Sep 24, 2021, 6:46 PM@hikes83_psn said in Todays Content: @kingscountyog718 said in Todays Content: @msacks11_mlbts said in Todays Content: Flash sale, twitch stream with drops enabled and a post that says "we can drop any packs we want" plus new bosses and reward path packs. I smell a market crash coming boys. About what time is it today? The button push. Same time it’s been the last 5 months. 3pm ET Thought so. Just been a little extra busy. Thanks
Sep 24, 2021, 4:39 PM@msacks11_mlbts said in Todays Content: Flash sale, twitch stream with drops enabled and a post that says "we can drop any packs we want" plus new bosses and reward path packs. I smell a market crash coming boys. About what time is it today? The button push.
Aug 10, 2021, 5:00 PM
@thehungryhole said in after 10+ yrs finally landed trout:
@kingscountyog718 said in after 10+ yrs finally landed trout:
@thehungryhole said in after 10+ yrs finally landed trout:
couldn't believe it dropped from out of all things a BIAH pack
what a catch, what a fish
played this game since sammy sosa was on the cover and figured i would never land the card at this point
Good stuff bro bro
hope you are well and enjoying the summer so far mate !!
Yessir. 🤟
Aug 8, 2021, 5:26 PM
@thehungryhole said in after 10+ yrs finally landed trout:
couldn't believe it dropped from out of all things a BIAH pack
what a catch, what a fish
played this game since sammy sosa was on the cover and figured i would never land the card at this point
Good stuff bro bro
Aug 7, 2021, 9:36 PM
@nucleareng2017 said in Hitting is off, and I can’t figure it out:
How is everyone hitting lately? I’m a pretty good player on mlb the show. I’m currently on a 1016 rating in ranked seasons but for the past 5 days I cannot buy a basehit, much less a home run. I was averaging at least 3-4 home runs on legend before this but now can’t hit. I constantly use normal swing because of exit velos and timing but nothing is working now. I’ve used power, contact normal and they all pop up or give routine fly balls. I see a lot of people saying the game is still the same so I want to see what everyone is doing. Is your guys timing and exit velos off? And if so what have you done to make it better!
Horrible. Frustrating. I'm not the greatest but can definitely play and hit. Last week has been horrible.
Aug 5, 2021, 12:10 AM
@wingspan1985_psn said in Anyone use SS Strasburg?:
I'm curious as his price has remained around 70k, which seems kinda high for an HL card. Has anyone had any luck using him online? I'm trying to get back to playing some RS, and am not sure if Oswalt is still viable.
Excellent pitcher with nasty stuff. Worth it IMO.
Jul 30, 2021, 2:08 PM
@gmoney-1234_psn said in 90+ Diamond card, who’d ya pull?:
I just got Acuna and I’m stoked because I need so many stubs still to get Trout, Degrom, Cole, Tatis, Bellinger, Betts, and some low diamonds in the 5-10k range.
Jul 29, 2021, 1:17 AM
@jonblaze2424_psn said in How has gameplay gotten WORST over the past 3 years?!? SDS should be ashamed selling such a POS product:
It's quite amazing that hardly any times I see worse and worst used in a sentence it's always wrong..
Jul 29, 2021, 12:38 AM
@rosborn27_psn said in anyone else struggle to play games at night?:
I’m 44 and definitely after 8pm it’s much harder for me as well to consistently pick up the ball. That’s usually when I switch to offline or just play Events and not care as much.
42 and ditto to every poster I'm here.
Jul 29, 2021, 12:33 AM
@ironeyes_cody_psn said in The game is for real I got Trout finally!!:
Actually did get several trout. The dept. of Conservation finally stocked my pond today. A bevy of beautiful rainbow trout. Along with some bluegill, channel cat, and bass.
As far as Mike Trout does he stack up to the topped-out diamonds that are just handed out as consolation prizes in this game? I've pitched against him several times this year and never gave up a HR. Not even sure he's hit me.
But, if the mention of pulling his card is that meaningful of a marketing pitch I will make sure when I finally do pull him I will share it with the community. Can't wait for that day.
Just for you. Pulled st 8pm -
Jul 29, 2021, 12:32 AM
Today at 8pm just for you Cody!!!
Jul 29, 2021, 12:17 AM
@raesone_psn said in Breaking Controllers:
@ironeyes_cody_psn said in Breaking Controllers:
@untchable704_psn said in Breaking Controllers:
The edibles statement bring a whole new light to your posts.
Just because I hallucinate doesn't mean what I post isn't the God's truth.
Exactly what every junkie I know says. And I know a lot, I live in Amsterdam.
Edibles and a bowl makes us junkies now?
Jul 25, 2021, 6:19 AM@therainmaker29_xbl said in This game is horrendous: Go ahead and flame me for it. I don’t care. I’ve been trying so hard to improve at this game. It’s just not possible. The roll of the dice hitting is pure dog [censored]. The game basically decides if you’ll get a hit or not when it feels like it. Sweet come back engine. I love that. Events are honestly the least fun I’ve ever had on a video game my entire life. It’s nothing but guys who take any pitch even a millimeter off the black and hammer anything inside. On top of facing DeGrom every [censored] game. So glad this game was free (game pass) because honestly even spending a penny on it would’ve been a waste. Hate to voice displeasure again on the forum but it’s the only outlet I have for this miserable excuse for a game. Will not be back next year I can say that. This isn't an arcade baseball game. There is skill involved regardless of what others say. On a next gen it's super smooth, mo loading, free content..Great players..Excellent rewards..Can field a team of end gamers for free. Everyone plays straight up and this game is super next level. Gives yoy content all the way up to next season. I can go one. It's ur first year I presume. PRACTICE AND PATEINCE makes perfect. Dudes ne delusional.
Jul 25, 2021, 6:13 AM@therainmaker29_xbl said in 14 Ks Bieber: I welcome any flaming of this absolute steamer of a game. Got it. Took to the fifth. His location accuracy is beautiful. Balls move. That cutter up and away moves nasty..All about location and moat should be treating that as practice. Sharpens me up, I don't mind one bit!
Jul 22, 2021, 11:48 PM@mackattack000012_psn said in I know what I’ll do!: @pscrabro_mlbts said in I know what I’ll do!: @dbbg1515_mlbts said in I know what I’ll do!: If they were going to do server maintenance that kept it down for hours maybe they shouldn’t have done it right when the east coast is waking up. Not sure if some of you guys realize this, but they do it at the lowest traffic time possible. Most normal people don't wake up and go straight to playing video games. People must have pretty sad lives that servers being down is this big of a deal... when they go down the only thing better to do you can think of, is to come here and cry about it. It was scheduled maintenance.... life will go on even if you can't play the Show for 2 hours. Absolute L of a response my guy Comes from a L of a human. Not surprised. He should know not everyone runs on the same schedule in life. Can't stand troll posts like that!
Jul 22, 2021, 8:40 PM
Submit a ticket. Do you see the threads about this since launch? I don't get how people don't see the X1 in the corner. Crazy.
Jul 14, 2021, 11:18 PM
@joeythebigboss said in 99 vlad looks like the best 1b now:
@kingscountyog718 said in 99 vlad looks like the best 1b now:
@joeythebigboss said in 99 vlad looks like the best 1b now:
@jmcdonald1817 said in 99 vlad looks like the best 1b now:
Ortiz is still the best and no need to go away from him the rest of the season.. imo
His basically a Righty version of Ortiz with more pop vs leftys with the Lefty Pitcher meta going on that’s useful. also has Silver defense vs Ortiz Common defense I know defense isn’t a big deal at 1st base but who’s glove would you rather have over there ?. I’ve actually had a couple drop balls at 1st base with Big papi defense over there .
I always said the same thing about defense at 1B but those hard hit grounder balls late in a super close game always goes under the glove and there are a ton of straight monsters at 1B and more to come . 99 Gehrig is a given as well IMO.
99 Gehrig is making my team day 1 him or Ruth obviously . maybe they feel extra cheesy this year and give 99 Ruth Gold defense just imagine
Iron Horse will be my 1b for sure.
Jul 14, 2021, 2:56 PM
@chestnuts20_psn said in 99 vlad looks like the best 1b now:
@joeythebigboss said in 99 vlad looks like the best 1b now:
@jmcdonald1817 said in 99 vlad looks like the best 1b now:
Ortiz is still the best and no need to go away from him the rest of the season.. imo
His basically a Righty version of Ortiz with more pop vs leftys with the Lefty Pitcher meta going on that’s useful. also has Silver defense vs Ortiz Common defense I know defense isn’t a big deal at 1st base but who’s glove would you rather have over there ?. I’ve actually had a couple drop balls at 1st base with Big papi defense over there .
I must be the only one that can't hit a beachball with Ortiz. I have him P5 and I was hitting like .200 with him but force myself to use him to finish the parallel.
Pitching against him I have his # as well. Last year couldn't get him out.
Jul 14, 2021, 2:55 PM
@joeythebigboss said in 99 vlad looks like the best 1b now:
@jmcdonald1817 said in 99 vlad looks like the best 1b now:
Ortiz is still the best and no need to go away from him the rest of the season.. imo
His basically a Righty version of Ortiz with more pop vs leftys with the Lefty Pitcher meta going on that’s useful. also has Silver defense vs Ortiz Common defense I know defense isn’t a big deal at 1st base but who’s glove would you rather have over there ?. I’ve actually had a couple drop balls at 1st base with Big papi defense over there .
I always said the same thing about defense at 1B but those hard hit grounder balls late in a super close game always goes under the glove and there are a ton of straight monsters at 1B and more to come . 99 Gehrig is a given as well IMO.
Jul 14, 2021, 4:28 AM
@dewrock_psn said in Team affinity 3 picked same player twice:
I really don’t get it. Do these people pick with their eyes closed?
Can't believe I'm still seeing these posts. At least once a day threads you think they will learn! I don't want to see no complaints, whines or ticket issues. This is on them now simple and plain. It states you have em at that. I don't get it!
Todays Content
Todays Content
after 10+ yrs finally landed trout
after 10+ yrs finally landed trout
Hitting is off, and I can’t figure it out
Anyone use SS Strasburg?
90+ Diamond card, who’d ya pull?
How has gameplay gotten WORST over the past 3 years?!? SDS should be ashamed selling such a POS product
anyone else struggle to play games at night?
The game is for real I got Trout finally!!
The game is for real I got Trout finally!!
Breaking Controllers
This game is horrendous
14 Ks Bieber
I know what I’ll do!
Help needed
99 vlad looks like the best 1b now
99 vlad looks like the best 1b now
99 vlad looks like the best 1b now
Team affinity 3 picked same player twice