Create a stadium is only available on next gen consoles.
@ejwik13_psn said in Create a stadium is only available on next gen consoles.:
@mikester8692_xbl said in Create a stadium is only available on next gen consoles.:
I understand all the disappointment with this next gen only. The reality is, technology moves extremely fast. Eventually limits are reached and its time to move on. Everything has a shelf life.
I think the point is the majority of the users will be on ps4. Not ps5 or the new Xbox. So the game should be more tailored to the majority
It’s even worse because Sony (the company responsible for the lack of PS5’s) is SDS parent company.
@ejwik13_psn said in Create a stadium is only available on next gen consoles.:
@mikester8692_xbl said in Create a stadium is only available on next gen consoles.:
I understand all the disappointment with this next gen only. The reality is, technology moves extremely fast. Eventually limits are reached and its time to move on. Everything has a shelf life.
I think the point is the majority of the users will be on ps4. Not ps5 or the new Xbox. So the game should be more tailored to the majority
I get it. But I am thinking the non next gen systems are at the end of their electronic life cycle and most likely and do not fit the requirements for implementation of stadium creation.
@mikester8692_xbl said in Create a stadium is only available on next gen consoles.:
I understand all the disappointment with this next gen only. The reality is, technology moves extremely fast. Eventually limits are reached and its time to move on. Everything has a shelf life.
And that’s just it. It’s most likely a hardware thing that doesn’t allow them to put this feature on the last gen consoles
Dolenzreplied to jhdabrick76 on Mar 2, 2021, 11:52 PM last edited by Dolenz_PSN Mar 3, 2021, 12:02 AM
@jhdabrick76_psn said in Create a stadium is only available on next gen consoles.:
SDS with the big, foam, middle finger to the long time PS4 players. Get a PS5, or get a second rate product, that costs just as much
Why must everyone play the victim? Why must it be some massive SDS conspiracy against PS4 users instead of what it is most likely, simply a case of the PS4 not having the horsepower (either processing or the SSD drive) to run it .
There are still millions upon millions of more PS4 and Xbox users than Ps5 and Series X users. The last gen consoles are not being abandoned yet.
@spokker_psn said in Create a stadium is only available on next gen consoles.:
The impression the trailer gave is that they are going to let us build "Frankenparks," that is, assemble parks from the pieces of other parks that are already in the game.
I agree it’ll probably be “Frankenparks,”. I think it stems from the inherit problem with Create a Stadium for a baseball game. Baseball stadiums are fantastic for their individuality and taking the surrounding areas into the configuration and views. Hopefully any piece by piece build configuration has a selection of none real stadium features to make it individually. Because of this, I’m more convinced the only way expansion will really be appreciated, if their are some pre built stadiums for teams. Portland would have dome or retractable roof stadiums. Nashville would have stadiums on a river. And then the piece by piece will have surrounding areas dictate the stadium build. Will it be in the suburbs in a parking lot? Or in a city? Downtown or River?
I'm dissapointed, if the next gen consoles weren't impossable to get I'd wouldn't be as upset as I am, I've been waiting for create a staduim for 15 years and they do this.
If they didn't have a plan to stop the scalpers during the pandemic they should have waited.
I'll still buy it and hope Sony has a plan to get a PS5 to me by fall.
@jhdabrick76_psn said in Create a stadium is only available on next gen consoles.:
I'm glad I didn't preorder yet, because this clinches me skipping this year. SDS with the big, foam, middle finger to the long time PS4 players. Get a PS5, or get a second rate product, that costs just as much. The majority of the player base this year will be playing on current gen, not next gen, and you just told us we don't matter.
Not true obviously create a stadium couldn't get added to ps4 cause it was already maxed out!! This yrs CAS will be bare bone anyway, no fully customizable stadiums!! So it's really not a big deal this yr. Fully customizable stadiums will probably be a few yrs down the line
Idk, but I'd be sort of upset that I have a Ps5 and would have the same game as Ps4.. there has to be some perks to a Ps5 version right?
@louieepthree_psn said in Create a stadium is only available on next gen consoles.:
Idk, but I'd be sort of upset that I have a Ps5 and would have the same game as Ps4.. there has to be some perks to a Ps5 version right?
Yeah, the huge perk is I can run the game with the capability of a PS4 pro @60FPS!!! We are here 2012!!! Let’s do this!!
Are the scalpers still working these PS5s? I got my 5 in December thankfully
@doihearbossmusic said in Create a stadium is only available on next gen consoles.:
Are the scalpers still working these PS5s? I got my 5 in December thankfully
They are still selling out practically as quickly as they go on sale. As long as that is the case and the demand outweighs the supply then scalpers will be looking to turn profits.
I'm simply going to recreate Date Palm Field and name it "Shippet".
@arvcpa_psn said in Create a stadium is only available on next gen consoles.:
I'm simply going to recreate Date Palm Field and name it "Shippet".
Now you listen here... That is blasphemy of the highest caliber.
ill wait 2/3 years until this really gets going... it like RTTS mode in its 1st year. it just came out....give it time to progress
@ikasnu_psn said in Create a stadium is only available on next gen consoles.:
@arvcpa_psn said in Create a stadium is only available on next gen consoles.:
I'm simply going to recreate Date Palm Field and name it "Shippet".
Now you listen here... That is blasphemy of the highest caliber.
Yes, but then everyone would pick it, and we'd end up playing in the best park. It's BRILLIANT.
I'm probably not going to spend more then a couple hours with it.
@king-cooper-og_xbl said in Create a stadium is only available on next gen consoles.:
I'm probably not going to spend more then a couple hours with it.
I'll try and create a stadium IF there is a way to choose it in offline DD modes beyond casual play and play vs CPU.
One of the biggest drawbacks of offline DD is you play very, very few home games. If you play Conquest smartly you are always attacking and never defending therefore you are always the visiting team. Moments drop you in to predetermined stadiums. There are very few options to choose home stadiums except the occasional "beat the CPU on all-star or above difficulty" missions.
GrizzBear55replied to Dolenz on Mar 5, 2021, 4:49 PM last edited by GrizzBear55_PSN Mar 6, 2021, 3:48 AM
@dolenz_psn said in Create a stadium is only available on next gen consoles.:
@king-cooper-og_xbl said in Create a stadium is only available on next gen consoles.:
I'm probably not going to spend more then a couple hours with it.
I'll try and create a stadium IF there is a way to choose it in offline DD modes beyond casual play and play vs CPU.
One of the biggest drawbacks of offline DD is you play very, very few home games. If you play Conquest smartly you are always attacking and never defending therefore you are always the visiting team. Moments drop you in to predetermined stadiums. There are very few options to choose home stadiums except the occasional "beat the CPU on all-star or above difficulty" missions.
Extended Play - Play vs CPU anytime, anywhere, any team, and any settings. Full 9 inning games, and rosters and lineups coincide with roster updates. Excellent mode for someone who wants to play vs CPU full 9 inning game. Kinda sounded like maybe you didn't know about this since didn't mention it.
hope this helps someone.
@ejwik13_psn said in Create a stadium is only available on next gen consoles.:
@mikester8692_xbl said in Create a stadium is only available on next gen consoles.:
I understand all the disappointment with this next gen only. The reality is, technology moves extremely fast. Eventually limits are reached and its time to move on. Everything has a shelf life.
I think the point is the majority of the users will be on ps4. Not ps5 or the new Xbox. So the game should be more tailored to the majority
Not business model wise. The future is PS5 and the Xbox. By emphasizing the new gen, they will have a jump start of the capabilities of that system and have better games abs performance in the future.
Besides it looks like a joke to me, I’d rather have a real creator and not some frankenstadium. Also they won’t be online either way. It would be annoying playing at some version of polo grounds or some 400 foot green monsters over and over
I'm consistently stumped at how this is such a polarizing thing across the fanbase.
Given that development for these games are planned out far in advance, how was SDS able to look into the future and realize there would be next-gen console shortages? There's no way.