RP shohei going to be a br god

Let’s do it! 125 clutch and crazy stuff.
How do you all think the WBC players will be unlocked? My thoughts / hopes below:
1.) I think it'll be kinda like Team Affinity a few years ago where you can play innings / get hits / K's with people from the national teams. For example, if you play with Joc Pederson, you make progress for team Israel etc. You'll earn WBC flashback cards along the way to help with missions culminating in a high diamond from each team. Plus, they'll obviously have WBC packs (which have been announced) which will probably have various tiers. Lastly, they'll have a collection reward for the MVP of the tournament and I think there will be a conquest map and mini-season with rewards for WBC.
2.) I really hope that they have silver / gold / low diamond WBC players for BR. Would be great to have full rosters for each team.
@MarineSpartan44_XBL said in New features I'd like to see:
Just a list of a few things I'd like to see added in future games including 23
More cards with the pick off perk (AS Kershaw had it but none of his other cards did and Kershaw has one of the better moves in the MLB) or make pick off an attribute that is part of the pitcher's fielding (with the DH coming into play it could replace hitting stats)
This one is a bit different but would make it more realistic, if a ball is in the dirt the runners should take a couple extra steps if the have high Base Running Aggressiveness, if the catcher has high AS they have a chance to pick the runners off
If you get a perfect throw on a pick off attempt with a catcher the throw is more likely to pick off the runner the chance goes up with higher AS
A perk for utility players that IRL have just as good defense at all positions that allow then to not have a secondary penalty (not many players would have it but it could be called "Super Utility")
Runners with high base Running Aggressiveness are more likely to get picked off (if the pitcher has pickoff perk or if it's an Attribute and is high the chance goes up)
These are just some of things I'd like to see added
What are your thoughts? And what would you guys like to see added?
First off, I do think the pickoff area needs to be addressed. Second, there should be no possibility of a pickoff either from the pitcher or the catcher unless the runner is leading off.
I think they should rename BR Aggressiveness to BR Ability. And this should determine 1.) whether your runners automatically advances on a ball hit into the outfield where the fielder has no chance of catching it. 2.) how far a runner strays from the bag in a potential fly/line-out situation (in conjunction with speed/ability to get back to the bag. 3.) how fast the player can make the left turns at the bases. 4.) likelihood of getting picked off.
They should definitely make pickoffs related to an attribute / perk. This would be another way to diversity lineups with pitchers. For example, tough to lead off against kershaw, but take as many steps as you like against Jon Lester. There also needs to be some level of risk for the pitcher otherwise people will get into a non-stop game of pickoffs, so pitchers with bad arm accuracy or pickoff moves should throw an errant pitch more frequently.
They definitely need to make stealing easier Lou Brock and Rickey shouldn’t need an extra step most of the time and should never need an extra step against a catcher with 70 arm strength.
They need to nerf break velocity and control on slide step pitches in the zone so there is a penalty rather than a machine gun of pitches.
Lastly, make pitchers with high defense able to defend against bunts. Mussina, grienke, maddux, and Valenzuela all have great fielding. They should basically counter a drag bunt on many plays.
I ask that SDS keeps in mind that unlike '20 and '21, most of us are back in offices rather than working from home. I used to be able to get a few games in over lunch, but that's not reality for most of us anymore. I enjoy a grind as much as the next guy, but let's keep it realistic (last year, the RS innings path started at 600 innings! Way too much!).
All are good suggestions; especially Events. But I don't like the aspect of going back to wins in Ranked. If you go back to only WS players getting the reward; you ok have 1M stub cards with wait lists early in the cycle.
Innings allows other players to acquire these cards.
If you're worried about people ranking to play lower levels; than implement something that once you reach a level, for that season, you're locked into that level as the lowest you could go. Once you make CS, no matter how many times you lose, or how many points you lose, you can't go to the next lowest level.
Course that would mean once someone reaches WS; they may not play anymore that season. But does it really matter because you can't get the rewards, per level, more than once anyway (unless you haven't hit your innings).
Appreciate the feedback and response. I should have been more clear in my post. In '21, everyone could get the rewards so long as you won enough cumulative games per season (I think it was 40 wins). The issue (and reason SDS changed from cumulative wins to cumulative innings) was people were losing games intentionally, to play against far worse opponents and rack up quick and easy wins. I would be completely in favor of once you reach a level, you can't go below that threshold.
Forgot to mention that if SDS does stick with cumulative innings, please make sure every inning counts regardless of whether or not we change pitchers.
I know everyone posts their wish lists, so here is mine. I posted it on reddit, so some may have already seen it but I have a few additions. Some of these are related to gameplay / strategy which encourage lineup diversity (moves away from power > everything meta) and others are more logistical / operational.
1.) I think there is consensus on making the outfield play bigger especially in the end game where balls rarely land (and yes, I recognize the difficulty of this request when it plays like an arcade game with god squads). We need worse animations to punish bad fielders. If you want to put Soto out in right, then it has to be a trade off that he will be less effective in the field. Also, I think bad animations at the wall (see Nelson Cruz 2011 WS) and reducing the effectiveness of diving plays for bad fielders will help.
2.) Infield fielding - 105 MPH bullets need to get through against poor fielders way more often. Frank Thomas isn't snagging most of those.
3.) Stealing & Slide Step Pitching - These two go hand in hand. This year, it seemed like I could throw out a 99 speed/steal runner with any catcher regardless of their arm strength. It is way too hard to steal bases even with the end game players (both online and vs cpu). 99 steal guys should always get a good jump on non-slide steps. Which brings me to slide steps...If the pitcher throws a pitchout, fine, throw the runner out...The catcher has the advantage, and that is the game within a game as you sacrifice a sure ball for the hope of recording an out. If you slide step and throw a competitive pitch it should not be nearly as easy since the catcher is still popping out of a crouched position. Furthermore, velocity, control, and break should all be nerfed for slide step pitches near the zone as pitchers must adjust their mechanics and still find the correct release point. I'm sick of seeing pitchers machine gun slide steps the minute someone gets on base with no repercussions; again, there needs to be a trade off, balance.
4.) Bunting & pitcher defense - I'm not a bunt cheeser, they annoy me, but if people are going to cheese, I'll make defensive adjustments. I do want SDS to help with these defensive adjustments by making the pitcher's defense matter. Look up Zack Grienke and bunting...People don't bunt against him. The best fielding pitchers (Maddux, Grienkie, Keuchel, Mussina) should be able to counteract drag bunts fairly easily, thereby balancing this strategy. This would make high fielding pitchers more usable and may reduce bunt cheesing, which is a common complaint on the site.
5.) Rage quit/lost connection = automatic homerun for the batter. Every year, people complain about rage quitting (get ready). I normally don't care except for in BR when doing the missions. This is a good balance because it doesn't accidentally penalize people who lose connection and it disincentivizes rage quitters because we'll get credit for the hit either way.
6.) QoL - Introduce a new mechanic where we can sell all duplicates at the greater of the current sell now price or quick sale value in one fell swoop. This will help with inventory management, and keep the market place more liquid. Everyone agrees that a liquid market is a healthy market.
7.) Programs - People seem to not enjoy the timed programs. I think they are fine, but each needs to last at least 3 weeks. People take vacations or have busy stretches of life. Last program of the year should be repeatable (kinda like how you did prestige for the xp path a few years back).
8.) Moments and showdown - I personally do not care for this aspect of the game, but if you must include it, please allow us to earn pxp in these game modes. Also, we should see the benefits of the leveled up cards in these game modes. People will say that players will farm pxp, I really don't care if you farm pxp for some tops now player.
9.) BR - Now onto online modes. BR is perfect. Don't touch it, I love it. I love the reward path, I love the game play, I love the bronze, silver, gold flashbacks. Please for this next BR season that starts in a few days, make it a forever program to like 1k points that we can keep playing!
10.) Events - I like events. The concept is great, but the execution is lacking. These need to be way more restrictive; no more play with every card that's been released. Broadly speaking, in the early stages before everyone has endgame cards, you shouldn't allow live series cards that are higher tiers than the special card series for that event. For example, you shouldn't have a rookie event and allow all LS cards such as Trout and Judge in the lineup. An example of potential events below.
Event 1: Live series cards
Event 2: Prospect & Silver live
Event 3: Rookie & Bronze live
Event 4: Breakout & Bronze
Event 5: NL East only cards
Event 10: All-Star and Silver live
Event 25: Slow Pitch Event Pitchers with under 80 velocity and batters with under 60 speed.For every event, there should be 2-3 rewards requiring no more than 25 wins with 10 days to complete. The first reward should be a card that is competitive for that stage in the game cycle and competitive in the current event. The other rewards should be competitive cards for the very next event.
11.) RS - I think this will be my most controversial request. Step 1, bring back win requirements rather than inning requirements. Step 2, once you reach WS, you can only match with other players in WS for that season. My biggest concern, and SDS would have the data, is that the WS pool may not be large enough on the first day of ranked for the best players to find a game. Or late in the game cycle (now) there may not be enough WS players to find a lobby (granted it can take a long time for anyone to find a game right now).
As for the benefits, this would arguably make achieving WS more attainable because as people reach WS, the competition in CS would get lighter. This would drive more competition throughout the various ranks rather than people intentionally losing so they can beat up on low rated players like '21. Additionally, people would get better at the game since more people would spend time at CS in HOF difficulty which, in turn, increases competition.
Thank you if you read all the way. I understand that many of these may not be attainable this year, but some of them really shouldn't be hard to implement (pxp in moments, events comments, and RS comments).
I ask that SDS keeps in mind that unlike '20 and '21, most of us are back in offices rather than working from home. I used to be able to get a few games in over lunch, but that's not reality for most of us anymore. I enjoy a grind as much as the next guy, but let's keep it realistic (last year, the RS innings path started at 600 innings! Way too much!).
@pbake12_PSN said in Brewers?:
"Ah [censored], here we go again"
I’m holding out hope that axford gets an upgraded card. I mean Kevin youkilis has enough in his first year.
I seriously hope that no rewards are ever exclusively hidden behind co-op. I mean, I’m not good at this game, but I don’t want my rewards dependent on someone else. And most people don’t want to depend on me for getting rewards.
Do you guys think sds will remove Evan Longoria from the mini seasons reward path? I hope not since I still haven’t made it through a full season. I always try to collect all the cards each year, so my preference is to grind through mini seasons after the live content is done.
What do you think?
Please fix this. I try to work counts to get into the bullpen. It doesn’t even matter with pinpoint. Even in events, I just played a guy who went almost 30 pitches before his stamina bar was yellow. My stamina bar is yellow after like 13 pitches every game.
Pinpoint already has the most accuracy if you get it right. Need to have balance.
@bigpoppapeanut_psn said in QoL Feedback:
@themadhatter711 said in QoL Feedback:
Two quick and friendly QoL adjustments.
1.) please allow players the option to permanently display the screen that comes up while pressing R2 without actually pressing R2. I think this would reduce the number of times a player presses / holds R2 throughout the game and will allow players to complete games faster.
2.) please show the number of cards we own and the number or cards that are sellable in the market Home Screen. That way, we don’t have to go into a players buy/sell screen to see if we own the card and how many we own.
I assume number two is via the app?
Both in the app and in the game. When you go the the market, the first screen shows you three columns item name, their buy now, and sell now prices. This should also show how many of those cards you own.
Two quick and friendly QoL adjustments.
1.) please allow players the option to permanently display the screen that comes up while pressing R2 without actually pressing R2. I think this would reduce the number of times a player presses / holds R2 throughout the game and will allow players to complete games faster.
2.) please show the number of cards we own and the number or cards that are sellable in the market Home Screen. That way, we don’t have to go into a players buy/sell screen to see if we own the card and how many we own.
I’ll tap it maybe 2-3x per inning just to check stamina or confidence. I would almost never tap it if there was an option to have it permanently displayed in a corner of the screen or something.
Wonder if we’ll have a 99 cover athlete card for Gonzalez? He was the face of the show 12. Does anyone know if they still have pedroia’s rights? If so, they’d only be missing David wright and puig. Hard to imagine they get puig with his history, but maybe wright.
Also, Jackie Robinson was the special edition cover last year and stroman and Aaron Sanchez were international covers in the past.
@dbub_psn said in Ranked Seasons:
Yeah even 350 is too much for me.
As much as I play, I could, in theory, get there.
But it seems like if I go for it, that severely limits my ability to play more enjoyable modes like BR and grinding Mini Seasons.
Honestly, the 400 innings is why I stopped playing the game. 350 isn’t much better and once I stop playing for the year, I really don’t pick it up again. I do like to check in on the forums every few weeks tho.
They didn’t factor in how this takes away time from other game modes. Maybe I’ll play next year if the requirements are more reasonable.
@rf21_psn said in No Point in Playing Ranked Seasons:
The notion that anyone can make WS by just putting the time and focusing is just wrong. If you play on a TV screen, zero chance you get there the speeds are way too fast. And let's be honest, not everyone has the right skill. Not being a [censored], just truth.
Another item people tend to forget, my comment regarding not wanting to play 400 innings in one mode is that I just don't have the time if I still want to play other modes like events and BR which are fun. Don't forget about showdowns, conquest maps that help you get the program rewards. I don't have 2+ hours each day. But I'm sure others do, just posting why there is no point playing Ranked for myself
@RF21_PSN stated it nicely. 400 innings in addition to all the other aspects of the game is ridiculous. BR, Events, Conquest, Mini-season (30+ games is a lot of time), and showdowns all take time. This shouldn't be a fulltime job for people to enjoy the game. In addition, last year, many people worked from home so you could get in a few games over lunch or you didn't have to worry about the commute. This year, people have less time on their hands and the requirements are much higher. You have to bring down win requirements somewhere, between ws, events, br, and mini-seasons.
People are saying that this is a "COMPETITIVE PLAYLIST"...Gimme a break. If you are someone who is stuck somewhere between 500 - 750, it's a pretty casual zone. Yeah, I want to win, but this is a range where people have fun and aren't living and dying by the game. The last thing I want to do is feel like I'm stuck in a game where I'm getting killed by 7 runs and feel like I have no chance. Last year was the first year I ever played RS because of the win total. It was a huge upgrade because it brought in people who knew they had no shot at WS and increased the player base. I wouldn't be surprised if this game faced a steep drop off in daily users because of 400 innings. I'll be bunting my way through games to make the pain go away much faster. I'll try to get through a RS game in 20 minutes.
As for BR, 4,000 PXP and 40 hits in a single run??? LOL! I'll find a few guys who want to help out with that.
By trying to make this more competitive, the game will actually get less competitive.
My last point...Please do not put any exclusive rewards in co-op. There is already a saturation point in terms of time available to play the game and it will take players out of the event / WS / BR pool. Last year was perfect (except servers), can we bring it back?
I agree with everything you said. My only addition would be to have the pitcher’s throw based on their arm accuracy and arm strength. If a player is using button accuracy, then there should be an accuracy meter when throwing to first to prevent a million pickoff attempts. You can’t have a guy spamming pickoffs with Lester when he hasn’t thrown to first in 5 years.
I think pitcher defense should be weighted much more heavily. I also think pitchers with high fielding should be very hard to bunt against. Look at greinke, few people bunt against him because he is so good at fielding those plays. If you bunt on greenie, Maddux, etc, they should be able to get to the ball and make a play. This would be an effective way to combat bunt cheesers.
@the_dragon1912 said in Spent a week playing 2k22…wow we have it good here:
The only thing that makes it hard to implement a domination/ historic teams in this game is player rights. 2k has the rights to almost every significant player in NBA history besides a select few. Hopefully this game gets to that point some day, but is much easier to put together a 12 man roster with the rights to players than 26, and even then 2k usually only has 9 real players and 3 generic
Great point. Even a blend of historic and current rosters would be nice. And the cpu would get better as new cards come out. For example, the Mets in the first inning would have had Franco, glavine, piazza, and veteran Floyd on their team mixed in with their live series team.
I haven’t played 2k in a few years. I bought it when it was on sale and myTeam is flat out terrible. SDS keep doing what you are doing. Their online play is atrocious.
The only things I would consider bringing from 2k over to the show are domination (could be a nice offline grind for people who want that) and how they have historic players when you play vs cpu.
Wow, I’ll probably never pick nba 2k up again unless they make a ton of changes.
I try to strategically draft to maximize my chances of getting a card that has stat requirements for the br program. I’ve never been less lucky in any season. I think it’s because the br cards this time cover 7 different positions so it’s hard to avoid them in the draft. For example, last season, there were 2 catchers and 3 rp’s, so you could more easily draft around.
I hope sds makes the br cards come up more frequently.
99 reliever ohtani?
99 reliever ohtani?
Thoughts on Unlocking WBC Flashbacks
New features I'd like to see
My Wishlist
My Wishlist
SDS how about telling us the plans for Co op?
Pitcher stamina for pinpoint pitching is op
QoL Feedback
QoL Feedback
If you R2
Adrian Gonzalez Cover Athlete Card
Ranked Seasons
No Point in Playing Ranked Seasons
Spent a week playing 2k22…wow we have it good here
Spent a week playing 2k22…wow we have it good here
Unbelievable how hard it is to draft cards for the br program