The finest cards are underwhelming IMO

@BalsamicArrow88 said in The worst of all sports games?:
Now that the majority of people would agree Madden is the better game. Is it safe to say The Show is the worst sports game on the market? Won’t know for sure until NBA 2K is released but it’s not like they have much competition with this game.
Backyard football 2003 is a better game than madden 23. Troll post is a troll
Or if someone has the stones to blow stubs on 75 pack bundles to prove me wrong. Again my claim is you can only pull chase packs from the 75 pack bundles, not a random diamond
@theu715_psn said in 75 pack bundles are completely rigged, video evidence:
@renz2003_psn said in 75 pack bundles are completely rigged, video evidence:
@pennstatefencer_mlbts said in 75 pack bundles are completely rigged, video evidence:
@renz2003_psn said in 75 pack bundles are completely rigged, video evidence:
@pennstatefencer_mlbts said in 75 pack bundles are completely rigged, video evidence:
@renz2003_psn said in 75 pack bundles are completely rigged, video evidence:
@pennstatefencer_mlbts said in 75 pack bundles are completely rigged, video evidence:
@renz2003_psn said in 75 pack bundles are completely rigged, video evidence:
@pennstatefencer_mlbts said in 75 pack bundles are completely rigged, video evidence:
Where is the video evidence that it is rigged? Your video proves nothing. You're not guaranteed diamonds in standard packs, even within 75 of them. That's not how it works. I've pulled 74 diamonds out of non-choice packs so far this year. Only 3 of them came out of chase packs. Most were standard, headliner, or ballin, and all were earned by just playing the game. Buying packs is a waste of stubs if you want good cards.
The video evidence is when I hit the view odds button and it says information not available. Standard packs are 1:50 odds.
You're not guaranteed a diamond in every 50 packs. Again...that's not how it works. The odds are on a pack by pack basis and they are not cumulative. Each pack is it's own event, and opening multiple packs does not increase the likelihood of a diamond in that particular pack.
What I’m saying is you can’t pull random diamonds out of the 75 pack bundles only chase packs with a guaranteed diamond. That’s why IMO I believe I couldn’t get the pack odds info
It says the same exact thing when you check the pack odds on a single standard pack earned within the game. Source: I just checked. There is no conspiracy.
Actually the conspiracy is even bigger. The info use to be 1:50. I can only assume if it doesn’t have the pack odds listed they have changed the ofds
For all I know, you could be an SDS employee trying to discredit me. It’s a conspiracy i tells ya
Weird, I've only bought one 75 pack bundle this year. I got Freeman, another low diamond, and Max Scherzer out of the regular show packs and a gold in my chase pack. It's almost like a gamble that you get a diamond or you don't.
I have the video evidence to back up my claims. Anything else posted without video evidence is hearsay!
@pennstatefencer_mlbts said in 75 pack bundles are completely rigged, video evidence:
@renz2003_psn said in 75 pack bundles are completely rigged, video evidence:
@pennstatefencer_mlbts said in 75 pack bundles are completely rigged, video evidence:
@renz2003_psn said in 75 pack bundles are completely rigged, video evidence:
@pennstatefencer_mlbts said in 75 pack bundles are completely rigged, video evidence:
@renz2003_psn said in 75 pack bundles are completely rigged, video evidence:
@pennstatefencer_mlbts said in 75 pack bundles are completely rigged, video evidence:
Where is the video evidence that it is rigged? Your video proves nothing. You're not guaranteed diamonds in standard packs, even within 75 of them. That's not how it works. I've pulled 74 diamonds out of non-choice packs so far this year. Only 3 of them came out of chase packs. Most were standard, headliner, or ballin, and all were earned by just playing the game. Buying packs is a waste of stubs if you want good cards.
The video evidence is when I hit the view odds button and it says information not available. Standard packs are 1:50 odds.
You're not guaranteed a diamond in every 50 packs. Again...that's not how it works. The odds are on a pack by pack basis and they are not cumulative. Each pack is it's own event, and opening multiple packs does not increase the likelihood of a diamond in that particular pack.
What I’m saying is you can’t pull random diamonds out of the 75 pack bundles only chase packs with a guaranteed diamond. That’s why IMO I believe I couldn’t get the pack odds info
It says the same exact thing when you check the pack odds on a single standard pack earned within the game. Source: I just checked. There is no conspiracy.
Actually the conspiracy is even bigger. The info use to be 1:50. I can only assume if it doesn’t have the pack odds listed they have changed the ofds
For all I know, you could be an SDS employee trying to discredit me. It’s a conspiracy i tells ya
And wouldn’t you know, I complain and login buy 2 packs and this happens
@pennstatefencer_mlbts said in 75 pack bundles are completely rigged, video evidence:
@renz2003_psn said in 75 pack bundles are completely rigged, video evidence:
@pennstatefencer_mlbts said in 75 pack bundles are completely rigged, video evidence:
@renz2003_psn said in 75 pack bundles are completely rigged, video evidence:
@pennstatefencer_mlbts said in 75 pack bundles are completely rigged, video evidence:
Where is the video evidence that it is rigged? Your video proves nothing. You're not guaranteed diamonds in standard packs, even within 75 of them. That's not how it works. I've pulled 74 diamonds out of non-choice packs so far this year. Only 3 of them came out of chase packs. Most were standard, headliner, or ballin, and all were earned by just playing the game. Buying packs is a waste of stubs if you want good cards.
The video evidence is when I hit the view odds button and it says information not available. Standard packs are 1:50 odds.
You're not guaranteed a diamond in every 50 packs. Again...that's not how it works. The odds are on a pack by pack basis and they are not cumulative. Each pack is it's own event, and opening multiple packs does not increase the likelihood of a diamond in that particular pack.
What I’m saying is you can’t pull random diamonds out of the 75 pack bundles only chase packs with a guaranteed diamond. That’s why IMO I believe I couldn’t get the pack odds info
It says the same exact thing when you check the pack odds on a single standard pack earned within the game. Source: I just checked. There is no conspiracy.
Actually the conspiracy is even bigger. The info use to be 1:50. I can only assume if it doesn’t have the pack odds listed they have changed the ofds
@pennstatefencer_mlbts said in 75 pack bundles are completely rigged, video evidence:
@renz2003_psn said in 75 pack bundles are completely rigged, video evidence:
@pennstatefencer_mlbts said in 75 pack bundles are completely rigged, video evidence:
Where is the video evidence that it is rigged? Your video proves nothing. You're not guaranteed diamonds in standard packs, even within 75 of them. That's not how it works. I've pulled 74 diamonds out of non-choice packs so far this year. Only 3 of them came out of chase packs. Most were standard, headliner, or ballin, and all were earned by just playing the game. Buying packs is a waste of stubs if you want good cards.
The video evidence is when I hit the view odds button and it says information not available. Standard packs are 1:50 odds.
You're not guaranteed a diamond in every 50 packs. Again...that's not how it works. The odds are on a pack by pack basis and they are not cumulative. Each pack is it's own event, and opening multiple packs does not increase the likelihood of a diamond in that particular pack.
What I’m saying is you can’t pull random diamonds out of the 75 pack bundles only chase packs with a guaranteed diamond. That’s why IMO I believe I couldn’t get the pack odds info
@pennstatefencer_mlbts said in 75 pack bundles are completely rigged, video evidence:
Where is the video evidence that it is rigged? Your video proves nothing. You're not guaranteed diamonds in standard packs, even within 75 of them. That's not how it works. I've pulled 74 diamonds out of non-choice packs so far this year. Only 3 of them came out of chase packs. Most were standard, headliner, or ballin, and all were earned by just playing the game. Buying packs is a waste of stubs if you want good cards.
The video evidence is when I hit the view odds button and it says information not available. Standard packs are 1:50 odds.
@rypien91_psn said in 75 pack bundles are completely rigged, video evidence:
Buying packs in general is a ripoff, why do it?
The thrill of the chase
Light tower of power ugggh
IMO can only pull diamonds from chase packs. It won’t even show the odds of the standard packs from the bundle.
If you look at the market you don’t need as many stubs as years passed. The change in value in quick sell changed a lot. Keep grinding the mystery map conquest for the 5 free packs you’ll get a diamond eventually. I get almost 2k xp per game.
@parradox-cam_psn said in Anyone else that usually is decent having a tough time in RS?:
Just play RS for the innings grind to collect cards/rewards….don’t worry about your record.
Winning is my favorite part
I’ve been early access the last 3 years. Maybe I’m getting too old lol
I have almost as many loses this year (6)than all of last year. I couldn’t even get out of spring training for 5 games. I was 38-10 last year, I’m getting shelled out there man
Always take the Rockies right of the rip, head north west to Seattle and work your way south. If you’re able to win consistently on all star you can take the whole west coast before they have much of a chance to grow
It’s true I had all Cleveland Indians err “guardians” completed now it’s 39/40 on the team page
I’m just glad I don’t have to hear Santa Maria walk off home run game over anymore
When they add 3 different types of in game currency then we can start making some comparisons to madden. Until then they are miles apart lol
We need to talk about the Extreme program..
The worst of all sports games?
75 pack bundles are completely rigged, video evidence
75 pack bundles are completely rigged, video evidence
75 pack bundles are completely rigged, video evidence
75 pack bundles are completely rigged, video evidence
75 pack bundles are completely rigged, video evidence
75 pack bundles are completely rigged, video evidence
75 pack bundles are completely rigged, video evidence
75 pack bundles are completely rigged, video evidence
Things I’ve stopped caring about:
75 pack bundles are completely rigged, video evidence
2,917 XP and 28 stubs for a 10 inning RS win
Anyone else that usually is decent having a tough time in RS?
Anyone else that usually is decent having a tough time in RS?
Anyone else that usually is decent having a tough time in RS?
USA Conquest Map
Hidden Roster Update
I Might Be the Only One
New program has absolutely killed NMS