Servers are so bad right now
Got to the program screen and it had a zero for the 1st inning, clicked on it and came up with program expired....
@kdclemson_psn said in Servers are so bad right now:
@ryanodinson_psn said in Servers are so bad right now:
It's some of the worst I've ever seen and I've been here from the beginning.
What did they honestly expect with the game becoming more popular than ever and free to Xbox?
Oh I totally agree. When I was waiting the last several months for this game to drop I was hoping for the best and preparing for the worst. I was destroying an Xbox player today in ranked seasons, it was 8-0 in the third and the server booted me and gave me the loss. Not to mention the incredibly slow screens. It's unplayable right now, I jumped over to Cold War.
I just won a showdown and it gave me a loss so I feel your frustration (because of the server)
I can’t even get on. Besides the the fact I strike dudes out constantly and they beat me off solo shots and sinkers. It’s the same game as last year
How does this happen every year, like are they unable to estimate the server capacity or test stuff out like the marketplace beforehand?
Game is boarder-line unplayable even if you can get on it. I’ll try back another time. Hopefully they get it sorted out. Tired of losing game progress , not receiving Stubbs for market sales and cards vanishing.
Posts like these make me thankful that I have no time to play during the week. Hopefully the server issues are resolved by this weekend.
@crimson_monk_psn said in Servers are so bad right now:
I can’t even get on. Besides the the fact I strike dudes out constantly and they beat me off solo shots and sinkers. It’s the same game as last year
Hit better
@kdclemson_psn said in Servers are so bad right now:
How does this happen every year, like are they unable to estimate the server capacity or test stuff out like the marketplace beforehand?
My understanding is they don’t have their own servers. They essentially rent servers and it makes them unreliable. On top of that there’s probably more people on in the last week than in the history of mlb the show
downloading pretty fast on game pass right now so im not sure if its all xbox users
@jacksonvance35 said in Servers are so bad right now:
@crimson_monk_psn said in Servers are so bad right now:
I can’t even get on. Besides the the fact I strike dudes out constantly and they beat me off solo shots and sinkers. It’s the same game as last year
Hit better
Lol “gIt GuD” nah I’d rather pitch and play defense better
I will never understand why SDS's inability to keep their servers up (especially in April) prevents me from playing my DD team offline, or to manage my roster. I paid $100 for THIS?!
@kdclemson_psn said in Servers are so bad right now:
Can't even get on DD, really bad launch week for servers and marketplace.
Again, first time on multiplatform. Give em some time.
@a_perfectgame said in Servers are so bad right now:
I just won a showdown and it gave me a loss so I feel your frustration (because of the server)
Same here am trying to sent a complaint that to can't do that either a joke since a hr now
@crimson_monk_psn said in Servers are so bad right now:
@jacksonvance35 said in Servers are so bad right now:
@crimson_monk_psn said in Servers are so bad right now:
I can’t even get on. Besides the the fact I strike dudes out constantly and they beat me off solo shots and sinkers. It’s the same game as last year
Hit better
Lol “gIt GuD” nah I’d rather pitch and play defense better
Gotta hit and pitch bro. Idk what to tell you other than to hit bitter. If you can’t hit off the pitchers in the game right now...long year
Takes FOREVER to enter a simulation in Conquest. Then takes FOREVER to move over one territory.
Can't cycle through the menu. Can't flip cards because it takes FOREVER to pull up a card.
Game is unplayable ON release day!
And just got an Unhandled Server Exception while dimming a Conquest territory.
Glad they stress tested the servers.
No word in After Game cards in Conquest: Strike One
Not prepared with dependable server for launch: Strike Two.
One more strike and you're out.
@x814xmafia_psn said in Servers are so bad right now:
No word in After Game cards in Conquest: Strike One
Not prepared with dependable server for launch: Strike Two.
One more strike and you're out.I dont think that saying applies in baseball.
Honestly, server issues won’t be resolved until people get bored and move on to another game. They did not make their servers big enough and probably aren’t going to.
The biggest issue I have with lost connection is them waiting until the game I’m playing to be over to get a server error and for none of my stats to count. If servers go down, kick me in the middle of the game, don’t waste my time. This is the biggest middle finger from any company I’ve ever seen.
@jacksonvance35 said in Servers are so bad right now:
@crimson_monk_psn said in Servers are so bad right now:
@jacksonvance35 said in Servers are so bad right now:
@crimson_monk_psn said in Servers are so bad right now:
I can’t even get on. Besides the the fact I strike dudes out constantly and they beat me off solo shots and sinkers. It’s the same game as last year
Hit better
Lol “gIt GuD” nah I’d rather pitch and play defense better
Gotta hit and pitch bro. Idk what to tell you other than to hit bitter. If you can’t hit off the pitchers in the game right now...long year
I do hit to the warning track over and over . Nerd the trash players I strike out 14 times a game, and let me win 4-1 or 0 . It’s common sense. Can’t hit , there you shouldn’t get free bombs off forced hangers and dinkers. But what do I know I only played for 18 years and coached for 6. You ain’t doing jack squat if you strike out that much bc there ain’t no forced hangers in real life
@crimson_monk_psn said in Servers are so bad right now:
@jacksonvance35 said in Servers are so bad right now:
@crimson_monk_psn said in Servers are so bad right now:
@jacksonvance35 said in Servers are so bad right now:
@crimson_monk_psn said in Servers are so bad right now:
I can’t even get on. Besides the the fact I strike dudes out constantly and they beat me off solo shots and sinkers. It’s the same game as last year
Hit better
Lol “gIt GuD” nah I’d rather pitch and play defense better
Gotta hit and pitch bro. Idk what to tell you other than to hit bitter. If you can’t hit off the pitchers in the game right now...long year
I do hit to the warning track over and over . Nerd the trash players I strike out 14 times a game, and let me win 4-1 or 0 . It’s common sense. Can’t hit , there you shouldn’t get free bombs off forced hangers and dinkers. But what do I know I only played for 18 years and coached for 6. You ain’t doing jack squat if you strike out that much bc there ain’t no forced hangers in real life
I’ve played for 20 and counting. I know how the game works. Not gonna win many games without scoring