Anyone else having trouble connecting?
I keep getting an error (WS-37397-9)
Any ideas?
@jonblaze2424 said in Anyone else having trouble connecting?:
I keep getting an error (WS-37397-9)
Any ideas?
Just tried to log in as well....same issue. Going to start the google machine.
JoeTheGamePlayerwrote on Feb 11, 2021, 1:14 AM last edited by JoeTheGamePlayer Feb 11, 2021, 1:14 AM
I get an access denied message when I try to log in to the MLB The Show 20 game web site
@JoeTheGamePlayer said in Anyone else having trouble connecting?:
I get an access denied message when I try to log in to the MLB The Show 20 game web site
Getting that in here message today, also got a online error message in game & could not clear it.
Which is odd because I was in an offline mode.Had to close app.
A couple of my buddies are getting the same thing with other games. PSN shows online, able to see which friends are online....but every game they go on shows it as offline and can't connect
Me too. Thought I was banned for a sec. Whew!
Same on my alternate account -
And to think I was going to spend all my stubs on packs tonight too.....
Mine too. Maybe there's an update. I think I saw something about maintenance
Seems as if the entire network is down. Hopefully not for too long, although seeing people lose their sh*t on twitter is quite entertaining.
lol that is funny
Looking like it's wider spread than just MLB, could be a sony issue
It’s a psn issue because I thought I got banned for some reason too lol
This can't be good...
@Doppelganger39 said in Anyone else having trouble connecting?:
That’s it. I’m tired of Sony and their shitty network. MLB the Show 21 will be played on my Xbox series X console. Goodbye Sony.
PSN is down, apparently Donald Trump gave a moving speech which incited cyber bullies to bring down the network!!! LOL
This must be why I had to Change my PSN Password when I got home from Work last night even though I just changed it like a week ago.