@easy_duhz_it__mlbts said in I’ve found the third ring of hell:
If you don't like baseball, why are you playing a baseball game?
Moments aren’t baseball. They are busy work with a baseball skin.
@easy_duhz_it__mlbts said in I’ve found the third ring of hell:
If you don't like baseball, why are you playing a baseball game?
Moments aren’t baseball. They are busy work with a baseball skin.
@JediOfArgonath said in How do you report someone's PSN ID?:
@x814xMafia said in How do you report someone's PSN ID?:
@raesONE said in How do you report someone's PSN ID?:
@x814xMafia said in How do you report someone's PSN ID?:
@rosborn27 said in How do you report someone's PSN ID?:
Go to your game logs in the Manage Squad section. Standings, Stats & History then Game History. Select the game and it gives you the option to report.
That lets you report team names and connections issues to SDS.
I'M talking about how you used to type in a player's ID, select it like you were getting ready to send a msg, then click on Select Players, then select that player like you were going to block them; but instead I think you selected 'Options' on the controller when the 3 dots by their ID was selected.
Then you can report their USER ID to SIE like you would report a vulgar message.
Wait I'm confused here, help me out. You say this person has messages turned off, and that's why you can't report this person. But that means no conversation took place and so I wonder what's worth reporting if this person hasn't said anything?
He has, what I consider to be, a vulgar and rude PSN ID.
So he didn’t message you anything vulgar, Didn’t say anything vulgar in a party to you & didn’t do anything illegal during gameplay...But you don’t like his gamertag & want to tattle to get him suspended or banned. People can be unreal sometimes, Just wow.
Sony makes that decision, not the reporting player. Everybody has the right to report a person’s gamertag that they consider to be offensive. If Sony finds it offensive, action is taken. If not, then no action. It’s not like the OP came on here spouting how offended they were and how important their own opinion is. They didn’t even refer to anything about the gamertag in question. They just asked how they would report something to Sony. It was done the right way.
If anybody can help the OP, please do so.
@halfbutt and @comebacklogic great posts.
‘ The real nail in the coffin was the “random hangers on good input”. I can’t offer any rationale on SDS’ thought process here. ’
Comeback, I reckon halfbutt gave the rationale - wait for a mistake.
Halfbutt, in saying that, this is where the emulating real life hitting has been attempted. You are so right in saying that the pitcher controls the outcome of a plate appearance. Batters are at the mercy of the pitcher, and pitchers have the batter’s reputation at the front of mind when selecting which pitch, when and where.
I wish I had more time to think this response through, but I don’t so I’ll give a sentence.
Unfortunately, of course, as you have both alluded to, the balance isn’t quite right yet because the market is a blend of ‘casual noobs’ who just want to win despite their lack of practice or skills, and die hards who want their own skills to matter more.
Edit: these two sub-markets need to be separated in online play. Custom Leagues is a start.
Many ideas, several that can be streamlined in RTTS, Franchise and M2O (and season mode if it returns, and it should) if they all run from the same platform:
Promotion/demotion based on performance and other RTTS universe variables, not attributes. If I’m batting below Mendoza for a couple of years straight I shouldn’t expect a spot in the starting lineup or even in the Majors the following year just because my attributes are higher than the AAA guy (bear in mind I have limited knowledge of roster movement rules).
IL return through rehab assignments.
Make a big thing of spring training and a spring training invitation, especially for a AA and AAA player.
More off-field meaningful interactions:
extend the use of relationships and personality. These have a great platform to build from. Make the social media tweets more useful and interesting (and fix up the bugs in the management of them).
Interactions with team Manager, GM and agent should be user-controlled (there used to be an option to speak to your team manager) with the occasional auto one.
When you have a really bad game or a really good game (eg player of the game good) have a media interaction. This can impact upon relationship with GM/Franchise team mates, oppo players and fans.
Other off-field interactions also.
5 Awarding of attribute points to continue the way it is, but after a game ask the player if they would like to allocate the points to the default attributes (current method) or choose themselves to which attributes they are assigned (old method). This meets the needs of those who want to create a god and those who prefer it to be more real.
More to come...
The core purpose of the mode is to enjoy the season experience without having to play a full season or worry about the complexity of managing a franchise. It’s ‘season lite’ if you will. Some people enjoy it for that.
It’s not irrelevant to them at all.
@rabid55wolverine said in The stupidity that is moments:
I don't know why this company does this with moments. I have a very hate type relationship with moments in this game and the last one so I decided to check out just how stupid things are.
Using the TN Adam Duvall moment, I played it 18 times where you have to get 8 total bases. I did it decently quickly but that isn't really the point. So in those 18 times I have done the moment, not completed, just the moment itself I saw 29.7% strikes. This is on veteran difficulty. I was walked 12 times mostly because I was trying to take a lot of pitches to see what would happen. I struck out 4 times and had numerous hits. I was also beaned 3 times. All 3 times with 2 strikes on me.
So then I jumped into play VS CPU and played vs Atlanta and Mac Fried. In those games, I only played 3 but the whole 9 inning games and faced 73.1% strikes. I drew 1 walk and wasn't hit by a pitch.
This speaks absolute volumes for me on how absolutely stupid these moments really are.
I know, I have no life but I just thought I'd share this completely useless info.
When actual data is compiled and analysed like this it is so much more convincing and satisfying to read than the usual (justified nonetheless) complaint posts. Thank you for thinking to and going to the effort of doing this.
Moments really are the ‘busy work’ of this game. I would also add Showdown, Conquest and Events to that category. In fact, anything that detracts from playing actual baseball or team management (ie grinding) could be classed as busy work (the purpose of which is to keep the player engaged in the game without giving the opportunity to learn anything new or improve any skills). That ain’t baseball.
@geek_logic_mlbts said in RTTS Feedback Blog Post:
I feel like I was just told “sorry-not-sorry” by the game devs. Having my Road to the Show player capped until I participate in Diamond Dynasty is absolutely unacceptable.
That’s the complete opposite of what it says.
What needs to happen is that sort of thing needs to be put on YouTube as a full unedited clip, complete with inputs shown and all. Set that capture time to last 60 mins and when it’s all done, simply save and edit down to the start of the game and upload.
If there’s video evidence out there, people will have no choice but to believe it instead of dismissing it. That way specific instances of dodgy gameplay can be pointed out and hopefully taken notice of by those with influence on the making of the game. Yes, words are therapeutic (I get the impression from your post that this isn’t a rant, more of a sharing of your disbelief), but your experience sounds like an opportunity to really expose the ridiculousness of what happens. Video speaks volumes!
Your experience is a reassurance that my preference for non-DD is the right choice for me.
Just feel like sharing something positive, I just PB’ed my local 5km parkrun track, smashed my previous best (at which I had hit a plateau) by 44 seconds! Last August when I started I was over 31 minutes now I’m down to 21:13.
I can’t wait for parkrun to start up again, it is an awesome thing to be a part of. Feels great and it’s all free! Joining, when it’s back up and running in your area, is highly recommended!
If you don’t dive, you miss out on opportunities like this:
MLB The Show 19 foul ball in the crowd caught by 1B bug https://youtu.be/2v3J1KgrCXA
Has anyone else caught on the OP is a ChatGPT generated response?
Many players circle swing in real life. Jeff McNeil does it all the time.
@suntlacrimae50_psn said in SDS Speaks out... In depth interview with one of the head devs...:
Pfffff. Franchise UI is untouched, and more has been done to make MTO (God, I hate that acronym) have a more compelling offseason compared to franchise.
Worried about your feelings? Do something SUBSTANTIAL so we can praise you.
Have they tweaked regression?
Done anything with scouting?
The draft?
Prospect generation?
Any owner mode stuff added?No?
Sigh. But feelings.
You’re confusing the people (with feelings) who are basically told what to work on or find somewhere else to work, with the company (no feelings) that chose not to update franchise mode in meaningful ways.
Our gripes are with the company, not the devs themselves who Nick is defending.
So yeah, feelings.
New post on my blog. Don't know how to embed so I'm just duplicating it here.
I never played Online Franchise mode in MLB The Show
I must preface this post by saying I wasn't fortunate enough to play Online Franchise mode in any of The Shows before 17. The cumbersome and slow interface was a massive turnoff (I did try) but more importantly with my terrible internet connection at the time, I was a liability.
So yes, I'm Standing On The Outside looking in. If I were to claim that the former Online Franchise mode was a load of carp, my opinion would be irrelevant and worthless and you would be 100% right in calling me out.
Online Franchise players, you need to play Custom Leagues
Call me what you will, but this is my rational explanation of why I believe that if you want to play Online Franchise mode in future versions of MLB The Show, you're going to have to play Custom Leagues.
I understand the disappointment that Custom Leagues is not OFM. Not yet. It will eventually evolve into something that will be a suitable and superior replacement to the former mode (preparation for this is obvious - multiple seasons), but it's going to take time (eg there WILL be a draft in The Show 21 or 22, the platform is in place already). Trying to squeeze too much into a release is inviting all sorts of problems (too much code to test, not enough time to test it).
The mode needed to appeal to more than just those who previously played OFM. If not, then it wouldn't have been resourced, simple as that. The sum of the combined user bases for the online and offline Franchise modes together did not compare to that of the DD user base. So it had to start with something that would appeal to all heavy users.
If you played Online Franchise mode previously, you are in the best position to steer the Custom Leagues mode in the direction it needs to go. You have all the experience of what worked in the former mode and what didn't. And you are leagues ahead of the players who have never played a league-based baseball game.
Custom Leagues feedback and telemetry data
Does a chef value more the diner who tried the meal and took the time to give honest feedback? Or the person who turned up their nose at the restaurant and kept walking?
Whose opinions and suggestions will the developers take on board to improve the game?
Those players who refuse to play the mode and therefore have no experience in what works in Custom Leagues and what doesn't?
Or those who have taken the time to play the mode, provide the devs with their quantitative gameplay data and can provide qualitative feedback based on their experience with the mode?
My prediction is that a good proportion of Custom Leagues users will come from the DD user base. If that is the majority of the feedback then that's where the majority of changes to the mode will originate. If you want Franchise features in Custom Leagues, you're going to have to play the mode.
If you don't, you'll be Standing On The Outside looking in.
@pogibana said in We need Something New!!:
Yea Yea Yea just what we need. Add more garbage when the stuff we have now is only half done. How about instead complete the stuff added already first. Like being able to call your agent instead of waiting for him, social media that actually works, and a personality thing that that makes sense
Three of his four ideas revolve around current content in RTTS being improved to make them more worthwhile.
I’m all for all of the above except the online play idea. I can see multiple RTTS worlds colliding somehow in the future, but not quite like that.
@MadderBumgarner said in SDS Dev "Brian SCEA" comments on hitting:
This pattern they get into ever year with comparing changes they make to real baseball is so frustrating. Remember that stream they did showing clips of real baseball?!?
This is a game that is meant to be fun! Why not measure changes needed based on feedback from YOUR COMMUNITY instead of "user stats data analysis" feedback?
Was it fun? Yes. Is it fun now? No. Well that's all the feedback you need Brian.
The quantitative telemetry data is 100% accurate and unbiased and represents 100% of the player base. Qualitative feedback (from forum posts here and OS etc) has a high risk of bias and represents less than 1% of the players (on this forum it’s probably less than 0.1%).
@DrIuigi said in 1.09 Patch Discussion:
@aaronjw76 said in 1.09 Patch Discussion:
@REDSMAN09 said in 1.09 Patch Discussion:
Just had a ball hit off my CF chest in what should have been a routine fly out
How about some video captures of these events? Video evidence helps a lot more than talk.
I've always loved this about SDS... "please provide us video" for [censored] that is easily reproducible
Too many variables for each unique situation; which players in which positions, how early/late the was ball hit, what exit velo, launch angle, what type of pitch, what direction the fielding player was running from, what fielding interface was used, which park, where in the park, what route efficiency, did the user switch fielders, how far was the fielder from where they fielded the ball when the ball was hit, what was the ‘first step’ reaction of the player like, how quickly did the user react...
Its either provide all of this information and more so they can ‘easily’ reproduce the scenario, or provide a video.
Also insisting on video evidence weeds out the trolls (not referring to anybody specifically) who just make up [censored] just to be [censored]s.
Gave it about an hour back in April and haven’t touched it since. Disappointing because it was almost exclusively what I played in 19 and 20 (and I rarely played anything but The Show since 2014).
Have played a little Franchise but now enjoying Battlefield V for the last few weeks, which I largely ignored since its release. Much better than I gave it credit for.
It’s a shame RTTS got butchered. Let’s hope it gets fixed in 22.
@MikeTrout__ said in 1.09 Patch Discussion:
@Pringle_Nation said in 1.09 Patch Discussion:
Here is my post patch experience so far.
Disclaimer: ALL these clips were taken post patch in the past couple of days!
@Collin_SDS watch these clips and inform your patch team. Nobody wants to pay big bucks to complete collections and make progress with this game if our cards can’t lock on to a fly ball in the year 2020. You guys are a joke man especially with all the other GLARING issues like sinker timing windows and pitchers throwing the ball nowhere close the where you spotted it. most of us will be done with this game by June... MANY MANY MANY issues this game has. If you guys need a gameplay tester I’d be more than willing to jump onto the team and test the game before releasing this broken garbage every year. Sony fire these guys!
Pitching broken
Fielding broken
Sinker timing windows broken
Unusual way to gain employment with them, let us know how you go.