I ended up getting matched against Cbrev on the last day of last season. I was in the low 800s (first time all year) and he was at like 887. he had a no-no on me until the 7th. i finally got a hit with Jr and broke it up. earlier in the game 2 really hard hit balls ended up going right at Jr and he missed them, ended up giving up 2 runs each because of it. He said my Griffey was broken in his YT video.
i ended up quiting only after i broke up the No-no, mainly because i had an hour left till the new season started and i wanted to try to get in one more game (ended up leaving to go pick up my kids). In his YT vid he gave me props for not quiting while in the no-no, and for sticking with it as long as i did. never trashed me in his video, never said i sucked, he said he got lucky on some really hard hit balls by me. i was dreading him posting it because of how awful i played and how he would react. but he was encouraging.
moral of the story...why trash a player? everyone has bad games. it happens. I won 4 in a row this past weekend and have lost 2 since on games i feel i should have won but whatever you go and play again.