May 11, 2021, 2:08 AM@yankblan_psn said in UPDATE THE MUSIC!!!: @woozypolarbear_xbl said in UPDATE THE MUSIC!!!: @mcgalamaad_psn said in UPDATE THE MUSIC!!!: @yankblan_psn said in UPDATE THE MUSIC!!!: @magicbush86_psn said in UPDATE THE MUSIC!!!: @the_dragon1912 said in UPDATE THE MUSIC!!!: This is the best soundtrack since MLB 16 by a long shot so your chances of it improving from here are slim That's just sad if true. I only like 3 of the songs alright. Of course my opinion probably doesn't matter since I don't listen to much past 2006 as music took a nose dive off a cliff the last 10 years or so. No it didn’t; you just got old. Happens to all of us. Your dad probably said the same thing. While I still listen to stuff from my teenage years (90’s), some of it sounds like chit today! While I agree aging is part of it, music has gotten objectively worse lol. Even my young cousins can’t stand today’s music. Music today is just generated to be a twitter trend or something viral...music was better from the 60's through the 90's. Now everything we hear is driven by some algorithm from the music studios. The 80’s is probably the worst decade; had I not grown up then, not sure I’d listen much to it. Many sounds aged badly and the hair metal is embarrassing. Take out nostalgia and bleh To me the 80's had some of my favorite albums. U2's Joshua Tree, AC/DC's Back in Black, Guns N' Roses: Use your Illusion. I can't even name you 2 bands or artists that are popular today....they seem to come and go without much staying power anymore. And most of this hip hop or whatever it is called will be looked back at in 20 years and most people will say it didn't age well either. Without a doubt, today's "music" is the worst it's every been...by a large, large margin.
May 4, 2021, 2:04 AM
@xcrossbonesx66 said in Server Answers and Refunds:
I'm tired of the services being down. They need to give us some free packs or something with all these issues. I have been playing the show for many years. This us the worst the servers have ever been.
The free packs they give us would contain nothing but worthless 60-65 rated bronze trash worth 300-400 stubs total per pack. Also keep in mind that giving out packs wouldn't cost SDS a cent in real world money. Digital content isn't a limited commodity, and costs nothing to produce.
May 4, 2021, 1:50 AM
9 times out of 10, they are down. Servers being up is the exception, not the rule.
May 4, 2021, 2:09 AM@mrgondeck_psn said in Server Answers and Refunds: @woozypolarbear_xbl said in Server Answers and Refunds: @xcrossbonesx66 said in Server Answers and Refunds: I'm tired of the services being down. They need to give us some free packs or something with all these issues. I have been playing the show for many years. This us the worst the servers have ever been. The free packs they give us would contain nothing but worthless 60-65 rated bronze trash worth 300-400 stubs total per pack. Also keep in mind that giving out packs wouldn't cost SDS a cent in real world money. Digital content isn't a limited commodity, and costs nothing to produce. Free Packs with Quality Cards devalues current cards that people bought or grinded for... Unfortunately they can't make it up to all these people they let down. They could simply make the servers work and let us enjoy. Double Xp is cool too. I would like to see them refund anyone who purchased Stubs, that would be the kind of compensation to start. You are right about giving away packs and cards...all that would do is dilute the value of current cards for everyone. It would effectively take away as much value from your collection as it would be giving you. The result would be no net gain overall.
May 6, 2021, 6:18 PM
@savefarris_psn said in So where are all the server crashing posts now?:
If $60 is "good money", then perhaps you should be spending less time playing and more time devoted to school/work.
If the "good money" you speak of is purchased stubs ... well ... that's on you, buddy.
That's such an entitled brat point of view. Every dollar earned by someone is good money that people have a right to value as they wish. There are people all over the world that an extra $60 would be very meaningful for them. You have a very disgusting, entitled attitude.
May 11, 2021, 1:06 AM@myguymanny_xbl said in UPDATE THE MUSIC!!!: if your gonna have a sports game with constant music playing, you gotta choose a BETTER and more baseball relevant playlist with ALOT more than 12 songs....I enjoy having music playing during all the gameplay but hearing the same songs multiple times in an hour sucks. Reach out to actual pro players In the league and see what REAL players are really listening to. This current playlist is terrible The real players are millennials, so they probably mostly listen to rubbish hip hop or bubble gum pop. I'm quite fine with some good ol' AC/DC.
May 4, 2021, 2:18 AM
@dart_wuffy_psn said in Server Answers and Refunds:
@mrgondeck_psn said in Server Answers and Refunds:
@dart_wuffy_psn said in Server Answers and Refunds:
You won't get refunds, Once you buy something accoding to the Playstation or Microsoft TOS...the sale is final once the item is on your system. Which means unless you haven't downloaded and played the game and made purchases within the game...You're kinda screwed.
At some point theft is questionable and federal legality trumps TOS... Right?
It's not legally theft if you're getting something out of it. In other words, if you obtained the stubs and have them in your wallet on the game....the purchase is complete and no theft has taken place
TOS from a lot of corporations hold little to no weight in a courtroom. Many many times, judges dismiss the TOS a company tries to argue their point with as having no real expectation of being enforceable. In Australia, a company can't have you passively agree to terms of service. They must physically obtain your signature and explicit agreement for those terms to be effective in a court.
May 4, 2021, 2:21 AM@dart_wuffy_psn said in Server Answers and Refunds: @woozypolarbear_xbl said in Server Answers and Refunds: @dart_wuffy_psn said in Server Answers and Refunds: @mrgondeck_psn said in Server Answers and Refunds: @dart_wuffy_psn said in Server Answers and Refunds: You won't get refunds, Once you buy something accoding to the Playstation or Microsoft TOS...the sale is final once the item is on your system. Which means unless you haven't downloaded and played the game and made purchases within the game...You're kinda screwed. At some point theft is questionable and federal legality trumps TOS... Right? It's not legally theft if you're getting something out of it. In other words, if you obtained the stubs and have them in your wallet on the game....the purchase is complete and no theft has taken place TOS from a lot of corporations hold little to no weight in a courtroom. Many many times, judges dismiss the TOS a company tries to argue their point with as having no real expectation of being enforceable. In Australia, a company can't have you passively agree to terms of service. They must physically obtain your signature and explicit agreement for those terms to be effective in a court. Like a broken needle kid you're missing the point. Rather than argue with you. I'll just block, Keep living the dream though You have a lot of maturing to do. Block away, I'll thank you.
May 6, 2021, 6:14 PM
@hoboadam_psn said in So where are all the server crashing posts now?:
Say what you want, but things look much more stable.
What did they do to fix it? I don't really care. It's working. They certainly didn't sit around waiting to see if things got better on it's own.
Yes, I shouldn't be congratulating them for something that should have been working all along. There's something to be said though for the fact that they did work out some of these big issues with connectivity. Most of the grunt work being done by SDS folks that have never posted on the boards before.
Anyways, it's refreshing to not comb through 12 posts of people saying the same thing, whining, complaining, raging etc.
People have a right to voice their displeasure when a product they purchased isn't working. It's posts from corporate shills that grind my gears.
May 4, 2021, 1:43 AM
@chickun_legs_psn said in PSA 9-10 eastern time:
Pre order the Jackie Robinson Lou Gehrig Tom Seaver 2022 game for 200 bucks and get guaranteed server access*
(server access is not guaranteed)
I love your joke...but I actually think game developers may go down this path offering "premium server access" with deluxe editions and preorders of their games. It's a very dangerous, slippery slope or can of worms we as gamers are heading towards/
May 4, 2021, 2:25 AM
So this is gaming in 2021...having to fight with servers just to get the chance to even buy a next gen console...and then once you finally get over that hurdle, you end up fighting with servers just to use that said console and it's games. I miss the Sega Genesis era at this point...servers...what servers?
May 4, 2021, 5:42 AM
@raylewissb47_psn said in We are being cheated:
Please cite the laws being broken, Mr. Internet Lawyer.
I am a lawyer, albeit in Australia, and there could be a case for a civil suit under certain consumer protection statues in USA Civil Court. Next time, don't comment on something you know little about.
May 11, 2021, 1:09 AM
@mcgalamaad_psn said in UPDATE THE MUSIC!!!:
@yankblan_psn said in UPDATE THE MUSIC!!!:
@magicbush86_psn said in UPDATE THE MUSIC!!!:
@the_dragon1912 said in UPDATE THE MUSIC!!!:
This is the best soundtrack since MLB 16 by a long shot so your chances of it improving from here are slim
That's just sad if true. I only like 3 of the songs alright. Of course my opinion probably doesn't matter since I don't listen to much past 2006 as music took a nose dive off a cliff the last 10 years or so.
No it didn’t; you just got old. Happens to all of us. Your dad probably said the same thing. While I still listen to stuff from my teenage years (90’s), some of it sounds like chit today!
While I agree aging is part of it, music has gotten objectively worse lol. Even my young cousins can’t stand today’s music.
Music today is just generated to be a twitter trend or something viral...music was better from the 60's through the 90's. Now everything we hear is driven by some algorithm from the music studios.
Server Answers and Refunds
Are the servers down right now?
Server Answers and Refunds
So where are all the server crashing posts now?
Server Answers and Refunds
Server Answers and Refunds
So where are all the server crashing posts now?
PSA 9-10 eastern time
That Fortnite Game Seems To Have A Lot Of Users
We are being cheated