His pitcher is really good. Guy throws it in the same spot every time. Good ol framny.

God [censored] it soto. Ruining my chance at a jrod winner card.
Same thing i got. Fotf manoah in chase 2 pack.
I give an incredible amount of credit and respect to anyone able to complete this collection without spending money. I finished the collection right when it released but i had been hoarding every card since i started the game in preparation for this. Ya, i definitely spent some coin to get it done early in the game cycle. Just had to grind an hour when this new program was released to get enough progress towards the new non sellable postseason cards in Flashback packs i believe - the only collection that required such cards. Think i had 9/12 postseason set completed prior to needing the new Flashback cards. Anyway, major props to anyone able to do this thru grinding alone. Brett is a monster and definitely worth it. Reminds me of last years Chipper in terms of stats and play, only better.
I dont read the forum much. But yes that makes sense.
Am i missing something? 300 people have him at p1 already. Hows he even attainable.
Yep memorial day weekend. Been like that for the last few years.
Ya return it and get a 2.1 monitor. You were right to get a G7, just got the wrong G7 lol sorry that happened bro. My G7 was only 670 after taxes too and my bestbuy had it in stock. I hate having monitors shipped cause i dont trust the delivery process. At least when it gets shipped to bestbuy they handle it with more care cause they know what it is.
@raesone_psn said in The next step to all the posts about the foul tips, bad gameplay, 120 hz BS:
@limitlessrage__psn said in The next step to all the posts about the foul tips, bad gameplay, 120 hz BS:
Hows the condition on the c1? When did you buy it? Is it full of fingerprints on the screen? Also the series x hows the condition and when did you buy it
It has 3.246775 nanograms of dust on it, will that suffice?
Funnily enough i had that question typed but decided against it. "Does it have dust on it?" I keep all my hardware dusted and never put a finger on my screens. Very [censored] about that.
Hows the condition on the c1? When did you buy it? Is it full of fingerprints on the screen? Also the series x hows the condition and when did you buy it
Servers came up for me at 9am. Been playing for over 2 hours so far
@kangbang8888_psn said in Hdmi for ps5 question?... help:
Asus vg27wq1b. Got it pretty much the day the ps5 was released and imo is a solid monitor. Runs perfect offline with the 120 but offline is where sometimes feels a bit delayed.
Online it feels a bit delayed you mean? Thats most likely just the standard ping delay that you dont have to deal with when you play offline.
Yes. Incredible difference for me. I feel like all star while on legend its crazy. Really great monitor and I am happy with my purchase.
What monitor do you currently have?
@reignjah11_psn said in Matchmaking issues, and 120hz output.:
Anyone playing with 120 Hz and VRR enabled on ps5? I heard for other games with performance mode on, it unlocks the frame rate so you can get above 60 fps. Wondering if that’s the same for mlb?
I still am on my G7 28inch. I still have incredible speed off and online. Hdr still on too. Loving this monitor. Everyone reporting a reversion back to the slower, increased input lag of how it was over a week ago before the change but i am still feeling the upgrade.
@kangbang8888_psn said in Hdmi for ps5 question?... help:
I wanted the g7 with the hdmi 2.1 believe it comes starting the 28 inch
Correct. It only comes in 28 inch. Thats the one I just got from BB a week ago for 670 bucks after tax. I now have that monitor side by side with a 27in HP Omen which I bought a year ago for 500 (still costs 500) that didnt have 2.1 output and was 2k with no hdr. I wanted VRR cause of all the forum hype. Both monitors are fantastic and the G7 purchase, while not incredibly needed, was a move for the future as well. 2.1 and 4k 120hz is going to be the move in the coming years so I figured now is as good a time as ever.
@chuckclc_psn said in HDMI 2.0 HDMI 2.1:
@xelrojo44x_mlbts said in HDMI 2.0 HDMI 2.1:
or 1440p
Dont we wish, PS is still 1080p, 2160p or bust.
@bob_loblaw1984 said in 120Hz after update..:
I played a few event games today on 120. Most of them were playing as they should at 120. One played terrible. Perhaps it was someone with a bad internet connection. It could also have been a 60hz player and the matchmaking chooses the lowest, which would be ridiculous. Regardless, it seems game to game and we are left in the dark by SDS’s poor communication with its players.
If only we were worthy enough to be told whats going on.
No new player? God the content is so lacking. It seems if they just tried everything could improve so much. Theres no reason why there shouldnt be ~20 different conquest maps and not just the batter up ones that are done in 5 mins. Im talking lengthy ones like usa but more, with different rewards. Something to do offline where its not just spam usa map or mini seasons. a repeatable showdown that doesnt give xp like last year but some packs or something worth doing. Man its just all so few and far between and when it does come its lackluster. Mini seasons having the same reward as last season is lame.
@suntlacrimae50_mlbts said in Hdmi for ps5 question?... help:
I have the curved 32". It's great, but I don't think it's 2.1.
Correct, the 27 and the 32in G7 are both the same aside from the size. Both curved. The 28inch flat screen is the newer one they make now that has two 2.1 ports and its 4k 144hz, the 27 and 32 inch curved are 2k 240hz monitors with one 2.0 port
@mandrykm_psn said in Hdmi for ps5 question?... help:
@mandrykm_psn said in Hdmi for ps5 question?... help:
@limitlessrage__psn said in Hdmi for ps5 question?... help:
Do you have the curved screen or flat screen? Is it 27 inches or 28 inches?
The curved 27 inch odyssey G7 is 2k 240hz with 1 hdmi 2.0 port.
The flat 28 inch odyssey G7 is the newer model that they make now and its 4k 144hz with 2 hdmi 2.1 ports.
I have the flat screen 28 inch model with hdmi 2.1
I have the g7 curve screen 27 inch
So do I need a hdmi 2.0 or 2.1 ... or dosnt matter ?
It doesnt matter. The 2.1 is backwards compatible so itll work with all hdmi ports. If you had a 2.1 port then youd definitely want the ultra fast hdmi 2.1 cables.
1st time seeing J-Rod
J-Rod derby card is gonna be awesome if he wins
Chase Pack! Set 2! Blue Jay!
Brett is going to be EXPENSIVE
Stubs on sale
Did I waste my money ? Again help(monitor)
The next step to all the posts about the foul tips, bad gameplay, 120 hz BS
The next step to all the posts about the foul tips, bad gameplay, 120 hz BS
Hdmi for ps5 question?... help
Hdmi for ps5 question?... help
Matchmaking issues, and 120hz output.
Hdmi for ps5 question?... help
HDMI 2.0 HDMI 2.1
120Hz after update..
Any content at 3pm EST, Noon Pacific?
Hdmi for ps5 question?... help
Hdmi for ps5 question?... help