I just got this message then a loss after the game froze while playing the event. I was up by 10 runs, and I was hitting at the moment. Anyone else get this message during a freeze off?

@busta-21_xbl said in Pack Luck:
@redsman09_psn said in Pack Luck:
Last night I pulled both Trout and Acuna.
Which pack did you open to pull that Trout?
I got him in a standard pack from the standard pack bundle I got for winning mini seasons.
Same dude, On opening night I pulled Kyle Tucker (who I recently sold) and Vlad. Last night I pulled both Trout and Acuna. However, I'm hanging on to them to do collections.
Anyone want to play? I want to warm up before making a run at WS
@washednd_psn said in HOF pitch speeds:
@redsman09_psn said in HOF pitch speeds:
@washednd_psn said in HOF pitch speeds:
I personally like HOF speeds. Legend speed to me is just ridiculous. So I'm not with you on this one.
Hey if you can hit it more power to ya. I find it extremely difficult to turn on a fastball on HOF.
Just quit if you get a legend game then. I've played one and struck out 17 times and lost 1-0 on a squeeze. It's stupid
Well just played my game on legend, got 2 hits and lost 2-0. My opponent had 7 hits. It was a mess. I will say I’m smacking the ball Around on HOF since playing on legend online.
@washednd_psn said in HOF pitch speeds:
I personally like HOF speeds. Legend speed to me is just ridiculous. So I'm not with you on this one.
Hey if you can hit it more power to ya. I find it extremely difficult to turn on a fastball on HOF.
@jacksonvance35 said in Where did the community stats go?:
@redsman09_psn said in Where did the community stats go?:
Last year on the website SDS had posted community statistics that showed what the batting averages of different contact resulted in with batting averages, and also showed what the average “batting average” among players was on each difficulty. Where did that go? I’m really curious to see what the batting average for the community on higher difficulty looks like this year. I really hope it makes a comeback.
I’d wager it’s pretty bad
If I remember last year HOF batting average was around like .274, I’d be willing to bet it’s around .220 this year.
What’s the consensus on them? I personally find them to be too fast. I’m not a great player by any stretch but in past titles I’ve made World Series and from 15-19 had a consistent batting average from .284-.287 And saw a small decline to .270 in 20. But this year my batting average is below .250. And despite me being rated 838 this ranked Season I’m batting the Mendoza line. Most of the games I play on HOF are extremely low scoring. I don’t understand how fastballs on legend offline are slower then HOF online. What’s everyone’s thoughts? Should the pitch speeds be adjusted?
Last year on the website SDS had posted community statistics that showed what the batting averages of different contact resulted in with batting averages, and also showed what the average “batting average” among players was on each difficulty. Where did that go? I’m really curious to see what the batting average for the community on higher difficulty looks like this year. I really hope it makes a comeback.
I don’t know if it’s pitch speeds or the timing window but I’m late on everything. Most of the games I’m only tallying generally less than 5 hits on HOF and most games feel like they are really low scoring. I’ve never been as bad as I am this year. Now I’ve never been great but I normally hit around 280 or so. My Lifetime batting averages since 16 have been between 270 and 287 but this year I have to be batting like 250 or worse. I can normally make WS or at least high 800’s but this year I’m struggling to just stay above 700 because it feels like there’s no offense.
And yes before someone say get a monitor, I already have a 1ms monitor and my connection is wired. So it’s either game related or my brain just can’t compute with my eyes in time. Any suggestions or tips would be greatly appreciated because I’m having an awful time playing right now.
For example, it’s hit or miss if my equipment will cart over to gameplay. Best example is with my con L and pow L attributes. With my equipment it’s supposed to be 70/62. Some games it is sometimes it’s my base attributes of 56/49.
Then if I’m using my CF load out and change it to my pitcher load out prior to my game as a starting pitcher it doesn’t register and keeps my default load out.
It makes rtts extremely frustrating and practically unplayable. It’s hard to enjoy the storyline when I’m getting shelled or having games where I’m going 0-4 or 1-4 because the game isn’t registering stuff or bugging out.
Why does hitting feel so different on each system? When I got my ps5 back in November I became a much worse hitter. My season batting average was consistently like a 250-260’s. Now that I’ve switched back to the ps4 when playing the show I’m hitting like .315 on the season. My career BA has also jumped like 6 points. Is there some setting I need to adjust or something. My I game setting are the same for both platforms and I play on a monitor? Yet I’m constantly late on fastballs on ps5 I even set the ps5 to performance mode but I’m still late. What am I missing? It’s extremely frustrating
2 outs in the inning of a time game Opponent has one hit up until this point. Bloop single on a very late swing From the pitcher. Next batter, starts off count 0-2 before 3 straight check swings all called balls before smashing a homerun. I can’t tell you the amount of times I’ve seen this particular sequence of events or something very similar happen. I’ve never seen a game so predictable lol.
I’m not going to complain and say that’s the reason I lost, my hitting has been pretty rough ever since switching to the ps5 but just out of sheer curiosity how many times have you seen this sequence of events or something similar happen?
Like wedge last year where there was just one dot for the center pci. I personally find 3 dots as the center pci to be too distracting. Especially with power guys who have the top dot as their biggest pci dot. I find that I tend to just get right under the ball with the top dot resulting in pop ups and fly outs.
For the most part I really like how you can customize your pci but I hope for next year they give you an option if you want one dot as a center pci or three dots as center pci.
@jz2016cubs said in Compared my pitching statistics from 19 to 20...:
@REDSMAN09 said in Compared my pitching statistics from 19 to 20...:
Let me be clear I’m not a great player. I’m average, maybe above average at best. I don’t go 12-0 and I make WS but that’s about it, I’m not great.
I only looked at the era, HR’s allowed, and walks allowed. Despite me playing 167 less games in 20 than 19, I have given up 161 more walks, 229 more home runs and my era went from a 3.85 in 19’ to a 5.35 in 20’.
I think these numbers help support the statement that User input doesn’t matter as much as it should, either the human pitcher consistency slider has been reduced or human pitcher control Slider has been reduced, or both. to me it’s clear that pitching has lost a lot of its skill gap.
Hopefully in 21 pitching will get an overhaul. Curious to see if any of you guys have compared your stats.
Did you look in the game, or on TSN? If on TSN, I might be able to do it.
In game.
Bauer, Votto, Griffey Jr, Mays, and Morgan,
Let me be clear I’m not a great player. I’m average, maybe above average at best. I don’t go 12-0 and I make WS but that’s about it, I’m not great.
I only looked at the era, HR’s allowed, and walks allowed. Despite me playing 167 less games in 20 than 19, I have given up 161 more walks, 229 more home runs and my era went from a 3.85 in 19’ to a 5.35 in 20’.
I think these numbers help support the statement that User input doesn’t matter as much as it should, either the human pitcher consistency slider has been reduced or human pitcher control Slider has been reduced, or both. to me it’s clear that pitching has lost a lot of its skill gap.
Hopefully in 21 pitching will get an overhaul. Curious to see if any of you guys have compared your stats.
Glad I’m not the only one who was thinking this lol. Like someone else said earlier though, I think it’s just from the prestige pressure.
Given the fact that Jr. was a inning program boss last year I highly doubt that he will be one this year. Especially since none of the bosses have been reoccurring bosses. We’ve already seen Jr. as a WS reward and as a collection reward so I don’t think they would make the 99 card a BR reward since the other 2 Griffey cards are already Somewhat difficult to obtain for a good majority of the community. So what are your guys thoughts?
I’m thinking he will be an “extreme” reward. We’ve previously had conquest extreme and moments extreme so I think either of those modes could be reintroduced or they’ll do a showdown extreme.
Or he could simply be a TA reward.
Let me know what you guys think.
Mo is probably my favorite to use. Sporting a 2.00 era through 18 innings so far. I've got off to a pretty rough start with Britton but he's only pitched a handful of innings but it was just 1 or 2 outings that really ran up his era, other than those few innings he's been good. Rollie is nasty. I just picked up Dibble and used him through 1 inning and he struck out the side.
Your game has been forfeited
Pack Luck
Pack Luck
Friendly on legend?
HOF pitch speeds
HOF pitch speeds
Where did the community stats go?
HOF pitch speeds
Where did the community stats go?
Late on everything
Is anyone else having a bunch of issues?
Hitting on ps5 vs ps4
How many times have you seen a similar sequence?
Anyone else miss a single dot pci?
Compared my pitching statistics from 19 to 20...
Players you’re still waiting for?
Compared my pitching statistics from 19 to 20...
Prestiged Cards... Let's talk
How will 99 Griffey Jr. be introduced this year?
Favorite Relievers?