@HeadCoach11787 said in Debate:
Just played good DD player humiliated him 5-0 in First inning after he made two outs batting he quit Lmaoo
The DD guy was swinging at first pitch curves in the dirt too lol. I always test out my opponent first inning with curves or sliders in dirt, if you’re going to get yourself out then I’ll let u
If he just laid off them I would come in zone. Funny bc the good H2H players don’t swing at them
Also was ironic the guy used Texas like me, so I offered him a friendly quit b4 first pitch (what fun is it playing Texas vs Texas)
He declined then after I put up a 5 spot in the top of first he offers me a friendly quit back which I obviously declined, two outs later and he quits lol
Just makes me think the DD players just recklessly swinging at everything bc playing with hall of famers can prob get away with it in DD cheese fest.
@HeadCoach11787 said in Debate:
@HeadCoach11787 said in Debate:
Just played good DD player humiliated him 5-0 in First inning after he made two outs batting he quit Lmaoo
The DD guy was swinging at first pitch curves in the dirt too lol. I always test out my opponent first inning with curves or sliders in dirt, if you’re going to get yourself out then I’ll let u
If he just laid off them I would come in zone. Funny bc the good H2H players don’t swing at them
Also was ironic the guy used Texas like me, so I offered him a friendly quit b4 first pitch (what fun is it playing Texas vs Texas)
He declined then after I put up a 5 spot in the top of first he offers me a friendly quit back which I obviously declined, two outs later and he quits lol
Just makes me think the DD players just recklessly swinging at everything bc playing with hall of famers can prob get away with it in DD cheese fest.
Don't let that person represent all DD players, the guys that swing at everything are scrubs. The good players I've gone against won't swing at anything outside the zone no matter how close and anything in the zone is a home run.
@HeadCoach11787 said in Debate:
@HeadCoach11787 said in Debate:
Just played good DD player humiliated him 5-0 in First inning after he made two outs batting he quit Lmaoo
The DD guy was swinging at first pitch curves in the dirt too lol. I always test out my opponent first inning with curves or sliders in dirt, if you’re going to get yourself out then I’ll let u
If he just laid off them I would come in zone. Funny bc the good H2H players don’t swing at them
Also was ironic the guy used Texas like me, so I offered him a friendly quit b4 first pitch (what fun is it playing Texas vs Texas)
He declined then after I put up a 5 spot in the top of first he offers me a friendly quit back which I obviously declined, two outs later and he quits lol
Just makes me think the DD players just recklessly swinging at everything bc playing with hall of famers can prob get away with it in DD cheese fest.
Also, not to insult the guy you played, but he def isn't a good DD player. He only has 21 hours logged in DD and has over 100 in Play Now. We get it, you want to brag about winning with weak players, but if you want a true test of your skill, you'd play where the main competition is and with even lineups. Heck, there are literal tournaments going on that could answer this debate pretty easily. Also, I'm aware that this thread is just you repeating yourself over and over without addressing anybody's counterpoints, and my response is only feeding the bears, but don't claim that you've played a "good DD player" and "humiliated him" without thinking someone will check up on that.
@JellyRoll198 said in Debate:
@HeadCoach11787 said in Debate:
@HeadCoach11787 said in Debate:
Just played good DD player humiliated him 5-0 in First inning after he made two outs batting he quit Lmaoo
The DD guy was swinging at first pitch curves in the dirt too lol. I always test out my opponent first inning with curves or sliders in dirt, if you’re going to get yourself out then I’ll let u
If he just laid off them I would come in zone. Funny bc the good H2H players don’t swing at them
Also was ironic the guy used Texas like me, so I offered him a friendly quit b4 first pitch (what fun is it playing Texas vs Texas)
He declined then after I put up a 5 spot in the top of first he offers me a friendly quit back which I obviously declined, two outs later and he quits lol
Just makes me think the DD players just recklessly swinging at everything bc playing with hall of famers can prob get away with it in DD cheese fest.
Also, not to insult the guy you played, but he def isn't a good DD player. He only has 21 hours logged in DD and has over 100 in Play Now. We get it, you want to brag about winning with weak players, but if you want a true test of your skill, you'd play where the main competition is and with even lineups. Heck, there are literal tournaments going on that could answer this debate pretty easily. Also, I'm aware that this thread is just you repeating yourself over and over without addressing anybody's counterpoints, and my response is only feeding the bears, but don't claim that you've played a "good DD player" and "humiliated him" without thinking someone will check up on that.
This whole thing has been some weird flex. Good for you, you win a lot of games with Miami. We couldn't tell, you only said 15 times
I’ve played a few DD players in H2H and they seem to quit quickly. Makes sense tho must be frustrating for them tho going from Stan Musial as your 8th hitter to actually playing with real teams and weak spots in lineup.
Also in H2H they aren’t able to pitch 5 Cy young starters each game, have to actually use relievers in relief.
@HeadCoach11787 said in Debate:
I’ve played a few DD players in H2H and they seem to quit quickly. Makes sense tho must be frustrating for them tho going from Stan Musial as your 8th hitter to actually playing with real teams and weak spots in lineup.
Also in H2H they aren’t able to pitch 5 Cy young starters each game, have to actually use relievers in relief.
At first it seemed like you wanted actual debate but it definitely just seems like you want to dump on DD. If you enjoy playing with the real teams that's cool, more power to ya but DD is more competetive, its not debatable really.
@HeadCoach11787 said in Debate:
@eatyum said in Debate:
@HeadCoach11787 said in Debate:
Which is my point a DD player gets minor league player and 97 overall rank
LET me state for the MILLIONTH TIMEThe top players have used bronze cards and still made WS! They have faced absolute god squads that are so far above the Yankees or Dodgers in H2H, and beaten them with bronzes.
They aren't only using all the high rated cards.
Bronze cards.. never played DD as I like playing realistic.. what are rankings of bronze cards?
You play with the Marlins all the time and don't know what Bronze card ratings are????
The reasons you give for H2H being tough are actually the same reasons DD is more competetive. Holes in the lineup- in DD there are no weak spots in the lineup so you have to be locked in every at bat while pitching. Bad pitchers-in DD if you are seeing a pitcher below 90 you're in an event or facing someone lower leveled so again you can't take off any at bats, you have to be locked in from start to finish. H2H is more strategic you could say but DD is definitely more competetive.
This OP is a total bot. Just repeats himself and doesn't listen to responses at all. I think he just wanted to flex.
It's awkward. -
@Nanthrax_1 said in Debate:
This OP is a total bot. Just repeats himself and doesn't listen to responses at all. I think he just wanted to flex.
It's awkward.The flex is all it’s been from the creation of this topic. I’d been reading through and couldn’t believe people were actually thinking he wanted a debate about it but now people are realizing he didn’t lol
This is not the only thread where he has to try to flex and say he plays as texas or miami. I laughed the whole way through this thread about this clown talking about how great he is. Kinda sad really
@Rabid55Wolverine said in Debate:
This is not the only thread where he has to try to flex and say he plays as texas or miami. I laughed the whole way through this thread about this clown talking about how great he is. Kinda sad really
I feel ya it wouldn't be actually bad if he didn't choose any difficulty but rather play on HOF or legend.
Guys I feel like you’re all missing the point. He’s doing all this while using Texas and Miami. Texas and Miami! Good “debate”.
@JellyRoll198 said in Debate:
Guys I feel like you’re all missing the point. He’s doing all this while using Texas and Miami. Texas and Miami! Good “debate”.
And dont forget everyone else only picks good teams like the Doyers lmao
@IIJACKINTHBOXII said in Debate:
There are currently 97,135 players who have played a game of H2H this year. There are 348,086 players who have played a game of DD this year. That's about 3.6 times as many DDers than H2Hers. Even if talent was equally distributed between both modes (which I doubt is the case) there would be approximately 360 players in DD that are as good or better than the top 100 in H2H. IMO this is inaccurate though because DD is more popular and would attract the best talent due to it's marketability.
348k people playing at least 1 game of DD just seems kinda sad to me. That just seems pretty low for a worldwide number. How does that compare to other years? Does anyone know? If that's all the player base they have and it's about the only mode they focus on that just seems, I don't know, low I guess lol
The “debate“ is the fact that ur saying DD players are miles better
So if that is the case if a top DD player played a Top H2H guy and the DD player was the Orioles and the top H2H player was the Yankees ur saying the DD player would win?
My opinion is that if the skill gap was not huge it would be very difficult for the DD player overcoming the horrible ratings of the Orioles players against a great team like the Yanks
Trying to get the Yankees overpowered lineup out with pitchers ranked in the 50’s and 60’s
And then trying to hit with guys ranked in the 60’s instead of 90+ ranked overall players like they are used using in DD
And yeah I’m proud of my accomplishments when I have 55 overall Taylor Hearn and Stephen Tarpley coming out of the bullpen and I still mow down the yanks and doyers but I see ur point of no point in saying that in what is meant to be a honest debate
@HeadCoach11787 said in Debate:
The “debate“ is the fact that ur saying DD players are miles better
So if that is the case if a top DD player played a Top H2H guy and the DD player was the Orioles and the top H2H player was the Yankees ur saying the DD player would win?
My opinion is that if the skill gap was not huge it would be very difficult for the DD player overcoming the horrible ratings of the Orioles players against a great team like the Yanks
Trying to get the Yankees overpowered lineup out with pitchers ranked in the 50’s and 60’s
And then trying to hit with guys ranked in the 60’s instead of 90+ ranked overall players like they are used using in DD
And yeah I’m proud of my accomplishments when I have 55 overall Taylor Hearn and Stephen Tarpley coming out of the bullpen and I still mow down the yanks and doyers but I see ur point of no point in saying that in what is meant to be a honest debate
An honest debate has back and forth, you have not acknowledged any of the points people have made you just constantly say how you win with bad players. I'm not honna repeat myself, scroll up to my last comment to read why your argument actually proves DD is more competetive.
@Kovz88 said in Debate:
The reasons you give for H2H being tough are actually the same reasons DD is more competetive. Holes in the lineup- in DD there are no weak spots in the lineup so you have to be locked in every at bat while pitching. Bad pitchers-in DD if you are seeing a pitcher below 90 you're in an event or facing someone lower leveled so again you can't take off any at bats, you have to be locked in from start to finish. H2H is more strategic you could say but DD is definitely more competetive.
I saw this.. yeah facing all 99 hitters In DD but using all 99 pitchers
H2H could have a 55 overall ranked pitcher against a 55 overall hitter, or a 95 overall hitter
So I don’t see ur argument..
The consensus is DD players are better with flawed justified reasons
I’ll give up on the thread as I enjoy playing with real teams and rosters, realistic baseball. And you all have your reasons to play with 99 overall players in a minor league stadium you never heard of.
Agree to disagree, MLB the show is great game regardless and that’s the main thing that matters
@HeadCoach11787 said in Debate:
@John3221 said in Debate:
@HeadCoach11787 said in Debate:
True I’m just curious as a top player who plays with Texas and Miami online and dosent like DD bc I like playing with real rosters and teams and realistic as possible, how I would do against top DD players
I’m already facing the yanks, doyers, astros in most of my games with Texas and Miami and I’m 41-3 my last 44
You not playing on HOF or legend enough. Stop choosing any difficulty. Play on higher difficulties then I'll respect your record more.
I’ll set it off any difficulty and put it on legend. I doubt anyone will score on me as I hit the corners Basically every pitch
Regardless when it’s on any difficulty as I set it so I can find game quicker, it’s human vs human so I don’t see how that should make a difference
Jesus Christ no offense but I feel like the way you’re talking you wouldn’t make it past pennant race in DD Ranked
@Malikeve said in Debate:
Br 12-0 are the best! Just joking haha
I actually agree with that. 12-0 would be crazy difficult.