Stage 2? If so have you already unlocked stage 3?

@capt_awesome34 said in Why many DD Teams does NOT use a Uniform matching their Team Name & Logo?:
@quinnymcquinn_mlbts said in Why many DD Teams does NOT use a Uniform matching their Team Name & Logo?:
@capt_awesome34 said in Why many DD Teams does NOT use a Uniform matching their Team Name & Logo?:
@tonythetiger2k16 said in Why many DD Teams does NOT use a Uniform matching their Team Name & Logo?:
I see way too many DD Teams calling thier team Vikings, Bears, Wizards or what ever else & then they are using a MLB Uniform of the Mets, Yankees, Twins or which ever other MLB team. Why would someonce call thier team the Vikings & use a Uniform of the Yankees which says Yankees on the Jersey. This makes no sense to me. It just only shows the lack of creativeness & just outright laziness to not create your own Uniform. There are so many word art team names & logos 1 can get from the vault.
This my be a pety pet peeve for me, but I really enjoy when I see someone that took lots of pride & effort with making their team look & sound unique. Even if its something like the Bears. You can change the colors & designs of the uniform to make it your own & original.
I myself made my DD team be the Emerald City Wizards. I felt that Emerald City as in Wizard Of Oz plays off well with calling the team Wizards. I also a wrestling fan. So my team abbrievation is ECW which pays homage to the old ECW wrestling organization. I changed up my colors so that it would be different & unique as to others whom uses the Wizards Name & Logo's.
I am the Savannah Banana's and my uniforms are the exact colors of the actual team
I wish the Bananas were there when I lived in Savannah. I lived in Savannah for 6 years from 2005-2011. We had the very run of the mill sand gnats. They moved that team and then the bananas came in.
I have never seen them in person but I follow them on You tubeI was stationed there from 2009-2011. Really miss that city.
Haven't had crashing probs until today. CTD 3 times in ranked today
@tonythetiger2k16 said in Trout:
@chuckclc_psn said in Trout:
@tonythetiger2k16 said in Trout:
@chuckclc_psn said in Trout:
Just QS him. You get 10k this year for him tax free! Got to pay taxes if you sell him on the market and no one likes to do that.
ARE YOU FREAKING CRAZY!!!!!!! This Card should NEVER be Quick sold. Currently his Sell Now price is 380,500. Even that being taxed, you are left over with 342,450 in stubs which is 34x more than the 10K from Quick Sell. What's even better is if you list him in Buy Now & wait for him to be bought by someone. Currently his Buy Now is 396,498, after tax you will have 356,849 which is 35x more than the 10K Quick Sell
That's too much money to Uncle Sam. QS
So you would rather cheat yourself out of 350k just to avoid paying a tax & settling for 10K only????? Then I wish you good luck with that. However NO ONE in here should listen to this guy's advice to Quick Sell Trout or any other Card that you will lose the chance of making more stubs.
Stubs are needed to buy Cards you do NOT have & is too hard for you to get from packs or rewards. So making as many stubs you can is needed. However this guy feels not paying taxes is more important to him then maximizing the amount of stubs he can make.
Sarcasm is lost on the few.
@aam34_psn said in Ppl who swing at every single pitch:
Get rewarded big time! I played this guy yesterday who swung at EVERY single pitch no matter the location and got hits, fouls and scored runs like a top 50 player. (no swing throughs) The most frustrating gaming experience of all time.
This game needs a patch big time. Everything they said they fixed is worse than it was before they said they fixed it. I now know what everyone is complaining about. I've been playing this game for a long time and it feels like 2018 all over again.
Sorry for the rant but I needed to get this off my chest so I can try to move forward and have fun with this game again!
Learn how to tunnel pitches. Scann on YouTube has some good videos he posted around this time last year that are pretty helpful.
Anyone have one? Is it worth the $69.00? Do they hold up well? Any input would be appreciated as I'm looking to grab one if the hype is real.
Good post
First -
I just got his confidence down to zero after that he walked enough of my guys for me to get it done
@hoboadam_psn said in New mini season today?:
@sodomojo01_xbl said in New mini season today?:
@hoboadam_psn said in New mini season today?:
@ccarr77_psn said in New mini season today?:
Why you hoping for a new one when lots of folks can't even play the 1st one?
Why did the devs release mini-seasons in the first place? They knew it was broken
That's a little extreme. I think that it revealed bugs due to the number of people playing it and they couldn't test mechanics with the volume of users that a production environment has.
I've been extremely lucky. No issues here and 4 seasons completed. I'm looking forward to a new one.
One thing for certain though...
If it bugs out on me, it will be my sole mission to figure out what dafuq is happening
I have played it 6 times now only time it bugged out on me was when I won the semifinals 3-1, if I went 3-0 or 3-2 it worked just fine, tried it again went 3-1 got the error message. This has to be the issue.
Unfortunately, I've gone 3-1 and advanced successfully. Not bad thought you had though.
Well [censored].
@chuckclc_psn said in And you cheered along the way…:
I was worried about the LS collection at first, but now I am just a couple big NL cards away from complete. So I am right on pace with the last couple years game. Definitely dont need to spend extra.
Haven't spent a dime just need Trout, and Vald Jr.
@hoboadam_psn said in New mini season today?:
@ccarr77_psn said in New mini season today?:
Why you hoping for a new one when lots of folks can't even play the 1st one?
Why did the devs release mini-seasons in the first place? They knew it was broken
That's a little extreme. I think that it revealed bugs due to the number of people playing it and they couldn't test mechanics with the volume of users that a production environment has.
I've been extremely lucky. No issues here and 4 seasons completed. I'm looking forward to a new one.
One thing for certain though...
If it bugs out on me, it will be my sole mission to figure out what dafuq is happening
I have played it 6 times now only time it bugged out on me was when I won the semifinals 3-1, if I went 3-0 or 3-2 it worked just fine, tried it again went 3-1 got the error message. This has to be the issue.
Wtf is overdrive on a monitor? Mine has freesync and Ovrrdrive with settings of high, med and low.
Mini seasons only seems yo be broken if you win your first round series 3-1. I have successfully completed mini seasons 4 times without issue, however after winning the first series 3-1 this last go time through I got the unhandled server error message, I have also seen some posts on Twitter where other users are saying the same thing.
It's repeatable. Is it turning over??
Seems to be a long hair thing
No idea then I have the wolverine pro controller and a monitor. I have zero issues
CTD's seem to be a thing on xbox right now.
@suntlacrimae50_mlbts said in Anyone have any good settings for monitor?:
Sorry, no. But I use a Samsung G7 and everything is fine on ps5. On series x there is serious framerate lag with pitching and the pci. Still haven't figured out what is going on...
You have to use a wired controller on Xbox.
@twisted-_-tea-_psn said in There’s no point anymore:
@ikasnu_psn said in There’s no point anymore:
Play Elden Ring
I’m probably gonna try and get Batman Arkham asylum platinum and then play city and knight again. But definitely want to get back into story games. Online games just aren’t the same anymore.
Omg those Batman games were sooooo good.
Yes yesterday and again today. Both while entering wither a conquest or mini season game, xbox will just CTD.
No Pxp in event games
Why many DD Teams does NOT use a Uniform matching their Team Name & Logo?
In my last 2 tries to play Showdown- crashes have cost me 2 losses & 1000 stubs.
Ppl who swing at every single pitch
Dugout Mugs.
Tommy Kahnle
I'm sick of this Shohei SD
New mini season today?
And you cheered along the way…
New mini season today?
XBOX X Video Settings
Mini Season Season 2 hopes
Shohei XP keeps resetting
Diamond Dynasty CAP
Anyone have any good settings for monitor?
Xbox shut downs
Anyone have any good settings for monitor?
There’s no point anymore
Game crashing?