Update 1.11 Discussion
Honesty I’ll just take the patch and actual responsiveness! Pitching is my key to win and it still feels that way on AS so far
Albeit it wasn’t the fastest response, but it should show the community that if we want something changed we have to voice it regularly. As long as SDS is trying I’m buying!
@ChuckCLC said in Update 1.11 Discussion:
Yay! Bad hitters hitting foul balls for days are probably coming back. All the other stuff looks pretty good and hopefully works.
Going to be a disaster
@AvidSpaceExplore said in Update 1.11 Discussion:
@NatsChampions19 said in Update 1.11 Discussion:
Hopefully this update marks the end of “freeze offs” and being called out when you beat a throw by 5 steps. I also hope there is a major crackdown on RS cheating. Fingers crossed.
I've played close to 1000 RS games a year for the last 3 years, I've never had a freeze off. Why? It's an internet connection issue, which is YOUR fault. So, upgrade your internet and stop complaining about a YOU issue.
I've had two freezeoffs in the last 10 RS/Event games and I've got a wired connection with 200mb speed. I don't think its the internet.
@DomeBay33 said in Update 1.11 Discussion:
Good patch SDS! Results make sense, better ball physics, more hit types. And even pitching seems better(?)
1.11 been fun.
Don’t touch hitting again until you look at pitching... Although pitching seems better compared to a few weeks ago. I need to
play more games needed to be sure.Results are horrible. The ball completely Launches off the bat literally anywhere. I pitch pretty well but it doesn’t matter how good my
Pitch is, it gets Annihilated. The hitting was fine the way it was but people can’t make good enough contact so they cried. Now you just swing anywhere close to the ball and off she goes.Pitching is fine. It’s fielding that needs fixed.
If you’re going to increase the timing windows, just make the pci smaller. You get MUCH better feedback and consistency with a smaller pci than a large one. If I have to play games in RS on AS, I’m going to have to power swing so I can get somewhat consistent feedback.
Post patch 5 games in and I'm disappointed...much the same and not seeing, or feeling, any change. I usually give a week of solid play before thumbs up, or down. However, as of right now...thumbs down. Let's see how the next 7 days go. This loss of confidence in the game is still growing, as well as the perfect/perfect double plays. Pitching remains a train wreck.
Lesson learned...I'm out on getting '21. -
I haven't noticed any difference with hitting. If anything, I've had more good/okay swings with the ball in the PCI.
They really didn’t even address the good okays hits they just made pci’s bigger an increased the timing window... and y’all swear EA is the worst lmfaoo
Ding-Dang_Donkeywrote on May 14, 2020, 1:36 AM last edited by Ding-Dang_Donkey_PSN May 14, 2020, 1:56 AM
Pleeeeeease change it back!! 1.10 was soooooooo much better. IMO, best hitting has ever been to worst. I love this game, and I’m confident it’ll be fixed, but I really hope it’s soon because right now it feels like wii sports baseball. Line out, home run, home run, line out... just not baseball. I’m not pretending that I’m going to stop playing because The Show has been my favorite game for years, but I’m a pretty competitive player and it’s just comical the amount of offense right now.
So far so good for me. Seems fine. Although, small sample size alert, fielding routine ground balls seems to be a mess again.
Anyway, why I’m here is I’m wondering, when they make these changes, do they also correspond to the CPU players in conquest and such?
windmillsfordayzwrote on May 14, 2020, 2:24 AM last edited by windmillsfordayz May 14, 2020, 2:25 AM
Hitting fine right and please for the love of all things good dont touch it again.
The next things that I think need to be addressed are
Pitcher accuracy; is horrendous especially with 2 strikes and pitch cofidence needs to be removed completely.
Fielding; addressing all the glitches that are still occuring
Baserunning; needs to be more responsive -
I played quite a bit today. Played 3 showdowns (all of which I won), some conquest games to log some innings, and RS. I know its only one day, but from what I saw today hitting is even worse than what it was before. Good/Okay seemed occasional before, but I have seen it more times just today than probably the last 3 weeks combined. I also hit HR’s that should not have been. Centered good/ok followed by a missed HR. This was across all modes, rng galore. The timing window feels even more wonky than before. I have a wired connection, hoping it was a bad server day or something.
Placebo patch 1.11. Pci size wasnt the issue. Pci outcomes is a major issue. I'm not touching ranked season or putting anymore money into the game until pci outcomes are corrected and pitching is fixed. Really guys? Pitching control is atrocious. 1st inning of work for chappy(1st batter actually) and I attempt to throw a slider down and in, in the zone ,to a RH batter. Perfect release and it brushes him back by almost hitting his back foot. Pitching is far to inconsistent. That's probably the biggest problem right now.
Haha can’t even get any information from this thread. Thought I’d watch a streamer see how the hitting was. Just so toxic, all they do is complain. So I’m sure a new patch will be out soon to keep the steamers happy. Meanwhile I’m watching and out of like swings on a ball 3 arnt squared and ball doesn’t have huge exit velo so it’s the games Fault. But doesn’t say a word when they hit an early ok HR. Streamers are the toxicity of the community.
It was a homerun fest, now it is even more of a homer in fest. I played a game that I won 11-7 and all runs were scored via homeruns. Not one single to score the runner from third or a sac fly. Baseball isn’t like this, but if 5his makes y’all happy so be it
Nice work SDS. Hitting is much improved online. Still too much Okay contact inside the PCI. That needs to be fixed next IMO.
I just faced Kluber in a Diamond Dynasty All-Star game & was ahead 4-0 in the 5th before the other guy quit. Safe to say that never would have happened before the patch so I have to give SDS credit.
No change in hitting in showdowns. I'm 0-4 in the NL Central tonight. I appreciate that they responded, but They didn't fix anything in showdown.
Awesome job. Hitting is way more rewarding now.