The grand prize for every inning is the 350k boss reward pack, all the rewards beyond that pack are just extras for grinding out the inning XP. A guaranteed diamond that could be worth as much as 20-25k is still a really good reward

It would be a nice QOL improvement to be able to exchange multiple vouchers at one time in the Showdown Voucher Exchange for Team Affinity. It's a minor thing, but it gets a little redundant having to go and exchange the voucher 5 separate times if you want all your vouchers to go to the same division.
The easiest way to solve this, and to keep cards non-sellable at the same time, is to create a new Exchange for TA1 where you can exchange a 42 Series card (from Team Affinity) for a choice pack of all 30 options. And then do the same for TA2 and TA3 individually as well
Despite fewer HR, Carew has a higher slugging percentage than Morgan for their careers. Since Power in The Show isn't just for HR, you could argue that it makes sense for Carew to have slightly better power. Although when you break the Slugging into vs RHP and vs LHP splits, it is Carew (.444/.396) vs Morgan (.446/.388).
Regardless, when you look at slugging percentage instead of just HR, it's reasonable that the two of them have very similar power - especially because we aren't sure what season(s) the Charisma series cards are based on.
I'd bet on him or Pedro being one based on that clue - with all the great RF they've released lately (Harper, Acuna, Clemente, Betts, Vlad), I wouldn't be surprised if this isn't Hank yet and the clue is for Pedro.
@buckeyepete77_xbl said in Wade Davis Prime Card Help MLB Mods:
@TheGoaler_PSN thanks a lot that is some really sound advise. I'm gonna try these tips out for sure! Just so you guys know, I'm 62 years young and I couldn't hang with the PinPoint pitching and the PCI hitting so I use pure analog on both. Studying and watching YouTube videos I have finally gotten my pitching settings down to where I am pretty consistent. My misses don't come back online. I'm a decent player on Hall of Fame but Legend is another story. I don't understand which games are on Hall of Fame and which are on Legend online though. My problem is it takes me about 3 innings on Legend to get a rhythm lol. I reckon that's a little late just like I am on the heater!
As someone mentioned earlier about the Opener strategy, you can guarantee that you face the 5th starter if you select your 5th starter every game. The game sorts it by OVR so you can put your favorite "5th lowest" SP in your rotation in the menus and use him every game to get the easiest pitching matchups. Do that, along with reinforcing a ton to get Rookie or Veteran games, and conquest maps will be pretty straightforward
@sickknife77_PSN said in 5 Easiest extreme moments:
The Chapman one was easy as well..
But just do conquest, time consuming but an easy 25 points to get Kerry Wood, and you get a ton of packs along the wayDefinitely easier to just do conquest to guarantee Wood, but if you can knock out 5 moments ahead of time, you can get Wood to Parallel 4 (or nearly to it) through all the conquest games and have Chapman by the time you finish the conquest map
@SchnauzerFace_MLBTS said in Some errors and potential QOL improvements within the game:
I have a QOL suggestion too. In the past, i think we could hold R2 to see our hitter’s stats, but now that just shows the pitcher’s pitch selection. I think you have to hit start to see your hitter’s stats. I would like to bring back the old method so I don’t have to hit start to see how many HRs my dudes have.
And actually to add onto the R2/RT thing, we used to be able to hit R2/RT and see the card of the player up to bat (when pitching) but that doesn't happen any longer. This was useful to see which version of a particular player it was at-bat
Just a quick thought, especially if someone from SDS reads this - is there any way to improve the Collection screens? It would be nice to have another filter or auto-select option for No-Sell cards - that way, we wouldn't have to scroll through 300+ cards to find specific cards we just bought, packed, or unlocked.
Or we could have an option to only show non-collected cards, and that way we could quickly look through the cards that light up as owned and decide that way. Either way, it is a bit cumbersome to have to scroll through 75 rows of cards and figure out which cards have yet to be locked in.
@thewooderboy__psn said in Wouldn't 'guess pitch' add more strategy to the competitive game?:
@hikes83_psn said in Wouldn't 'guess pitch' add more strategy to the competitive game?:
Guess pitch has always been a crutch for people who can’t recognize pitches.
Hard pass
Not really. I can guess the pitch type by movement if I wanted but I like the guess pitch feature. People in this game abuse the outside and cross plate pitches too much but with guess pitch you take that straight out of their comfort zone. No different than a real life player guessing pitches at the plate. It’s actually made me a better pitcher as to not fall into a one pitch or location player. It’s just a personal preference.
A real life player who guesses pitches at the plate doesn't get told while the pitch is being thrown that they were right, nor do they get a boost to their hitting attributes. They simply are looking for the right pitch in the right place, just the same as if you are to set your PCI in a spot and swing at a particular pitch speed.
And besides, when Guess Pitch is On in events, it is the absolute worst because it used to take away the ability to time your meter pitching. I don't know what it does this year, but if it's anything like last year, it opened up the possibility of meatballs without any pitching input.
@jayrval1983_psn said in Final points for FoD program:
Appreciate the advice. Kind of stinks it has to be done online, I actually haven't played this year online at all, though I've kept up quite well on offline stuff, collections, etc. I don't like playing online for multiple reasons, one which is I live in a 1900-built home that zaps Internet signal. As a result, at no fault of SDS, I'm left trying to hit teleporting balls, and needless to say that is impossible.
I'll shoot for the Ks... But I wish SDS would stick with their promise that you can play offline and still earn major rewards, as was advertised heavily prior to release. Unfortunately it does appear they are pushing everyone to play online once again and I fear I should expect more of the same in the second half here.
You pointed it out yourself, but SDS has stuck to their word - you can accomplish all the FoD goals offline, but you have to complete the showdown. I get it that you and others may not like (or not be as successful as you'd like) at showdowns, but don't go and talk about how SDS is pushing everyone to play online when every program has been able to be accomplished through offline methods.
@jake93436_psn said in Rivera program:
@samguenther1987 said in Rivera program:
@jake93436_psn said in Rivera program:
where the collections under and how do i start
Under collections select Rivera, you can get players for the collection in a number of different ways IE the live series collections, player programs, inning programs, BR and event runs or just buying players off the market. You need x amount of players from
2021 HRD/ASG
All star
2nd half
Future stars
Monthly awards
And the 42Although i think you can skip one or 2 if you want.
ok so im at the collect/collections then Rivera 42 i push that and all the vouchers are greyed out...
where do i start to get the vouchers thats where im confused
im on the milestone Rivera screen but everything is greyed out
So it seems like you found the Legends/Flashback section, but now you need to go into each of the various categories (Veteran, Rookie, Breakout, etc) and collect however many cards (earn them through packs, Team Affinity, or the Live Series collection or buy them on the marketplace) it says on the right side for a "Rivera Voucher". Once you get a "Rivera Voucher" for a section, you can then return to the Rivera 42 tile and collect however many vouchers you have redeemed from the various categories.
You'll end up with a Rookie Rivera Voucher, a Breakout Rivera Voucher, and so on. You need all of the vouchers or all but one voucher plus the 42 series Jackie Robinson (Home Run Derby/All Star Game tile does not have a voucher for Rivera...nor is Ohtani a requirement or option).
Machado has an Awards card and Team Affinity 3 was all about giving All Stars 97-99 overalls, along with the Home Run Derby and All Star Game series. There are a few that you mentioned, but I'm sure Tatis, Trout, Scherzer, Cole, Kershaw will still get theirs in due time. And don't forget the Topps Now cards for some of the random performances, along with Monthly Awards cards
@killerpresence4 said in Is there a list of bosses by inning?:
@udvikings_xbl said in Is there a list of bosses by inning?:
@killerpresence4 said in Is there a list of bosses by inning?:
@chuckclc_psn said in Is there a list of bosses by inning?:
@thegoaler_psn said in Is there a list of bosses by inning?:
Feel bad that I sold Pedro. I' ve never sold a boss before, but I'm saving up for Wagner's Mets version
Its his Sig card with him on the Mets. He couldnt throw over 95 was he was an old Met. Just another stupid decision, I guess to balance the cards teams have, by SDS to make his sig a Met lol. But he did develop a good change up later in his career. When he relied pretty much on heat before NY.
But hey, Pedro is still very cheap.
What are you talking about? When Billy Wagner was pitching for the Braves (His final season) Wagner was still approaching 100 mph with his fastball. It wasn’t every pitch like when he was with the Astros but he hit triple digits on several occasions that year and routinely sat 96-97. So unless he was injured with some sort of elbow issue as a Met he was throwing harder than 95.
He may have touched 100 at times with his fastball for the Braves, but he clearly wasn't averaging 100 mph for Atlanta in his final season. And his velocity was down, in the 95-96 mph range on average, for his time with the Mets
And for maximum velocity reached, see below. He did touch 100 mph in one month as a Brave (and hit 98/99 on a few other occasions). But his average velocity, even from the Brooks database, was still similar to what Fangraphs has.
Wow dude, you just validated my whole point. I said his fastball was still approaching 100 in his final season with the Braves and routinely sat around 96-97. Well your linked says his average fastball velocity was 96.2. Which by my knowledge is between 96-97 mph. And guy I was replying to said he couldn’t get his velocity above 95 as a Met which based on the links you provided is simply not true. According to your figures his first season as a Met saw him averaging over 96 on his fastball and second year saw him a tick below average velocity of 96 at 95.8 which is well above 95 mph. Not sure what point you’re trying to make except to be argumentative.
In all honesty, I misread your post at first. By the time I re-read it afterward and saw you had essentially said what I proved about touching 100 but averaging 96-97, it was already posted and I was closing out of the site anyway. My fault for not reading closely enough in the first place
You've got to simply mix up pitch type, speed, and location against free swingers. And try to determine if they are free swinging because they are just hoping to get lucky at pitch type (i.e. directional and/or on a TV with lots of input lag) or just because they have no plate discipline.
If it's the former, it's really easy - throw breaking balls until they come close to timing them up and then work fastballs inside because there's no way of catching up. And don't be afraid of throwing them lots of breaking balls in the dirt until they start to lay off them.
If it's the latter and they just swing at everything with decent timing but no discipline, then you'll have to work a little harder to get their timing/eyes off by working inside and then outside and sometimes mixing it up with back to back pitches in the same location. All about being a pitcher to get the strikeout/weak contact in this situation.
@painpa_psn said in Special Content???:
its a theme of something,something early july, might be ASG or HRD history, might be something big that happened prior to the break....
If I was making a bet, I'd say it's flashbacks to either ASG or HRD cards. They've never mentioned "time limited event" for just a regular event before, and it mentions conquest/showdown plus it says new July program with flashbacks.
@merlin1369_PSN said in Xp cap:
@dap1234567890 said in Xp cap:
@merlin1369_PSN said in Xp cap:
Why now all of a sudden an xp cap. I have been playing for 10 years now and this was never an issue
They have had an XP cap for a couple years now!
No they haven't. I have been playing this game for 10 years. Never once had an issue with xp cap. I play a lot every day.
Don't know how to break this to you, but just because YOU have never experienced it, it doesn't mean there's never been an XP cap. They have indeed had an XP cap, on XP earned from gameplay, for a number of years now.
Pretty sure the "white Nintendo controller" indicates cross-play. I've seen that on XBox as well when I'm not facing an XBox user
NL Central flashback pack in NL Central Affinity program. I believe it's the 20 affinity points reward
There are lots of rewards beyond the 40 wins. Lots of good packs to keep playing for out to 100...and they posted the reward path as part of a 3-event series when this all got started with the moonshot event, so we've all known what the rewards would look like.
Seriously, go get some of those packs - the Kitchen Sink packs are a free 20k stubs, minimum, and could be worth 45k if you get the rare round.
85-89 diamond pack
Minor QOL Suggestion (Affinity - Showdown Voucher Exchange)
Solution to all the duplicates picks in 42/TA
Why TF Does Rod Carew Have Better POW Ratings Than Joe Morgan?
Is Hank a 6th inning boss?
Wade Davis Prime Card Help MLB Mods
5 Easiest extreme moments
Some errors and potential QOL improvements within the game
Collection Screen Improvements?
Wouldn't 'guess pitch' add more strategy to the competitive game?
Final points for FoD program
Rivera program
Hear me out
Is there a list of bosses by inning?
Ppl who swing at every single pitch
Special Content???
Xp cap
Things I noticed and wonder about
Seems pretty lazy to not add new rewards to event.