I wouldn’t base a card off of moments. Got a new conquest coming. Plug him in and try him there.

@arvcpa_psn said in New Finest Series card art:
I'm sure this will be the most interesting thread of the day...
So... why do the new Finest series cards have a "postage stamp theme"? I mean... I don't hate it... but... why?
Is this a riddle or a dad joke pun set up.
Well I’ll take a crack it
Why did the mlb show 22 Finest cards look like stamps?
Because they are all first class...
@capt_awesome34 said in Why many DD Teams does NOT use a Uniform matching their Team Name & Logo?:
@tonythetiger2k16 said in Why many DD Teams does NOT use a Uniform matching their Team Name & Logo?:
I see way too many DD Teams calling thier team Vikings, Bears, Wizards or what ever else & then they are using a MLB Uniform of the Mets, Yankees, Twins or which ever other MLB team. Why would someonce call thier team the Vikings & use a Uniform of the Yankees which says Yankees on the Jersey. This makes no sense to me. It just only shows the lack of creativeness & just outright laziness to not create your own Uniform. There are so many word art team names & logos 1 can get from the vault.
This my be a pety pet peeve for me, but I really enjoy when I see someone that took lots of pride & effort with making their team look & sound unique. Even if its something like the Bears. You can change the colors & designs of the uniform to make it your own & original.
I myself made my DD team be the Emerald City Wizards. I felt that Emerald City as in Wizard Of Oz plays off well with calling the team Wizards. I also a wrestling fan. So my team abbrievation is ECW which pays homage to the old ECW wrestling organization. I changed up my colors so that it would be different & unique as to others whom uses the Wizards Name & Logo's.
I am the Savannah Banana's and my uniforms are the exact colors of the actual team
I wish the Bananas were there when I lived in Savannah. I lived in Savannah for 6 years from 2005-2011. We had the very run of the mill sand gnats. They moved that team and then the bananas came in.
@ladyswampfox_xbl said in New Update Reset Jukebox:
Title says all. I downloaded the new update and started the game this morning, and the songs in the jukebox were playing again. They haven’t been playing since I turned them off in April.
Just an observation.
It’s called the Fonzarelli or The Fonz patch. It’s hidden but it’s in the patch notes. Ayyyyy
@schnauzerface said in Who is right/wrong?:
@ballneverlie_xbl said in Who is right/wrong?:
Hey all! I just played a game and lost. I didn't hit very well and couldn't locate but anyways...
I would hit R2 briefly as soon as I came up to bat to see where prior AB pitchers were and he would instantly pause every time.
he paused every.single.time I hit R2.
Doing that thing where you put a period after every. Single. Word. For. Emphasis. Is. So. Incredibly. Obnoxious. So. I. For. One. Think. That. In. This. Situation. You. Are. In. The. Wrong. Even. Though. I. Don’t. Know. The. Facts. Or. Your. Opponent’s. Side. Of. The. Story. But. I. Do. Know. For. Absolute. Certain. That. You. Have. No. Regard. For. Humanity. And. Therefore. It. Is. My. Opinion. Nay. Tis. Objective. Unimpeachable. Fact. That. You. Could. Never. Possibly. Under. Any. Circumstance. Be. Right. Not. Only. In. This. Situation. Mind. You. But. In. Any. Situation. In. Perpetuity. Throughout. The. Known. And. Unknown. Universe. Forever. And. Ever.
That hurt to read. My brain is programmed to read, Every. Single. Word. With. A. Pause. After. A. Period.
Also if you’re using the word “period” and it’s the end of your sentence, why do you need a period?
@cdnmoneymaker93_xbl said in Chase packs are a joke:
I have gotten 3 and in all 3 LS Kershaw which to me I'd just unreal that could happen.
Also I really like that past program cards are in packs since this was something the community had asked for with the timed programs an opportunity to aquire the past card instead of waiting for the final program
I swear I’ve pulled more Kershaws in the last 3 seasons then any other diamond
@wingspan1985_psn said in What Yall Cryin Bout 2day?:
Choco Taco:
Just when you thought tacos couldn’t get better, Klondike introduced the Choco Taco. Vanilla ice cream with a chocolate swirl housed in a taco-shaped waffle cone that’s covered in chocolate and peanuts is better than meat, cheese, and veggies any day. Plus, it’s often less messy than eating an actual taco... as long as you’re quick!I remember years ago when you could get these at Taco Bell, then... they were gone... then they came back... then they were gone... now they might be back...?
@cdnmoneymaker93_xbl said in What Yall Cryin Bout 2day?:
@yankblan_psn said in What Yall Cryin Bout 2day?:
Every troll think they're Heath Ledger's Joker and want "to watch the world burn".
Sure fire sign of someone being unhappy is rejoicing in other people's (perceived) misery
Wait so me waiting to see SDS not give Babe Ruth 1B secondary so I can watch the forum explode means I'm unhappy
Actually make alot sense when you think about lol
It makes even more sense when you don’t think about it. 🤯
@dolenz_psn said in As May ends is anyone else still working on April's POTM program?:
@quinnymcquinn_mlbts said in As May ends is anyone else still working on April's POTM program?:
I just got Rizzo. I’ve been slacking hard
I just got Dawson. I have apparently been slacking harder
Is that considered one upping or one downing?
I just got Rizzo. I’ve been slacking hard
I’m a big baseball fan. I have decent knowledge of top prospects for many of teams. I for one like the future cards.
This is a true expression of opinionMy question isn’t why are these guys getting cards. My question, two or three years later is why haven’t they become as good as their cards? It’s the players faults for not living up to SDS’s projections.
This is a joke btw. Not a statement to take seriously. -
The nearest server to me is at Applebee’s. Eating good in the neighborhood
I love LS Freeman at first. I have a hard time taking him out of the line up. When I do use another card I always go back to Freeman.
Lou Gerhig
New Finest Series card art
Why many DD Teams does NOT use a Uniform matching their Team Name & Logo?
New Update Reset Jukebox
Who is right/wrong?
Chase packs are a joke
Mark my words on the takashi collection
What Yall Cryin Bout 2day?
What Yall Cryin Bout 2day?
As May ends is anyone else still working on April's POTM program?
As May ends is anyone else still working on April's POTM program?
The Return of Pepe Alazar. What is with SDS Infatuation with Fake Cards?
Super fun
Vladdy Jr.
Who do you have at first?