I agree with Bleeder and Oreo. Fewer people are playing. It isn’t hard to tell. The company has the data for sure, but just looking at how long it takes to get matched in a game tells me fewer people are playing.
I’m sure sets and never getting the feeling of accomplishment (because there is simply too much to do) has led to the decline. And I’ve posted about this before but I truly believe the number one factor leading to the decline is difficulty of gameplay.
This is a hard game, man. Pitch speeds are freaking crazy. PCI placement and swing timing have to be [censored] near perfect on a consistent basis to put up any real offensive numbers. Sure, bloop hits exist. But you all know what I’m talking about. Only goons kill it in this game.
A lot of guys have made peace with the difficulty and that’s great for them. They suck, but they’ve convinced themselves that they don’t, and that their inability to produce at the plate “is just baseball.”
My RS record is something like 117-66 or something, so I’m winning games. This isn’t about that. I’m not saying this as a complaint. I’m saying it as an objective fact: this game is hard to play. But if you’re good at the game, congrats. You’re excelling at something most people can’t.
I was expressing my difficulties with this game on discord, and a guy in there said, “Well, do you go into practice mode and warm up?”
I said, “I warm up when I play sports for real. Not when I play a video game.”
The fact that I have heard multiple people say that “warming up” by going into practice mode is necessary for them before they go into a competitive mode IN A VIDEO GAME is all the proof we need that this game is too hard.
People will come on here and tell me I’m unreasonable; that I should warm up. Like it’s normal or a perfectly legitimate expectation for video game users. Maybe it is, and I’m just old school. But I think if that’s the requirement, the game is too hard.