Hey guys what’s up a/s/l

The sad part is this is the norm and they wouldn’t do it if it wasn’t profitable. There are still many of us that just want a good game on release but so many people are just starved for something new regardless of quality that they preorder. This is the new age of development deliver at 60% at finish the rest by year end while keeping the micro transactions pumping to drive in revenue.
I think this is what is more disappointing to me than anything else with the release of the game. I know in my career when things are not going well you are going to have upset customers but if you can show and communicate a plan, people will calm down and understand. If you can execute said plan you can come out of the situation in a extremely positive light.
I can only assume the silence is they just lack leadership at the top to help target and focus key goals or they have a plan but are fearful of hitting their goals. Silence is the worst option for them to exercise to us as the consumer because we don’t have a clear understanding on where the product is heading. The potential is there because the base game is fun but the bugs have wasted so much time. I have been off all this week so I can’t imagine what that has felt like for those that had limited time this week.
We will see what the future brings but this release has really taught me SDS has to work for my money going forward. I have spent more time posting in these forums and engaging with the community than they have which isn’t a good thing.
So this is the most reported issue in RTTS right now but SDS hasn’t responded if it’s intentional or a bug. From past experiences we can assume it’s a bug and is not a priority due the amount of times servers crash.
I wish they would keep an active punch list pinned on here so we could see they know it’s an issue and have acknowledged a fix is coming soon.
I think you have to take the game of baseball into context. If you are batting at .342 that is an elite batting average. Now if your team mates are hitting at .300 only 30% of their plate appearances(outside walks and errors) will drive you further down the base path. Some teams are also just awful at hitting with runners in scoring position. It can be frustrating but keep hitting at .342 and you will score eventually.
Ok nvm I tested it. It does cumulate your progression and the screen at the end is just the progression of your most recent game. If you go to the progression path screen on your ball player you will see the addition of the games you previously played before returning to the club house. At least it worked for my one steal. Sometimes it seems like it doesn’t count certain things like pate appearances.
The gear says diamond dynasty and RTTS on it if it doesn’t impact caps then they really misrepresented those items.
Same ordeal I spent some time on the online chat and they talk about restoring license and reinstalling game. Once you do that they tell you to refer to the forums here. No refund can be given due to game content being downloaded or streamed. They act like they are the only system with the game and have poor customer support regarding the issue. I can purchase in game stubs but ones purchased online at the playstation store will not appear on your account.
Thanks for the update. You have better communication than SDS. If only they would give us some details on what issues they fixed I am especially interested in fixes for RTTS. Would really like more than 3 pitches.
Same ps store says since content is downloaded or streamed they cannot do a thing about it and I have to work through this self help.
I made a third baseman that is really batting well and was trying to earn my gold archetypes to get fielding power and contact boosts. I am batting too well now and I cannot farm xp on the fielding side due to only being a dh now. Did they really over look this as you are now facing a longer grind due to only earning xp through the offensive side?
If you have any interest in playing the defensive side definitely don’t go AL right now.
Yes, Welcome to the Show
Same situation. Same ruling from Sony support on the matter. At this point I consider it a scam and will no longer purchase Sony brand anything. Enjoy my $100 you won’t get any more of my money now or in the future.
So weird bug here but if I come into a game in the 8 or 9 inning with the game tied and close the inning out I will always start the next inning with runners in scoring position. Now the CPU just has to sac fly over and over to get runs late in a tied game.
They need to pin this so everyone will remember tomorrow before losing progress.
Here is what you are in store for I hope your luck is better than mine.
SDS Support:
Hello,Thank you for the email. For all issues related to purchases and PSN store entitlements please contact PSN support linked below. They have the tools and abilities to better assist you with these issues. We regret any inconvenience.
PSN Support: https://support.us.playstation.com/
Thank you.
Playstation Support
Reymundo J.: Thank you for contacting PlayStation, my name is Reymundo J. how may I assist you today?
Remember: Please do not refresh your screen as it will disconnect the chat session. Thanks!
Me: Ray I am well I am reaching out for the 3rd time trying to get an item I paid for.
Me: I know I am not a lone as there are many posts on the forums around the same issue but the only way to get progress is to continue to contact your team and SDS team
Me: I ordered 150k $100 of stubs for the show 21 and I have not received them
Me: I have updated license and reinstalled to no avail
Me: SDS said its Ps stores problem to fix not theirs
Reymundo J.: I’m really sorry for the inconvenience you are experiencing with the missing stubs for MLB. I’ll be more than happy to help you today.Reymundo J.: In this occation we will be working with the account you started the chat with. Allow me a brief moment while I pull out your Account.
Me: The issue if it helps at all is that stubs purchased while on the console using the game store work
Me: stubs purchased through ps store website or game codes do not
Me: My order number I did not recieve the goods are # #############
Reymundo J.: Thank you for waiting. I'm still working on your case. I'm keeping the chat updated to make sure we stay connected alright?
Me: ok
Me: I know you can only help me during this time but I just wanted to give a heads up this is a big issue on mlbtheshows forums too
Me: but everyone is getting the run around
Reymundo J.: I'm still checking your request, please stay with me. Feel free to type anything you want every 2 minutes just to keep the chat active. I appreciate you patience.
Me: ok
Me: ok
Reymundo J.: Thank you for waiting after reveiw your previosu contact I see you have try teh trouble shootings steps we have on our end, in this case is best to contact the publisher for further help and options on their end since the transaction does shows on your PSN account, you can use this link>http://mlbthe.show/support
Reymundo J.: I'm sorry that today we were unable to provide the resolution you expected, besides this issue is there anything else that we can help you with today?
Me: I have done that
Me: ***** (The Show) Apr 22, 2021, 6:00 PM PDT Hello, Thank you for the email. For all issues related to purchases and PSN store entitlements please contact PSN support linked below. They have the tools and abilities to better assist you with these issues. We regret any inconvenience. PSN Support: https://support.us.playstation.com/ Thank you. ***** The Show Support
Me: please stop the run around
Reymundo J.: Understood but on our end their not much we can do we provide d the Troubled shooting steps, and if the content does not show we refer to the publisher for further help to look into the in-game details of the game I do apologize this inconvenience it may cause you,
Reymundo J.: By the way,Besides this issue any other question I can help you today?
Me: so thats it
Me: $100 out and neither side can help
Me: No Rey thanks for trying I know they limit what you can do. Its just said because I am trying to spend money on Sony products and your company is making it as difficult as possible to ever want to do it again -
No one knows for sure if its intended, bugged, or what the reason is. No one has been able to add a pitch. Hopefully they comment soon and patch a lot of stuff there are just so many bugs right now.
I really feel like the money to purchase the game was like a go fund me and they are just selling us a future concept of a baseball game at this point.
There has been no official response about the issue from SDS that I have seen. Outside of server issues there has been little communication or a time frame for fixes. I think there are just so many things wrong with the game as far as bugs are concerned SDS is going full silent until they have the patch ready to deploy.
I think the most annoying part of base running is when the game is making the motion for the standard lead off and the pitcher throws instantly. You have to have great reflexes or hold the return direction 100% to avoid it. It just seems like a cheesy mechanic to me. I have never been picked when I am taking a lead or controlling my player but the moment the game starts that initial motion for me I lose like 25% of the time.
This is ridiculous.
It's time you start refunding people their money
No Customer support, No communication, No excuse
Constant Equipment Issues
Scoring Runs (After Getting on Base) Very Difficult
Play Next Game Not Getting Progress
Constant Equipment Issues
Bought stubs opening night and haven’t received them
Servers back up 9:05am ET
Purchased stubs from PS App. Does not show up inside game.
Stuck as DH
Time for the 8:30 PM EST Server Crash?
Has Anyone Been Granted a Refund for Stubs Not Delivered
Closer Starts Inning With Runners In Scoring Position
Time for the 8:30 PM EST Server Crash?
Has Anyone Been Granted a Refund for Stubs Not Delivered
Adding a new pitch
Time for the 8:30 PM EST Server Crash?
The pitching issue.