@BalsamicArrow88 said in Who's Your Single Season HR King?:
You canβt cheat and be considered the home run king. Could you cheat on your wife and think you should be considered a good husband?
Many women do still consider them good husbands
@BalsamicArrow88 said in Who's Your Single Season HR King?:
You canβt cheat and be considered the home run king. Could you cheat on your wife and think you should be considered a good husband?
Many women do still consider them good husbands
If ten people under cut by 1000 stubs then the card goes down by 10k rather just get under cut by one stub ten times so prices stay high card will sell with in a day
Imagine the program is hit 700 home runs in 700 games
Ok thank you
Anyone have an updated spreadsheet for team builds cant find anything later then august 30th
I want nine inning games
@eatyum_psn said in Ammunition for those who think SDS hates your team.:
Cardinals are pretty low there, I always knew SDS hated them, it's because they never rebuild isn't it?
I think they had the most last year though
@dolenz_psn said in Ammunition for those who think SDS hates your team.:
I was kind of curious tonight and had a few minutes so I thought I would tally up the non-live cards each team/division has so far.
And, for the record, I don't think that SDS actually hates any team.
So here are all 30 teams in descending order.
Yankees 32
Phillies 25
Red Sox 21
Blue Jays 19
Angels 19
Reds 19
Giants 19
Guardians 18
Braves 18
Mets 18
A's 16
Pirates 16
Rockies 16
Dodgers 16
Twins 15
Astros 15
Nationals 15
Cubs 15
Diamondbacks 15
Marlins 14
Orioles 13
Rays 13
Tigers 13
Mariners 13
Brewers 13
Cardinals 13
Padres 13
Rangers 12
White Sox 11
Royals 11AL East - 98 cards
AL Central - 68 Cards
AL West - 75 Cards
NL East - 90 Cards
NL Central - 76 Cards
NL West - 79 CardsAL Total - 241 Cards
NL Total - 245 Cards
They did the Phillies dirty last year so they made up for it!
You should just be able to rate your opponent at the end of the game
It's not halladay he would have been announced nat the beginning of the year
Just file for divorce it's over
Everytime I select a pitch the screen goes black for a half a second anyone else has this issues?
Did u do the toturial it showed up after I did that
I don't. Get why u can't have the same player with different versions on your team
@ericulous1_psn said in 1 card from Chipper.:
Cheers everyone
I've been putting ten dollars in a jar I can pay off my house now
What do you mean? Now you can play the game
Every body clap your hands
Takes a drink
I did it by accident I was ban for three days that's it