TL/DR: Like this post to vote for an increase of Stan Musial’s speed attribute
Here is my case:
Ok, so a few weeks ago I posted that Stan Musial was done dirty with his 47 speed. I mentioned that he was tied for 19th on the all-time triples list, and only one player ahead of him was even born in the 20th century. The guys ahead of him played in ballparks that didn’t even have outfield fences. Lol
Speaking of ballparks, some argued that it was the bigger ballparks that Musial played in that inflated his triples. So, I decided to compare his numbers with other cards in the game who’s careers overlapped with Musial’s. This is what I found:
First, let’s start with Stan the Man himself.
He hit 177 triples in his career. He also stole 78 bases, with a 52% stolen base success rate. He has 47 speed in this game.
Jackie Robinson and Pee Wee Reese had far fewer triples than Musial, but stole way more bases at a way higher success rate. I will not argue that Musial should be as fast as they are. But....
Duke Snider hit 85 triples, and stole 99 bases at a 57% success rate. He has 69 speed, making him WAY faster than Musial. That isn’t right.
Monte Irvin only hit 31 triples. Now, he did steal bases successfully at a 75% rate, but he only stole 28 bases in his entire career. That means his skipper rarely sent him. He was probably pretty slow. In this game? 66 speed, almost 20 points higher than Musial. That isn’t right.
Ted Williams hit just 71 triples; more than 100 FEWER than Musial. He also stole fewer bases (71), at a slightly higher success rate (58%). He is faster than Musial in this game with 56 speed.
Minnie Minoso hit 83 triples. He did steal 205 bases, but his success rate was only 61%. That’s good, but is it 87 speed good?
When you compare Minoso with Al Kaline, though, you’re left with more questions than answers. Kaline hit nearly as many triples (75), and stole 137 bases AT A 67% SUCCESS RATE! That’s not too shabby. Yet Kaline has just 62 speed.
Larry Doby hit just 52 triples and stole just 47 bases at 56%. He has 64 speed and is faster than Musial. That isn’t right.
Eddie Mathews hit 72 triples, and stole fewer bases than Musial. Mathews is faster. That isn’t right.
Bill Mazeroski hit fewer triples and stole fewer bases. He is faster than Musial. That isn’t right.
Ernie Banks and Joe Torre are both faster than Musial in this game, yet COMBINED they have fewer triples AND fewer stolen bases than Musial. And they both got caught stealing more than they were successful (48% and 44%, respectively).
So if you think SDS has committed a grave injustice against Stan “The Man” Musial by giving him just 47 speed, like this post to make your voice heard.
We demand a boost of AT LEAST ten attribute points to his speed rating, in order to give credit where credit is due. Stan did not work that hard all those years only to be disrespected like this. He did not give his blood, sweat, and tears to entertain the baseball world, only to have the memory of his skill set so slandered by SDS.
It’s one thing to make a mistake. But when you know better, you do better.
SDS: Now you know better. Please do better.
(PS: This is all in good fun. I’m not really upset about it. I’m not even a Cardinals fan. I’m just saying...)