A sure fire way would be to pick pitcher only no secondary position in the prompt after your third game. You then will get an option to be a closer.

@untrugby_psn said in Archetype Grind Strats:
@levity7_psn said in Archetype Grind Strats:
@untrugby_psn said in Archetype Grind Strats:
@levity7_psn said in Archetype Grind Strats:
I miss the sim bug
What was the sim bug? Because it still seems to be working for me
You could sim games and get progress on archetypes.
Yeah it’s still working for me. Just finished all the pitching ones, working on the others
You just playing an inning then simming?
@untrugby_psn said in Archetype Grind Strats:
@levity7_psn said in Archetype Grind Strats:
I miss the sim bug
What was the sim bug? Because it still seems to be working for me
You could sim games and get progress on archetypes.
@Victor_SDS_PSN @Collin_SDS_PSN
Hey guys hate to tag you because I’m sure you get spammed but could we get a comment on this issue and some visibility on where it is at on the teams radar. It really ruins 2B immersion.
I miss the sim bug
Man looking at this game it would be so cool if you could create a pitcher’s motion and movement from scratch. It would include windup, arm slot, release, grip on each pitch etc. it would be really cool to change how the pitch breaks. Sad part is they are so interested in making RTTS and DD love child they wouldn’t dare to attempt because people would be upset someone was cheesing a crazy pitch in DD.
I have all fielding opportunities on in settings but I only bat what is going on?
It hurts because it’s true, poor Jacob. After posting this my team scored 13 last game. @JacobDegrom get in here and [censored] about your team.
Is it just me or a string of bad luck but when I get I get the start my team can’t score. My last few games starts have been into the 8th with 11+ K’s a few hits no walks. They have all resulted in no decisions or losses. Manager yanks me boom team scores a million runs.
Hall of Fame setting if that matters.
Is there something I am missing or do I just have to hold right the entire time to let a base hit go in case someone steals? Is it just that badly coded and if not what was their intention behind it being so tedious?
Same it’s like the game doesn’t have animations for a left handed turning a double play. It doesn’t know how to process.
Left handed?
Yeah something is really funky as a SP in this game. When I was leveling my Houdini archetype I was 0-0 after 5 starts with a .11 ERA. The coach basically said sorry offense is [censored] keep chucking.
It’s like every SP you face will become 99 overall during the match up.
What patch?
This happened to me deleted the dude and made a new one using the option to go national league only.
The gear says diamond dynasty and RTTS on it if it doesn’t impact caps then they really misrepresented those items.
So this is the most reported issue in RTTS right now but SDS hasn’t responded if it’s intentional or a bug. From past experiences we can assume it’s a bug and is not a priority due the amount of times servers crash.
I wish they would keep an active punch list pinned on here so we could see they know it’s an issue and have acknowledged a fix is coming soon.
It bugs out and doesn’t display after games sometimes. It does progress behind the scenes so you can always check before you start a series to see where you are at.
I think the most annoying part of base running is when the game is making the motion for the standard lead off and the pitcher throws instantly. You have to have great reflexes or hold the return direction 100% to avoid it. It just seems like a cheesy mechanic to me. I have never been picked when I am taking a lead or controlling my player but the moment the game starts that initial motion for me I lose like 25% of the time.
Ok nvm I tested it. It does cumulate your progression and the screen at the end is just the progression of your most recent game. If you go to the progression path screen on your ball player you will see the addition of the games you previously played before returning to the club house. At least it worked for my one steal. Sometimes it seems like it doesn’t count certain things like pate appearances.
RTTS Relief Pitcher
Archetype Grind Strats
Archetype Grind Strats
Covering the steal as 2B
Archetype Grind Strats
Create Pitcher
First Time Catcher Only Play At Bats
Offense Can’t Score When Your Start
Offense Can’t Score When Your Start
Covering the steal as 2B
2nd baseman holds ball for too long which causes me to not successfully throw a double play
2nd baseman holds ball for too long which causes me to not successfully throw a double play
Threw a perfect game (through 9) - and lost!!!
Just stopped by to get a lay of the land after I heard about the patch.
I just love being a DH &
Constant Equipment Issues
Constant Equipment Issues
Where are the repeatable challenges located?
Play Next Game Not Getting Progress