I’m never going to be good at this game
Honestly, if you have fun playing who cares if you're good? Yes we all want to be top players etc. but at the end of the day it is still a video game meant for entertainment, I sometimes lose sight of that.
I feel like this alot. I've barely broken 500 a few times. Hardwired and play on a monitor as well. Still was late on fastballs up and in and several pitches in general.
Lately I've been able to turn it around a bit. Perhaps these tidbits ive picked up might help you.
- Instead of dragging your pci to the ball, put it on the spot you think its gonna be. I'm serious. You are pre programing your pci in a way. You are putting the PCI in the spot BEFORE the ball is there.
This is key in making sure you are early or good instead of late. Believe it or not being early can often compensate slightly for your PCI being slightly off.
If I see something offspeed, I try to aim ahead of time where I think its gonna land. If it looks like a fastball, I put my pci in the place I think the ball will land on the break instead of tracking it to the spot as the ball is arriving.
Try turning off the inner PCI and leaving the outer. This way you still have an idea where the PCI is, but aren't having your vision obscured by it. This has resulted in me making way better contact with "good" and way more perfect perfects than I've had in the past.
Switch camera zone to retro and offset zoom if necessary and pay attention to when your batter steps. Usually right as he steps or right after is when you want to swing. This is key for better timing. Its harder on strikeout, but you can still see your batters motion of stepping. But obscured.
@boduke82 said in I’m never going to be good at this game:
No not here to whine about gameplay. More of a confession . I’m never going to get out of all star divisions. I’ve barely been above .500 last year and this year. I use a monitor and wired internet. I still can’t seem to see pitches and have issues getting my pci to certain parts of the zone. If someone finds those weak spots they exploit it (can’t blame them) and I’m screwed. Any way to get past this?
Is there anything you can do settings wise? Are you in game mode on your tv? You running “faster” in the visual settings of the game? Having a monitor helps if you want to at least level the playing field if that’s something you’d be interested in.
Something i have been experimenting with is putting my controller on my leg and using the left analog more like a joystick. The only thing that i can envision becoming an issue is the stealing aspect, but i cant steal anyways.
This has allowed me to sit middle and react and i have put my PCI on the ball more consistently.
Previously the only way i could hit a ball would be chasing any low pitch by jamming my PCI down or them hanging a pitch near the middle that i didnt have to move my PCI for. I could not hit a pitch up high or inside but now i can make contact i just have to get better at the timing aspect.
@boduke82 said in I’m never going to be good at this game:
No not here to whine about gameplay. More of a confession . I’m never going to get out of all star divisions. I’ve barely been above .500 last year and this year. I use a monitor and wired internet. I still can’t seem to see pitches and have issues getting my pci to certain parts of the zone. If someone finds those weak spots they exploit it (can’t blame them) and I’m screwed. Any way to get past this?
The best advice I got, was to turn up your sliders all the way up on fastball, and location and or control and save it.
Go to batting practice, put it on legend for hitting.
Have Ryan on the mound, make the count 3-0, make the at-bat repeatable.You will get a ton of fastballs in the strike-zone for you to practice on.
It will force you to be early on your swings. Once you get accustomed to having a fast bat, you'll then be able to sit on fastballs and adjust to the off-speed.
@The_Canuckler said in I’m never going to be good at this game:
Honestly, if you have fun playing who cares if you're good? Yes we all want to be top players etc. but at the end of the day it is still a video game meant for entertainment, I sometimes lose sight of that.
This is so true. My only issue is if I'm not good, I wish the game would match me better with players of similar skill in RS so there would be more fun, good games. It's really the only mode to play where I can use my DD team in a real 9 inning game against another live person, yet I'm getting matched up a lot with folks who are hitting .350 with their entire lineup. I don't mind losing at all, but seems like every game lately it's not even a good match, and if it seems like it is, people just start trying to annoy you all game or bunt with everybody or steal when they realize I can't throw to 2nd anymore; and I'm starting to quit much more often just looking for a fun game. Played a lot this year and love this game, but losing interest.
@Freddy_Sez said in I’m never going to be good at this game:
@The_Canuckler said in I’m never going to be good at this game:
Honestly, if you have fun playing who cares if you're good? Yes we all want to be top players etc. but at the end of the day it is still a video game meant for entertainment, I sometimes lose sight of that.
This is so true. My only issue is if I'm not good, I wish the game would match me better with players of similar skill in RS so there would be more fun, good games. It's really the only mode to play where I can use my DD team in a real 9 inning game against another live person, yet I'm getting matched up a lot with folks who are hitting .350 with their entire lineup. I don't mind losing at all, but seems like every game lately it's not even a good match, and if it seems like it is, people just start trying to annoy you all game or bunt with everybody or steal when they realize I can't throw to 2nd anymore; and I'm starting to quit much more often just looking for a fun game. Played a lot this year and love this game, but losing interest.
I feel the same way. Im an avid fan of the game, I play everyday, but I just suck as a hitter. I've tried everything, some days I feel,like I have it, other days it's a total mess. Im not going to lie, this game is hard for me, but I keep pressing on because I like the challenge. I know I'll never be a World Series player and that's ok, I just keep grinding and do the best I can as frustrating as it can be.
Anyone who puts the work in will achieve WS it's that simple.
But continually playing games with 30 strikeouts and 1 combined run isn't a lot of fun. I know I'm a terrible hitter but I also know that I'm not that good of a pitcher. I'm not trying to achieve anything but a fun game and that just doesn't happen this year.
There needs to be more balance. -
I think I'm pretty good at the game, but that's because I'm 30 and have been playing baseball games since I was like 7 years old. Takes a lot of practice.
One of the things that changed gameplay For me was getting a KontrolFreek. I have a couple different ones and rotate between them depending on my reactions that day. They help me move the pci quicker so I can focus more on timing. Also best piece of advice is what @NotSure_2505_ said. Turn your sliders all the way up and practice on legend. Do this right before you go to play a game and you’ll see your reaction times improve
I’m not a WS player or anything (I think my record is like 44 - 20), but the light switch moment for me was learning plate discipline. Not just taking balls, but being willing to take some bad strikes. My approach at the plate changed from “try to hit the ball” to “wait for a pitch I like/am expecting and smash it”
It can be really frustrating, but showdowns helped a lot with that. The ONLY way to win those is to be patient at the plate...it’s a good was to do some BP while earning XP, stubs, and TA progress. I recommend it.
I’m 62-62, i lose as much as win. I’m the definition of average. But I made my pci red made it a little transparent turned off the putter ring and when the pitch is combining my inner ring is turned off. I don’t pay attention to the pci, I pay attention to the ball. I mean you learn keep your eye on the ball from coach pitch little league. I don’t understand the monitor stuff because I have a monitor and still rather play on my Big screen tv. Also if you do batting practice on legend difficulty like I did it for like 14 hours one day, when I played someone I got raged quit 3 games straight.. maybe I’m in a position to give advise? Maybe not?
@OceanBubbles000 said in I’m never going to be good at this game:
Anyone who puts the work in will achieve WS it's that simple.
Not true. I put in work. I’m almost 40 games over .500. I think I’m like 98-60? Something like that. I’ve never made WS unfortunately.
This year has been rough for me... My last two games were against ppl with WS banners... I'm currently in the 600's.. first one i sneaked out a win.. last one.. winning 6-2 in the ninth, I was sweating cuz the dude can hit.. he came back and tied it against Dibble... lost it in extras... can't complain, it was a good game.. keep at it.. be patient.. that's my problem.. take pitches...
@raesONE said in I’m never going to be good at this game:
Yes, you keep playing and you keep practicing. Nobody became a good hitter overnight, it literally takes hundreds of hours to get consistently good at this game.
@wolfTex77 said in I’m never going to be good at this game:
@raesONE said in I’m never going to be good at this game:
Yes, you keep playing and you keep practicing. Nobody became a good hitter overnight, it literally takes hundreds of hours to get consistently good at this game.
Definitely, I just didn't wanna discourage anyone