See you tomorrow?

Theres a lot of little details in the ps5 version especially better lighting and the ability to run hdr at 4K 60. Plus the birds are exclusive to next gen
I just beat showdown, hit World Series and pulled a trout and none of it counted
Step 1: Hit a homerun with Mark Canha in the CAP moment to get your free silver level 95 pack
Step 2: Open pack
Step 3: Enjoy!
I played DD in 17-18, took a year off after the immortal grind in 18. Picked up the show 20 only to find they dole out legendary diamonds for participation. (Xp reward path).
Seems to me live series cards are already irrelevant judging by the market.
Man 5 million stuborenos, could buy some trouts with that kinda scratch. Make it rain trouts, trouts for days...
No doubt they capped the minimum overall player rating to keep Feierabend out of the event lol
@maskedgrappler said in What amount of stubs would be Adequate compensation:
Did your tacos vanish just as you were about to dig in?
Just as they arrive the sever takes them away and tells you it’s an unhandled taco exception
@midnightdt_mlbts said in Showdown made me uninstall the game (feedback):
Hello this post is not meant to be a hate post it's just meant to be feedback.
I am not very good at this game. I own and I admit that, I'm like a 400 or 500 skill level in head to head. If that. I very often struggle to make hits and score runs.
I've accepted that I'm not that good and I still enjoy building a team by doing all the offline content, And then I like to go online occasionally with my team and see if I can get some wins.
The showdown mode broke me. I ended up uninstalling the game because of it.. that game mode is actually quite fun but it's all or nothing nature is extremely frustrating for bad or new players. You can spend an hour on a run and if you don't beat the final boss you get literally nothing. Maybe some XP but that's it.
I really feel like if you make it to the final boss and lose you should still get at least one ticket I mean what's one ticket it's nothing. But it's better than literally nothing... If you win you should get five and if you lose you should get one. Maybe make it so you can't skip to the end(and still get the 1 guaranteed ticket) if you're worried about people just cheesing to get one ticket. But if you actually play through it all beat the middle boss and then lose in the final getting nothing is heartbreaking.
It happened to me four times in a row and that combined with the fact that I suck and lose online all the time I was just like what am I doing with my life why am I playing this game.
I hope this feedback is well received If a change such as this were to be made I will probably reinstall and come back because at least then I could feel like I could grind away and get the characters I want even if I'm bad and I lose to the boss half the time or more.
Believe it or not the mode is much easier than last year at launch. It was brutal! If you struggle try March to October you can make a good bit of affinity points. Showdown did help take my game to the next level online though. It help me build plate discipline, and to wait for my pitch to hit.
@rypien91_psn said in 75 pack bundles are completely rigged, video evidence:
Buying packs in general is a ripoff, why do it?
The thrill of the chase
And the crowd loves it...
You can go into the Cap menu and lock bronze silver and gold position players for atleast 30000k in stubs
This game is still better than RBI baseball
Specifically the gallo comment -
I just beat showdown, hit World Series and pulled a trout and none of it counted
They can be useful for position exchanges
I find your lack of faith disturbing
Any thoughts
I miss the days of mlb 18 when the bronze Nekro and silver wright were some of the best pitchers. Maybe a gold Tim Wakefield or silver Tom candiotti
If the penalty was steeper people wouldn’t do this
The biggest misconception...
PS5 Graphics..
absolute joke with the servers again tonight on a friday
How to get Nolan Arenado
What did they do to DD?
Griffey’s price
Need some knuckleballers
What amount of stubs would be Adequate compensation
Showdown made me uninstall the game (feedback)
75 pack bundles are completely rigged, video evidence
Aaron Bummer gets destroyed by line drive.
PSA if you have done a lot of team collecting
See you guys next year.
Anyone ever see this on peskys pole in Fenway?
Did the servers just go down
Whats the purpose of free agent cards
2 days without saying a word, and the content for which I paid lost, this must be a joke
Whevever Trout gets old and goes gold who will be the next top card?
Need some knuckleballers
Bullpen cheese