Attribute Cap
I'm sure I'm just missing something, but I haven't been able to find a way to increase past the level 50 attribute cap. For example, my contact is stuck at 50. How can I increase it?
50 is max
They are trying to make the players more diverse I think with the attribute cap and archetype system. In theory you could then customize more how you want your player through the perks and equipment. Of course they have to fix the equipment bug first.
The only archetype I'd want to be is a 5 tool player. Not a speedy guy with no power or a HR hitter who can't hit for average. They should let us max out like they have in the past.
@sgoforth3_psn said in Attribute Cap:
The only archetype I'd want to be is a 5 tool player. Not a speedy guy with no power or a HR hitter who can't hit for average. They should let us max out like they have in the past.
You can, unless over 100 on power and contact can’t do maxed out players should be allowed on DD, but on RTTS I don’t understand why you can’t do that.
The archetype system is silly going with the whole new two way player theme in RTTS. I mean you can be a golden glove SS in one game with fair hitting and good speed, in next game you can be a mid speed sparking slugger DH triple crown batter, then in next game a Cy Young pitcher that all of a sudden forgot he is also a golden glove infielder or great batter.
I mean you should be that same player at every position!
I have hated the archetype system since it was first introduced. I enjoyed the mode more when I simply earned training points based on performance and was allowed to put those points in any attribute I wanted. Now, the crappy system where archetypes are somehow tied to certain positions seems even more limiting
I have very serious doubts about archetypes returning next year - just bite the bullet and do what you can with it this year.
I thought your RTTS player is capped at 50 because he’s used in DD. That’s one of criticisms of the game this year. -
@SGoforth3_PSN - your base stats are capped at 50. But your effective stats are not. Your effective stats are impacted also by your Archetype (the large diamond shaped card - either bronze, silver, gold, or diamond) and your Perks (the smaller diamond shape cards that "bolt on" to your Archetype - of which you can have only 2 at Bronze or Silver Archetype, 3 at Gold Archetype, and 4 at Diamond Archetype). Then lastly your effective stats should be modified by your equipment - but this is broken in RTTS (works in DD).
Your effective stats are: base stats +/- archetype card +/- perk cards + equipment. Which end up getting pretty high actually. My "The Hawk" build is max diamond archetype with all diamond perks and mostly diamond gear. 120 CON and 105 POW in DD mode. Only 99 CON and 79 POW in RTTS mode. The difference is because in RTTS mode equipment does not seem to work in most cases.
In any case, to @Mav232_PSN 's original point - yes, you can't go past 50 now. But you can still build a pretty impressive character with the new system. Unfortunately with gear currently busted, it's not as good as it should be in RTTS right now.
And to @SGoforth3_PSN 's point - my "The Hawk" is a 5 tool guy in DD mode. Basically his lowest stats with current build are in stealing and speed - which are ~85. So you can still build a pretty impressive toon with the new method if you want.
From the main window, take off all equipment and archetypes and take note of all your attributes. Then go into RTTS and look at your player card there and note your attributes. Then start a RTTS game, pause it, and note your attributes. Then log out of there and go into DD, go to manage squad, pull up your ballplayer and note his attributes. Then put your ballplayer on your squad, start a game against CPU, pause it and note your attributes.
Now repeat this process with your archetypes and perks loaded.
Now repeat this process with your archetypes, perks, and equipment on.
You'll get an understanding of when things are applied and when they are not.
Edit: Oh and pay attention because the order in which your attributes are listed, changes with which mode you are in. Pay close attention to their name and value.
This new system sucks ! I would rather get training points and build my player the way I want ! If this is the same for next year I will not buy
Yes, training points all the way! Why bother with the limited archetype system when with training points you can create any type of player that has EVER existed (or even not existed yet