Everytime, every year I replace my players with a 99 version only to seriously regret it. This year my 95 Betts has .286 and 48 home runs. My 99 Betts has started 1-16. My Larry Walker was batting 316 with 26 home runs, 99 Walker, .091 0 Hrs. After I put 95/98 Walker back in, 1st game he hit 2 home runs. It just doesn't make sense, I've had the same experience every year I play this game. I lost 4 straight games after adding 99 Betts and Walker. Both are now out of my lineup and Walker was a rage sell. I'll never upgrade a card again just because he's a 99. Btw, average the numbers, how do they even come up with 99?

@macdaddy-o_PSN said in Easy Fix for Dashboarding, SDS -- DO IT!!!:
This seems incredibly simple, and I don't understand why SDS can't fix this problem that plagues the game online. When a player hits a home run, it's clear that the announcer knows it and the crowd knows it, ergo, the program knows it. So just count the [censored] HR and RBIS and Runs from the MOMENT THE BALL LEAVES THE BAT. Don't wait for runners to cross the plate, and let little, stupid, [censored] players pull the plug and cheat people of their rightfully earned stats. How hard can that possibly be to program?
I was playing a Ranked Season game, grinding out points for the August players to both A) get the Mookie card for the current program and B) grind out the last points I needed for the Extreme Program and Donaldson card.
I'm playing a tight 0-0 pitcher's duel, the kind of game that anyone who likes baseball can appreciate. Finally, in the bottom of the ninth, I have the bases loaded with two outs. He throws a 2-0 fastball down the middle and I crush it for a grand slam for Alex Bregman, who needs the points. And this complete, disrespectful, hateful troll of a person dashboards the game, so I don't get the HR, RBIs, etc. What a pathetic sore loser. Makes Billy Martin seem like a grateful gentleman.
I'm fed up with this happening -- as are a lot of players -- and it's high time SDS fix it. I spend enough time on this game not to have to lose valuable player points and do more work to achieve what's rightfully been earned. Fix it.
You know what "plagues" this game online? Bad matchups. I'll dashboard you in a second, wanna know why? I'm over 20 games under .500, almost every RS game I play, it's against someone with a winning record. I can actually predict wins and loses before the game starts. SDS should not constantly match me against opponents that are clearly much better than I am. I'm not going to let someone just bash dingers against me. I'll usually give up a run or two, but I'm not playing this game to get blown out of every game.
And your 0-0 "pitcher duel?" Boring. That's practically every game I play. If I knew I had a chance to score, I'd stick around. But I rarely score more than a run or 2, so why keep playing? Most games are 1 swing 1 home run 1 win. I hate those games. Nothing but flyout, groundout, strike out. The game is entirely too stingy with hits and runs. And if your 9th inning grand slam was proceeded by walks and/or hit batters, I'd dashboarded it too. You didn't earn it, the game gifted it to you. So yea, its simple. SDS can improve matchmaking and allow more offensive success. And stop the walks/hit batter setup. I can't believe how many times, late in a game, all of a sudden I can't throw a strike, give up a walk or hit a batter followed by a home run. I'll dashboard that every time. But your right, fix the game. -
@dap1234567890 said in Correct me if I'm wrong. But the main purpose of this Event is to:
@dlgltal-athlete_psn said in Correct me if I'm wrong. But the main purpose of this Event is to:
@dap1234567890 said in Correct me if I'm wrong. But the main purpose of this Event is to:
Awww, he wants meatballs served to him!
He must think he's at an Italian restaurant!
Well, my wife said she wants to go to Olive Garden, so I guess I'll get some meatballs served to me!!!
No. He doesn't want a meatball thrown down the middle. But don't be squared to throw an actual hittable pitch.
When you keep swinging at dirtballs, no one is going to throw a strike! How many times does this forum have to tell you this? Have you heard the definition of the word "insane"? It definitely describes you in your playing of the game and in your posts in this forum!
Hmm insane, also describes your responses to this forum. Chill dude.
@dolenz_psn said in Ratings?:
@scottd_3ds_psn said in Ratings?:
@dolenz_psn said in Ratings?:
All that weighted means is that you can't just divide by 17 (roughly 5.9%) as you mentioned. It is distributed differently
For a first baseman maybe power is counts as 8% of the overall rating and for a shortstop maybe power only counts as 2% of the overall rating. That is because power is more commonly associated with first basemen while shortstops are usually judged on their defense and speed (and contact), That is why Ozzie Smith rates highly with below average power.
So when comparing players, compare two players of the same primary position. Two centerfielders for example (say Trout and Griffey) should be rated using the same criteria. So comparing them is valid.
Shouldn't my 3rd or 1st baseman be leading, since their power is more "weighted?"
No, you're thinking of weighted wrong. 90 power is 90 power regardless of what position they play. It just that for a 1B or RF it will have more of an impact on their overall.
If all you care about is the four main offensive ratings then just look at those ratings and ignore the overall. Overall does not tell you what type of player it is.
A good example
Both Harrison Bader and Brandon Marsh are 84 overall rated centerfielders. But how they achieve that rating comes very differently. Brandon Marsh is much more of an offense first CF while Bader is much more of a fast, defensive CF. They are both worthy of 84 but if I only care about offense then I am taking Brandon Marsh 100% of the time.
The system is not perfect and a bit antiquated in my opinion, but it really seems like you would be better off ignoring overalls and looking at individual ratings. Very few experienced players will choose a card solely based on overall.
Thanks for trying to explain this to me. I totally understand how 2 cards can reach the same overall in different ways. But the 2 cards with say, the same con R of 110, perform differently with con R because of position? That makes no sense. Why list the ratings at all, if they're not accurate. Just lower the rating for that card for that position. I think your saying a centerfielder with 100 power might not have 100 power because of his position. Thanks for trying, I'll never get it. But I'll still be wondering about it next time I strike out with my 99 hitter against a 63 pitcher.
@darkblue1876_psn said in Question about a game I played last night:
Last night I played a game against a player that was tied in the final inning. My opponent, who was a bunt/steal cheeser and I was doing pretty well against that, but runner on third with one out. He tries for the suicide squeeze with two strikes and he misses badly for the strikeout and I am waiting for the runner at home for the sure out and the win.
Then my catcher is frozen and cannot move or throw. The runner starts back to third, then starts back towards home, but I am still frozen and can only stand there like a statue. He finally goes back to third and the game immediately lets me start playing again and he gets a single to win the game.
Did I get cheated, or was it just bad luck? In the end I accept the loss as my fault, not for that play, but if I had gotten the next batter I could have still won. I only wish I knew how to record the screen so I could submit to SDS. Not so much because I think they would do anything, but at least it would be better than the "do nothing" option I took.
Sorry, all you can do is nothing. If he got caught at home, than how could the next batter, (probably already programed) hit the game winner? It's a video game, we win and lose, in spite of ourselves.
@dolenz_psn said in Ratings?:
All that weighted means is that you can't just divide by 17 (roughly 5.9%) as you mentioned. It is distributed differently
For a first baseman maybe power is counts as 8% of the overall rating and for a shortstop maybe power only counts as 2% of the overall rating. That is because power is more commonly associated with first basemen while shortstops are usually judged on their defense and speed (and contact), That is why Ozzie Smith rates highly with below average power.
So when comparing players, compare two players of the same primary position. Two centerfielders for example (say Trout and Griffey) should be rated using the same criteria. So comparing them is valid.
Why not just raise the rating to match what the actual rating is? Why "weight" the ratings? I understand a SS may have less power than a Right Fielder or 3rd baseman, but why then is my SS Story leading my team in home runs? Shouldn't my 3rd or 1st baseman be leading, since their power is more "weighted?" Whatever formula they use, it doesn't work. I want my 96 player to be better than my 86 player. A 63 overall pitcher should not be able to strike out a 98 overall player, simple.
@ibonafidescrub_ said in What’s everyone’s H2H record?:
10-37… I’ve lost to 37 players that are worse than me, SDS gifting hits and homeruns man
I hear that.
@doobiebross66-72 said in What’s everyone’s H2H record?:
@scottd_3ds_psn said in What’s everyone’s H2H record?:
@doobiebross66-72 said in What’s everyone’s H2H record?:
44-4 in ranked
Really? How is that possible? You must be really good at this game. You must be constantly playing in the 800/900 or higher ratings level. Playing against other players on HOF or legend? I win some, move up, lose some, go down, never breaking wild card level. Can't even imagine winning a game on HOF level. My record is 126-143.
I make sure I’m seeing the ball well on legend online, or, I take BP on legend against the CPU with the fastball pitch speed slider turned all the way up
This helps me make sure I’m able to turn on pitches somewhat well once I jump into that ranked game on HOF or Legend…although I struggle pretty hard on legend online
I also believe I’m a pretty good pitcher so that always helps for if/when the bats aren’t on
Definitely my best start in ranked since playing The Show going back to 17
Congrats on your hot start. That practice technique of practicing on higher levels, never worked for me. It turns into a practice of just chasing pitches. For me, I've improved my team RS batting average from 170s to mostly low .200s by playing, and dominating veteran level Conquest and Casual. An actual ballplayer doesn't take batting practice against hard throwers, and I've learned by slowing it down and building on success helps me. The more I hit the ball, the better I get at hitting the ball. If I practice chasing the balls I can't hit, all I do is go back and chase pitches. I'm getting better at waiting for a good pitch to hit, now that I'm learning what they look like, especially early in the count, as opposed to trying to hit anything. Anyway, good luck to you and your continued success.
@doobiebross66-72 said in What’s everyone’s H2H record?:
44-4 in ranked
Really? How is that possible? You must be really good at this game. You must be constantly playing in the 800/900 or higher ratings level. Playing against other players on HOF or legend? I win some, move up, lose some, go down, never breaking wild card level. Can't even imagine winning a game on HOF level. My record is 126-143.
@dolenz_psn said in Ratings?:
@scottd_3ds_psn said in Ratings?:
Does anyone have any idea how ratings are calculated? If you add all 17 of 95 Trout and divide by 17, you get a 74. If you add all 13 of 94 Ohtani, divided by 13 gives you an 81. 94 Aaron Judge, 71
96 Longoria, 73. 88 Griffey, 65. All about 22-23 short of the rating.Not only are attributes weighted differently but the weighting is based on position, for example power is weighted more heavily for a first baseman than it is for a shortstop.
That is why comparing players of different position is usually not the best measurement.
Now I'm more confused. I'm not sure what weighted means. It seems like comparing players by their attributes isn't a good measurement either. So basically you guys are saying the ratings are mystical and magical.
@savefarris_psn said in Ratings?:
Some things (contact, power) are weighted higher than others (bunt, durability)
Hmm, curious to see the formula they use. Because the numbers they show, don't add up. Even the xp upgrades don't add up. My Betts is a +4 but only a 95-98, if it's plus 4 to all attributes, why isn't he a 99 with plus 4. SDS can't add?
Does anyone have any idea how ratings are calculated? If you add all 17 of 95 Trout and divide by 17, you get a 74. If you add all 13 of 94 Ohtani, divided by 13 gives you an 81. 94 Aaron Judge, 71
96 Longoria, 73. 88 Griffey, 65. All about 22-23 short of the rating. -
@d_e_m_i_s_e_psn said in Best hitters in the game that you can't hit with.:
Delgado is just above .300 which besides Ruth that I just started with makes him my worst hitter by quite a ways. Gonna use him anyway.
My Delgado is just above .300, too. And he's my best hitter.
@jkooch66_xbl said in Does anyone understand?:
I think it has to do with your opponent's rating compared to yours. If you beat someone higher rated you go up more, if you lose to someone lower rated you go down more, etc
Hmm, that could be. I just played a guy 363 and I'm 474, I only got +27, he got a 0. So your probably right.
How are the ratings calculated at the end of a RS game? I've had anywhere from +48 to -48, I won 2 games in a row +48, then I lost 2 games -32 and -37. I don't get it, just seems like more of the games random weirdness. Does anyone have a clue?
@spc_garza_mlbts said in Is it possible for this game to get any worse?:
@scottd_3ds_psn said in Is it possible for this game to get any worse?:
@allday9128_psn said in Is it possible for this game to get any worse?:
@scottd_3ds_psn said in Is it possible for this game to get any worse?:
@allday9128_psn said in Is it possible for this game to get any worse?:
@raylewissb47_psn said in Is it possible for this game to get any worse?:
Imagine doing something you hate every day and not even getting paid for it.
This is what I don't understand. In how many other aspects of life would you continue to do a hobby that you didn't enjoy doing, by choice?
The thing is, it's supposed to be baseball. If you enjoy baseball, you keep playing the game, because your expecting and hoping to have fun. That's why people complain about the game. It's supposed to be fun, you go into each game expecting to have fun, but are disappointed, frustrated and angry, more times than not.
But if you're not having fun at all, why keep doing it? I like eating pizza, but if I'm eating a pizza that tastes like [censored], I'm gonna stop eating it.
Are you serious? I just tried to explain why. Sometimes it is fun. Sometimes it's not. So if I'm eating a pizza that tastes bad, I might complain, but I won't stop eating pizza. But your saying, you wouldn't complain about a bad tasting pizza? And you would never eat another pizza? You'd miss out on some good pizza. So I keep playing, hoping and expecting a tasty pizza, I mean, a good game.
Winning = fun when you lose = game is trash go to forums to complain
Somewhat, but not totally true. Hitting, scoring, pitching in and out of jams, lead changes, baseball=fun
Flyout, ground outs, foul balls, at 'em balls, strike outs=boring trash game
Community forum=complain all you want, that's what it's here for -
@allday9128_psn said in Is it possible for this game to get any worse?:
@scottd_3ds_psn said in Is it possible for this game to get any worse?:
@allday9128_psn said in Is it possible for this game to get any worse?:
@raylewissb47_psn said in Is it possible for this game to get any worse?:
Imagine doing something you hate every day and not even getting paid for it.
This is what I don't understand. In how many other aspects of life would you continue to do a hobby that you didn't enjoy doing, by choice?
The thing is, it's supposed to be baseball. If you enjoy baseball, you keep playing the game, because your expecting and hoping to have fun. That's why people complain about the game. It's supposed to be fun, you go into each game expecting to have fun, but are disappointed, frustrated and angry, more times than not.
But if you're not having fun at all, why keep doing it? I like eating pizza, but if I'm eating a pizza that tastes like [censored], I'm gonna stop eating it.
Are you serious? I just tried to explain why. Sometimes it is fun. Sometimes it's not. So if I'm eating a pizza that tastes bad, I might complain, but I won't stop eating pizza. But your saying, you wouldn't complain about a bad tasting pizza? And you would never eat another pizza? You'd miss out on some good pizza. So I keep playing, hoping and expecting a tasty pizza, I mean, a good game.
@bjd10048842_psn said in **Competitive and Recreational RS Options**:
SDS can have it both ways - just add a "recreational" version of RS and make the current RS input-based where "stick skills reign supreme".
- More Input-Based Results
- Rewards are buffed (packs, stubs, XP etc for reaching Wild Card, DS, CS and WS)
- Difficulties progress as you advance
- Record gets kept and visible to opponents
- Causal gaming with the level of RNG we're experiencing now.
- Rewards for reaching new divisions are less than Comp version, no player rewards like WS.
- Maybe overall team rating limit of 93? Maybe 6 innings?
- Veteran and All-Star difficulties
- Losses result in less of a "decrease" in rating, so if you grind out wins you can make the higher divisions.
- record can be viewed like events, but doesn't show up on your team screen when loading into game, resets each season in leader boards.
I don't always have the time, energy, or stress management levels to play a full game of zeroed-in laser-focus RS, but would love to get some practice or casual at bats in with my top players.
That way people can choose if they wanna play w the pros for the buffed rewards, or practice in the rec version for lesser-ish awards.
Not sure how anyone could object to this, people would self-select which mode they want to play without being limited to full 9-inning RS games on certain difficulties.
Maybe they'd have a HOF and All-Star option so you could practice. Sucks that I have to switch between HOF and All-Star cold turkey here and there since I'm in Division Series and hover between the two.
There's already a casual online mode.
If you enjoy baseball, and this is an amazingly brilliant animated simulation, then you turn on the game expecting to have fun. At least an enjoyable experience. But more times than not, the game leaves you frustrated, puzzled, bored and sometimes even angry. So you turn it off. But you love baseball, so you turn it back on, hoping to have fun. It is a game, right? Games should be fun. Imo, the game needs drastic changes to appeal to the majority of the ones who spent money on it. Maybe SDS could start by listening to the ones playing the game. And their complaints.
@allday9128_psn said in Is it possible for this game to get any worse?:
@raylewissb47_psn said in Is it possible for this game to get any worse?:
Imagine doing something you hate every day and not even getting paid for it.
This is what I don't understand. In how many other aspects of life would you continue to do a hobby that you didn't enjoy doing, by choice?
The thing is, it's supposed to be baseball. If you enjoy baseball, you keep playing the game, because your expecting and hoping to have fun. That's why people complain about the game. It's supposed to be fun, you go into each game expecting to have fun, but are disappointed, frustrated and angry, more times than not.
I hate 99s.....
Easy Fix for Dashboarding, SDS -- DO IT!!!
Correct me if I'm wrong. But the main purpose of this Event is to
Question about a game I played last night
What’s everyone’s H2H record?
What’s everyone’s H2H record?
What’s everyone’s H2H record?
Best hitters in the game that you can't hit with.
Does anyone understand?
Does anyone understand?
Is it possible for this game to get any worse?
Is it possible for this game to get any worse?
**Competitive and Recreational RS Options**
Wonder why people complain?
Is it possible for this game to get any worse?