Collective tips for a fast start in MLB 21
This is going to be my first year with the show out of the gate. last year I picked it up a few months in and while I got a late start, I put in way more hours than I can believe and was able to get every card I wanted by earning or buying.
I have a few questions but also what are some of the best things you guys who have been playing for awhile can recommend?
I pre-ordered so I'll have opening wknd to knock out some content, but lets say I pull a Trout or DeGrom or another big card. Does it make sense to sell those big ones early then buy cards a week or so later when/if prices go down? What does the market usually do early?
What's the best strategy for knocking out the collections asap?
With all the new xbox players and the fact there is a bit of a learning curve to the various aspects of the game I feel like there will TONS of stubs out there and maybe even more opportunities for working the market this year.
The best strategy overall for collections is contained in the use of a credit card. If you don't want to spend money, you can also do it via flipping and investing in players.
When a player goes up a tier, their base cost goes up as well. Silver 100, gold 1,000, diamond 5,000. Investing in gold to diamond is the most profitable method but can take a long time. What I mean by investing is finding a player who is performing well in the real MLB, and seeing where he's tiered in game. As an example, I invested in German Marquez two seasons in a row and came back with a profit of 300k each time.
Flipping is arguably the easiest method, but is time consuming unlike the previous method. It revolves around finding cards with a decent margin between their buy now, and sell now. You list a buy order, then once you get your card, list a sell order that will bring you the most profit. This has become a bit more difficult in recent years due to its popularity, but with the vast new player base I think it may be a good year.
Oh and lastly, if you're good enough, go 12-0 in BR. Thats the absolute most profitable method.
One thing to note, I don't remember where I read it, but I believe the X-box marketplace and PS marketplace may be different prices. I could be wrong though, but I was thinking the cross play was only for actual in game playing or if you have both consoles you have the same cards on both consoles. Again, may be wrong.
Ikansnu is right about playing the market. At the same time, my strategy the past couple years has been sell every gold and diamond card I get for the first week. Start doing collections with silver and below cards and use the rewards for my team. I only play offline in conquest mode and other things for the most part the first inning and may do events, but typically stay out of RS.
After I knock out the silver and below cards for collections, I work on finishing team collections that have no diamonds and cheaper gold cards. During the first month or so, a lot of 82-84 level gold cards will be in the 10-15k price range and the only way I get those is if I pull a good one in an exchange pack or post game reward. I also focus on the LS collection over any other collection early in the game cycle because those other collections (prospects) are a waste and super cheap later.
This is how I tackle things and I knocked out the LS collection last year in the second month of release with some really good pack pulls and market investments. I'll throw this one little market tip out though. If they regulate the market at launch like they did last year where the price has to stay in a certain percentage range on the buy/sell, it does make it much more tedious to play the market.
You don't want to complete collections too early, because some of the worst team's gatekeeper cards (Mancini, Merrifield) are ridiculously overpriced.
For 20, I didn't complete a collection until 3 weeks in so I could build up a big enough stockpile to flip decent-sized cards. Was able to finish Live Series by May 24th. (Pulling Cole didn't hurt. I kept him BTW. Pulled him the second day and could have sold him for 83. 2 weeks later he was 150.)
@savefarris_psn said in Collective tips for a fast start in MLB 21:
You don't want to complete collections too early, because some of the worst team's gatekeeper cards (Mancini, Merrifield) are ridiculously overpriced.
For 20, I didn't complete a collection until 3 weeks in so I could build up a big enough stockpile to flip decent-sized cards. Was able to finish Live Series by May 24th. (Pulling Cole didn't hurt. I kept him BTW. Pulled him the second day and could have sold him for 83. 2 weeks later he was 150.)
They were only a few thousand. Merrifield was iirc only 9k. Not too steep, but if you're not able to complete the collections early, yeah hold out.
@ikasnu_psn said in Collective tips for a fast start in MLB 21:
@savefarris_psn said in Collective tips for a fast start in MLB 21:
You don't want to complete collections too early, because some of the worst team's gatekeeper cards (Mancini, Merrifield) are ridiculously overpriced.
For 20, I didn't complete a collection until 3 weeks in so I could build up a big enough stockpile to flip decent-sized cards. Was able to finish Live Series by May 24th. (Pulling Cole didn't hurt. I kept him BTW. Pulled him the second day and could have sold him for 83. 2 weeks later he was 150.)
They were only a few thousand. Merrifield was iirc only 9k. Not too steep, but if you're not able to complete the collections early, yeah hold out.
I asked the same question(s) last year and never really got a good answer. I think it changes so unpredictably.
I would sell any diamonds or golds right away since there's a "race" among the whales to complete collections night 1. If you don't pull right away it might just be best to wait until the game is available for everyone and more stubs are in circulation.
Also, hold on to the low diamonds you get for choice pack (ortiz, mo this year). I sold right away for probably too cheap, and they were needed for collection(s).
@theu715_psn said in Collective tips for a fast start in MLB 21:
One thing to note, I don't remember where I read it, but I believe the X-box marketplace and PS marketplace may be different prices. I could be wrong though, but I was thinking the cross play was only for actual in game playing or if you have both consoles you have the same cards on both consoles. Again, may be wrong.
Ikansnu is right about playing the market. At the same time, my strategy the past couple years has been sell every gold and diamond card I get for the first week. Start doing collections with silver and below cards and use the rewards for my team. I only play offline in conquest mode and other things for the most part the first inning and may do events, but typically stay out of RS.
After I knock out the silver and below cards for collections, I work on finishing team collections that have no diamonds and cheaper gold cards. During the first month or so, a lot of 82-84 level gold cards will be in the 10-15k price range and the only way I get those is if I pull a good one in an exchange pack or post game reward. I also focus on the LS collection over any other collection early in the game cycle because those other collections (prospects) are a waste and super cheap later.
This is how I tackle things and I knocked out the LS collection last year in the second month of release with some really good pack pulls and market investments. I'll throw this one little market tip out though. If they regulate the market at launch like they did last year where the price has to stay in a certain percentage range on the buy/sell, it does make it much more tedious to play the market.
You nailed it. I do exactly what you do, especially the part about selling every card that aren't rewards.
@lornee56_psn said in Collective tips for a fast start in MLB 21:
@theu715_psn said in Collective tips for a fast start in MLB 21:
One thing to note, I don't remember where I read it, but I believe the X-box marketplace and PS marketplace may be different prices. I could be wrong though, but I was thinking the cross play was only for actual in game playing or if you have both consoles you have the same cards on both consoles. Again, may be wrong.
Ikansnu is right about playing the market. At the same time, my strategy the past couple years has been sell every gold and diamond card I get for the first week. Start doing collections with silver and below cards and use the rewards for my team. I only play offline in conquest mode and other things for the most part the first inning and may do events, but typically stay out of RS.
After I knock out the silver and below cards for collections, I work on finishing team collections that have no diamonds and cheaper gold cards. During the first month or so, a lot of 82-84 level gold cards will be in the 10-15k price range and the only way I get those is if I pull a good one in an exchange pack or post game reward. I also focus on the LS collection over any other collection early in the game cycle because those other collections (prospects) are a waste and super cheap later.
This is how I tackle things and I knocked out the LS collection last year in the second month of release with some really good pack pulls and market investments. I'll throw this one little market tip out though. If they regulate the market at launch like they did last year where the price has to stay in a certain percentage range on the buy/sell, it does make it much more tedious to play the market.
You nailed it. I do exactly what you do, especially the part about selling every card that aren't rewards.
Yeah, I don't lock in silver and up cards unless I have more than one. The exchange silver for golds is very valuable early in the process. Pull a few Gallo's this past year and that was about 15k a pop. Early on even the cheapest golds sell for close to, if not more than a few silvers for the exchange, so it's almost a guarantee to not lose stubs.
@SaveFarris my rebuttal to the idea of not completing collections too early is that sometimes if you hold off on the lower teams collections, they add in those garbage common and bronze cards that you have to overpay a lot more for. It's minor at the 1k stub price if they put a limit on it again though.
I will say when it comes to the LS Whales (Trout, Cole, Probably Bauer this year) Don't be too hasty either way with them. Trout got up to what, 300-400K maybe even close to 500k at one point in 20. But he didn't start that high. Look at it this way, either Lock him in early while he is at his cheapest (Til End Game of Couse) so you don't have to spend a crazy amount later. Or hold on to him till his value goes up and you can get more out of him. His higher price down the road can either get you more collections completed or more stock to flip. It takes money to make money.
I completed very late. But like said above. Did silver and below. Then once gold and low diamonds crashed then I did all them..didn’t complete live series until I hit it big investing when real play started back up..I actually had trout collection done before live series, I guess it depends on how much you want the rewards
This was my first year playing DD. my biggest mistake by far was after I got a really good team I stopped doing moments/was selling anything I got that was over 10k and it made it really difficult to complete trout
@ikasnu_psn said in Collective tips for a fast start in MLB 21:
Oh and lastly, if you're good enough, go 12-0 in BR. Thats the absolute most profitable method.
I would like to invite anyone who can go 12-0 to come to my house in late April. I'll put you up at the Ritz, feed you and give you breaks where you can take long walks on the beach. All you have to do is sit here at my desk, play on my account, and go 12-0 five or six times.
After you're done with @arvcpa, you can head on over to my place. I'd rather rent your services when the 99s start hitting BR and not the release cards of the Hoffman/Edmonds/Edgar variety.
take out your mom's credit card and spend $500+ on day 1. You wait a couple of days more and you will end up spending $1000+ instead of the $500.
@hubijerk_psn said in Collective tips for a fast start in MLB 21:
This is going to be my first year with the show out of the gate. last year I picked it up a few months in and while I got a late start, I put in way more hours than I can believe and was able to get every card I wanted by earning or buying.
I have a few questions but also what are some of the best things you guys who have been playing for awhile can recommend?
I pre-ordered so I'll have opening wknd to knock out some content, but lets say I pull a Trout or DeGrom or another big card. Does it make sense to sell those big ones early then buy cards a week or so later when/if prices go down? What does the market usually do early?
What's the best strategy for knocking out the collections asap?
With all the new xbox players and the fact there is a bit of a learning curve to the various aspects of the game I feel like there will TONS of stubs out there and maybe even more opportunities for working the market this year.
I've found that it generally doesn't pay to sell your diamonds. Prices seem to increase until June or July so if you sell a gatekeeper in the early weeks, it gets harder to make enough stubs to buy them back.
Flipping as other people have mentioned is tedious but reliable. Investing is the easiest way to make a windfall (people have made literally millions of stubs in an instant), but comes with considerable risk. There's lots of good YouTube vids and Twitch streamers that can help with the market. I personally like Ance Larmstrongs market advice a lot.
At the risk of sounding conspiratorial, I wouldn't be surprised to find that they tinker with the pack odds early on in the year. I've played DD religiously the last two years, and diamonds have been [censored] near impossible to pull before July. This past year I literally pulled 1 diamond from early April until late June, despite opening hundreds and hundreds of packs. 19 wasn't quite as bad but it was close- I don't think I pulled my first diamond player until late May. I don't know if I've just had terrible luck at the worst time of year, but I haven't been able to finish the LS collection before late June as a result.
@jacksonvance35 said in Collective tips for a fast start in MLB 21:
This was my first year playing DD. my biggest mistake by far
I stopped reading your post right here and it made complete sense