Go use him and find out for yourself, he has been really good for me

He should be wearing a Milwaukee Braves uniform from 1953, not a Boston Braves uniform from 1952
@TH3L1GHT_PSN said in No no no no no no no:
Nobody cares about your YouTube. You're not picking up viewers. Stop already
I actually watched it.... i would've been demoralized if that happened to me
If you can make it to 850, you can definately make WS, just gotta hope you dont get matched up with goons, especially on legend
Just quit every ranked game until you get to 600 rating on All-Star to guarantee you can play on All-Star in ranked, thats only if you dont care about your W-L record
I had challenge failed messages on my home internet for online play all of MLB the Show 21, but if i went to my neighbors house it worked. I have had no problems this year and i never had problems with MLB 19 or 20, i hope you get the problem figured out
@misfits_138_1_psn said in Glitch to Fix, Please:
@dlgltal-athlete_psn said in Glitch to Fix, Please:
@misfits_138_1_psn said in Glitch to Fix, Please:
If I use my created player to pinch hit for the pitcher, he shouldn't have to pitch the next inning.
Baseball 101: Even if said pinch hitter is a pitcher (my CP is a SS), it doesn't require him to pitch.This was an issue last year.
Probably will be in '23 as well.I can ask, though.
Did you back out of the screen?
No. There's nothing you can do.
Had two relievers ready to go. It just will not allow you to sub out.I ran into the same problem last night, i did not know this was a common issue
@wingspan1985_psn said in Seriously, SDS:
@mottledaxe86_psn said in Seriously, SDS:
@myprecious_mlbts said in Seriously, SDS:
No Perez, at the freaking least Perez should be in this months program. Cole Calhoun had a solid month, Josh Smith got called up. Not one Ranger, wth man?
Easy on the Pepsi Fuller, they only announced Topps Now cards, they haven't announced the Monthly Awards yet
"Look what you did you little [censored]!" - Uncle Frank
Im glad someone got the Home Alone reference lol
@myprecious_mlbts said in Seriously, SDS:
No Perez, at the freaking least Perez should be in this months program. Cole Calhoun had a solid month, Josh Smith got called up. Not one Ranger, wth man?
Easy on the Pepsi Fuller, they only announced Topps Now cards, they haven't announced the Monthly Awards yet
Free 99 overall Kirby Puckett for everyone hopefully
@a761506_mlbts said in Number 1 Thing To Fix 2022:
Anyone who pulls plug rather than proper quit gets 15 minute suspension. If it happens twice within an hour, they get a 1 hour suspension, 3 times within 3 hours and 24 hour suspension.
It’s so annoying, especially when someone quits mid play and the game gets stuck in limbo for 3 minutes until they time out. Everyone knows what I’m talking about. It’s obnoxious.
SDS please put an end to this unsportsmanlike behavior.
Take your win and move on.... i personally love when my opponent quits mid-flight on a HR, happens to me quite a bit and i dont complain at all
@ikasnu_psn said in They need to revert check swings back to normal.:
Remove them all together.
Check swings are a part of baseball, no way they should be removed, if anything make it based on real life statistics
@whitejw98_psn said in Quicksell glitch:
When I try to quick sell a duplicate I'm getting a blue screen that says "An error has occurred in the following application (CE-34878-0) MLB The Show 21" and my game crashes.
Anyone ever seen this before?
Yes, i had it last night when i was trying to quick sell a Ramon Laureano in the free agent pool, i was quick selling a bunch last night from MLB teams, but as soon as i tried to quick sell a free agent... the game crashed the same as yours
Kontrol Freaks dont help me at all
@mrad2010_xbl said in 99 Posey Incoming:
I talked to a baseball scout once that said Posey was the best high school baseball player he had ever seen. He’s the type of catcher to make all his pitchers better by calling the right pitchers and managing the game. Sure shot hall of famer in my book.
@mrad2010_xbl said in 99 Posey Incoming:
I talked to a baseball scout once that said Posey was the best high school baseball player he had ever seen. He’s the type of catcher to make all his pitchers better by calling the right pitchers and managing the game. Sure shot hall of famer in my book.
Was Clint Eastwood, Amy Adams, or Justin Timberlake the scout by any chance
@tigerhawk03_psn said in Diamond dynasty (challenge failed Message):
I’ve had the challenge fail message now for 2 weeks and it won’t go away. I’m not able to play anything right now. Anyone know how to get rid of the challenge failed message?
I've had the same issue all year too, i can play at a friends house no problem, but at my house i get the Challenge Failed error every time it says opponent found. It might be your router/modem that is the problem
@twisted-_-tea-_psn said in Pci changes:
@mottledaxe86_psn said in Pci changes:
I have no problems hitting post patch, in fact i hit better now, content creators are just a bunch of cry babies. Game plays good in my opinion other than occasional server errors.
But do you consistently play on legend? If you don’t then that’s where the issues are. All star and hall of fame plays great for people that suck at the game
@twisted-_-tea-_psn said in Pci changes:
@mottledaxe86_psn said in Pci changes:
I have no problems hitting post patch, in fact i hit better now, content creators are just a bunch of cry babies. Game plays good in my opinion other than occasional server errors.
But do you consistently play on legend? If you don’t then that’s where the issues are. All star and hall of fame plays great for people that suck at the game
I could care less to play on legend, i make WS and thats good enough for me, i made top 50 twice in MLB 20 and dont plan on ever doing it again
I have no problems hitting post patch, in fact i hit better now, content creators are just a bunch of cry babies. Game plays good in my opinion other than occasional server errors.
@guccigangchuck said in Finest Buxton:
@jogger171717_psn said in Finest Buxton:
Buxton’s POTM is essentially his finest card given how short his season was.
I could care less in the 60 games he played, he was unreal. It's a video game, gives a fun card and the card Twins Fans want.
I fully agree about a finest Buxton, he was insane in his 61 games, dont forget that Juan Soto played 47 games last year and got a fully juiced card
@joeydidio1_mlbts said in Challenge Failed..:
@mottledaxe86_psn said in Challenge Failed..:
@joeydidio1_mlbts said in Challenge Failed..:
I keep trying and it just doesn’t work no matter what gamemode, BR, events, ranked seasons, or even friendly matches. I go onto my other account and i get in first game, i just don’t understand lmao
I have had the same issue on my home internet all year, however if i take my PS4 to my friends house i can play online, my guess is it is your ISP or your modem that is blocking your entrance into the matches, could also be SDS servers to, because i can play MLB 19 and 20 online with no problems
but i don’t understand why i can play on my second account on the same xbox and internet and have no problems yet i go on my main account and i cant play
That is a great question, i still cant figure out why i get the Challenge Failed Glitch because my internet is just fine, MLB the Show 21 is the only game i have problems with online
Eddie Matthews Card Art Error
No no no no no no no
Is There a Way to Earn Pxp Playing 9 Inning Online Games Without Playing RS
Is There a Way to Earn Pxp Playing 9 Inning Online Games Without Playing RS
Issues connecting
Glitch to Fix, Please
Seriously, SDS
Seriously, SDS
Holiday tradition 12/17
Number 1 Thing To Fix 2022
They need to revert check swings back to normal.
Quicksell glitch
Is there a way to reduce PCI sensitivity?
99 Posey Incoming
Diamond dynasty (challenge failed Message)
Pci changes
Pci changes
Finest Buxton
Challenge Failed..