So how about you strive to make a game play like you advertise. I.E. no more very late bs hits, no more perfect perfect outs or perfectperfect fouls (why are you punishing people for being perfect), 100% pitch accuracy w/ a .03 early or late release going way out of the par like you totally messed up the input, pitches obviously being strikes and get called balls and of course the glaring issue of the last 2 years ridiculous amounts of foul balls and check swings. Again last 3 ranked games I played the average amount of fouls through 9 innings was 60!!!!! Yes I got bail out as well as my oppent and I still think it needs fixed.

I've had enough. I'm done with this BS game. Play and have an oppent fould off 17 pitches every inning then get either a very late blooper or a very early extra base hit on pitches that aren't even strikes. Then I swing and get a good squared up line out. Then repeat next inning again with the oppent. I threw 49 pitches in 1 inning and my oppent swung at 38 of the pitches and had 27 fouls. Your gane is broken and you can't even admit it and keep saying everything is working as intended. If 25 plays like this I will find a business lawyer and file a lawsuit against your company for false advertising. I'm done with your [censored] SDS.
The while broken fact is, is that SDS is more worried about fixing captains then the gameplay over all. Sliders shrinking your pci all year long. Good squared getting 0 exit velo. Filling off pitches not even near the strike zone dozens of times. Not don't fix obvious gameplay issues. Fix something in a game mode less then half the users play and captains when the captain is an unusable card anyways. You guys obviously all root for SDS and think the game isn't broken when it is. Watch any content streamer and all of them can show and talk about the obvious gameplay issues. None of them care if the captain is on the bench.
Yeah can't have the captain on the bench or use real 99 in co-op. Fix those bit let's make sure that our broke RNG will let someone get 57 fouls and late hits. Meanwhile good squared and perfects are outs, and still say game play is working as intended.
I just spent 40 minutes grinding to have non of my progress saved because of an unexpected server issue. It is freaking October SDS WTF!!!! Unexceptable, this needs remedied asap and figure out how to give the progress or just reward the cards in this drop. Ppl can't just be expected to keep redoing everything because your game is broken!!!!! These are day 1 problems that are game 10 years in development shouldn't be having at all.
@chucky97___ no they absolutely can fix the fouls balls. If you read every patch they say "no game play fixes at this time" they fixed the corner dot pitches in 20 that couldn't be hit. They only fix the easy things and won't actually fix things that are broken. They claimed that foul balls would be extremely less this year and wiffs on very earlys would be higher. They are not on both accounts. When someone can foul off 40 pitches in a ranked game in 4inngs (the average for MLB for both teams in 9innings is 35) and 70 in 9innings there is a problem that they are just ignoring. As well as if you read zone hitting is suppose to give the best results. This year 80% of allstar ranked player are using directional because it is resulting in those absorbent amount of fouls. It's not skill anymore its just swing swing swing swing and swing again tell your oppent makes a pitching mistake. It's BS
Fix the fouls or I think we need to look into a lawsuit for false advertising. People who get 40 fouls on very earlies in 3innings is freaking ridiculous. You said this wouldn't happen and it does. Then a good good squared up slider with 105 power has 85 exit velo. Fix it
@Teak2112 because ppl realize they're bot accounts and quit which increases the accounts ranked rating.
@BJDUBBYAH don't be jealous it's actually kind of frustrating. You can literally but and get an inside the park HR against these accounts. You don't just wanna quit because then your record gets screwed. So you have to scored 10 runs then strike out the rest of the game tell the bottom of the 4th to get the mercy. It basically just wastes your time. You'd be better of just playing verse CPU on rookie. At least the cpu swings the bat.
@Nauracy34 the stubs and sellable cards doesn't really help, because if they are NMS and now they get free stubs and sellable reward cards. Now your giving extra and basically punishing anyone who didn't have thier account deleted. But I do agree that they the xp match is fine. They can however track and know what each and every player account currently has/had for packs and cards in game. Proof by knowing exactly who discovered what card first. And yes some for of compensation is needed.
This is getting ridiculous SDS. Again today play people who literally do nothing but swing very early and foul off pitches. When someone is allowed to foul off 53 pitches while chasing 43 pitches it's absolutely absurd. Your mast head says "stick skills rain supreme". That's BS because when you have to throw 30 pitches an inning and then your opponent gets a late blooper or very early roll over down the line is freaking ridiculous. Mean while I go 5 for 17 on good timing good PCI whith 12 good timing outs. Come on you can't sit there and say it's working as intended. And before anyone says well pitchers have low H/9 and K/9 right now. No this is on hall of fame with my opponent running Buxton boost with every batter having low vision and most having low contacts. This is just absurd at this point. I'm about ready to start a rally and seak legal help since you're basically using false advertising at this point with the stick skills bull.
Has anyone else noticed since the patch that even though John Donaldson is now fixed with runners on other pitchers are broken now. I.E. before the patch Greyson Rodriguez and Skrobal were fine when runners were on. Now their pin point is broken and saying your going to fast or slow no matter what?
If you watched any of their live streams you know that they took RTTS out of counting towards online play. Meaning the gear that you would normally collect for stats for you RTTS player aren't needed unless you play RTTS so why give ppl a collection on them? Still plenty of other collections and if you do play RTTS you just keep the best piece of gear and sell the others.
Come on SDS!!!! This is ridiculous, every year we go through this. This is your job, I would get fired if I messed up something I'm suppose to be able to do everyday. Please give us an update on what is going on and when we can expect to be playing. We paid for the privilege to be able to play early and here we are at almost an hour of no play time and no update on the issue or when we can expect to be playing.
Face it SDS doesn't care. There is no reason. A 100% pitch with a 0.00 or even a 0.02 release when you even have the par way off the plate should ever end up down the middle. There is no reason to reward someone for a very late hit when a perfect/perfect is a line out. Not even a good good fly out when your oppent has 7 hits with very late or early timing and is allowed to foul off pitches not even near the zone. SDS says stick skills rain supreme in the online settings, but it's not true. They DO NOT CARE! That's why they took oppent pci placement away in 22. So that people couldn't keep sending them videos and pictures of hits and found balls no where near the pci.
Hitting is broken anymore. Square up and get a good timing swing with 125 power and it's a fly out with 91 exit velo. Oppent who's record is 70 games below 500 can get a very early HR on a pitch below the zone on an exit velo of 85. This is a video game is ran by broken RNG by a company who claims stick skills rain supreme. This is ridiculous and SDS needs to not only make sure it doesn't happen next year but fix it this year. It's getting old SDS seriously!
@joshjays44_PSN you're a tool. If you've played this game at all this year you know hitting is broken. A fully squared up perfect perfect is an out more often then ever before and ppl can foul off 18 pitches that aren't even close to the strike zone. You saying it's then is you being a tool who probably only plays rtts
RH1N046 on xbox is intentionally freezing matches to get wins. Anyone who plays him needs to report it. He is currently in a freeze off with me that he intentionally started.
Are you going to fix gameplay issues
This game is a travesty
Captain glitch
Captain glitch
Season awards program 6
Foul balls are a problem
Fix the fouls
What do we do about bots in ranked seasons?
What do we do about bots in ranked seasons?
Let's assume for a minute, they can't bring back accounts...
Foul ball atrocity needs fixed
More broken pitchers
What's the point of playing now?
Server Connectivity Issues 03/15
Randomized hitting.
Broken hitting
Freeze off on xbox