitching are about 3 years late and have no idea what they’re talking about.
Bunt dancing was a thing in 16, your third baseman charged home plate during the pitchers wind up leaving the entire side of the infield wide open. Thats been removed and that complaint would be about 5 years late.
You see the trend? Getting worried about things that were removed years ago is the sign of somebody who just doesn’t actually understand the game and what people are talking about.
I’ve literally read “The CPU quick pitched me” on here. People READ things, start to think they ARE things, then go LOOKING for things to complain about. They issue is they don’t exist....anymore
I'm not sure why you would write this post claiming quick pitch doesn't happen when their are veteran players within this thread saying it does. For you to dismiss it as if they made it up is puzzling to me.
Pressing R2 and Holding R2 are 2 different things. Pressing R2 is a feature for the batter and so is stepping off bag and pressing R3 to see field. All 3 of these features are "not usable" when somebody is quick pitching, and that is a fact not a dream from 3 years ago it is happening now.
As far as someone claiming the CPU Quick pitched them, that actually could be somewhat true based off of settings within pitching. Called pitch delay setting choice is normal or faster. While it isn't the same as quick pitch , but it couldv'e easily been misconstrued as such to a new player who may have accidentally changed this setting.
Yeah I bet the CPU went on YouTube, looked up “MLB the show 21 glitchy slide step releases” then proceeded to slide step glitch pitch out of his off hand during someone’s showdown finale. Pitching fast isn’t quick pitching. Period.
Isn't that the same thing i wrote in my post? Not as hateful or sarcastic.
@sean_87__psn said in Solution to the R2 Cheese.:
@spc_garza_psn said in Solution to the R2 Cheese.:
Simple SDS just needs to implement into the game
One Press for R2 per at bat.
Simple end of discussion.
No. You will not quick pitch me. I’m holding it down every pitch.
Imagine complaining about being quick pitched in a video game lmao
@mjfc_363_psn said in Solution to the R2 Cheese.:
@sean_87__psn said in Solution to the R2 Cheese.:
@spc_garza_psn said in Solution to the R2 Cheese.:
Simple SDS just needs to implement into the game
One Press for R2 per at bat.
Simple end of discussion.
No. You will not quick pitch me. I’m holding it down every pitch.
Bring balks back please! That will put an end to all of this! Lol
No it wont because balks are only called with runners on base
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@sean_87__psn said in Solution to the R2 Cheese.:
@charterbus_psn said in Solution to the R2 Cheese.:
@sean_87__psn said in Solution to the R2 Cheese.:
@ChArTeRBuS_PSN this guy sounds like his booty gets plundered.
Lol sounds like maybe your the guy who thinks the CPU quick pitched him. Holding R2 doesn’t stop slide steps, so go on explain how are you stopping quick pitching? Seems like you are one of the clueless ones that read “quick pitching”though it was “pitching to quickly” and just ran with it lmao.
Seems like your a blind one with all that juice closing your eyes shut.
Correct, holding R2 doesn’t in anyway negate slide steps or the resulting quick pitch. E for Effort, you tried but unfortunately facts came at you to quickly and ironically enough you weren’t ready.
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