Content creators
I just want to be entertained, I'm not looking for a deep analysis on the game or someone who complains over and over. We all know the game has issues, but I personally don't watch content that constantly reminds me over and over about how they're getting screwed, that's not entertaining to me.
Entertainment, gameplay advice, and reviews. I like Atrin, KevinGohd, Gomes, Kyle, and Shelfy. Guys like Twin and Healy drive me nuts.
@chip187 said in Content Creators:
What do you guys look for when watching a content creator ?
Quality content usually
I like Kevin Gohd & that’s it...The rest of them suck. And I mean ALL of them.
Almost all of The Show content creators have one or more of the following problems:
-Zero personality
-Cries about the game when things don’t go their way.Well actually it’s really just those two things.
Kevin is the exception.
I love RicksterGhost. Dude is absolutely hilarious, and I feel the pain he shares in his videos. Give him a watch, you’ll be crying of laughter whether it’s a gameplay or pack opening
Gomes - 8
YFK - 6 Would have been -3 but I understand why he comes across annoying AF now and it's probably not what some think at least imo.
McGunski - 7
Koogs - 7
Kev - 8.5 just can't watch him then play he's entertainment but his negative attitude whether entertainment purpose or not messes with me wanting to play.
College Lefty - 8
MTG - Minus 3 for the weird open mouth pic on his vids but usually good vids so 7.
Twin - 8.5
RSG - 7.5In general though apart from Kevin & RSG none really have entertainment value but as far as gameplay and info pretty good imo.
Kevin is the goat , him for laughs - college for info and gameplay
Agree with these guys^ give ricksterghost a try though, he’s not as big as them but he’s equally great to watch
Merged threads. Please don't post the same topic in multiple categories.
- AntOrtiz
Kevingohd is the only one I can watch.
I find YFk, though very skilled, absolutely unwatchable. He's so boring.
Koogs is vanilla.
Shelfy, I'd rather be waterboarded..
I find other games definitely have better content creators.. even if it's just for entertainment. Troydan nba 2k comes to mind. Highly entertaining -
KevinGohd is the only youtuber I watch and Jerznetwork is an awesome streamer.
The rest of them all do the same dam videos and just aren't entertaining at all.
In reading these comments I think the majority of us feel the same way...We all love Kevin because he’s the average Joe player that we can all relate to & he makes us laugh. It seems the content creators need to take note & change their approach. While guys like Rebel, Kyle, Koogs, ect are incredible players & can hit 20 bombs a game...Nobody wants to watch that - It’s depressing for the majority of us to watch guys do easily what we’ll never be able to do. It’s unhealthy to watch them honestly.
Daddy Dimmu, love him. He just says what he wants and doesn’t care. Plus he is hilarious
@backerrrr44 said in Content creators:
I love RicksterGhost. Dude is absolutely hilarious, and I feel the pain he shares in his videos. Give him a watch, you’ll be crying of laughter whether it’s a gameplay or pack opening
I think RicksterGhost is my favorite at this point (I can relate to the guy) followed by GomesDaLegend.
Not big on streamers. A lot of them have the same persona, which isn't diverse and is frankly kind of obnoxious. I don't want to watch someone throw a tantrum over a video game, that isn't entertaining or how I want to spend my time.
I like Cbrev. I like Lefty. Kevin is entertaining.
Daddy Dimmu
Rickster Ghost
KevinThat’s the three I watch majority of the time. Used to watch McGunski but I’ve lost interest in him.
Gomesthelegend is helpful and funny.
Ricksterghost is there for laughs.
Movie Gaming TV gives good tips but can be boring.
Koogs is ok he can provide content.
Kyle can play but can't really make content.
Kevin is super funny (I wish he would daily upload).
Scomo is good but sometimes his lack of baseball knowledge comes in.
Shelfy is a well balanced YouTuber, he can play pretty well, makes decent content, and sometimes is funny.
Dimmu is funny but doesn't upload enough.
QuashTag is my least favorite, he just is boring and rude.
Fuzzy is my favorite (maybe because I played him and good embarrassed), here is the link to the video, it is pretty funny I also watch his MLB videos/recaps.
I used to like Mcgunski more but he is still decent.
Samuel Adams is my favorite on Twitch and on youtube he is decent.
TwinGamingTV gives you the positive vibes and can entertain you with BR all day.
Mighty Goat is the best for Road to The Show but has a entertaining series called Papi's Playground.
Ance Larmstrong is a new MLB YouTube who is very helpful but makes SCARY eye contact.
Atrin has to have the best pack luck I've seen and is pretty good in gameplays.
Healy is average, his channel stopped growing.
CollegeLefty is helpful but repetitive with his videos (I feel like they are the same).
Serenity is a grinder but doesn't upload frequently.Those are 20 youtubers I know. Now I will rank them:
1 Fuzzy
2 Kevin
3 Gomesthelegend
4 Twingaming
5 Rickster Ghost
6 Shelfy
7 Ance Larmstrong
8 Koogs
9 Samuel Adams
10 Atrin
11 Scomo
12 Dimmu
13 Movie Gaming
14 Mighty Goat
15 McGunski
16 Kyle
17 CollegeLefty
18 Healy
19 Serenity
20 QuashTag
(10-15 really could have been in any order, they are all good but not great) -
CBrev is really good, especially when he talks through a game on what he's trying to do at the plate and on the mound. I also like college Lefty a lot. These two guys are informative and humble. Most other guys I can't stand