When a rs game is loading they show both teams records. They show where the game is being played. They show the lineups and starting pitchers. Why not show each teams ratings or show what level the game is played on? Why does this need to be a secret until the end of the game? I know you can sometimes tell by pci size but depending on pitchers batters etc it’s not always obvious. Why not either show each teams ratings or below the stadium name just put hall of fame or legend or all star?

Best one I saw was earlier in the year when there was mission for getting saves with Treinen. Let me get a save with treinen and I’ll quit.
Billy Williams program coming tomorrow. Always liked his swing. Could be a great bench bat at least.
If you hear the horn you know you are playing a complete d bag.
I know many will be disappointed with kemp and Brett but I like these choices. I love kemp’s swing but usually by the time he comes out there are just too many choices in the outfield. I’m assuming this will be the best version of a Kemp card the game has had. Same with Brett. I love his swing and again assume this will be the best we have seen since his monster card in 17. I’ll give Kemp a shot and Brett will definitely play first and third in some rotation with chipper and Ortiz.
A lot of people would have probably been more excited to see Griffey Ruth trout or any of the other monster cards but if you have played the game for a few years you have probably already had hundreds of at bats with these cards. I’m excited to get more usable versions of different cards that normally might get ignored. The only cards that I would prefer more would be the new cards like Aaron or Puckett. -
Wow there was somebody who whined all of last year because joe carter didn’t get a signature. Don’t remember whoever it was will be happy.
This could be one of the best TA cards of the bunch. His cards are usually really good and at 99 he should have it all. Will be an elite fielder with a cannon arm, near elite speed, great contact and more than enough power. He was arguably one of the best cards in 17 and to get him free now is pretty nice. If you like his swing he could legitimately be an end game outfielder for any team.
It actually makes sense from a realism standpoint. If a pitcher is set to throw tonight, he is on a schedule where he is throwing on certain days, doing bullpens etc. Plus he throws a good amount pregame tonight. If they get downpours in the second inning and the game is called he is still pretty taxed. Not as much as if he threw 100 pitches but there is almost no way a team is going to run him back out there before his next scheduled start unless it is a stretch run and they have a shot at postseason. That’s basically what is happening here now. We can set our rotation which is better than last years randomness but we can’t throw kluber for 2-3 innings every game now.
Can they give mookies coming ps card a special quirk so that no matter how well you hit a ball to right field it can’t leave the park? However well you hit it he will still find a way rob the homerun. They can just call it the mookie quirk.
This happens constantly to me but I have to wonder if it is just a lag issue. Like what I’m seeing on my screen is different than what is happening or what the other guy is seeing. I also get the animation where the bat barely leaves your shoulder and it’s called a swinging strike.
Maybe you just aren’t that good at the game?
Obviously people exploiting this freeze off glitch are increasing a lot since the YouTube video. Whether you are able to effectively patch this is up in the air but in the meantime get the word out that anyone who does this will be permanently banned.
Then set up a special tab for reporting that is monitored and acted upon. It is extremely easy to tell when this happens. Looking at game summary you can see the intentional walks and throwing errors. Ive reported two people in the last two days and I understand you probably get thousands of emails daily so it may be months before these are even seen. I checked on one of the dirtbags I reported and he has done in every game since yesterday.
By making an acknowledgement on the Home Screen that this will result in a permanent ban and then setting up a special reporting tab that can be acted upon quickly it will curb this a lot until a permanent solution comes. Again once we report someone you can check their game history and see the intentional walks and throwing errors so what they are doing cannot be disputed. We don’t even need video stream etc.
Also it will clear out a lot of the dirtbags who would resort to this. Patching it will keep them in the game and they will find other exploits and continue to ruin the game.
Just had one of those fluke ground balls hit off my pitchers face on the first pitch of the game and I got that stupid injury message. My opponent sent a friendly quit. Very classy thing to do. Unfortunately I can’t thank him because it’s not showing in game history. So wherever you are hopefully you read this.
Hank Greenberg. Generally dont see his name pop up on these lists but it would be like having another Jimmie Foxx in your lineup.
Getting thrown out at first way too often on base hits to right field.
I’m fine with whatever time the game starts with but hate that it adds each inning. I’ve had people pause for a ton of time early in the game and not have much left but the do it again later and they have a full 3 minutes left. Just start with three minutes total and let that run down.
It’s a card in a video game. Just use someone else at second base and move on. Do we really need to organize boycotts and movements every day?
This years collection could be a big letdown. Honus was a great fit last year since he had great contact, good enough power, elite speed and was a diamond defender at nearly every position. He was a good fit for almost everyone. There are a few big names like McGuire that might seem exciting at first but when you see his attributes he will basically be Pete Alonso in the game. Sosa would be a big name and would probably be more valuable to most teams than McGuire But not a great fielder. Manny would be popular but would be a terrible fielder and would basically be the jd card that was released this week. Someone who has been in the game previously would be a letdown as well. Basically you have arod, jeter, DiMaggio, Aaron, Clemente. Of course bonds would make everyone’s head explode but that doesn’t seem likely. The Carlos Beltran from 17 would be a great fit for Almost everyone’s lineup but after the trash cans he is probably out for a while.
What’s crazy is I have gotten degrom twice in the last week from team affinity packs. I have definitely gotten more from TA packs that ballin or headliners.
Willie Mays
Why does this need to be a secret?
Opponent Team Names
Billy Williams program
You know the Event is getting on your nerves....
I like these choices for bosses
2nd Inning Bosses
99 Dawson
I think they nerfed SP stamina too much
Mookie ps card
Did he hold up in time? He did!
Faced 2 WS opponents and guess what
SDS please do the right thing with these freeze offs
Thank you to somebody
New legends for 23
Random Things that drive you crazy
Pause time during Ranked Season Matchups.
SDS: Can we retire the Roberto Alomar card please?
Honus set the bar high
Verlander again?!
What card that we know were getting can you not wait for