@HeadCoach11787 said in Debate:
@eatyum said in Debate:
@HeadCoach11787 said in Debate:
good to see that not all DD players are playing with all 99’s
Just a shame how everyone loves playing such unrealistic sports now in the show and madden turning into fantasy games
It’s not the fact that online H2H players are not good u have to factor in there are indeed some people who like playing realistic with real teams and players
Stacked fake team names and uniforms in a minor league park is the new phenomenon lol
Or in Madden someone playing as the home team with the Green Bay Packers uniform in MUT with Michael Vick at QB and Barry Sanders at Running Back and the game is at the New Orleans Superdome
There are absolutely good players in H2H, that was never my argument. You seem like a great player, and I'm sorry if it seemed like I was saying you weren't good.
Just solely comparing the top 100 in each mode though, the top 100 DD players are better.
Argument is more players hence more competitive I get it. People don’t care about playing realistic? Or is the competition just so good they don’t care? Maybe the “thrill” is playing with combination of current all stars and hall of famers also who knows
Everyone plays for different reasons, there is no "right" way to play. I love playing franchise mode to play with my favorite team and do a realistic season. I play DD because there are so many different things to do and sometimes I like to play with some of my favorite flashback/legend players even if they aren't my best option. Ever since Ken Griffey Jr Slugfest back in the day anytime I can get Griffey I do. Definity respect people that play with the actual rosters because you do have to compensate for the lower rated players.
True glad to see good contributions to this thread let’s hope the real season starts I’m still not certain with cases rising at record rates
The #1DD player has been #1 for years now... He's definitely the best Show player on the world ATM.
As someone who's been sitting at number 2 right now and number 1 in the past in Head to head. Diamond dynasty is by FAR more competitive compared to H2H. I respect you for playing with your fav team and playing with texas but wanting to play live players is one thing but COMPETITIVE wise DD is tougher. That's cool that you don't play with cheesy teams but I play to win and play to be number 1. People who are on top 20-30 in H2h leaderboards DEF can't make it to world series in DD. I've played many top players and multiple times against them in H2H online and won. As I am 141-6 in h2h. DD is more competitive. Which is why i stoppped playing H2H. Also, Texas is a good team to play with. They have a lot of players with glitchy swings.
Let me settle this once and for all. I am ranked 38th in play now online rated and I play on HOF. I don't let the matchmaking rating go below 1700 and I still play a ton of scrubs. I don't want to but since I'm WAYYY behind in DD and still don't even have sheffield or biggio i refuse to get beat by scrub with higher rated teams and players.
But once i do get a team equal to others in DD in CS+(98% of those teams are rated 96 or more with the contact and power above 100) I will finally face real competition.
No doubt DD is where the real competition is at. I've been playing online rated for awhile and even with my matchmaker sitting at 1700+ im still playing scrubs.
It is difficult to keep track of all the pitchers in play now as you face a lot more variety with weaker hitters I would say that hitting in DD is slightly easier because you face a lot of the same pitchers with all great hitters but pitching is harder because guys can actually hit.
Also headcoach1181879623569000 you are playing scrubs especially if you are putting it on ANY and you are hitting on all-star most likely so ratings don't really matter. Anybody is Babe Ruth on All-star. I am sure you are a good player but trust me DD competition is not the same...once in a while I face good players on online rated but rarely and even games i've lost were against guys who pitched well but got lucky cause I hung em a fat meatball
As some 1 who's been number 1 in h2h and made it to world series in DD in the past just to prove to myself I could I would have to conceed that on a game to game basis that overall it is harder to consistently win in DD than online rated for multiple reasons. Personally tho I like the normal teams but to each is own when it comes to enjoying the game.
Just played good DD player humiliated him 5-0 in First inning after he made two outs batting he quit Lmaoo
Good points in this thread tho DD May be more competitive ( I wouldn’t know bc don’t play it) but don’t discredit H2H guys who play with inferior teams to make it challenging
Won two games down 6-0 tonight against good H2H guys too
@HeadCoach11787 said in Debate:
Just played good DD player humiliated him 5-0 in First inning after he made two outs batting he quit Lmaoo
The DD guy was swinging at first pitch curves in the dirt too lol. I always test out my opponent first inning with curves or sliders in dirt, if you’re going to get yourself out then I’ll let u
If he just laid off them I would come in zone. Funny bc the good H2H players don’t swing at them
Also was ironic the guy used Texas like me, so I offered him a friendly quit b4 first pitch (what fun is it playing Texas vs Texas)
He declined then after I put up a 5 spot in the top of first he offers me a friendly quit back which I obviously declined, two outs later and he quits lol
Just makes me think the DD players just recklessly swinging at everything bc playing with hall of famers can prob get away with it in DD cheese fest.
@HeadCoach11787 said in Debate:
@HeadCoach11787 said in Debate:
Just played good DD player humiliated him 5-0 in First inning after he made two outs batting he quit Lmaoo
The DD guy was swinging at first pitch curves in the dirt too lol. I always test out my opponent first inning with curves or sliders in dirt, if you’re going to get yourself out then I’ll let u
If he just laid off them I would come in zone. Funny bc the good H2H players don’t swing at them
Also was ironic the guy used Texas like me, so I offered him a friendly quit b4 first pitch (what fun is it playing Texas vs Texas)
He declined then after I put up a 5 spot in the top of first he offers me a friendly quit back which I obviously declined, two outs later and he quits lol
Just makes me think the DD players just recklessly swinging at everything bc playing with hall of famers can prob get away with it in DD cheese fest.
Don't let that person represent all DD players, the guys that swing at everything are scrubs. The good players I've gone against won't swing at anything outside the zone no matter how close and anything in the zone is a home run.
@HeadCoach11787 said in Debate:
@HeadCoach11787 said in Debate:
Just played good DD player humiliated him 5-0 in First inning after he made two outs batting he quit Lmaoo
The DD guy was swinging at first pitch curves in the dirt too lol. I always test out my opponent first inning with curves or sliders in dirt, if you’re going to get yourself out then I’ll let u
If he just laid off them I would come in zone. Funny bc the good H2H players don’t swing at them
Also was ironic the guy used Texas like me, so I offered him a friendly quit b4 first pitch (what fun is it playing Texas vs Texas)
He declined then after I put up a 5 spot in the top of first he offers me a friendly quit back which I obviously declined, two outs later and he quits lol
Just makes me think the DD players just recklessly swinging at everything bc playing with hall of famers can prob get away with it in DD cheese fest.
Also, not to insult the guy you played, but he def isn't a good DD player. He only has 21 hours logged in DD and has over 100 in Play Now. We get it, you want to brag about winning with weak players, but if you want a true test of your skill, you'd play where the main competition is and with even lineups. Heck, there are literal tournaments going on that could answer this debate pretty easily. Also, I'm aware that this thread is just you repeating yourself over and over without addressing anybody's counterpoints, and my response is only feeding the bears, but don't claim that you've played a "good DD player" and "humiliated him" without thinking someone will check up on that.
@JellyRoll198 said in Debate:
@HeadCoach11787 said in Debate:
@HeadCoach11787 said in Debate:
Just played good DD player humiliated him 5-0 in First inning after he made two outs batting he quit Lmaoo
The DD guy was swinging at first pitch curves in the dirt too lol. I always test out my opponent first inning with curves or sliders in dirt, if you’re going to get yourself out then I’ll let u
If he just laid off them I would come in zone. Funny bc the good H2H players don’t swing at them
Also was ironic the guy used Texas like me, so I offered him a friendly quit b4 first pitch (what fun is it playing Texas vs Texas)
He declined then after I put up a 5 spot in the top of first he offers me a friendly quit back which I obviously declined, two outs later and he quits lol
Just makes me think the DD players just recklessly swinging at everything bc playing with hall of famers can prob get away with it in DD cheese fest.
Also, not to insult the guy you played, but he def isn't a good DD player. He only has 21 hours logged in DD and has over 100 in Play Now. We get it, you want to brag about winning with weak players, but if you want a true test of your skill, you'd play where the main competition is and with even lineups. Heck, there are literal tournaments going on that could answer this debate pretty easily. Also, I'm aware that this thread is just you repeating yourself over and over without addressing anybody's counterpoints, and my response is only feeding the bears, but don't claim that you've played a "good DD player" and "humiliated him" without thinking someone will check up on that.
This whole thing has been some weird flex. Good for you, you win a lot of games with Miami. We couldn't tell, you only said 15 times
I’ve played a few DD players in H2H and they seem to quit quickly. Makes sense tho must be frustrating for them tho going from Stan Musial as your 8th hitter to actually playing with real teams and weak spots in lineup.
Also in H2H they aren’t able to pitch 5 Cy young starters each game, have to actually use relievers in relief.
@HeadCoach11787 said in Debate:
I’ve played a few DD players in H2H and they seem to quit quickly. Makes sense tho must be frustrating for them tho going from Stan Musial as your 8th hitter to actually playing with real teams and weak spots in lineup.
Also in H2H they aren’t able to pitch 5 Cy young starters each game, have to actually use relievers in relief.
At first it seemed like you wanted actual debate but it definitely just seems like you want to dump on DD. If you enjoy playing with the real teams that's cool, more power to ya but DD is more competetive, its not debatable really.
@HeadCoach11787 said in Debate:
@eatyum said in Debate:
@HeadCoach11787 said in Debate:
Which is my point a DD player gets minor league player and 97 overall rank
LET me state for the MILLIONTH TIMEThe top players have used bronze cards and still made WS! They have faced absolute god squads that are so far above the Yankees or Dodgers in H2H, and beaten them with bronzes.
They aren't only using all the high rated cards.
Bronze cards.. never played DD as I like playing realistic.. what are rankings of bronze cards?
You play with the Marlins all the time and don't know what Bronze card ratings are????
The reasons you give for H2H being tough are actually the same reasons DD is more competetive. Holes in the lineup- in DD there are no weak spots in the lineup so you have to be locked in every at bat while pitching. Bad pitchers-in DD if you are seeing a pitcher below 90 you're in an event or facing someone lower leveled so again you can't take off any at bats, you have to be locked in from start to finish. H2H is more strategic you could say but DD is definitely more competetive.
This OP is a total bot. Just repeats himself and doesn't listen to responses at all. I think he just wanted to flex.
It's awkward. -
@Nanthrax_1 said in Debate:
This OP is a total bot. Just repeats himself and doesn't listen to responses at all. I think he just wanted to flex.
It's awkward.The flex is all it’s been from the creation of this topic. I’d been reading through and couldn’t believe people were actually thinking he wanted a debate about it but now people are realizing he didn’t lol
This is not the only thread where he has to try to flex and say he plays as texas or miami. I laughed the whole way through this thread about this clown talking about how great he is. Kinda sad really
@Rabid55Wolverine said in Debate:
This is not the only thread where he has to try to flex and say he plays as texas or miami. I laughed the whole way through this thread about this clown talking about how great he is. Kinda sad really
I feel ya it wouldn't be actually bad if he didn't choose any difficulty but rather play on HOF or legend.